station, because other users have used this
application before in a similar context.
In this paper, we have presented an Adaptation
Manager which customizes a user’s Web searches,
especially for a mobile scenario. We have explained
the design of the system. We have implemented the
most important components of our design and shown
how this approach may be useful to access Google’s
Web Service. We have also identified several
research issues we are working on at the moment.
The main benefits of our approach can be
summarized as follows. Firstly, user profiles can be
reused for different services since they are stored
apart form the services, and users can utilize their
preferences for different devices. We also identified
personalization components as parts of our
Adaptation Manager, which may also be useful in
other scenarios. In addition, the implementation can
serve as a test bed to further investigate the issues
outlined in section 4.
Google offers personalized (see as well as mobile
( resp. search interfaces
itself. However, the existing services do not make
our approach dispensable but complements our
solution. Existing services can be integrated in our
Adaptation Manager as explained in this paper. One
already mentioned advantage of our approach is that
user profiles can be reused for different services, for
example other search engines like Yahoo. Managing
user profiles apart from the services that are using
them may also decrease privacy concerns of users,
because users have possibly more control about what
information is collected and stored about them. It is
also possible to incorporate a privacy manager to
control access to the profiles (Woerndl, 2004).
There is related work dealing with the adaptation
to people’s context, often for specialized scenarios
such as context-aware management of meeting
rooms. One excellent paper is (Zimmermann, Specht
and Lorenz, 2005) and focuses on the problem of
context management. Their framework integrates
user and context modelling, which is comparable to
our solution. The paper introduces a framework and
tools for designing context-aware applications.
However, their scenario is somewhat different to
ours. While Zimmermann implemented an
audio-augmented museum environment as an
example, i.e. Client-side, context-aware
personalization, we propose a Server-based
adaptation of information retrieval.
With regard to query expansion for
personalization, (Akrivas et al., 2002) present a
technique to context-sensitively expand a user’s
query using a fuzzy thesaurus. However, their
approach is tailored towards the retrieval of
documents. Finally, (Keenoy and Levene, 2005)
give an overview of research approaches to
personalize Web searches and describe their own
system “PResTo!”. This system is an Internet
Explorer plug-in which uses Client-side user profiles
to provide a personalized ranking of results from
multiple search engines. In a mobile scenario, we
think our Server-based approach is more appropriate
because of the limitations of mobile end user
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