Using Folksonomies to Create Semantic Metadata
Hend S. Al-Khalifa, Hugh C. Davis
Learning Technology Research Group, ECS, The University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Lester Gilbert
Learning Technology Research Group, ECS, The University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Keywords: Semantic Metadata, Folksonomies, Collaborative Tagging, Social Bookmarking, Learning Resource.
Abstract: This paper reports on an on-going research project to create educational semantic metadata out of
folksonomies. The paper describes a simple scenario for the usage of the generated semantic metadata in
teaching, and describes the ‘FolksAnnotation’ tool which applies an organization scheme to tags in a
specific domain of interest. The contribution of this paper is to describe an evaluation framework which will
allow us to validate our claim that folksonomies are potentially a rich source of metadata.
Sue is teaching a course on Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) as part of the web development course in her
institute. In her daily quest for finding suitable
learning resources to support her curriculum, she
uses the bookmarking service to hunt for
resources instead of spending her time Googling.
Sue believes that contains links to
massive amounts of useful materials that can be used
in an educational context, and will be of great help
to her.
There is no semantic metadata in to
describe the educational purpose of these materials,
but for Sue this lack of metadata is not a major
problem, because she has the appropriate tool to
generate this missing information. So, she fires-up
the FolksAnnotation tool, a desktop application,
which works as an interface to the
bookmarking service, to convert people’s tags into
more structured and meaningful metadata records.
One added benefit to the generated metadata records
is that they comply to a pre-defined CSS ontology.
By using this tool, Sue removes the hurdle of
visiting the designated bookmarked website or even
going through all the tags that people have generated
to know what the site is about. Moreover, she can
use the generated metadata records in her course
database portal.
In another scenario, Sue uses the structured
metadata created from the FolksAnnotation tool to
populate her course portal database. The portal helps
her students and other teachers alike, to search for
CSS resources and to get more 'intelligent' results.
The growing popularity of folksonomies and social
bookmarking services has changed how people
interact with the Web. Many people have used social
bookmarking services to bookmark web resources
they feel most interesting to them, and folksonomies
were used in these services to represent knowledge
about the bookmarked resource. Next a brief
overview of the two named concepts is given.
2.1 Folksonomies
The word folksonomy is a blend of the two words
‘Folks’ and ‘Taxonomy’. It was first coined by the
information architect Thomas Vander Wal in August
of 2004. Folksonomy as Thomas (Vander Wal,
2004) defines is: "… the result of personal free
tagging of information and objects (anything with a
URL) for one's own retrieval. The tagging is done in
a social environment (shared and open to others).
S. Al-Khalifa H., C. Davis H. and Gilbert L. (2007).
CREATING STRUCTURE FROM DISORDER - Using Folksonomies to Create Semantic Metadata.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 391-396
DOI: 10.5220/0001269903910396
The act of tagging is done by the person consuming
the information."
From a categorization perspective, folksonomy
and taxonomy can be placed at the two opposite
ends of categorization spectrum. The major
difference between folksonomies and taxonomies
are discussed thoroughly in (Quintarelli, 2005) and
(Shirky, 2005).
Taxonomy is a top-down approach. It is a simple
kind of ontology that provides hierarchical and
domain specific vocabulary which describes the
elements of a domain and their hierarchal
relationship. Moreover, they are created by
professional people, and require an authoritative
In the contrary, folksonomy is a bottom-up
approach. It does not hold a specific vocabulary nor
does it have an explicit hierarchy. It is the result of
people own vocabulary, thus, it has no limit (i.e.
open ended), and tags are not stable nor
comprehensive. Moreover, folksonomies are
generated by people who have spent their time
exploring and interacting with the tagged resource
(Wikipedia, 2006).
2.2 Social Bookmarking Service
Social bookmarking services are server-side web
applications; where people can use these services to
save their favorite links for later retrieval. Each
bookmarked URL is accompanied by a line of text
describing it and a set of tags (aka folksonomies)
assigned by people who bookmarked the resource
(as shown in Figure 1).
Figure 1: Excerpt from the service showing the
tags (Blogs, internet, ... ,cool) for the URL of the article by
Jonathan J. Harris, the last bookmarker (pacoc, 3mins ago)
and the number of people who bookmarked this URL
(1494 other people).
A plethora of bookmarking services do exists
(e.g., Furl, Spurl and;
however, is considered one of the largest
social bookmarking services on the Web. Since its
introduction in December 2003, it has gained
popularity over time and there have been more than
90,000 registered users using the service and over a
million unique tagged bookmarks (Menchen, 2005;
Sieck, 2005). Visitors and users of the
service can browse the bookmarked URLs by user,
by keywords (aka tags or folksonomies) or by a
combination of both techniques. By browsing others
bookmarks, people can learn how other people tag
their resources; thus, increasing their awareness of
the different usage of the tags. In addition, any user
can create an inbox for other users’ bookmarks, by
subscribing to the other user’s pages.
Ditto, users can subscribe to RSS feeds for a
particular tag, group of tags or other users.
The FolksAnnotation tool applies an organization
scheme to people’s tags in a specific domain of
interest (i.e. teaching CSS). Thus, the folksonomy
tags in our system are modeled not as text keywords
but as RDF resources that comply to pre-defined
ontologies. This provides two benefits:
Benefit 1: While the folksonomy approach retrieves
documents by using ‘bag of words’, property-value
pairs enable more advanced search such as question
answering, reasoning as well as document retrieval.
So our approach will provide a property-value
relationship that is semantically rich and allow for
more ‘intelligent’ search such as: Search by
Difficulty, Search by Instructional level and Search
by Resource type.
Benefit 2: Typical semantic annotation tools depend
on an intermediate process called Information
Extraction (IE) to extract the main concepts from the
annotated document before relating them to the
designated ontologies. The IE process is a very
complex phase in the semantic annotation lifecycle,
and encompasses many advanced techniques from
the natural language processing domain. Moreover,
the processing time required to accomplish the IE
task is significant. So, instead of using IE process as
an intermediate phase for extracting knowledge from
documents, why not rely on people’s generated
metadata? Therefore, by using folksonomies as
knowledge artifacts in the process of semantic
annotation, we ensure that we have used a cheap and
rich source of metadata generated by people’s
collective intelligence.
The implementation of the FolksAnnotation tool has
been previously reported in (Al-Khalifa and Davis,
2006), however, a briefly discussion about the
implemented tool and the portal that uses the
generated semantic metadata needs to be highlighted
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
to setup the stage for the evaluation framework
(section 5).
4.1 The FolksAnnotation Tool
Is a stand-alone application that takes as an input a URL of a bookmarked resource, and
generates in the background the appropriate
semantic metadata in an RDF format. The tool was
built using Java SWT library and uses Jena API for
ontology manipulation and inference.
The tool consists of two components (as shown
in figure 2): the Normalization pipeline, and the
Semantic Annotation pipeline. Next, a detailed
description of the two processes is discussed
Figure 2: System Architecture of the ‘FolksAnnotation’
4.1.1 The Normalization Pipeline
This process starts by fetching a bookmarked
resource from the bookmarking service,
so that the tag extraction process starts extracting
viable information from the web page of the
bookmarked web resource. This information
includes: Web Resource Title, URL, Number of
people who bookmarked the resource and the list of
all tags assigned to the bookmarked resource.
All tags assigned to a web resource in the service are extracted and then normalized
using several techniques. First, tags are converted to
lower case so that string manipulation (e.g.
comparison) can be applied to them easily.
Secondly, non-English characters are dropped; this
step is to insure that only English tags are present
when doing the semantic annotation process.
Thirdly, tags are stemmed (e.g. converting plural to
singular) using a modified version of Porter
Stemmer, then similar tags are grouped (e.g.
inclusion of substrings). Finally, the general concept
tags (e.g. ‘programming’, ‘web’, etc) in our domain
of interest are eliminated. The process of
normalization is done automatically and it is
potentially useful to clean up the noise in peoples
tags. Table 1 and Table 2 depict this process by
giving an example of tags before and after
Table 1: Tags used to annotate a sample web resource
(http://apples-to-, Date accessed
May 12, 2006 at 10:00 PM GMT) stored in the
service (before normalization). The numbers refer to the
frequency of occurrences.
123 css
56 design
47 graphs
28 graph
27 web
18 gui
14 html
12 webdev
10 reference
8 cool
7 howto
5 tips
5 usability
5 graphing
3 bar
3 coding
3 stats
2 bargraph
2 example
Table 2: Tags after applying the normalization process.
18 gui
10 reference
8 cool
7 howto
5 tip
5 usability
5 bargraph
3 code
3 stats
2 example
4.1.2 Semantic Annotation Pipeline
The semantic annotation process is the backbone
process that generates semantic metadata using the
three ontologies. The process attempts to match
folksonomy terms (after normalizing them) from the
bookmarked resource against terms in the ontology
(which it will work as a controlled vocabulary) and
only selects those terms that appear in the ontology.
The inference engine is responsible for
associating pedagogical semantics to the annotated
web resource. In our system we define two
pedagogical semantic terms. ‘Instructional level’ can
be basic, intermediate or advanced and refers to
where the concept fits within the domain being
studied. ‘Difficulty’ can be easy, medium or hard,
and describes how conceptually difficult this
resource will be to understand within the domain
and instructional level concerned.
CREATING STRUCTURE FROM DISORDER - Using Folksonomies to Create Semantic Metadata
These two pedagogical values are generated
from a set of inference rules so long as enough
information is available in the basic semantic
descriptors. For example, given a web resource
within the domain of ‘CSS’ tagged with a
folksonomy value of ‘font’ the inference engine
would trigger the rule that states “if a web resource
has a tag value of ‘font’ then its difficulty will be
‘easy’ and its instructional level will be ‘basic’”.
After finishing the annotation process, each item of
the generated semantic metadata is saved in a
database (e.g. a triple store) for later query by a
dedicated portal.
4.2 The Portal
Is a web-based application that provides
miscellaneous facets to access the generated
semantic metadata. The application was
implemented using Tomcat servlet engine 5.5 that
runs JSP pages and used Jena 2 API for ontology
Figure 3 shows the overall evaluation steps needed
to verify our research claims. The evaluation is
divided into three parts: Metadata Assignment
Evaluation, Metadata Performance Evaluation and
other statistical evaluation.
Figure 3: The proposed evaluation framework.
5.1 Metadata Assignment Evaluation
This evaluation stage is necessary to evaluate the
quality and the representative-ness of the generated
semantic metadata. This can be done using
qualitative evaluation techniques.
Metadata quality, as a qualitative evaluation
technique, is defined by (Guy et al., 2004) “…
supports the functional requirements of the system it
is designed to support.” Therefore, to evaluate the
functional requirements of this research a set of
Metadata quality questions need to be answered,
which are:
1. Are the semantics of the descriptors clear and
2. How well does the metadata describe the
3. How accurate is the generated metadata
represent the web resource?
To answer these questions, a questionnaire will be
designed and projected to a group of subject domain
experts to rate the appropriateness of the metadata
assigned. The questionnaire will measure how well
the user believes the metadata predicts the actual
contents of the web resource.
5.2 Metadata Performance Evaluation
Another corner stone in the evaluation mechanism is
to evaluate the performance of the metadata. This
implies the following questions:
1. Can the resources be accessed in different ways?
i.e. not only by search.
2. Is searching by the generated semantic metadata
is better than searching by folksonomies?
3. How well does automatic metadata perform
compared to manual metadata?
A very well-know measurement of the success
for the metadata performance in search is the Recall
value (Converge measurements).
This measurement will be used in the Semantic
Search versus Folksonomy search sub-evaluation
5.2.1 Evaluation of Metadata Performance
In this preliminary evaluation, we will try to answer
question one and two in the Metadata Performance
Evaluation phase.
To measure the performance of the generated
metadata, we have developed three different ways to
access and retrieve the annotated web resources
which include: Ontology Browsing, Ontology
Querying and Semantic Search.
Ontology browsing and ontology querying add
two flexible ways to reach; retrieve and search for
annotated learning resources. Since the ontologies
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
are created in a hierarchical taxonomic nature, they
can be directly projected to the user as views.
1) Ontology Browsing
In this option, the user can retrieve learning
resources either by browsing the concepts in the web
design ontology, CSS ontology, or the resource type
ontology. When a concept is selected in either
ontologies all resource resembling the selected
concept are retrieved along with their full
Figure 4 shows the user interface depicting
ontologies as views. When a concept is selected by
clicking on a link listed in the view an ontology-
based search is initiated and shows all results
returned to the user, based on the selection made.
The browsing algorithm works by reasoning
over the data. Such that when a concept is selected
the algorithm searches the knowledge base for all
resources related to the concept.
One benefit of using the view-based search
paradigm is that users can have a grand vision of all
concepts provided by the domain and select concepts
that represents what they are looking for.
Figure 4: Browsing the CSS ontology; the left pane shows
the ontology view while the right pane shows the returned
results initiated by the selection made on the left pane.
2) Ontology Querying
To further enhance the experience of searching for
CSS resources. A query interface has been
implemented, which enables the composition of
different queries to access the knowledge base. The
user is presented with a set of query filters to choose
from, as shown in figure 6. These include query by:
resource type, difficulty, instructional level, subject,
technique and application.
3) Semantic Search
To really test the performance of the generated
metadata, a rigorous test needs to be applied to the
semantic metadata. This includes two types of test:
semantic search versus folksonomy search and
folksonomy semantic metadata versus human expert
semantic metadata.
A) Semantic Search versus Folksonomy search
To evaluate the performance of the generated
semantic metadata, we have embarked on an
evaluation procedure adopted from (Li et al., 2005),
where they compared keywords against semantic
topic search. However, in our system we have
compared the performance of folksonomy search
against semantic topic search to see which search
results in more relevant records.
We used the option of semantic search in our
portal to allow us to search CSS topics (e.g.
BoxModel, Layout, Navigation, Positioning and
Typography) in two ways. For the first search we
queried the folksonomy for the chosen topic and in
the second search we conducted a semantic search
on the CSS ontology for the same topic.
In some cases the number of resources returned
by the semantic search is higher as the semantic
search benefits from the relationship between topics
in the CSS ontology, in this case the ‘related_to’
relationship which links between related concepts.
For instance, when someone searches for the topic
‘positioning’, all resources that have as their subject
the word ‘positioning’ plus all related resources will
be retrieved. Table 3 shows the result obtained when
searching for the (positioning and navigation) topics
in the CSS ontology.
These results demonstrate that the semantic
search outperforms folksonomy search in our sample
test, this is because folksonomy search, even if the
folksonomy keywords were produced by humans, is
analogous to keyword search and therefore limited
(Motta & Sabou, 2006).
Figure 5: Ontology query filters selection.
CREATING STRUCTURE FROM DISORDER - Using Folksonomies to Create Semantic Metadata
Table 3: The Relevance Result between Folksonomy
Search and Subject Search Using the CSS ontology.
of records
3 4
of records
to topic
3/4 4/4
of records
1 2
of records
to topic
1/2 2/2
B) Automatic Metadata versus Manual Metadata
In this sub-evaluation stage, we intend to ask a
subject expert in the domain of CSS to annotate a set
of CSS resources given our ontologies and then feed
the annotated resources to our portal and perform
semantic search.
The rational of this evaluation step is to check
whether the automatic generated metadata using
peoples tags is more or less the same as an expert
assigned metadata.
5.3 Other Evaluation Factors and
The researchers are planning to evaluate the
effectiveness of the various stages in the
FolksAnnotation tool; which includes:
The evaluation of the effectiveness of the
normalization process, i.e. the size of the tag set
before and after normalization.
What are the tags that are not used, why they have
not been used and how can they be used?
The relation between the number of people who
bookmarked a web resource and the granularity of
the generated metadata.
In this paper we have reported on the status of an
ongoing research to investigate the possibility of
using folksonomies as a media for semantic
annotation. Our aim in this research was to show
that semantic metadata can be potentially generated
using folksonomies guided by domain ontologies.
And to some extent we tried to show that part of our
claim is valid by reporting on the results of the
possible evaluation steps we have embraced.
Al-Khalifa, H. S. and Davis, H. C. (2006).
FolksAnnotation: A Semantic Metadata Tool for
Annotating Learning Resources Using Folksonomies
and Domain Ontologies. Proceedings of the Second
International Conference on Innovations in
Information Technology. IEEE Computer Society,
Dubai, UAE
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Quality of Metadata in Eprint Archives. Ariadne Issue
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Ontology Mappings Enable Interoperation of
Knowledge Domain Taxonomies. Paper presented at
the 2nd LORNET international annual conference,
November 16-18, 2005, Vancouver, Canada.
Menchen, E. Feedback, Motivation and Collectivity in a
Social Bookmarking System. in Kairosnews
Computers and Writing Online Conference. 2005.
Motta, E. and M. Sabou. Language (2006) “Technologies
and the Evolution of the Semantic Web.” In
Proceedings of LREC , Genoa, Italy, 24-26 May.
Quintarelli, E. (2005) Folksonomies: power to the people.
in ISKO Italy-UniMIB meeting. 2005. Milan, Itlay.
Shirky, C. (2005). Ontology is Overrated: Categories,
Links, and Tags. Accessed on March 27, 2006.
Available on line
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within scholarly communities, E. Insight, Editor. 2005
Vander Wal, T. (2004). Folksonomy definition and
wikipedia. Accessed on April 29, 2006.Available
Wikipedia. Folksonomy. Accessed on March 26,
2006.Available on line
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies