User model
E-learning platform
User model server
Personal space
User server
Figure 6: Graph presenting personal components, sub-
components and functional edges.
of diary. A user server might be a technological base
for these elements.
4.4 Interaction Components
Human interaction is essential for learning and
learning-related motivation (e.g.: (Walther, 1992),
(Dimitrova et al., 2003)). Our approach offers vari-
ous core synchronous and asynchronous communica-
tion supporting elements and the easy usage, update
and extension of this set. Examples are a wiki, chats,
forums, user search component, etc.
All interaction components imply functional con-
nections to the user model, the user server and the
communication server. Preferences and logfiles need
to be stored for every communication tool for person-
alization and adaptation.
E-learning platform
User model server
Communication server
Text Video Audio
Figure 7: Graph presenting interaction components, chosen
sub-components and functional edges.
4.5 Implementation Remarks
This GUI is intended to be implemented as a frame-
work. That is an important aspect for the provision of
the flexibility, the necessity and advantages of which
was proven in the introduction. Therefore minimal
required elements as well as necessary infrastructural
aspects must be defined.
At this point we argue that the core elements
shown in figure 4, their direct sub-elements and all
elements, that are directly or transitive connected by
required edges, are non-optional parts of the frame-
work. This is visualised in the particular figures of
the other subsections of this section.
Infrastructural aspects that must be respected are
the identification of agents, docking mechanisms,
interaction interfaces, the communication itself and
warranty of role-based access and modification is-
Interaction is one of the most important features of
agent technology. Most of their advantages are based
on communication. In the context of interfaces exter-
nal and internal communication needs to be optimized
to guarantee the flow of usage. Those are contrary
goals that must be carefully balanced and that directly
refer to the implementation technology.
Performing post-refinement activities is a stage of
the used methodology that is between refinement of
goals/functionalities and the implementation. It pools
sub-functions belonging together into one agent.
In this paper we presented main concepts of the
ABEL-GUI, a graphical user interface for the do-
main of e-Learning, which was developed following
a graph-based approach for developing agent-based
GUI’s. High flexibility, organized interaction mech-
anisms as well as adaptation support are key benefits
of this technique. To examine the usefulness of our
approach we modelled the presented agent-based in-
terface for the e-Learning domain as a framework. An
integral part of our future research is its implemen-
tation using existing web technologies by extending
them with agent characteristics.
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Walther, J. B. (1992). Interpersonal effects in computer-
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies