Steffen Kernchen, Dmytro Rud, Fritz Zbrog, Reiner R. Dumke
Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Agent Technology, Measurement Database, Remote Processing.
This paper discusses possible approaches for using mobile agents for accessing and processing of big remote
databases containing measurement data.
There are several reasons that make it inappropriate to dispatch raw data over the network. (a) Those data
may be confidential and therefore need to be anonymized. (b) The amount of the data can be too big. In
this case it could be advisable to generalize the data on the database provider node and to transfer only these
generalization results to the customer. (c) Furthermore, this special information processing can be not in line
with qualifications of both the database holder and its clients. The usage of agents gives the possibility to
outsource the development and installation of additional software to an external agent provider, which is then
responsible for regular updates of the software considering aspects like new algorithms.
Application scenarios are outlined and certain kinds of service will be described and motivated with examples.
Measurement databases can be adopted in many fields
of human activities. Typical examples are weather
forecasting, software quality assessment, and pro-
duction control. A common trait of measurement
databases is their potential for the organization do-
ing measurements and collecting the data, and also
for third-party users. The database-holding organiza-
tion can profit from giving access to its database.
Therefore the question about mechanisms of such
access arises. Many functional and non-functional as-
pects must be taken into account for development of
these mechanisms e.g. performance, security, format
conversion, data generalization, etc.
In this paper we propose our solution. The idea
is to use mobile agents, which act on the side of the
database on behalf of third-party database users.
To talk about agents and to use them it is neces-
sary to understand what they are. Based on a clas-
sic definition of agents we define agents as software
components with certain properties (Wooldridge and
Jennings, 1994). Autonomy, social competencies, re-
activity and pro-activity are indispensable. Additional
properties can be mobility, collaboration and the abil-
ity to learn. Agents that will be described in this
paper will have autonomous characteristics, because
they will be able to perform their tasks without di-
rect supervision of humans or other agents. An im-
portant aspect will be the assurance of applicability in
differentiated environment through interactive adap-
tation mechanisms. Perceiving changes in the envi-
ronment and performing reactions leads to a reactive
agent. This aspect can become important because of
potential changes of the data to be processed. Pro-
activity describes a goal-directed behaviour.
There are several reasons that make it inappropri-
ate to dispatch raw data over the network:
The data may be confidential and therefore need
to be anonymized.
The amount of the data can be too big. In this case
it could be advisable to generalize the data on the
database provider node and to transfer only these
generalization results to the customer.
Furthermore, this special information processing
can be not in line with qualifications of both the
database holder and its clients.
Kernchen S., Rud D., Zbrog F. and R. Dumke R. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology, pages 184-188
DOI: 10.5220/0001271601840188
The usage of agents gives the possibility to out-
source the development and installation of additional
software to an external agent provider, which is then
responsible for regular updates of the software con-
sidering new algorithms etc.
These ideas will be illustrated by a practical ex-
ample. We will introduce an agent-based system for
processing a database containing web service perfor-
mance measurement results.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: sec-
tion 2 gives a review of available related work, section
3 represents the core of our paper and outlines con-
cepts and potential use cases of integrating agents in
existing distributed software infrastructures. Section
4 presents practical aspects of our implementation and
section 5 is devoted to conclusions and proposals re-
garding subsequent work.
The following existing approaches resemble our
Using agents as mediators for human database ac-
cess is a common idea. They act as proxies to create
queries for database access ((Masuoka and Ohtani,
1999), (Elio et al., 2000)). That is motivated by as-
sumptions like (a) highly complex database design so
it is not possible for the human agent to specify a sin-
gle, simple database query for which there is one sin-
gle answer; (b) vague set of constraints when starting
the search task, (c) multiple search goals, or (d) the
interface is not visual or requires direct manipulation.
The realization of distributed databases is another
important role for agents in this context. While work-
ing towards a certain goal, they may exploit con-
currency, parallelism and distribution to thereby be-
queath those functionalities to databases (Kirchberg,
Agents themselves include databases. They must
carry a view of their environment to be able to make
decisions what can be seen as a local database. Ob-
taining a durable view over time and across dis-
turbances is essential for agent success. Thereby
multiagent systems form highly distributed databases
(Lockemann and Witte, 2005).
3.1 Involved Parties
In our model the following parties exist. The data
holder owns a large data amount that is to be pro-
cessed. On the data holder side there are an interface
for interaction with the agent provider, a service for
configuration of arrived agents and the database men-
tioned above. The functionality necessary for pro-
cessing the database can be obtained from the agent
provider in form of an appropriate agent. Figure 1
shows interaction steps of the components in the ar-
chitecture proposed by the authors. These compo-
nents will be discussed in detail below.
Data holder
DB Agent Provider
configuration request()
task processing
Agent Configuration
Figure 1: Interaction flow of involved parties.
3.1.1 Data Holder
The interface of the agent coordinator is dedicated
for interaction with agent providers and their agents.
It initializes the interaction, registers the generated
agents and carries out management tasks. Special on-
tologies could be needed to solve possible interoper-
ability issues. It is important to standardize relevant
vocabulary and message exchange patterns used for
request to agent provider, registration of agents and
accounting process (Gr
utter, 2005). The Web Ontol-
ogy Language (OWL) (W3, 2004) could be appropri-
ate for that purpose.
Providing a uniform database accessing mecha-
nism is the most important task of the agent con-
figuration service, because there might be different
databases and database schemes. This service sup-
plies necessary information about access credentials
and addresses of tables and views which need to be
processed. Furthermore the agent gets in that way a
possible location for storing intermediate results.
3.1.2 Agent Provider
The web service located on the side of the agent
provider takes orders of the clients and instantiates
appropriate agents for autonomous data processing.
Other tasks are the accepting of reports and account-
ing. Non-functional properties of both the provider’s
interface and the delivered agents could be described
using special ontologies.
3.1.3 Agent
The agent is the main working component in the pro-
posed architecture. It is instantiated by the agent
provider and should support all requested features
specified in the clients order. A modular construction
system and a predefined skeleton constitute the foun-
dation of the generation process. After migration the
agent registers itself on the agent coordinator and is
being configured for database access. Now it is ready
to perform its tasks. Finally it sends reports to the
agent coordinator and the agent provider as a basis
for service accounting.
Security aspects such as safe code distribution and
sandbox-based execution should be respected by im-
plementing the infrastructure. To avoid espionage
network interaction is minimized, because main com-
munication takes place on the data holders side. Fur-
thermore we propose usage of secure transport proto-
cols and authentication mechanisms.
In the two following subsections we will present
possible application scenarios.
3.2 Acquisition of Third-party
The example in the introduction can be extended to
several fields of application. In the scenario presented
here, the large amount of data on the data holder side
needs knowledge and know-how for analysis. These
algorithms can be subject to change or proprietary.
The proposed architecture makes the data holder in-
dependent of procurement and update of monolithic
resource-consuming software products or expensive
in-house development. Time and effort for develop-
ment, optimization and maintenance is outsourced to
specialized providers. In that way service evolution is
simplified, too.
The further advantages of using agents are mini-
mized network load and increased security no confi-
dential information must be dispatched.
Other possible fields of application of agents in
this case are knowledge discovery in self-contained
data volumes, automatic tax consultancy or the exten-
sion of the internal knowledge base of the agent or
its providing service in a generalized and anonymized
3.3 Case Study: Web Services
Measurement Service
In this section we will outline another possible sce-
nario of integrating software agents in a web service-
based distributed infrastructure.
The web service measurement service Wesement,
being operated by the authors of the present paper
as part of their Web Service Trust Center research
project ((Schmietendorf and Dumke, 2005), (Schmie-
tendorf et al., 2004), (Rud, 2005)), is collecting per-
formance statistics of third-party web services. Any
web service provider can use Wesement for long-term
availability, metadata stability and performance mea-
surement of its services at no-cost. Collected statistics
is being persisted in a relational database. The only
available means go generalize the data in the web-
based Wesement frontend is to represent it graphically
in form of per-day or per-month diagrams. That is un-
ambiguously insufficient, because:
Another presentation form for example a web
service provider, simply wants to get notified
whether its web services are performing well on
a given day (i.e. to get a boolean value instead
of a PNG image) or to receive a list of services
whose performance in this month has fallen be-
low the preconfigured limit.
Another time granularity some providers may
want to get weekly or yearly reports in addition
to daily or monthly ones.
A possible solution of this problem would be to
change the measurement service frontend itself. But
this way is tied with enormous maintenance effort, be-
cause the frontend will need to be customized almost
every time a new provider comes and registers its ser-
vices. Another possibility for the providers is to get
raw statistics (e.g. in XML format) and process it lo-
In our opinion, the most appropriate solution is
to use agents, which work on the Wesement’s side
and thus have local access to the statistics database.
Agent technology provides the highest degree of pro-
ductivity, because it is the only possibility for clients
to extend the infrastructure of the server. By this they
are able to remotely perform their tasks in direct ad-
jacency to the possible source of events. Results of
their calculations can be then sent to the correspond-
ing web service providers. It is also advisable that
agents work continuously and keep track of services’
performance changes in “real-time” if a negative trend
is detected, the provider can be notified early enough.
The next question is, where these agents can be
taken from. Below we outline three possible answers
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
and discuss their advantages and disadvantages:
Agents are implemented and provided by the mea-
surement service’s operator, i.e. by us. In this case
we have roughly the same development effort as if
we were changing the Wesement frontend, but the
approach differs instead, we develop some kind of
plug-ins for the backend.
Advantages: (a) possibility to reuse such agents
for many web service providers; (b) no security
risks and low agents configuration effort.
Disadvantages: Wesement is a research project,
and we have neither interest nor resources to
develop the agents.
Agents are implemented and sent to the measure-
ment services side by the web service providers.
Advantages: the providers have the full control
of how their agents behave.
Disadvantages: (a) reuse of agents between
many providers is impossible; (b) same as in
previous case, the provider might not have all
necessary resources to develop and manage the
Full division of labour a third party works on be-
half of web service providers and deals with de-
velopment and management of agents.
Advantages: (a) possibility to reuse agents for
many web service providers; (b) possibility for
providers to select agents from many offerings.
Disadvantages: management efforts.
Web Service
Order 1.1
Figure 2: Agent deployment scenarios.
Figure 2 shows the proposed approach. Interac-
tion steps of the three possible scenarios discussed
above are numbered appropriately.
The described approach can increase flexibility of
the service measurement infrastructure.
In this chapter we present the most important aspects
regarding the implementation of agents for remote
processing of measurement databases. As aforemen-
tioned we used the database of our existing service
Wesement containing performance statistics of web
For the execution of agents an infrastructure is
needed. We have choosen JADE as a java-based agent
platform to provide normative services like life cycle
management, white pages service, yellow pages ser-
vice and message transport service as defined by the
according FIPA standard for agent platforms. Addi-
tional services are agent-software integration, an on-
tology service and human agent interaction.
Based on this technology we created our multi-
agent system. Therefore we launched one JADE plat-
form with several containers. They are used to logi-
cally separate agents and are often referred as “agent
cities” in literature. In JADE they can be distributed
on several computers. In our case one container re-
sides on the same computer as the database to allow
its remote processing and to guarantee the aforemen-
tioned advantages. The others are distributed.
Entry point for agent creation is the ClientAgent.
It is launched with the JADE platform and presents a
Graphical User Interface (GUI) to the user. The main
objectives of this agent are the selection of an ap-
propriate processing agent type as well as the defini-
tion of required parameters. The ClientAgent is able
to detect available processing agent definitions and
presents parts of their corresponding GUI’s. Thereby
separation of ClientAgent and processing agent func-
tionalities is guaranteed. Each of the later agents pro-
vides an own GUI component for the definition of
necessary parameters. Figure 3 visualizes the Client-
Agent with a graphical component of a picture agent.
Figure 3: Sending a PictureAgent for remote processing.
Parameters common to all agents are the web ser-
vice ID, the result delivering definition and the selec-
tion of the processing agent. Therefore these aspects
are integrated into the ClientAgent in addition to a
window component presenting status information and
locations where the results of the processing agents
are locally stored. By the web service ID the data of
the web service to be analyzed can be clearly identi-
fied. Our approach takes benefits from the advantages
of mobile agents. So it is possible to define result de-
livering by intra-platform communication as well as
by agent migration.
The remote container accommodates an additional
agent with proxy functionalities. It provides database
accessing information for the processing agents and
is intended to be extended by safety mechanisms to
restrict database access to secure agents. All agent
communication acts are ontology-based. Thereby the
possible conversation content is defined and the archi-
tecture is extendible towards the usage of additional
web service measurement services. From a techni-
cal point of view this ontology needs to be mapped to
Java. Classes realize the underlying communication
in the multiagent system.
The presented PictureAgent needs additional pa-
rameters about the time interval to be observed and
a measurement quality boundary. As a result it cre-
ates a graphical visualization presenting performance
statistics of third-party web services.
We exemplary implemented two more processing
agent types. The ObserverAgent periodically (e.g.
weekly, monthly or self-defined) checks the state of
the web service for a predefined time and sends back
alert messages in case of state changes. The XML-
Agent creates XML documents containing the perfor-
mance data of the selected web service. They can be
used for further processing. Its graphical component
is shown in figure 4.
Figure 4: Sending a XMLAgent for remote processing.
We have analyzed possible scenarios of accessing re-
mote measurement databases using mobile agents.
We outlined also different implementation approaches
and discussed their advantages and disadvantages.
Security issues were mentioned too. An example il-
lustrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
We plan to continue our research and to extend the
infrastructure functionality for automated interaction
in a web service-oriented manner by the definition of
appropriated access interfaces. Another aspect of our
further work is the extension towards accessing mul-
tiple databases.
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies