Marta Gatius, Meritxell González and Elisabet Comelles
Technical University of Catalonia, Software Department, Campus Nord UPC, Jordi Girona, 1-3 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Web dialogue systems, portability, dialogue management, multilinguality.
Abstract: In this paper we propose the use of multilingual multichannel dialogue systems to improve the usability of
web contents. In order to improve both the communication and the portability of those dialogue systems we
propose the separation of the general components from the application-specific, language-specific and
channel-specific aspects. This paper describes the multilingual dialogue system for accessing web contents
we develop following this proposal. It is particularly focused two main components of the system: the
dialogue manager and the natural language generator.
The large amount of services and documents in
different languages available in Internet has
increased the need for multilingual and multichannel
systems guiding the user when accessing the web
contents. Web interfaces need to be more interactive
and adaptable to different types of users,
applications and channels.
The main advantage of language modes of
interaction (text and speech) is that they are friendly
and easy to use. Furthermore, spoken interfaces are
necessary in applications where no other mode of
communication is possible, such as applications for
telephones and vehicles. Additionally, the voice
mode improves web usability, especially for
handicapped people, such as elderly adults, who face
specific challenges when accessing the web.
The language modes become more useful as new
uses of the web are invented and more new channels
are available. For example, the spreading of personal
digital assistants and other mobile communication
devices results in an increasing prevalence of voice
This article describes the multilingual dialogue
system (henceforth, DS) we developed to enhance
the usability and accessibility of online public
contents in the context of the European project
HOPS (http://www.hops-fp6.org). Section 2 gives an
overview of the existing DSs accessing the web.
Section 3 presents the multilingual web DS we have
developed. Section 4, describes the dialogue
manager (henceforth, DM) component of the
system. Section 5 explains how the system messages
needed for each new service are generated for each
language. And finally, the last section draws some
Even though the first language systems were
developed during the seventies, its importance has
increased throughout the last two decades. The main
cause of this increasing importance was the technical
improvements in speech recognition technologies.
2.1 The Evolution
DSs have evolved towards improvements both in the
functionality and in the engineering features of the
development process. Several lines have been
followed in this evolution. One of the most
significant of these consists in separating the
application and the presentation components.
Important improvements in the friendliness of the
interaction have been achieved by expanding
linguistic and conceptual coverage as well as by
integrating different modes and languages.
Examples of systems supporting multimodality and
multilinguality are described in (Herzog et al, 2004)
and (Gatius, 2001).
Gatius M., González M. and Comelles E. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 184-189
DOI: 10.5220/0001272001840189
Speech recognition in open domain has still
performance problems. For this reason, the speech
mode is basically used in restricted domain systems.
However, application-restricted DSs are expensive
to develop and difficult to reuse. For this reason, an
important aspect of the DS development is
portability, the ability to facilitate the adaptation of
the DSs to different applications, languages and
channels. The most relevant of those works propose
a separated representation of different types of
knowledge involved in the dialogue: task
knowledge, dialogue knowledge and modality and
language-specific knowledge. The next subsections
give several examples of these works.
2.2 Languages Based on XML
The definition of standard languages based on XML
has favoured the development of DSs for accessing
web content. Several of those languages are
explicitly aimed to the development of internet-
powered telephone applications. The use of standard
XML-based mark-up language reduces the cost of
training, facilitates technology integration and
improves flexibility.
The most well-known of these languages is
VoiceXML. One of the main advantages of
VoiceXML is that it separates the logic of dialogues
from the low level details of the voice components.
Two complementary standard languages are used in
VoiceXML systems: the Speech Recognition
Grammar Specification (SRGS), and the Speech
Synthesis Mark-up Language (SSML). The SRGS
defines the standard formalism for the words and
sentences which can be recognized by a VoiceXML
application. The SSML is the new standard way of
producing content to be spoken by a speech
synthesis system.
The dialogue management model in VoiceXML
presents several advantages to the finite state model
used in previous commercial systems. It facilitates
the description of the slots representing the various
kinds of information the user would be asked to fill.
However, VoiceXML presents also limitations to
support complex telephonic calls and other modes
than voice (and touch-tone DTMF). In order to solve
those limitations, other languages were developed.
The CCXML and the CallXML languages were
developed to deal with control management in
complex telephonic calls not supported by
VoiceXML systems (calls including
multiconference, transfers, etc.).
Standard languages to support multichannel and
multimodal communication have also been defined.
Examples of these languages are the Speech
Application Language Tags (SALT), the Extensible
MultiModal Annotation (EMMA) language and the
Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
(SMIL). Standard architectures facilitating the
development of web DSs have also been designed,
such as the MultiModal Architecture.
The standard languages mentioned favour the
development and portability of DSs. However, the
dialogues and language resources (grammars and
system’s messages) have to be defined for each new
service. A step can be taken towards portability of
DSs by isolating the application task knowledge and
the dialogue strategies. In this line, there have been
several proposals, such as the GEMINI platform
(Hamerich et al, 2004) and the MIML language
(Araki and Tachibana, 2006).
2.3 Web Interaction Management
Web interaction management is another related area
of research focused on improving web usability and
accessibility. There are different works on
facilitating the web access through different modes,
such as that for adapting web contents to different
impairments (Richards and Hanson, 2004), the
transformation rules for creating mixed-initiative
dialogues (Narayan et al, 2004) and the framework
for incorporating multimodal interfaces to already
existing web applications (Ito, 2005).
The main difference between the works on DSs
and those in the web interaction management area is
that DSs are more concerned with achieving a
friendly and robust communication in different
languages, adapted to the user’s needs, whereas the
interaction management research is typically
concerned with building simple dialogues
automatically from web pages.
2.4 Large-Scale Dialogue Systems
There is also a lot of interest in the development of
large-scale DSs supporting rich interactions to
different applications in several languages and
channels. Examples of those systems are TRIPS
(Allen et al, 2001), STAPLE (Kumar, Cohen and
Huber, 2002) and COLLLAGEN (Rich, Sidner and
Lesh, 2001). Those systems are rather complex.
They require a flexible and modular architecture
model and appropriate software for the integration of
As mentioned in (Herzog et al, 2004), for such
large DSs a distributed organization constitutes the
natural choice to develop a flexible and scalable
software architecture, able to integrate
heterogeneous modules. Different approaches have
been followed when developing a distributed DS.
The Galaxy Communicator Software
Infrastructure (Seneff, Lau and Polifroni, 1999) is a
distributed, message-based architecture for
developing spoken DSs. A central hub mediates the
interaction among the dialog components (although
peer-to-peer connections are also supported).
The Open Agent Architecture (Martin, Cheyer
and Moran, 1999) is a framework supporting
multimodal interaction. It integrates several
heterogeneous agents controlled by a central unit
which communicate between themselves via
The MULTIPLATFORM (Herzog et al, 2004) is
based on a distributed architecture which employs
asynchronous message-passing to connect modules
and does not rely on centralized control. This
platform has been used to develop several DSs.
Figure 1: The architecture of the dialogue system.
The system we developed for guiding the user to
access the web supports text and speech (through the
telephone) in several languages: English, Spanish,
Catalan and Italian. The current implementation of
the DS has been adapted to two different types of
services: a transactional service for large objects
collection and an informational service giving
information about the cultural events. The system
has been deployed in the public administration of
three different cities.
The architecture of the system is shown in Figure 1.
One of the goals of the system design has been to
facilitate the incorporation of new services,
languages and channels. For this purpose, the
channel-specific, language-specific and service-
specific aspects of the system have been separated
from the general components.
3.1 The Components of the System
As many existing web DSs our system is composed
of three layers: Presentation (or front-end), Dialogue
Management and Data. As can be seen in Figure 1
the components of the presentation layer are the
following: The Voice Gateway and the Audio Web
Server for speech mode, the Text Client and the Text
Server, for text mode and the Natural Language
Parser and Processor (NLPP) performing a deep
syntactic and semantic analysis, used for both, voice
and textual interaction.
The two voice components had been adapted
from those in the Loquendo platform
(http://www.loquendocafe.com). VoiceXML is used
to define the voice interaction with the user. The
automatic speech recognizer uses grammars
following the SRGS standard formalism to model
the user’s interventions. Once the sequence of words
have been recognized they are passed to the NLPP.
The speech synthesis system transforms the content
of the system’s answer into voice following the
standard SSML.
The components of the dialogue management
layer control the interaction with the user. These
components are the Application Manager,
responsible for the session management and the DM
determining the dialogue flow. The DM includes
two submodules: the Output Generator and the
Natural Language Generator.
The data layer components are the Action &
Query Manager, accessing the back-end, and the
Ontology Manager using the ontologies which
model the domain-specific knowledge. These
ontologies are used by the NLPP to perform the
semantic analysis. The ontologies are represented in
the standard language OWL.
In our system the different components are
integrated following a service-oriented architecture
(SOA). Although asynchronous message-passing is
more flexible than component-specific remote APIs
(used in SOA) we found that synchronous
communication between components was more
appropriate for efficiency reasons. We use FADA
technology (Federated Advanced Directory
Architecture, http://sourceforge.net/projects/fada) to
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
support the SOA principles. It is an implementation
of the Jini Network Technology for working in
WAN environments.
The dialogue management is concerned mainly with
conversational control and guidance: who can speak
at each state of the communication and what they
can speak about. A proper design of the DM
component reduces the cost of adapting the system
to a new service. Dialogue management models
have evolved from simple finite state automata,
representing all possible interactions, to more
complex models using plans to recognize the user’s
4.1 System-Driven Communication
The main goal in commercial DSs is robustness. For
this reason, most of the DMs only support system-
driven dialogues asking the user the information
needed to accomplish the task. Following this
approach, for the first prototype of the system we
developed a DM supporting only system-driven
dialogues. In the resulting system, once the user
selects a specific service task, the system asks the
information about the corresponding input
parameters and finally, gives the results.
The DM we developed for the first prototype
followed a structural dialogue state, as most of the
DMs in commercial systems. For each service, a
specific dialogue flow was defined in which there
was an explicit description of the relation between
states and actions.
The resulting application-driven dialogues have
proved efficient for transactional web services but
not for the informational web service. When seeking
for specific information, the user usually can give
different types of information, thus restricting the
system search. Most existing DSs guide the user to
introduce this information by asking very specific
questions, that, in many cases, may look unnatural.
See for example, the web service on cultural
events shown in Figure 2. When accessing the
service the user can search an event giving different
types of information: The particular event name, the
event type, the location, the data or a combination of
any of the above type of information.
In the first prototype, the DM tried to restrict the
search on cultural events by asking a sentence such
as: “If you are looking for events, please say LIST
OF EVENTS. If you know the event, and you are
looking for information about it, please say SINGLE
EVENT.” In most cases, the users did not answer the
question but instead they asked for specific
information, such as “I am looking for classical
music concerts”.
Figure 2: The web service on cultural events.
When seeking information, users may not have a
well defined goal, and for this reason user’s
interventions can switch from one aspect of the topic
to another. The specification of such types of
interactions through a finite-state controller is
difficult and can not be changed easily.
In order to improve both the communication and
the engineering process of adapting the system to a
new service, we decided to use an explicit dialogue
model, defining general strategies to decide the next
action. In particular, we followed the Information
State (IS) approach, explained in the next section.
4.2 The Information State Approach
The main reason for following the IS approach is
that it covers dialogue phenomena useful in practical
dialogues, such as feedback strategies related to
grounding and addressing not raised issues. The IS
theories support mixed and user-initiative dialogues,
including confirmation and clarification dialogues,
which can be initiated by the system or the user.
Besides, those theories have been successfully
applied in many projects and applications.
The main difference between the IS approach
and the structural dialogue state approaches is that
IS theories are based in a much richer representation
of the dialogue context, including more mentalistic
notions such as beliefs, intentions and plans. As
defined in (Traum et al, 1999) an IS theory consists
of the following components: The description of the
information state (e.g., participants, beliefs, common
ground, intentions, etc.), a set of dialogue moves, a
set of rules updating the information state and a
control strategy to select next rule.
We have implemented these components
following the issue-based approach described in
(Larsson, 2002). In this approach, system actions
were defined in plans which contain information
about the action the system should perform to
achieve a specific goal.
4.3 Plans
In plan-based dialogue management, plans are
usually generated dynamically during the
communication using AI plan recognition techniques
to recognize the user’s intention and templates to
performe actions. When knowing the goal, the
system can optimize the plan to achieve it,
considering the dialogue history. Although this
technique is powerful, it is not the most efficient for
all types of dialogues. For simple dialogues on web
services, such as those supported by our system,
plans can be defined and stored in a library when a
new service is incorporated, they do not need to be
generated dynamically. The DM we develop does
not need general reasoning capabilities for planning
and plan recognition because it is designed for
guiding the user to access the web services, which
usually are not very complex.
Each task a service can perform is considered a
possible user goal. For this reason, for each task
service we define a communication plan that has to
be followed in order to perform the task. A task plan
can be descomposed into actions and subtasks.
Preconditions governing in which context a
particular action must be done are also included.
Three types of actions can appear in the plans used
by our system: Ask, the system asks the user the
information needed, Answer, the system gives
information to the user and Back-end access.
Using these plans the system can address issues
introduced by the user which had not been
previously raised. For instance, if the user initially
says “I want information about classical music
concerts” the system can search for a plan in which
classical music concerts could be the answer to an
Ask action. Then, it would continue executing the
other actions in the plan.
In order to facilitate the generation of plans for a
new service, we have defined general templates for
the two types of web services the system has to
support: informational and transactional services. In
transactional services the system has to ask the user
all the information corresponding to the mandatory
input parameters that have not been previously
given. In informational services the system has to
ask the user information to constrain the search.
Generating the most appropriate system messages
for each service is time consuming, especially in
systems supporting several languages. This cost can
be reduced when representing appropriately the
relations between the different types of knowledge
involved in communication: dialogue knowledge,
conceptual knowledge and linguistic knowledge.
One of the most relevant works in this area is the
Generalized Upper Model (Bateman, Magnini and
Rinaldi, 1994), a general syntactico-semantic model
used to generate text in several languages for
different types of applications.
Our work differs from previous works in that
area because it is focused in dialogues guiding the
user to access transactional and informational web
services. By representing appropriately the linguistic
structures involved in the communication in these
web services we can limit the language that has to be
generated at run-time. Several of these linguistic
structures can be reused across services. Others will
have to be generated when incorporating a new
service to the system.
Several system messages appear in all services.
Most of them correspond to the dialogue acts
common to all services, such as, formal opening,
closing and thanking. There are some system
messages which appear only in a specific type of
service, either transactional or informational, but can
also be reused through them. For example, in
information services, several sentences presenting
the results to the users can be needed. Some of them
are independent of the particular service and can be
applied to all informational services.
The system messages related to the parameters
appearing in more than one service (such as name,
address, telephone, date and price) are also reused.
However, there are also many system messages that
differ for each particular service. Basically, these
messages are related to the dialogue acts the system
can perform: Asking the user for specific data (the
task to perform, the information to search and the
value of the input task parameters), asking for
confirmation and presenting the results.
We have defined general patterns to represent the
several forms in which these dialogue acts can be
expressed. These patterns are adapted to each
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
specific service. In order to perform automatically
this process we have adapted the syntactico-
semantic taxonomy described in (Gatius, 2001). This
taxonomy is reused in the four languages we are
working with. For each language, each taxonomy
class has been associated with the linguistic
structures involved in the following dialogue acts:
asking the parameter’s value, giving its value,
checking its value and confirming it.
When adapting the system to a new service, the
task parameters have to be classified according to
the syntactico-semantic taxonomy and linked to the
corresponding lexical entries (in each language).
Then, the system messages can be automatically
generated in each language by adapting the general
patterns associated with each taxonomy class to the
particular lexical entries.
In this paper we propose the use of multilingual
multichannel DSs to improve the usability of web
contents. In order to improve the portability of those
DSs we propose the separation of the general
components from the application-specific, language-
specific and channel-specific aspects.
Following this proposal we have developed a DS
for accessing web contents in four languages:
English, Spanish, Catalan and Italian. The core of
this system is the DM component which controls the
dialogue flow. The DM supports user-initiative
dialogues, including confirmation and clarification
dialogues. It uses plans describing the actions to
follow in order to perform the specific service tasks.
Informal tests have shown that this DM supports a
friendlier communication than the one used in a
previous prototype. Currently, a more formal
evaluation of the whole system is being performed.
The process of incorporating a new service to the
system implies generating the specific service plans
as well as adapting the linguistic resources. In order
to facilitate the task of generating plans for new
services, we have defined general templates for two
types of web services: informational and
transactional. We have also defined general patterns
to automatically generate the system messages in the
four languages for new web services.
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