Construction of Adaptive Assessments Based in the Learning Style of the Students
Héctor Barbosa Leon, Francisco García Peñalvo
Departamento de Informática y Automática, Universidad de Salamanca, Plaza de los Caidos s/n, Salamanca, España
Maria José Rodríguez Conde
Departamento de Didáctica, Organización y Métodos de Investigación, Facultad de Educación
Universidad de Salamanca, España
Keywords: Learning Objects, Assessment, IMS specifications, Authoring tool, Learning Styles, Adaptive systems.
Abstract: This article presents a proposal to define learning objects for adaptive assessments. Two adaptation
processes are described here, the first one is the adaptation in the level of complexity of the questions, and
the second one is our proposal to adapt the final presentation according to the user’s learning style. To
define the items and exams, a model to construct adaptive assessment and a proposal of three levels of
integration is detailed.
The educative content is evolving from a static view
to an adaptive one in which the content is adapted to
the needs and/or preferences of the users. This
content, developed in form of units of learning look
to cover a specific learning objective including one
or several learning objects and their related material.
Inside those objects we can find objects
describing assessment activities to evaluate the
knowledge of the students. The assessment activity
inside a unit of learning could be seen as an element
that closes and complete a circular activity, being an
integral part of the learning process (Barbosa &
García, 2005).
Nowadays, it is necessary to produce educative
Internet-based systems that permit the dissemination
of the education, covering the needs of diverse
learning group profiles. To obtain this, it is desirable
that such systems perform automatic task to adapt
itself to each user, disconnecting the content from its
presentation by using a semantic approach rather
than a syntactical one, defining a meaningful web. In
consequence, learning systems must be flexible and
efficient, and one way to accomplish that is to be an
open and standardized system (Barbosa & García,
In addition, the assessment activity inside the e-
learning process could be used to adapt the system
by setting a new user knowledge level, evaluate, and
setting new learning profiles, assign user grades and,
in consequence, performing user content re-
adaptation (Barbosa & García, 2005b). According to
the Australian Flexible Learning Framework
(Backroad Connections, 2003), assessment,
especially when is included within a real learning
task or exercises, could be an essential part of the
learning experience, giving to the entire Web site the
characteristic to adapt itself to the needs and the
acquired knowledge of the users.
The rest of the paper is structured as follow: In
section two, we present the model overview,
organized in levels of abstractions and sections for
each stage of activity. In the section three we briefly
describe the construction of simple items using open
standards and the definition of complete exams
containing groups of simple items. In the fourth
section we present the integration levels going from
simple items (first level) to complete exams with
adaptation rules. In the fifth section we describe the
adaptation processes in the final presentation
(adapted to the learning style) and the adaptation in
the complexity level. Finally we give our
conclusions and future work.
Barbosa Leon H., García Peñalvo F. and José Rodríguez Conde M. (2007).
DEFINING ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENTS - Construction of Adaptive Assessments Based in the Learning Style of the Students.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 409-414
DOI: 10.5220/0001273204090414