Takao Kawamura, Kazuo Kuramochi
Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University, 4-101 Koyama-Minami, Tottori, Japan
Junya Kishida, Shinichi Motomura
Graduate School of Engineering, Tottori University, 4-101 Koyama-Minami, Tottori, Japan
Kazunori Sugahara
Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University, 4-101 Koyama-Minami, Tottori, Japan
Distributed System, P2P, Mobile Agent, Web-based training, e-Learning.
In this paper, the user and application interface of our previously proposed e-Learning system is presented to
demonstrate how user interfaces for distributed systems should be composed. The proposed e-Learning system
has two distinguishing features. Firstly, it is based on P2P architecture for scalability and robustness. Secondly,
all exercises in the system are not only data but also agents so that they have functions, such as scoring
user’s answers, telling the correct answers, and showing some related information without human instruction.
The interface provides three kinds of communication: communication between a user and an exercise agent,
communication between an exercise agent and support applications, and communication between a user and
other users. The interface consists of two parts: an interface agent and a plugin for Firefox web browser. An
interface agent hides the existence of the P2P network and other agents from the Firefox plugin and users. The
developed e-Learning system including the interface is examined by expe
riments in classroom.
Nowadays, e-Learning systems are very popular ev-
erywhere, such as college education, corporate educa-
tion, and community education. The term e-Learning
covers a wide set of applications and processes, such
as Web-based training (hereafter we abbreviate as
WBT), computer-based training, virtual classrooms,
and digital collaboration. We are concerned with
asynchronous WBT that allows the learner to com-
plete the WBT on his own time and schedule, without
live interaction with the instructor.
Although a large number of studies have been
made on asynchronous WBT (Nishita et al., 2002;
Homma and Aoki, 2003; Helic et al., 2005), all
of them are based on the client/server model. The
client/server systems generally lack scalability and
robustness. In the recent years, P2P research has
grown exponentially. Although the current P2P sys-
tems are famous for file sharing, and the consequent
legal problems, P2P systems are gradually proving
to be a very promising area of research because
they have potential for offering a decentralized, self-
sustained, scalable, fault tolerant and symmetric net-
work of computers providing an effective balancing
of storage and bandwidth resources.
We have proposed and implemented a distributed
e-Learning system based on P2P architecture (Kawa-
mura and Sugahara, 2005; Kawamura et al., 2005a;
Motomura et al., 2006c) using Maglog that is a
Prolog-based framework for building mobile multi-
agent systems we have also developed (Kawamura
et al., 2005b; Motomura et al., 2006a; Motomura
et al., 2006b). The proposed e-Learning system has
two distinguishing features. Firstly, it is based on P2P
architecture and every user’s computer plays the role
of a client and a server. Namely, while a user uses the
proposed e-Learning system, his/her computer (here-
after we refer to such a computer as a node) is a part
of the system. It receives some number of contents
from another node when it joins the system and has
responsibility to send appropriate contents to request-
ing nodes. Secondly, each exercise in the system is
not only data but also an agent so that it has functions,
Kawamura T., Kuramochi K., Kishida J., Motomura S. and Sugahara K. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology, pages 357-363
DOI: 10.5220/0001273303570363
such as scoring user’s answers, telling the correct an-
swers, and showing some related information without
human instruction.
In this paper, we present the user and application
interface (hereafter we abbreviate as UAI) of the pro-
posed e-Learning system to demonstrate how user in-
terfaces for distributed systems should be composed.
This paper is organized in 6 sections. The pro-
posed e-Learning system is described in Section 2.
We describe three functions of the UAI in Section 3
and an implementation of the UAI in Section 4, re-
spectively. In Section 5 experimental results are pre-
sented. Finally, some concluding remarks are drawn
in Section 6.
2.1 Overview
As mentioned in the previous section, we focus on
asynchronous WBT, that is to say, a user can connect
to the proposed e-Learning system anytime and any-
where he/she wants. Once connection is established,
the user can obtain exercises one after another through
specifying categories of the required exercises. User’s
answers for each exercise are scored as correct or in-
correct right away. Related information may be pro-
vided for each answer, which can be viewed when the
correct answer is shown.
While a user uses the proposed e-Learning system,
his/her computer is a part of the system. Namely, it
receives some number of categories and exercises in
them from another node when it joins the system and
has responsibility to send appropriate exercises to re-
questing nodes.
The important point to note is that the categories
a node has are independent of the categories in which
the node’s user are interested as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 illustrates that user As request is forwarded
at first to the neighbor node, next forwarded to the
node which has the requested category.
2.2 P2p Network
All exercises in the proposed system are classi-
fied into categories, such as “English/Grammar”,
“Math/Statistics”, and “History/Rome”, etc.
When the proposed system bootstraps, one initial
node has all categories in the system. When another
node joins the system, it is received certain number
of categories from the initial node. The categories are
Figure 1: Proposed e-Learning system.
distributed among all nodes in the system according
as nodes join the system or leave the system.
We would like to emphasize that in existing P2P-
based file sharing systems, such as Napster (Napster,
2003), Gnutella (Gnutella, 2001), and Freenet (Clarke
et al., 1999) each shared file is owned by a particu-
lar node. Accordingly, files are originally distributed
among all nodes. On the other hand, the categories
in the proposed system are originally concentrated.
Consequently, when a new node joins the system, not
only location information of a category but the cate-
gory itself must be handed to the new node. Consider-
ing that, the P2P network of the proposed system can
be constructed as a CAN (Ratnasamy et al., 2001).
The CAN has a virtual coordinate space that is
used to store (key, value) pairs. To store a pair
, V
), key K
is deterministically mapped onto a
point P in the coordinate space using a uniform hash
function. The corresponding (key, value) pair is then
stored at the node that owns the zone within which
the point P lies. In the proposed system, we let each
category be a key and let a set of exercises belonging
to the category be the corresponding value.
Our P2P network is constructed with 2-
dimensional coordinate space [0,1] × [0,1] to
store exercise categories, as shown in Figure 2.
The figure shows the situation that node C has
just joined the system as the third node. Before
node C joins, node A and node B shared the whole
coordinate space half and half. At that moment, node
A managed “Math/Geometry” ,“Math/Statistics”,
and “History/Rome” categories and node B managed
“English/Grammar”, “English/Reader and “His-
tory/Japan” categories, respectively. When node C
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
joins the system, it is mapped on a certain coordinate
space according to a random number and takes on
corresponding categories from another node. For
example, in the case of Figure 2, node C takes on the
“History/Japan” category from node B and exercises
of the category move to node C.
Figure 2: P2P network.
2.3 Mobile Agents
Generally, in addition to service to show an exercise,
a WBT server provides services to score user’s an-
swers, to tell the correct answers, and show to some
related information about the exercise. Therefore, for
the proposed system that can be considered a dis-
tributed WBT system, it is not enough that only ex-
ercises are distributed among all nodes. Functions to
provide the above services also must be distributed
among all nodes. We adopt mobile agent technology
to achieve this goal. Namely, an exercise is not only
data but also an agent so that it has functions, such
as scoring user’s answers, telling the correct answers,
and showing some related information about the ex-
In addition, mobile agent technology is applied to
realize the migration of categories, that is, each cate-
gory is also an agent in the proposed system.
There are three types of possible communications be-
tween for using the distributed e-Learning system. In
this section, three functions of the UAI to realize these
communications are described.
3.1 Function for Communication
Between a User and an Exercise
Although each exercise agent has a question and func-
tions, such as scoring user’s answers, telling the cor-
rect answers, and showing some related information
about the exercise, it cannot communicate with users
directly. All agents in the proposed system communi-
cate with other agents or applications through ‘field’s
provided by Maglog framework. A field is a kind of
preemptive queue. When agent-A intends to send a
message to agent-B, agent-A queues the message onto
the field owned by agent-B. Since agent-B executes a
message dispatch loop like all other agents, it reads
the message written by agent-A sometime. The UAI
therefore has a function to convert user’s request into
messages and to write them onto the fields of exercise
agents, and vice versa.
3.2 Function for Communication
Between an Exercise Agent and
An exercise agent may need some support applica-
tions to score user’s answer. For example, when the
correct answer is x
+x+y”, other forms of answers,
such as “y+ x+x
” or “x+ x
+ y” answered in a text
box should be scored as correct. However, it is impos-
sible for exercise agents to score all possible forms of
the correct answer as correct without a computer al-
gebra system. An exercise requiring C programming
is another example. An exercise agent must compile
and execute a user’s answer to compare the output of
it with the contents of the correct answer. Since ex-
ercise agents migrate between nodes, it is an infeasi-
ble idea that each exercise agent includes a computer
algebra system or a C compiler. Instead, in the pro-
posed system, exercise agents utilize support applica-
tions, such as a computer algebra system or a C com-
piler prepared on each node. The UAI therefore has a
function for communication between exercise agents
and support applications.
3.3 Function for Communication
Between a User and Other Users
Users may need to be advised to understand correct
answers. Existing e-Learning systems often provide
BBS (Bulletin Board System) to deal such situation.
However, we don’t adopt BBS because it is not suit-
able for distributed systems. In addition, questions on
BBS are neglectable. Instead, we let the UAI have a
function for users to help each other by means of chat.
We have implemented the UAI consisting of two
parts: an interface agent and a plugin for Firefox web
browser (Mozilla Corporation, 2005). Users try ex-
ercises by using Firefox with the plugin that does not
know the existence of the P2P network and any agents
except an interface agent. In this section, we describe
the architecture of a node at first. Next we describe
the two parts of the UAI, respectively.
4.1 Node Architecture
As shown in Figure 3, the following agents exist on
each node. An agent server in this figure is a runtime
environment for agents.
Node Agent There is one node agent on each node.
It manages the zone information of a CAN and
forwards messages to the category agents in the
Exercise Agent Each exercise agent has a question
and functions to score user’s answers, tell the cor-
rect answers, and show some related information
about the exercise. These data are formatted in
Category Agent Each category agent stands for a
unit of a particular subject. It manages exercise
agents in itself and sends them to the requesting
Interface Agent There is one interface agent on each
node. It is an agent part of the UAI.
User Agent There is one user agent for each user. A
user agent manages user information that include
login name, password, IP address of the user’s
computer, online/offline status, and study log.
Group Agent A group agent exists for grouping user
agents as a category agent exists for grouping ex-
ercise agents. Currently, users are grouped by the
first letter of their login name, so that there are
26 group agents corresponding to one letter in the
English alphabet.
Figure 3: Agents in a node.
4.2 Firefox Plugin
Users try to answer exercises by using Firefox with
the plugin. Figure 4 is a screenshot of the main
user interface window generated by the plugin. Cate-
gories are classified into a hierarchical tree structure,
as shown in the category pane of Figure 4. By click-
ing the left button of a mouse on a category, Users
can select the category. An exercise belonging to the
category is obtained from some node and is shown in
the exercise pane by clicking the exercise button on
the menu bar. Users can require to score their answer
anytime by clicking the score button. Correct answers
and related information about the exercise are shown
by clicking the answer button. In addition to them,
users can request some advise about the exercise by
clicking the chat button.
4.3 Interface Agent
When a user tries an exercise, in addition to the agent
server, two types of processes run as shown in Figure
5. One type is for Firefox with the plugin for the UAI.
The other type is for support applications. They help
exercise agents to score students’ answers. There is
a wrapping Java class for each support application to
be utilized by an interface agent.
An interface agent enables three kinds of commu-
nication as follows:
1. Communication between a user and an exercise
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 4: Main user interface window of the proposed e-
Learning system.
Figure 5: User and application interface and other compo-
nents in a user studying node.
The Firefox plugin converts user’s request into
messages and writes them onto a filed of an in-
terface agent via XML-RPC (Winer, 1998) using
jsolait (Kollhof, 2004).
After that, the plugin waits until the result of a
request is written on the same field by the inter-
face agent. An interface agent forwards the re-
ceived messages to an appropriate agent: A re-
quest for obtaining an exercise is forwarded to the
node agent on the user’s computer, and requests
for being scored and for obtaining the correct an-
swer and related information are forwarded to the
exercise agent.
2. Communication between an exercise agent and
support applications.
All agents on Maglog, which are written in a
Prolog-like language, are translated into Java
source codes by our Maglog translator, and then
compiled into Java classes by the Java compiler
to being executed. An agent runs as a thread in
an agent server which is also implemented using
Java. Thereby agents can utilize any Java object,
i.e., an interface agent, which works as a proxy
of an exercise agent, can utilize a support appli-
cation for which a corresponding wrapping Java
class is prepared. A wrapping Java class utilizes
the standard Java class
to invocate a sup-
port application and to communicate with it using
standard input/output.
3. Communication between a user and other users.
When a user wants to be advised about an exer-
cise, the following steps are performed.
(a) The interface agent asks the exercise agent the
potential advisers.
(b) The exercise agent tells a list of login names of
the users who gained a good score on itself to
the interface agent.
(c) The interface agent asks the appropriate group
agent whether or not each user in the list is
logging-in the system. If a user is logging-in,
the IP address of the user’s computer is also
(d) The interface agent asks each user who is
logging-in the system and gained a good score
on the exercise in random order until one user
offers his/her service.
(e) The interface agent establishes a chat channel
between the two users.
The developed e-Learning system including the user
and application interface was examined by experi-
ments in classroom. For the experiments, 60 PCs with
Intel Pentium4 3.0GHz processor and 1GB of RAM
are connected via 1000Base-T network. All the PCs
were running on GNU/Linux (kernel version is 2.6.0)
operating system. The version of Java language run-
time environment was 1.4.2.
Figures 6 and 7 show, respectively, the result of
scoring, and the correct answer and related informa-
tion of the exercise.
Figure 6: User’s answers are scored as correct or incorrect
by clicking the score button.
Figure 7: Correct answers and related information are
shown by clicking the answer button.
Figure 8 shows an example result of scoring us-
ing a computer algebra system, Maxima (Maxima
Project, 2000). In this example, the exercise agent
requests Maxima through an interface agent to com-
pare its correct answer with a user’s answer. Maxima
returns a subtraction of two expressions. The exer-
cise agent scores the user’s answer as correct or in-
correct whether the result of the subtraction equals
0 or not. Consequently, as shown in Figure 8, both
“cosx sinx” and sinx+ cosx are scored as cor-
As shown in Figure 9, while a chat session is in
progress, same windows are opened on the both two
users’ screen.
Since existing asynchronous WBT systems are based
on the client/server model, they have problems of
Figure 8: Example of scoring using a computer algebra sys-
Figure 9: Chat windows.
scalability and robustness. The proposed e-Learning
system solves these problems in decentralized manner
through both P2P technology and mobile agent tech-
In this paper, the user and application interface
of the proposed e-Learning system are described to
demonstrate how user interfaces for distributed sys-
tems should be composed. It realizes three kinds of
communication: communication between a user and
an exercise agent, communication between an exer-
cise agent and support applications, and communica-
tion between a user and other users. The user and
application interface consists of two parts: an inter-
face agent and a plugin for Firefox web browser. An
interface agent hides the existence of the P2P network
and other agents from the Firefox plugin and users.
The developed e-Learning system including the
user and application interface was examined by exper-
iments. More practical experiments are now planned
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
at our university to confirm the effectiveness of the
proposed e-Learning system.
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