For example, to remove a Blaster infection the
following payload commands would be sequenced
• Download the Microsoft patch from a TFTP
• Execute the Microsoft patch
• Kill msblast.exe process
• Delete msblast.exe file from System32 folder
• Delete registry key HKLM\Software\
Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value
windows auto update
3.5 Delivery Mechanism
Design of WEWorm included analysis into the best
network delivery mechanism that could be used for
propagating Ethical worm payloads between nodes
in a network environment. The delivery mechanism
has to satisfy specific requirements to be acceptable
for use in hostile and congested networks. These
requirements include
• High levels of efficiency,
• Small packet sizes, and
• Focus on local domains.
High levels of efficiency and small packet sizes
are requirements that specifically address the
problem if communication in a network that is
congested with Malicious worm traffic.
Taking these requirements into account the
following network protocol was specified to handle
inter-node communication:
IP Protocol: UDP
Source Port: dynamic
Destination Port: 55
Addressing Method: 1:m Broadcasting
Packet Payload: dynamic packet length
based on tuning parameters suited towards a
specific network outbreak.
UDP was chosen as the transport protocol due to
its lightweight implementation and ability to pass
data without the added network bandwidth
requirements of hand shaking. The initiating node
dynamically chooses the source port. The destination
port is deliberately chosen to be less than 1024, thus
ensuring that only privileged processes can bind to
that port. The addressing method chosen is a one-to-
many broadcast, which as described earlier allows a
single host to propagate to as many other hosts in the
same broadcast domain as possible. In a perfect
network, every host in the domain should receive a
one-to-many broadcast payload. However, in the
presence of malicious infections, it is possible that
this is not always the case, and hence multiple stages
of propagation are supported in a fashion that
models the spread of Malicious worms themselves.
The broadcast delivery mechanism also ensures that
the design is focused on local domains as per the
project scope definition (noting that IP only supports
intra-network broadcast).
The use of a broadcast delivery mechanism
introduces the constraint that an Ethical worm can
never propagate to a node outside of the current
broadcast domain. This acts as a safe guard, but also
introduces issues with large corporate networks that
span multiple broadcast domains. These issues are
solved using repeater nodes that essentially tunnel
the broadcast traffic between domains.
The use of a custom UDP packet design also
allows the user of WEWorm technology to choose
how to structure packets so they are able to traverse
a malicious network. A trade off may be required
between the size of packets and the number of
packets it can take to deliver a payload. The more
packets required to propagate a payload the more
CPU power is required on the end nodes to
authenticate and rebuild the final payload
deliverable. Increases in the number of packets also
means that each packet is smaller and more likely to
be able to move through congested networks than
large fragmented packets. This trade off is a
configurable option of the outgoing delivery
3.6 Delivery Security
Security is paramount in the environment, thus
ensuring that only trusted sources are able to
disseminate Ethical worms. Special caution needs to
be taken to ensure the deployment environment
cannot be used for malicious means. The WEWorm
design relies on signing and encryption methods that
are optional components of deployed Ethical worms.
A trade-off is available to be made by the network
administrator for security versus efficiency.
A high security option is available that encrypts
each outgoing packet prior to processing by the
delivery component. This encryption ensures that
not only is the payload data protected from sniffing
attacks while in transit over the network, but also
that payloads encrypted with the trusted key are the
only ones that can be executed on each node. The
encryption is based on public/private key encryption
with each node in the system having a list of
acceptable public keys from which to accept
IP Protocol: UDP
Source Port: dynamic
Destination Port: 55
Addressing Method: 1:m Broadcasting
Packet Payload: dynamic packet length
based on tuning parameters suited towards
a specific network outbreak.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies