Fotis Lazarinis
Department of Applied Informatics in Management & Finance
Technological Educational Institute, Mesolonghi 30200, Greece
Keywords: Web searching, search engine evaluation, web queries, Greece.
Abstract: This paper presents an initial analysis of a large log of Greek Web queries. The main aim of the study is to
understand how users form their queries. The analysis showed that users include terms of low
discriminatory value and form their queries in various non lemmatised forms. Lower case queries are the
most common case, although several query instances are in upper case. Accent marks are usually left out by
query terms. These conclusions could be utilized by local and worldwide search engines so as to improve
the services offered to the Greek Web community and to users of other morphologically complex natural
Searching the Web is a daily activity of almost all
Internet users. Users form their queries in various
manners and it has been argued that this may depend
on the nationality and cultural background of the
user (Jansen and Spink, 2005). There is a growing
body of research examining the search patterns of
users of predominantly US search engines
(Silverstein et al., 1999; Jansen & Pooch, 2001;
Spink et al., 2002). All these studies focus on
understanding about what topics people search for
and how short or long are their queries. Clearly this
is important, as search engines could be refined
based on their findings. However one of the
limitations of these studies is that they focus mainly
on English Web queries or more general in queries
based on the Latin alphabet. In languages with
different alphabets, like Greek or Russian or Arabic,
additional difficulties could be raised by the way
users form their queries. In these languages
capitalization or diacritics in query terms plays an
important role in relevance of documents (Moukdad,
2004; Bar-Ilan & Gutman, 2005, Lazarinis, 2005;
Lazarinis, in press).
In this study we focus on the Greek language and
try to understand how users form their Web queries.
By identifying the query patterns we will eventually
be able to suggest improvements to search engines
so as to better adapt to and handle Greek queries.
The findings of our statistical analysis may be
directly applicable to other languages with non Latin
alphabets, and noun, adjective and verb declensions.
2.1 Data Collection
The query data were obtained from four Greek
academic institutions. The user search strings of
specific departments are accessible via the Web and
they were analyzed statistically in our study. Data of
the last 12 months (November 2005-October 2006)
were assembled to form our user query data
collection. These queries were redirected to Google
or Yahoo through the local search engines of the
academic departments. Queries were submitted by
members of the Academic staff and by students.
In total, 48 html files were examined containing
211,172 unique queries. 205,474 of these search
strings were in English and the remainder 5,698
queries were in Greek. In some cases the Greek
queries contained English terms as well. In the
following sections we focus on and analyze the
Greek search strings.
2.2 Data Analysis
The html files contained the query strings and some
statistics. We did not analyze or utilize the existing
statistics which focus mainly on the number of times
Lazarinis F. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 404-407
DOI: 10.5220/0001277104040407
and on the time and the date a query has been
submitted. Motivated by some of our previous work
on the theme of Greek Web retrieval (Lazarinis,
accepted) and the work of Jansen and Spink (2005),
we analyzed the data from a number of different
angles. The data analysis and the conclusions of
each test are presented below.
2.2.1 Query Length
As seen in Table 1, the majority of queries (66.95%)
contain 2 or 3 words which is an indication that
users are aware that 1-word queries are usually too
broad to retrieve reliable results. On average, each of
the 5,698 queries is consisted of approximately 2.47
terms, i.e. 14096 in the 5,698 queries.
Table 1: Lengths of Greek queries.
Number of words Number of queries
n %
1 1,005 17.64
2 2,275 39.93
3 1,540 27.03
4 619 10.86
5 178 3.12
6+ 81 1.42
2.2.2 Lower and Upper Case
Capitalization of query terms is an important factor
in retrieval of Web documents. Lazarinis (submitted)
showed that international search engines like Yahoo,
MSN and even Google, retrieve different numbers of
pages with different precision in lower and upper
case queries. In our sample, 1,028 (18.04%) queries
were in upper case and 4,670 (81.96%) were in
lower case or in title case (i.e. first letter of each
word was capitalized). There was no difference in
the distribution of query lengths in upper and lower
case so as to make any valid inference. However it
seems that upper case queries are finer grained as
they are usually abbreviations or titles or person and
organization names. In these cases retrieval is
probably more effective.
In any case, the percentages of lower and upper
case queries show that although users search using
lower case terms mostly, a considerable number of
queries are in upper case. In English Web searching
there is no differentiation between results in upper
and lower case queries. In Google and Yahoo, for
example, the queries “Ancient Athens” and
“ANCIENT ATHENS” retrieve the same number of
Web documents ranked identically. However, in
Greek the queries “Αρχαία Αθήνα” and “ΑΡΧΑΙΑ
ΑΘΗΝΑ” retrieve different numbers of Web pages
and therefore it is up to the Greek users to run the
queries in both forms to get the maximum number of
relevant documents.
2.2.3 Accent Marks
The Greek language is a morphologically complex
language compared to English and to some of the
European languages which are based on the Latin
alphabet. Modern Greek words use accent marks and
umlaut in vowels in lower case letters. In capital
letters accent marks are not regularly used.
It has been reported that when diacritics are
absent, precision drops significantly in Web
searching (Lazarinis, accepted). Table 2 illustrates
that 46.21% of the lower case queries contain at
least one word without accent marks and that more
than 1/4 of the query sample are typed entirely
without accent marks. 5,251 out of the total 11,700
(44.88%) words of the lower case queries had no
Table 2: Number of user queries without diacritics.
Queries with all words
without diacritics
Queries with at least
one word without
1,542 – 27.06% 2,633 – 46.21%
The problem is more serious in the case of
umlaut. By searching the query sample we found 6
variations of the word “Ευρωπαϊκή” (European). 5
of these variations were typed without umlaut. This
is maybe to user lack of knowledge of how to input
umlaut in vowels. In any case it influences
negatively the recall and relevance of pages. For
instance, in Yahoo the word “Ευρωπαϊκή” retrieves
1,250,000 pages, the termΕυρωπαική” 33,400 and
the term “Ευρωπαικη” 32,300 pages. In the latter
two queries relevance in the first 10 results is
significantly lower than the normal form. Google
has identified this difference and retrieves the same
pages in all three variations.
2.2.4 Lemmatised Form
The query “Bookshop New York” retrieves pages
having as matching terms the words “Bookshops”,
“Book”, “Books” and “Bookstore” in Google. In
other words synonyms and lemmas of a word are
matched to the query terms to help the searcher
locate more relevant pages.
Nouns, adjectives, verbs and even first names
have conjugations in Greek (nominative, genitive,
etc). Lemmatization involves the reduction of words
to their respective headwords (i.e. lemmas). For
example, the terms “speaks” and “speaking”,
resulting from a combination of a sole root with two
different suffixes (“s” and “ing”), are brought back
to the same lemma “speak”.
With the aid of a dictionary we calculated that
4,135 lower case queries were not in lemmatised
form (Table 3). The percentage is lower in upper
case queries (31.03%) as most of these terms are
abbreviations or person and organization names (see
Table 3). Subtle differences in queries (e.g.
Πανεπιστήμιο Αθήνας”, “Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών” –
University of Athens) are capable of differentiating
the retrieved pages in Google, Yahoo and in the
other international and even national search engines,
which supposedly have a better understanding of the
Greek language.
Table 3: Number of non lemmatized queries.
Lower case queries in
non lemmatised form
Upper case queries in
non lemmatised form
4,135 – 88.54% 319 – 31.03%
Lemmatization would be quite helpful in Greek
Web searching since most of the queries and
obviously Web pages are not in lemmatised form
and their matching is apparently not possible.
2.2.5 Stopwords
Stopwords are the terms which appear too frequently
in documents and thus their discriminatory value is
low (van Rijsbergen, 1979). Elimination of
stopwords is one of the first stages in typical
information retrieval systems. In English Web
searching stopwords are removed or they do not
influence the retrieval process significantly.
Stopword lists have been constructed for most of the
major European languages (see http://snowball. for example) and they could be utilized
by search engines. Such a listing does not exist for
the Greek language. Usual candidates of the
stopword list are articles, prepositions and
conjunctions (Baeza-Yates & Ribeiro-Neto, 1999).
Using all 5,698 lower and upper case queries we
identified the articles, prepositions and conjunctions
existing in our query collection. Such common
words exist in 1,516 queries. That is 26.61% of the
queries contain common words. These words
occurred 2,032 times within these 1,516 queries.
Thus they account for the 14.42% of the total words
of the Greek queries.
These statistics indicate that users do utilize
common words in their queries and therefore the
construction of a Greek stopword list and its
application to Web retrieval should be further
2.2.6 Other Issues
Although the analysis of the data is still in progress,
the most important issues were discussed above. A
number of other issues were also identified by
observing the user queries but they have not been
thoroughly examined as yet.
A number of queries in the English part
contained the string “www” or were in a semi url
form. For instance, a user typed the query “travel to”. This is an indication that some users are
not competent in search engine usage. Proper
training or presentation of proper examples on the
search engine’s page could help users work out their
By inspecting the first 100 queries of the sample
we located 3 spelling errors. We run these queries in
Google and we got either no results or pages with
the same spelling errors as in the query. International
search engines aid English users even in spelling
errors with “Did you mean” tips. For instance,
Yahoo presents the message “Did you mean:
confidentiality” if a user types the word
“confidentiallity” in its searching box.
In 12 Greek queries the “*” wildcard was used at
the end of the query. As known, users get no
additional results if they use wildcards. Additionally,
the wildcard was not properly used as a space was
included between the wildcard and the last word.
This observation, along with the inclusion of “www”
in the queries, is an indication that a few search
engine users are confused and therefore training is
“GreekEnglish” is a term shared among Greek
Internet users. It refers to the typing of Greek words
using English characters. For example, the word
“Athina” in GreekEnglish, is the word “Αθήνα” in
Greek and “Athens” in English. GreekEnglish
originates from the time Greek were not supported
in some operating systems or in e-mail clients and it
was invented as a communication means so as to
assure readability. Several users still follow this
logic. We observed several instances of
GreekEnglish queries in our sample. However, it
cannot be decided whether it was a conscious action
or this behavior results, again, from user
misconceptions about the ability to use or not Greek
characters in searching. Advanced options such as
site or file specification were sporadically detected.
However, we cannot derive valid conclusions from
this finding since queries are submitted to Google
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
and Yahoo through the local search engine. So
advanced options are not immediately visible and
available to these users.
This paper presents the initial analysis of a large
query log. Although the analysis is not complete as
yet some important findings resulted from this study.
It is easily understood that Greek users include
common words and form their Web queries in
various declensions. Lower case queries are the most
common case, although several query instances were
in upper case. Accent marks are usually left out. By
observing the queries we realized that, as
anticipated, users do some spelling errors and they
erroneously use wildcards and other not proper
characters or strings.
These facts affect negatively Web searching
using Greek terms. Some of these problems have
been effectively dealt by Google. However the
techniques which could substantially reduce user
effort and have already been applied in English
searching are not adapted to the Greek language.
Probably similar problems are faced by other non
Latin users. Search engines should try to value these
natural languages. One way to achieve this is
through the user queries.
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