Giorgos Andreou, Phivos Mylonas and Kostas Karpouzis
National Technical University of Athens
Image, Video and Multimedia Laboratory
Iroon Polytechneiou 9, Zographou Campus, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Personalization, Collaborative Filtering, MPEG-21, Digital Item, Network Management Adaptation.
Abstract: In this paper we present an integrated framework for personalized access to interactive entertainment
content, using characteristics from the emerging MPEG-21 standard. Our research efforts focus on
multimedia content presented within the framework set by today’s movie content broadcasting over a
variety of networks and terminals. This work contributes to the bridging of the gap between the content and
the user, providing end-users with a wide range of real-time interactive services, ranging from plain
personalized statistics and optional enhanced in-play visual enhancements to a fully user- and content-
adaptive platform. The proposed approach implements and extends a well-known collaborative filtering
approach; it applies a hierarchical clustering algorithm on the data towards the scope of group modelling
implementation. It illustrates also the benefits from the MPEG-21 components utilization in the process and
analyzes the importance of the Digital Item concept. Finally, a use case scenario is presented to illustrate the
entire procedure. The core of this work is the novel group modelling approach, on top of the hybrid
collaborative filtering algorithm, employing principles of taxonomic knowledge representation and
hierarchical clustering theory. The outcome of this framework design is that end-users enhance their
personalized viewing experience.
In the new era of interactive public and home
entertainment, a new generation of content
consumers has been born and is currently confronted
with a series of technological developments and
improvements in the digital multimedia content
realm. Multimedia standards such as MPEG-4
(MPEG-4, 2001) and MPEG-7 (Sikora, 2001),
provide important functionalities, however,
personalized filtering of the content, provided it is
accompanied by corresponding metadata, is out of
the scope of these standards, motivating heavy
research efforts and the emerge of MPEG-21
(MPEG-21, 2002).
Multimedia content retrieval and filtering in the
last decade has been influenced by the important
progress in numerous fields such as digital content
production, archiving, multimedia signal processing
and analysis, as well as information retrieval. One
major obstacle, though, such systems still need to
overcome in order to gain widespread acceptance, is
the semantic gap (Smeulders, 2000). This refers to
the extraction of the semantics of multimedia
content, the interpretation of user information needs
and requests, as well as to the matching between the
two. This obstacle becomes even harder when
attempting to access vast amounts of multimedia
information and metadata contained within a movie.
Our efforts resulted in an integrated framework,
offering transparent, personalized access to
heterogeneous multimedia content, using
characteristics from the emerging MPEG-21
standard. This approach contributes towards
bridging the gap between the semantic nature of user
needs and raw multimedia documents (as expressed
by movies), serving as a management mediator
between end-users and movie repositories. Its core
contribution relies on the fact that it provides a
personalized delivery of content over heterogeneous
networks and terminals, using the core functionality
of the MPEG-21 standard and providing the missing
link for an integrated personalized interactive
experience. The latter is achieved by utilizing the
notion of an MPEG-21 Digital Item (Papaioannou,
2004), using it to encapsulate personalization-useful
Andreou G., Mylonas P. and Karpouzis K. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology, pages 222-227
DOI: 10.5220/0001277502220227
information at the multimedia content level and not
at the level of terminal or system. In this context, a
user is any entity that interacts with or makes use of
a Digital Item. A hybrid collaborative filtering
method is then applied, based on this unified
knowledge model and multimedia documents (i.e.
movies) are clustered according to their ratings
through clustering on their features. Future user
requests are then analyzed and processed to retrieve
movies from the framework’s repository, according
to the underlying user preferences.
It should have been obvious by now that
watching multimedia entertainment content at home
or in public tends clearly to be a social activity. So,
adaptive content providers and consumers need to
adapt content to groups of users rather than to
individual users. In this paper, we discuss a hybrid
strategy for combining individual user models to
adapt to groups, which is basically inspired by the
Social Choice Theory, i.e. how humans select a
sequence of items (e.g. movies) for a group to
watch, based on data about the individuals
preferences. The latter offers the possibility of
personalized viewing experiences, based on features
that pre-exist in the information accompanying each
multimedia item/movie. In our framework,
information on movie characteristics is derived from
the Internet Movie Database (IMDB).
The structure of this paper is as follows: Section
2 provides a high level overview of the proposed
framework, focusing on its structure and data
models. It also describes the notions of
Collaborative Filtering (CF) and Hierarchical
Clustering, together with a brief introduction to the
MPEG-21 Digital Items and the herein utilized use
case scenario. Section 3 describes in detail the
proposed hybrid collaborative filtering approach,
based on hierarchical clustering applied on the
movies’ features. Continuing, section 4 discusses the
basics of the MPEG-21 Digital Item utilization,
followed by the corresponding resource adaptation
within the proposed framework. Finally, in section 5
our basic conclusions are drawn.
The proposed framework is illustrated in Figure 1
and involves a variety of user terminals and
networks, such as PDAs, PCs, Set-Top-Boxes,
HDTVs, as well as Mobile Devices over UMTS,
GPRS, or GSM networks. Content adaptation to this
kind of terminals is performed according to the so
called “create once publish everywhere” principle,
adapted to the targeted network and terminal prior to
transmission, to allow for efficient display and
manipulation on the end-user side.
On top of that, reusability of the content and the
respective intellectual property rights (IPR) must
also be retained throughout the complete process.
These two additional requirements can be dealt
successfully via the inclusion of concepts presented
within the emerging MPEG 21 framework. Figure 1
shows only an overview of the higher-level
information flow, between the different framework
components. The reader is encouraged to find a
detailed description of the complete process level
architecture framework in (Papaioannou, 2004).
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed framework.
The basic idea is that content is adapted to the
different terminals and transmission networks
targeted by the proposed framework and then
delivered via the respective transmission channels.
In the case of TCP/IP and GPRS/UMTs/GSM
broadcast, the video is streamed in MPEG-4 over an
MPEG-2 Transport Stream. The video resolution is
then reduced to fit the lower transmission and
playback capabilities of mobile terminals. As a
result, different versions of the content are prepared
for delivery, in order to enable personalization
In the context of bridging the gap between the
content and the user and providing personalized
interactive services, we implement and extend a
widely-known Collaborative Filtering (CF)
technique. Collaborative Filtering is the method of
making automatic predictions or filtering about the
interests of a user by collecting preference
information from a larger pool of users (Pennock,
1999). The underlying assumption is that users who
agreed in the past, tend to agree again in the future.
In the case of a collaborative filtering system for
multimedia content preferences one could make
predictions about which movie a user should like
given a partial list of that user's preferences. These
predictions are specific to the user, but use
information gleaned from many users.
Most variations of collaborative filtering
Local Cable
TV Network
Digital TV
Content Preparation
and Adaptation
Video Content
Mobile Devices
Cable Set-
Merging Unit
algorithms take two steps:
1. Look for users who share the same rating
patterns with the active user (the user who the
prediction is for).
2. Use the ratings from those like-minded users
found in step 1 to calculate a prediction for the
active user.
In the age of information explosion such
techniques can prove very useful as the number of
items in multimedia content (such as music, movies,
news, etc) have become so large that a single person
cannot possibly view them all in order to select
relevant ones. On the other hand, relying solely on a
scoring or rating system which is averaged across all
users ignores specific demands of a user, and its
outcome may be particularly poor in tasks where
there is large variation in interest, like movie
recommendation. Consequently, other methods to
combat information explosion must aid in the
process and in the scope of this work we focused on
one of them, i.e. hierarchical data clustering.
The essence of clustering data is the
classification of similar objects into different
homogeneous groups, based on the values of their
attributes. More precisely, data clustering is the
partitioning of a given data set into subsets
(clusters), so that the data in each subset share some
common trait according to some defined distance
measure. In general, clustering of data is still
considered an open research issue, basically because
it is difficult to handle in the cases that data is
characterized by numerous measurable features, as
in the case of movies.
Furthermore, the basic architectural concept in
MPEG-21 is the Digital Item (DI). Digital Items are
structured digital objects, including a standard
representation, identification and metadata. In this
context, complex digital objects, as the ones
containing multimedia content feature information
used in the presented hybrid CF approach, may be
declared using the notion and language of a Digital
Item. The usage of the MPEG-21 Digital Item
Declaration Language to represent such complex
digital objects, has introduced benefits to the
proposed framework in two major areas: The
management of the initial content presentation and
the management and distribution of multimedia
content, such as video, images and metadata.
Furthermore, the benefit from the adoption of
MPEG-21 is that every Digital Item can contain a
specific version of the content for each supported
platform. The dynamic association between entities
reduces any ambiguity over the target platform and
the content.
At this point let us assume that the multimedia
content offered to the end-users of the proposed
standalone system contains a set of movies to choose
from. These can be movies whose main genre is
comedy, drama, science fiction, etc. For the sake of
simplicity, we utilize only a part of the IMDB movie
information. More specifically, we take into
consideration only the subset of the following 14
movie attributes: Actor, Actress, Director, Genre,
Language, Location, MPAA Rating, Plot summary,
Producer, Rating, Release Date, Running Time,
Title. Let the end-users have preference ratings over
the set of movies, either for a specific movie or for a
group of movies (i.e. cluster of movies), in the
following 1-10 scale-based manner: 1 is used to
denote a really negative preference, i.e. “really
hate”, whereas 10 denotes a “really like” preference.
The basic problem is which movies the content
provider should offer to new users, given the
preferences of existing users over the set of offered
A simplified example of this situation may be
given as follows: three end-users, John, George and
Mary are already watching their favourite movies:
John has invited his friends at home to watch a
comedy film in his new home cinema, George is
travelling by train and watches his favourite drama
movie in his PDA and Mary is waiting for her turn
in the doctor’s office watching a drama movie on a
Set-Top-Box. All three of them have established
their user preferences for a set of ten (randomly
selected) movies (A to J), that include the three that
are currently viewing. As expected, each end-user
has a different view on the quality of the 10 selected
movies and rates them according to his/her
subjective criteria. A new user, Tom, opens his
personal computer and requests from the content
provider the top movies, according to system’s user
ratings, to select from.
One of the technical novelties introduced in the
proposed framework is the handling of its users in a
personalized manner, by building different profiles
according to their preferences. The system is able to
provide each user personalized multimedia content
according to his/her specific user profile; a
functionality provided considering a hybrid
collaborative filtering methodology, based on
hierarchical clustering on content information
acquired by all participating content material.
In this context, we apply traditional data mining
techniques, such hierarchical clustering on the
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
multimedia content itself (i.e. movies), according to
a predefined set of features. This set includes
movies’ characteristics, such as movie genre,
filming date, movie type, etc and is distinctive of the
content. All this information is encapsulated within
the Digital Item concept of MPEG-21, to ensure
interoperability and robustness of the overall
approach, as well as network and terminal
independency. The latter is achieved through the
adoption of the MPEG-21 standard and the lack of a
single centralized system database; quite on the
contrary, all necessary information is content- and
user-centric, decentralized to all participating user
3.1 Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm
The first step in identifying the suitable set of top
ranked movies in the system is to cluster them
according to the set of features under consideration.
This step is necessary in order to identify
homogeneous patterns in the movie data set, that
will aid in the personalization process in terms of
selection speed and quality. For the sake of space,
the design principles of the hierarchical clustering
algorithm used are omitted herein. In the remaining
of this section, we examine the implementation of
the proposed hierarchical clustering algorithm using
system’s movie data set and the Euclidean distance
The clustering algorithm has been applied to a
small portion of the data set, namely a 10% of the
overall movies; it contained 100 elements (movies),
characterized by 14 meaningful features. These
features have been considered appropriate for the
personalization process and were selected a priori by
a group of experts. Identified clusters define specific
interests and preference information. These clusters
are useful in producing collaborative
recommendations of the multimedia content to the
end-users at the later request stage. Results are
shown in Table
1 (clustering step terminating in 3, 5
and 9 movie clusters, respectively).
Table 1: 100 movies results – 3, 5, 9 clusters.
Performing the initial clustering on a mere 10%
subset is not only more efficient computationally
wise, it is also better in the means of quality and
performance, when compared to the approach of
applying the hierarchical process to the whole data
set. Although clustering over this 10% of the data set
resulted in different possible identifiable clusters,
optimal results have been obtained for a number of
nine clusters, as indicated in Table
3.2 Collaborative Filtering
Our CF algorithm recommends movies to the active
user based on the ratings to the previously clustered
movie titles of n other users. It is summarized in the
following principles:
i. Let the set of all movie titles be M and the
rating of user i for title j as
rj. The function
rj M→ℜ maps titles to real numbers
or to
, the symbol for “no rating.”
ii. Denote the vector of all of user i’s ratings for
all titles as
iii. Denote the vector of all of the active user’s
ratings as
iv. Define
NR M to be the subset of titles that
the active user has not rated, and thus for which
we would like to provide predictions. That is,
title j is in the set NR if and only if
Then the subset of titles that the active user has
rated is M-NR.
v. Define the vector
rS to be all of user i’s
ratings for any subset of titles
, and ()
vi. Finally, denote the matrix of all users’ ratings
for all titles simply as
r. In general terms, a
collaborative filter is a function
f that takes as
input all ratings for all users, and outputs the
predicted ratings for the active user:
( ) ( ( ), ( ), ... , ( )) ( )
rNR frM rM rM fr
where the
rM ’s include the ratings of the active
End-users have preference ratings over the set of
clustered movies in the following 1-10 scale-based
manner: 1 is used to denote a really negative
preference, i.e. “really hate”, whereas 10 denotes a
“really like” preference. The basic problem is which
movies should the content provider offer to new
users, based on the ratings of existing users.
Following this principle, we provide an example of 3
individual user ratings over the identified 9 clusters
on the subset of 100 movies, as depicted in Table 2:
100 movies/3 cl. 100 movies/5 cl. 100 movies/9 cl.
Cl. El. Cl. El. Cl. El.
17 1
11 1
38 2
14 2
45 3
19 3
25 4
31 5
Table 2: Example ratings for a group of viewers – MC:
Movie Cluster.
Many strategies, also called “social choice rules”
or “group decision rules” have been devised for
reaching group decisions given individual opinions.
The one followed herein originates from the Social
Choice Theory and will be illustrated with the
example introduced above. Table 3 shows the
“group preference ranking/rating” resulting from the
strategy, a sequence indicating in which order movie
clusters would be chosen. When a new end-user
requests a movie rating. In this approach, utility
values for each alternative are used, instead of just
using ranking information as in other approaches
(e.g. in the “plurality voting” approach). More
specifically, ratings are added, and the larger the
sum the earlier the alternative appears in the final
movie rating sequence.
3.3 Personalization using MPEG-21
According to the previously analyzed methodology,
the system provides end-users with the possibility to
see only movies and information about movies that
they are interested in. One flexible way to perform
content personalization is to filter the content that is
streamed to the client. In the case of a STB display,
since the same content is broadcast to all clients,
filtering should occur at the client side, i.e. on the
STB. Mary is watching a drama movie before its
presentation. The MPEG-21 framework is used for
personalization and content filtering in the following
way: Mary’s STB contains an MPEG-21 DIA
Description that specifies her user preferences on
content. When her user terminal receives multimedia
content, this is filtered according to its genre and
Mary’s user preferences indicated in the DIA
The main issue is to find a way to transport
synchronously multimedia content and its associated
metadata indicating its genre, in order to make sure
that the multimedia content is not received before its
description. One way to achieve this is by grouping
the multimedia content and its genre within a DID,
and to stream the complete DID to the clients. In the
case of Mary, it safe to assume that this DID
indicates that the multimedia content belongs to the
genre “Drama”. Obviously, according to the user
preferences of a “Comedy”-based DIA Description,
the multimedia content will be filtered out by the
client terminal and therefore not displayed, whereas
in the case of a “Drama”-based DIA Description
preferences, it will be promoted and presented to
Mary. The same applies to
John and George at home
and on a train, respectively.
The task of creating a robust architecture framework
for creating and delivering of diverse multimedia
content has been in the past and currently continues
to be an ambitious mission. As discussed, MPEG-21
introduced the Digital Item, whose basic concept is a
container for all kinds of metadata and content. The
general structure of a DI is provided by a Digital
Item Declaration (DID) (MPEG-21), which is that
specifies the makeup, structure and organization of a
DI. In our case, the DIs follow the standardized
MPEG-21 principle elements, where items like
genre and/or user ratings are grouped together into
components that are grouped into a container; a
simplified example of a DI declaration code in XML
is depicted in the following Figure 2:
Figure 2: Example of a Digital Item Description.
User 1
10 4 3 6 10
User 2
1 9 8 9 7
User 3
10 5 2 7 9
User 1
9 6 8 8
User 2
9 6 9 3
User 3
8 5 6 7
<?XML VERSION="1.0" ENCODING="utf-8"?>
<DIDL xmlns="urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:01-DIDL-NS"
didl.xsd" xmlns:dii="urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:01-DII-
<ITEM ID="Movie #1">
<DESCRIPTOR><STATEMENT TYPE="text/plain">Title: The
Genre: Comedy/Drama</STATEMENT></DESCRIPTOR>
Outline: A naive young woman comes to New York and
scores a job as the assistant to one of the city's
biggest magazine editors, the ruthless and cynical
User rating:
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Furthermore, the role of Digital Item Identification
(DII) is not only to propose the way to identify DIs
in a unique manner, but also to distinguish different
types of them. These Identifiers are placed in a
specific part of the DID, which is the statement
element, and they are associated with DIs: DIs are
identified by encapsulating uniform resource
identifiers, which are a compact string of characters
for identifying an abstract or physical resource. The
elements of a DID can have 0, 1 or more descriptors;
each descriptor may contain a statement which can
contain an identifier relating to the parent element of
the statement. Besides the references to the
resources, a DID can include information about the
item or its parts.
In the case of linked resources, a Digital Resource
Provider decides which variation of the resource is
best suited for the particular user, based on the
user’s terminal capabilities, the environment in
which the user is operating and the available
resource variations. In our use case scenario, for
example, where George views his favourite drama
movie travelling on a train, i.e. a streaming media
resource, adaptation will depend on the available
bandwidth, screen size, audio capabilities and
available viewer software in his PDA terminal.
Digital Item Adaptation (DIA) is the key element
in order to achieve transparent access to distributed
advanced multimedia content, by shielding end-
users like George from network and terminal
installation, management and implementation issues.
The latter enables the provision of network and
terminal resources on demand to form user
communities where multimedia content can be
created and shared, always with the
agreed/contracted quality, reliability and flexibility,
allowing the multimedia applications to connect
diverse sets of users, such that the quality of the user
experience will be guaranteed. Towards this goal the
adaptation of DIs is required. In the context of the
described platform, dynamic media resource
adaptation and network capability negotiation is
especially important for the mobile paradigm (the
George/PDA paradigm) where users (George) can
change their environment (i.e. locations, devices etc)
dynamically (e.g. get off the speeding train or
request the same content for his mobile phone as
well). MPEG-21 addresses the specific requirements
by providing the discussed DIA framework.
The core contribution of this work has been the
provision of an integrated framework for
personalized access to heterogeneous interactive
entertainment multimedia content, using
characteristics from the MPEG-21 standard. It
contributed to the bridging of the gap between the
raw content and the end-user over a variety of
networks and terminals. This is accomplished by
implementing a novel collaborative filtering
approach and by utilizing a hierarchical clustering
algorithm towards the scope of group modeling
implementation, illustrating at the same time the
benefits from the use of MPEG-21 standard
components, such as DIs. Finally, a real-life use case
scenario is presented to illustrate its efficacy.
IMDB, The Internet Movie Database,
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11/N3382 14496-1:2001
PDAM2 (MPEG-4 Systems), Singapore.
MPEG-21 Overview v.5, 2002, ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC29/WG11/N5231, Shanghai.
Papaioannou, E., Karpouzis, K., de Cuetos, P., Karagianis,
V., Guillemot, H., Demiris, A., Ioannidis, N., 2004,
MELISA – A Distributed Multimedia System for
Multi-Platform Interactive Sports Content
Broadcasting. In Proceedings of EUROMICRO
Conference, pp. 222-229.
Pennock, D.M., Horvitz, E., 1999, Analysis of the
axiomatic foundations of collaborative filtering. In
AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for
Electronic Commerce, Orlando, Florida.
Sikora, T., 2001, The MPEG-7 Visual standard for content
description - an overview. In IEEE TCSVT, SI on
MPEG-7, 11(6):696-702.
Smeulders, A.W.M., Worring, M., Santini, S., Gupta, A.,
Jain, R., 2000, Content-Based Image Retrieval at the
End of the Early Years. In IEEE TPAMI, vol. 22, pp.
Table 3: Example group ratings for a new user – MC: Movie Cluster.
User 1
10 4 3 6 10 9 6 8 10
User 2
1 9 8 9 7 9 6 9 3
User 3
10 5 2 7 9 8 5 6 7
21 18 13 22 26 26 17 23 20
Group Rating
(MC5, MC6), MC8, MC4, MC1, MC9, MC2, MC7, MC3