Message Security 1.0, 2004) (Web Services
Security: X.509 Certificate Token Profile, 2004)
(Web Services Security: Username Token Profile
1.0, 2004) (Microsoft Web Services Enhancements
(WSE) 2.0 and 3.0 for .NET) (XML and Web
Services Security).
While WSS enhances the security of web
services, people may be concerned with its
performance overheads. The overheads can come
from: (a) extra CPU times to process WSS-related
elements/operations at both client and services ends;
(b) longer networking times to transport larger
SOAP messages due to additional WSS contents.
(Tang, Chen, Levy, Zic and Yan, 2006)
In our previous paper (Tang, Chen, Levy, Zic
and Yan, 2006), we evaluated the performance of
WSS by benchmarking a web service with and
without applying the WSS basic security policies, i.e.
encryption, signature, and authentication, and their
combinations. We observed that both encryption and
signature added significant performance overheads
to web services, as there are little performance
differences between using user names and X509
certificates. These observations motivate and guide
us to develop a simple performance model for WSS.
In this paper, we present the development and
validation of the simple WSS performance model.
Based on the observations in our previous paper
(Tang, Chen, Levy, Zic and Yan, 2006), we extend
the existing web services performance model (Chen,
Yan, Zic, Liu and Ng, 2006) by adding the extra
overhead for each basic WSS security operations
into the performance model. As fitting the
parameters on one testing environment, we validate
our performance model on another different
environment with different messages sizes and WSS
security policies. Our testing results show that our
performance model is valid and can be used to
predicate the performance of web services with a
variety of WSS configurations.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 gives an overview of WSS and
introduction to the web services performance
modelling in (Chen, Yan, Zic, Liu and Ng, 2006).
Section 3 discusses how to extend the existing web
services performance model for WSS. In Section 4,
the benchmark and approaches used for fitting the
parameters in our performance are described in
Section 4. We also discuss some observations found
during the tests in Section 4. We present the results
of the validation in Section 5 and conclude in
Section 6.
2.1 SOAP vs. WSS
SOAP is the core messaging protocol for web
services. A SOAP message is constructed as an
envelope, which consists of a header and a body.
While the body is mandatory and usually is used to
carry application-level data, the header provides a
flexible mechanism as an option to compose any
schemas for extensions. One of the OASIS standards
for Web Service Security, WS-Security, leverages
this flexibility to provide security mechanisms that
enhance the message integrity and message
confidentiality. For example, it enables security
tokens, which carry security credentials for
authentication, to be attached to the message and
specify the manner of which the binary tokens are
encoded. (Web Services Security: SOAP Message
Security 1.0, 2004)
By implementing XML Encryption and XML
Digital Signature in association with security tokens,
WSS keeps the sensitive portions of message
confidential from intermediaries and guarantees the
message integrity while the message is on wire
(XML Encryption Syntax and Processing) (XML
Signature Syntax and Processing,). Figure 1 (a) lists
a plain SOAP message from a ‘CustomerService’
web service, while the SOAP message in Figure 1
(b) is captured from the same web service but
deployed with WSS Encryption policy. It can be
seen that the <wsse: Security> element and its
descendants in the encrypted message make the
SOAP message much larger in size than the original
2.2 Performance Modelling of Web
The work done by Dr. Chen and etc (Chen, Yan,
Zic, Liu and Ng, 2006) is a study on web services
performance by evaluating the current
implementations of web services and comparing
them with a number of alternative technologies. A
performance model of Web Services is also
introduced to estimate the web services latencies
(Chen, Yan, Zic, Liu and Ng, 2006).
According to the Modelling analysis in (Chen,
Yan, Zic, Liu and Ng, 2006), the performance of
web service is modelled as follows: