2.3 Major Objectives
Major objectives of the system are as follows:
Povide a general purpose e-Learning
environment for distributed and
internationalized post-graduate education:
Distance learning, distance meeting, multi-
language, synchronous/asynchronous
Provide a variety of distance learning
functions such as Internet interview,
Internet conference, annotation system, on-
line whiteboard.
Provide a powerful authoring feature to
assist the lack of other e-Learning
platforms i.e Integration to such as
Moodle, Blackboard, NetCOMMONS,
WebCT etc.
2.4 System Configuration
The author client computer contacts the server and
downloads the necessary java tools for editing the
course materials. After the program is launched
locally on the author machine, the material data is
downloaded from the server and the author can edit
it on his local machine. This reduces the impact of
network delay on content editing. After editing is
completed, author uploads the updated data back to
the server. In building up the web server and
interfaces, the ease-of-use and ease-of-access are the
optimal goals. In designing the technical aspects of
the system, more attention is given in portability of
the system, and reusability of the learning materials.
In order to achieve minimal platform dependency,
many tools in WebELS have been developed from
ground up using Java programming language. This
allows to realize a portable foundation with rooms
for future expansion. The system attracts
international attention and in use at several sites
rather than NII such as NIG, Tsinhua University,
China, Dhaka University, Bangladesh and so on. As
the software is copyright free, every organization
download the core version and the related source
codes and develop depending on their own
requirement. Recently NII provides three versions of
the system i.e. WebELS Full version. The
conceptual network diagram of the system is shown
in Figure 1. The learning materials are kept and
managed by the server. Authors and students can
access via the Java-enhanced web-based interfaces.
2.5 Functions
WebELS system has three versions, i.e., WebELS
(full version), WebELSx (beginners version) and
WebELS Meeting (Internet meeting system). Full
version was developed first to provide a powerful e-
Learning platform for postgraduate education which
comprises of different modes of operation.
WebELSx is for beginners for further development
according to a real user’s request in a graduate
education at Sokendai, the Graduate University for
Advanced Studies (Vuthichai, 2006 & Gong, 2006).
WebELS Meeting is a software platform for
Internet-based distance meeting and interview, etc.
WebELS consists of two main modes, i.e., Learning
mode and Editing mode. These functions provide
following features. Note that WebELSx is designed
for novice users by means of simplified user
interface, where both functions are combined in a
unified manner.
Asynchronous mode in WebELS is for doing self –
learning by students. The users of learning mode are
classified into two types: guest and specific user.
Guest users can access public contents without
registration in the learning mode. Specific users can
access non-public contents after logging into
learning mode. In the learning mode, contents are
consisted of various types of courses. Each course is
indicated by the title, author, update time, category,
media type, etc. Each course can be displayed on the
computer screen or printed out. The courses in
WebELS can be one (or combination) of the
following primitive types: (1) Formatted text with
different typefaces, colors, languages; (2) Still image
in the following formats: JPG, GIF, and PNG; (3)
Animation such as GIF Animation; (4) Embedded
and On-Demand Streaming sound; (5) Embedded
and On-Demand Streaming Video Clips. There is a
searching function to locate the course quickly.
Usually on WebELS, contents can be presented to
the students using one or combination of the
following delivery modes: (1) A single HTML page;
(2) Multi-page HTML for slideshow presentation.
Each slide may correspond to a SECTION in the
content; (3) Video presentation; (4) Multi-Modal-
Synchronize video presentation with slides, side-by-
side; (5) PDF hardcopy; (6) On-line Internet
meeting. Multi-page HTML is used to divide a
lengthy content into smaller studying units, each can
be finished in a reasonable period of time. A
navigation bar is provided for the users to navigate
through the slides. For efficient content management
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies