Marco Comerio, Flavio De Paoli and Gianluigi Viscusi
a di Milano-Bicocca, via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, 20126 Milano, Italy
Web services, Ontology, Qualities of Service (QoS), Value perspective, Web Service Design Tool.
Web Services are the current most promising technology based on the concept of Service Oriented Computing
that provides the basis for the development and execution of business processes that are distributed over the
network and available via standard interfaces and protocols. Quality of Services (QoS) represents a major
issue that covers the challenges in the service composition area and in the service oriented engineering. In this
paper, we present the Web Services Design Tool (WSDTool). This tool allows the different actors involved in
Web services design to define and address QoS requirements.
Web Services are the current most promising technol-
ogy to make business processes accessible inside and
across organizational boundaries (Papazoglou, 2003;
Khalaf et al., 2006; Leymann et al., 2002). The in-
creasing availability of Web services that offer similar
functionalities underlines the need to augment service
descriptions with a well-defined set of non-functional
properties (NFP) and, in particular, of qualities of ser-
vice (QoS). In fact, even if a service fulfils all of
its functional requirements by providing the required
features, it can still be unacceptable if, for example,
availability is too little, performance is too poor, or
usability does not meet user expectations.
Functional aspects deal with system behavior and
its features. Non-functional requirements deal with a
large number of quite different types of requirements.
Some of those have been deeply analyzed, such as se-
curity (e.g., safety, privacy, and authentication), per-
formance (e.g., throughput, response-time, jitter, and
scheduling) and dependability (e.g., availability, reli-
ability, and robustness). Others, such as usability and
adaptability, are more complex to define and measure.
QoS is grounded in the value system in which
service provision and composition are involved. In
fact, it is related to the improvement of business
perspectives in service design. According to the
Service-Oriented Computing roadmap (Papazoglou
et al., 2006), such a perspective represents a ma-
jor issue that covers the challenges (i) in the ser-
vice composition area (QoS-aware service composi-
tions and Business-driven automated compositions),
and (ii) service-oriented engineering, by focusing on
the real world grounding of the services and on user-
driven design. The latter is important to involve the
different stakeholders of an organization (e.g. man-
agers, business modelers, service designers, etc.) in
the design activity.
In this paper, we present the Web Services Design
Tool (WSDTool) that allows the different actors in-
volved in the design of a Web service to deal with
quality requirements. WSDTool provides a graphi-
cal interface aiming at supporting ontologies manage-
ment and modeling activities. The tool was designed
to primarily guide the execution of the Web Service
Modeling Design (WSMoD) methodology.
The WSMoD approach consists in incorporating
and refining NFP, as well as functional requirements,
along the design process. The advantage of managing
NFP is twofold: achieving at the end of the process,
a ready-to-implement specification, and reducing the
risk of delivering unsatisfactory services.
WSMoD makes use of ontologies to understand,
discover, classify and reason on NFPs that are re-
lated to user constraints, user preferences, technolog-
Comerio M., De Paoli F. and Viscusi G. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 234-239
DOI: 10.5220/0001279602340239
ical features (such as devices and networks), and do-
main characteristics. Ontologies provide a formal or-
ganization of knowledge that is exploited to rational-
ize decision and evaluation processes. In the current
version, we refer to a set of ontologies that were de-
veloped in the MAIS project (Pernici, 2006; Comerio
et al., 2007). These ontologies provide a description,
classification and characterization of services, context
(user and channel characteristics) and QoS.
The methodology is composed of five main
phases. The Service Identification phase specifies,
from a business point of view, the features the service
will offer, and the business constraints. This phase
delivers a complete, informal specification of func-
tional and non-functional requirements. The func-
tional requirements are the input of the Service Mod-
eling phase, which has the goal of defining the func-
tional model of the Web Service. The non-functional
requirements and the functional model are inputs of
the High-Level Re-Design phase, whose goal is to re-
vise, and possibly change, the functional model to in-
clude non-functional requirements. The next phase,
Customization, revises the current design model by
considering a possible context of execution. Finally,
the Web Service Description phase translates func-
tional model into standard WSDL interfaces aug-
mented with quality descriptions in WSOL (Tosic
et al., 2002). In this paper, only the phases dealing
with NFP aspects are considered. For a complete de-
scription of WSMoD, the reader can refer to (Comerio
et al., 2007).
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 mo-
tivates the introduction of a value perspective in the
Web service design and discusses the QoS issue in the
area of the Service-Oriented Computing. Section 3
outlines WSDTool characteristics and functionalities.
Section 4 illustrates the use of WSDTool during the
design process. Finally, Section 5 draws conclusions
and presents future works.
In business interactions, a major issue consists in en-
hancing the business perspective over service provi-
sion, by developing strategies and tools that provide
support in the selection of services according to busi-
ness goals and processes.
In such a scenario, a major challenge is to under-
stand and make explicit the bind of services to busi-
ness processes from a value perspective; this knowl-
edge allows the creation of representations that can
be exploited to evaluate the competitive advantage of
services according to strategic models, such as the
value-chain model (Porter, 1985).
The Service Oriented Computing paradigm is
centered on the relevance of business modeling for
service design and development (Papazoglou et al.,
2000). The analysis of different business models cre-
ates a shared understanding of how business oper-
ates and what kind of services are needed to sup-
port a given process at a given time. Value-based
approaches to Semantic Web Services (Akkermans
et al., 2004) point out the importance of modeling ser-
vices that are grounded in the real world. These ap-
proaches are supported by a value-based perspective
on requirements and engineering (Gordijn and Akker-
mans, 2003), which enhances the relevance of busi-
ness models in service design. The focus on busi-
ness models identifies different layers of service de-
sign, which span from the business domain, where
a service has an outcome, to the technological layer
that concerns the implementation of the Web service.
In each domain, such different layers need a sharable
representation of the involved objects and concepts to
make the relations between them accountable at dif-
ferent levels. Furthermore, since a service scenario
usually involves different organizations, representa-
tions of business domain and implemented Web ser-
vices are needed.
Besides sharable representation of business ob-
jects and business processes, integrated value systems
(Papazoglou et al., 2000) need representations of the
qualities of service that are requested by the actors
involved in the business interaction. These quality is-
sues enhance, according to the business criteria, the
value of a service and improve composition across or-
ganizational boundaries.
At the state of art, ontologies (Guarino, 1998) are
the most suitable way to provide a common represen-
tation of different domains of an organization, and to
support the interactions among organizations. A dis-
cussion on ontologies in the business domain can be
found in (Gailly and Poels, 2005). To express the po-
tentiality of ontologies, let’s consider, for example,
the scenario in which an agent is engaged in a process
to find a location for a new point of sales. The agent
has to communicate the results of the data-collect ac-
tivity to the actors that are involved in the strategic
management to let them verify whether a location fits
certain requirements. This information can be sent
via different delivery channels according to the re-
ceiver’s preferences and available channels (e.g., PC
with Internet connection or cellular phone). An on-
tology can help to support the process; in facts, a ser-
vice needs a semantic representation of the involved
elements, such as delivery channels, organizational
functions (e.g., the management levels and roles), and
types of message required (e.g., unstructured e-mail,
structured data for data base and warehouse).
To the best of our knowledge, the one presented
in this paper is an original effort to combine these
research topics to provide, at design level, an inte-
grated view on the linkage of services to business
processes through a value-chain perspective (Barone
et al., 2006).
The approach is to supply suitable representations
of QoSs to software designers, which develop the
Web services, and to business actors, which (i), as
clients, ask for services that are compliant with their
value activities and (ii), as providers, want to supply
services augmented with rich information about valu-
able qualities associated with their services. In fact,
a major issues in business transactions is the business
commitment (Papazoglou et al., 2000), which is the
result of an agreement between business parties; such
a commitment is based on a contract (implicit or ex-
plicit) where the qualities of services are key factors.
This model should drive the definition of an ontol-
ogy of qualities to deliver a tool that can be exploited
in different phases of a service life-cycle. In this con-
text a critical issue deals with the wide range of prop-
erties that can characterized a QoS (Cappiello et al.,
2004). The WSDTool makes use of an ontology that
includes complete descriptions of quality concepts -
and their relations- to manage non-functional issues
during the design process. Back to the process of
searching a location for a new point of sales described
above, a flexible QoS-based Web Service for message
notification need to be developed. In Section 4, the
design of FlexSend, a delivery service over different
channels, will be discussed as a case study that illus-
trates how WSDTool uses the formal organization of
knowledge provided by the ontology of qualities to
rationalize and improve the design process.
The main objective of the WSDTool is to support the
design of a Web service that involves persons with
different roles and skills: business experts, domain
experts and software designers. Each of these cate-
gories is supplied with suitable interfaces and interac-
tion. For example, the interaction with business ex-
perts, which are often unfamiliar with technology and
tools, should be made as easier and straightforward as
possible by user-friendly editors and tailored presen-
tations. On the contrary, the interaction with software
designers includes more technical interfaces.
The need of creating different perspectives and
views influenced our decision to implement the tool as
an Eclipse plug-in (Eclipse, 2005) . Eclipse provides
the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) for cre-
ating plug-ins and integrating them with the Eclipse
Platform. The possibility to edit views, wizards and
editors makes PDE very effective for the development
of WSDTool features.
To link the different activities performed by the
different actors, ontologies are used as gluing tools. In
fact, on one side, they establish a common vocabulary
and a repository of information that guide the whole
design process. On the other side they collect and or-
ganize the semantic associated with the designed ser-
To support the execution of the WSMoD method-
ology, WSDTool provides for the following features:
Ontology Management: import, Navigation and
Editing of ontologies. In particular, the tool
allows the browsing of the ontology concepts
(classes, properties, relations and instances)
though an advanced 3D graphical interface.
Service Modeling: management of UML dia-
grams to develop models of Web services.
NFP-aware Modeling: integration of the func-
tional model with the non-functional model of a
Web service via graphical manipulation.
QoS Evaluation: guided evaluation of QoS
through graphical interface.
Web Service Description: translation of UML di-
agrams into WSDL and WSOL documents.
Ontology visualization is based on OntoSphere3D
that was chosen for its simple and user-friendly nav-
igation facilities (OntoSphere3D, 2006). The ap-
proach, described in (Bosca et al., 2005), follows two
different principles: (i) increase the number of “di-
mensions” (colors, shapes, transparency, etc.) which
represent concepts features; (ii) automatically select
which part of the Knowledge Base has to be displayed
and the level of detail that has to be used in the pro-
cess, on the base of user direct manipulation of the
scene (rotation, panning, zoom, object selection, etc.)
WSDTool provides three different perspectives
(one for each user role) composed of different views:
Main view: composed of four different panels: the
3D viewer panel for 3D representation of ontolo-
gies; the Relation viewer panel for 3D visualiza-
tion of relations between concepts or instances;
the New service editor panel for editing functional
and non-functional requirements; finally, the QoS
evaluation panel for evaluating of QoS.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Discovery a category for FlexSend.
Tree view: a 2D-tree representation of the ontolo-
gies to search for concepts, by Keyword search ac-
tion, and to create new instances of services, by
New service action.
Property view: a visualization of the properties of
a selected concept or instance to access the quality
evaluation features, by QoS evaluation action.
Modeling view: to create UML diagrams from a
list of requirements and specific UML profiles.
Web Service Description view: to automatically
create WSDL and WSOL descriptions.
To illustrate the features of WSDTool, the design
of a Web service with the WSMoD methodology is
discussed. In particular, the Service Identification
and the Customization phases that mostly involve the
quality issues are examined in detail. As a case study,
the design of a notification service, FlexSend, that de-
livers messages over different channels according to
specific receivers contexts (preferences, device, activ-
ity) is considered.
The Service Identification phase delivers a com-
plete specification of functional and non-functional
requirements from the business point of view. The
work starts with the definition of the FlexSend func-
tional requirements and the creation of a UML use-
cases diagram. Then, the phase proceeds with the
identification of the category of FlexSend by creat-
ing a new instance in the service ontology. WSD-
Tool supports this activity in two ways. In a way,
the user makes use of the keyword search action to
search for categories that are described with particular
keywords. In the FlexSend running case, specifying
”message” as keyword, one of the obtained categories
is Message Delivery Service. The selection of this cat-
egory triggers the visualization of its properties in tree
view, property view and main view.
In the other way, the user browses the service on-
tology with the 3D viewer and the relation viewer to
identify the best category and create the new instance.
As shown in Fig.1, WSDTool supports the browsing
of ontologies by highlighting the elements of interest
while leaving out the others. In a given scene, every
concept is clickable with two different results: a right
click permits the visualization of all the concept in-
stances; a left click navigates through elements main-
taining the current perspective. Starting from a global
view, a left click on the Internet Service concept deter-
mines the scene illustrated in Fig.1. From this scene,
it is possible to select the FlexSend category (Message
Delivery Service), click on it and obtain the relative
properties in the properties view. In particular, WSD-
Tool allows the user to see that each service included
in the Message Delivery Service category is charac-
terized by a set of QoS (e.g., Service Availability and
Service Usability) and it is influenced by the network
and the device on which it is delivered.
Figure 2: New Service Editor.
After service categorization, the business expert
investigates the availability of existing services that
satisfy part of the FlexSend requirements to reuse
them in the new service. This operation can be per-
formed by examining instances of the selected cate-
gory, either through the tree view (concept instances
are visualized as leaves of the tree and marked with
the label “I”) or through the 3D viewer (spheres repre-
senting a concept with at least one instance are char-
acterized by a transparent “halo”). Fig.1 shows that
no instances are available, so the design of a com-
pletely new service is required. The invocation of
new service action activates the new service editor.
Fig.2 illustrate what the business expert sees when
“FlexSend” is inserted as name of the new service.
FlexSend is an instance of Message Delivery Service
so it inherits all the qualities visualized in the “Has
Quality” list. The business expert can change this
QoS list by removing or adding new quality require-
ments. For each quality in the list, WSDTool visual-
ize the related QoS-tree that is created using the de-
pendency relations among qualities specified in the
ontology. Fig.2 shows a Service Performance QoS-
tree in which each quality is labeled as “To be Calcu-
lated” meaning that a process of quality evaluation is
The next step is the identification of the influences
of context characteristics. A Message Delivery Ser-
vice is influenced by the type of network and device
on which messages will be delivered. So, the busi-
ness expert specifies the conceptual devices and net-
works (i.e. high-level specification without techno-
logical details) that can be used by the final users to
interact with FlexSend. As shown in Fig.2, concep-
tual devices for the FlexSend service are PC and Cel-
lular Phone, while conceptual networks are GPRS and
After requirement definition, the FlexSend de-
sign proceeds with the others phases of the WSMoD
methodology. For space reason, we omit to report
details related to Service Modeling and High-level
Redesign phases, so to focus on the Customization
phase, which is an innovative feature of the tool. The
objective is to illustrate how the non-functional re-
quirements are evaluated considering channel profiles
concerning real devices, network interfaces, networks
and application protocols that providers can exploit
for service provisioning. As an example, the evalua-
tion of the Service Performance quality requirement
is discussed. Fig.3 shows that the considered quality
is affected by others, therefore, it must be evaluated
by the composition rules that characterize the quality.
The evaluation process starts with the selection of
a channel configuration. In our example, this opera-
tion consists in the selection of instances of network
and device. Technical characteristics of the available
configurations are reported in technical characteris-
tics list (e.g., Network Transmission Time = 0.8 msec,
Network Delay = 200 msec etc ). The example in
Fig.3 shows the evaluation of Service Performance
with the following channel configuration: Cellular
phone with GPRS. The applied composition rule (an
algorithm in this case) is the one associated with the
quality in the ontology:
1. Evaluate Network Adaptivity using the Tuple
Figure 3: QoS Evaluation Editor.
2. Evaluate Device Reconfigurability using the Tuple
3. Evaluate Service Flexibility using the Simple Ad-
ditive Weighting (SAW) technique;
4. Evaluate Service Execution Time using the Aver-
age method;
5. Complete the process evaluating Service Perfor-
mance using the SAW technique.
For space reason, we omit the description of meth-
ods and techniques involved in Service Performance
evaluation. The reader can refer to (Ardagna et al.,
2005) for a detailed description.
The evaluation of the required qualities in the ac-
tual environment supports the validation of the de-
signing service. The service requirements define
thresholds that the service needs to meet or overcome
(for simplicity, proportional quality dimensions are
considered, i.e. the higher value the better quality).
The chosen configuration can meet the thresholds but
others configurations can provide insufficient values.
Considering these results the business expert can de-
cide to re-negotiate business QoS constraints or to re-
vise the Web service design.
In this paper, we have presented the Web Services
Design Tool (WSDTool) that supports the WSMoD
methodology, an ontology-based approach to address
QoS issues in the design process of Web services. An
innovative features that clearly distinguish WSDTool
from other design IDE is the management of QoS
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
representations that cover different perspectives, from
business to technical.
The business perspective covers the challenges in
QoS-aware service compositions, business-driven au-
tomated compositions and service-oriented engineer-
ing by focusing on the real world grounding of ser-
vices and on user-centered design. This approach is
important to involve the actual stakeholders in the de-
sign activity.
The development of WSDTool is an ongoing
work. The current version provides a partial imple-
mentation of Tree view, Property view and the Main
view. Future works deal with the completion of the
WSDTool with the implementation of Modeling view
and Web Service Description view. To create the Mod-
eling view, we are evaluating the integration of stan-
dard UML 2.0 plug-ins (e.g., Eclipse UML Studio
(Omondo, 2006)). Concerning the creation of the
Web Service Description view, we are working in two
directions: one concerning the creation of a WSDL
and WSOL-oriented UML profile for the automatic
creation of Web service descriptions in WSDL and
WSOL; the other concerning the selection of available
tools that support the required translation. Currently,
we are evaluating UMT (UMT, 2006), a tool that pro-
vides for model transformation and code generation
based on UML models in the form of XMI.
The work presented in this paper has been partially
supported by the European IST project n. 27347
SEEMP - Single European Employment Market-
Place and the Italian FIRB project RBNE05XYPW
NeP4B - Networked Peers for Business.
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