representations that cover different perspectives, from
business to technical.
The business perspective covers the challenges in
QoS-aware service compositions, business-driven au-
tomated compositions and service-oriented engineer-
ing by focusing on the real world grounding of ser-
vices and on user-centered design. This approach is
important to involve the actual stakeholders in the de-
sign activity.
The development of WSDTool is an ongoing
work. The current version provides a partial imple-
mentation of Tree view, Property view and the Main
view. Future works deal with the completion of the
WSDTool with the implementation of Modeling view
and Web Service Description view. To create the Mod-
eling view, we are evaluating the integration of stan-
dard UML 2.0 plug-ins (e.g., Eclipse UML Studio
(Omondo, 2006)). Concerning the creation of the
Web Service Description view, we are working in two
directions: one concerning the creation of a WSDL
and WSOL-oriented UML profile for the automatic
creation of Web service descriptions in WSDL and
WSOL; the other concerning the selection of available
tools that support the required translation. Currently,
we are evaluating UMT (UMT, 2006), a tool that pro-
vides for model transformation and code generation
based on UML models in the form of XMI.
The work presented in this paper has been partially
supported by the European IST project n. 27347
SEEMP - Single European Employment Market-
Place and the Italian FIRB project RBNE05XYPW
NeP4B - Networked Peers for Business.
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