Figure 3: A two-stage worm detection system.
system, the first stage detects worms by using signa-
ture vectors at a low calculation cost. The remaining
flows are sent to the second stage as suspicious flows.
In the second stage, worms are detected from the sus-
picious flows. Because the number of flows analyzed
during the second stage is significantly reduced by
the first stage analysis, the total calculation cost of
the proposed system is lower than that of the conven-
tional detection system. At least one sample of worm
flow is required for the proposed technique to gener-
ate a signature vector. Worms detected in the second
stage are used as sample flows. The system conducts
the process only when the number of the same kind
of sample flows exceeds a constant number or if fixed
time passes from the last process in order to reduce
the signature vector generating cost.
In the same environment as Section 3.3, we eval-
uated the detection performance of two-stage system
using Netsky.P worm. The number of signature vec-
tors finally generated was three. Moreover, when the
number of sample flows was 40 or more, all 314 flows
could be detected in the first stage. Consequently, the
analysis of the 314 Netsky.P flows by the second stage
would not be conducted, the calculation cost could be
reduced by the proposed system.
In this paper, we proposed a time efficient and low
cost worm detection system. The proposed worm de-
tection method evaluates flow similarity by a vector
based on the appearance probability of the byte code
of flow payloads. The evaluation experiment showed
that the method achieves a high detection accuracy
while significantly reducing the calculation cost dur-
ing detection. We also proposed the worm detection
system which uses the above-mentioned method as
the first stage and existing IDS as the second stage.
Through evaluation experiment, we showed that the
proposed system is a highly accurate and a low-cost
worm detection system.
Future work is to use the proposed method alone
to achieve low-cost worm detection. At the same
time, a high accuracy is required. A distributed
scheme, as introduced by (Staniford et al., 2002),
where signatures are shared amongst networks can
further enhance the effectiveness of the proposed
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