experiment going on, more and more evidences are
gained, so the number of suspicious alarms is
Table 2 reports the result of classification on the
second level. During the first days, all the numbers
of the different type alarms are very low, which is
caused by the first level, and it could not
discriminate the anomaly alarms from suspicious
ones widely. However, the following days, all of the
numbers ascend greatly, until reaching stable states.
Conventional approaches of alarm classification are
always caused alarms going into the wrong classes
in the early time especially when the evidences used
to classify are in short. To overcome this
shortcoming, this paper proposes a multiple-level
classification model based on the Demper-Shafer
theory. Experiment on DARPA1999 dataset
demonstrates the superiority of our new approach in
handling this problem.
Although the proposed approach of alarms
classification looks promising, more work needs to
be done such as: 1. how to react the intrusions
relating to the classified alarms automatically? 2.
There are still some indistinguishable alarms and
how to handle them?
This work was supported by Specialized Research
Fund for Doctoral Program of Higher Education of
China (NO.20050217007). In the meanwhile, we
thank the anonymous reviewers for their very
instructive suggestions.
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