M. Kropfberger, R. Tusch, M. Jakab, J. Köpke, M. Ofner
M3-Systems Research Lab, Department of Information Technology, University Klagenfurt, Austria
H. Hellwagner, L. Böszörmenyi
Department of Information Technology, University Klagenfurt, Austria
Multimedia-based guide for stationary and mobile devices, context-awareness, content adaptation, presenta-
tion adaptation, content management.
This paper introduces a Web-based guidance system which offers optimized presentations of sights or exhib-
ited objects on different types of available stationary and mobile consumer devices, possibly running different
operating systems. This is accomplished by adapting both the objects’ content and their presentation to the
current usage context. Content thereby may be encoded in different presentation formats like video, audio,
image, and marked-up text. The usage context embraces a set of properties describing the current usage envi-
ronment of the guide. This includes, for example, the consumer device’s capabilities, its current location, and
the user’s preferences. Both, the content adaptation and presentation services are based on standard Web tech-
nologies for increased interoperability. Finally, the guidance system is augmented with a Web-based content
management and a statistics module, which enable for remote content administration and usage evaluations,
With the emergence of affordable hand-held con-
sumer devices, offering adequate screen resolutions
and enough CPU power for reasonable video decod-
ing, multimedia services are no more limited to pow-
erful stationary devices. Many of these services are
becoming feasible to such mobile devices. Due to the
mobility factor and battery operating times of over
three hours, such a service may be a multimedia-
enriched mobile guide, which, for example, could be
used for exhibitions or touristy regions. Thereby, the
guidance may be supported by context-sensitive us-
age information which is obtained in advance and/or
dynamically during the guiding process.
This paper introduces a Web-based guidance sys-
tem, called M3-Guide in the sequel, which supports
optimized presentations of exhibited objects or places
This work was partially supported by the Austrian
Science Fund (FWF) under project L92-N13 (CAMUS:
Context-Aware Multimedia Services), and by the austrian
network for e-tourism (anet) under project Tourguide für
Web und mobile Endgeräte.
of interest on different available stationary and mo-
bile consumer devices. It does this by adapting both
the objects’ content, as well as their presentation to
the current usage context. Content thereby may be
coded in different presentation formats like video, au-
dio, image, and marked-up text. The usage context
embraces a set of properties describing the current us-
age environment of the guide, including user profile,
device profile, network profile, location, and time.
Context awareness has become a major issue in mo-
bile computing recently. Especially for mobile de-
vices with limited device capabilities (like screen res-
olution, network bandwidth, and computing power),
content and its presentation often need to be tailored
to meet these limitations. This is essentially required
for multimedia presentations which are mostly en-
coded for high screen resolutions with high bit rates.
A number of research contributions address adap-
tation methods and techniques for content and pre-
Kropfberger M., Tusch R., Jakab M., Köpke J., Ofner M., Hellwagner H. and Böszörmenyi L. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 83-90
DOI: 10.5220/0001281100830090
sentation adaptation. For example, adaptation ser-
vices for multimedia content are addressed by the
QBIX intelligent media proxy (Schojer et al., 2003;
Kropfberger and Hellwagner, 2005), the Princess
platform for multimedia service adaptation (Korva
et al., 2001), the Negotiation and Adaptation Core
(NAC) architecture (Lemlouma and Layada, 2004),
the MM4U framework for personalized multime-
dia content (Scherp and Boll, 2005), and especially
within the scope of MPEG-21 Digital Item Adapta-
tion (Bormans and Hill, 2002; Vetro et al., 2006; Dev-
illers et al., 2005; Vetro and Timmerer, 2005; Tim-
merer and Hellwagner, 2005). Web-based presenta-
tion adaptation relying on various markup languages
like HTML, XHTML and SMIL is a quite mature
research topic, extensively addressed in the area of
adaptive hypermedia systems (Brusilovsky, 1996; Bra
and Calvi, 1998; Bulterman et al., 2005; Lemlouma
and Layada, 2003).
All adaptation methods have in common that they
take into account context information in their adapta-
tion steps. The context describes the usage environ-
ment of the application and spans a number of dimen-
sions. These include the user’s profile (e.g., language,
age class, interests), the device’s profile (e.g., screen
resolution, decoding capabilities), the network’s pro-
file (e.g., available bit rate, delay), and the location
and time of content consumption. Context informa-
tion may be partially described by the Universal Pro-
filing Schema (Lemlouma and Layada, 2004), which
is based on CC/PP and RDF (Klyne et al., 2004),
by UAProf descriptors for device capability descrip-
tions (Open Mobile Alliance, 2006), and by MPEG-
21 Usage Environment Description tools of MPEG-
21’s Part 7 Digital Item Adaptation (Bormans and
Hill, 2002).
There are already guidance systems for hand-held
mobile devices which take into account some dimen-
sions of usage context. Two examples of such guides
are the Cyberguide (Abowd et al., 1997) and the Mo-
biDENK (Krösche et al., 2004) guide. However, they
cover only the two dimensions user profile and loca-
tion, but they do not take into account device and net-
work capabilities, and hence they do not adapt content
and presentations dynamically to different networked
and non-networked stationary and mobile consumer
Figure 1 provides a general overview of the M3-
Guide. On the left-hand side it is shown that con-
tent of various types (video, audio, text, image) for
objects of interest can be fed into the system via a
Web-based and hereby platform-independent content
management system (CMS). Content may be stored
in different languages, and associated with predefined
special user profiles like age class, historical insterest,
technical interest, and many more. The Web-based
CMS is accessible from everywhere, and the content
may be managed in parallel by different responsible
Once fed into the system, the content is then
adapted and presented according to the current usage
context. This includes the location, which is either au-
tomatically determined by different technologies like
GPS and Bluetooth (Santner et al., 2006), or manu-
ally captured by entering the number of the current
object of interest. The M3-Guide also adheres to the
user profile containing information about her/his age
class, preferred language, and interests. And finally,
content may be presented depending on the current
time. Thus, messages like “dear visitor, the park is
closing in a few minutes” are displayed right on time.
One major focus of the M3-Guide is the large vari-
ety of networked or disconnected consumer devices.
Networked devices may be wireless mobile phones
using UMTS, and WLAN-connected Pocket PCs, lap-
tops and Tablet PCs. Stationary devices may be strate-
gically positioned info terminals, private Web PCs, or
video walls. All networked devices receive all content
directly from our system, which optimizes it to the
current usage context. This is illustrated by the cen-
tralized adaptation module. Video and audio streams
are adapted to fit to locally available codecs and CPU-
bearable frame and bit rates. Images are resized and
texts are prepared to fit the screens and available
fonts. Further, the whole HTML-based browser appli-
cation including navigation, search forms, and icons
is adapted to match the devices’ capabilities.
Since these devices are usually connected, the
content is up-to-date and content changes in the CMS
are immediately forwarded to the presenting devices.
On the other hand, the CMS is also capable of produc-
ing so called “local dumps” for disconnected devices.
Such dumps can be later stored on memory cards
for mobile phones and Pocket PCs, and on DVDs
for desktop PCs and data terminals running in kiosk
mode. A local dump can also be created for printable
media, where a list of all objects of interest with print-
able content is prepared to allow folder and booklet
Finally, a statistics module logs complete user
sessions and allows periodical statistics on, e.g., fa-
vorite/average content consumption, most used lan-
guages and profiles, average duration of sessions, and
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: The big picture of the multimedia-based guidance system.
stopover times at certain objects of interest. In a net-
worked scenario, the statistics are enhanced by real-
time information about e.g. the number of active ses-
sions, and the current locations of the users. This
knowledge can easily be fed back into the adaptation
system to offer improved content and presentation op-
timizations, and to give suggestions to the users.
The M3-Guide is designed having easy customiza-
tion to different application areas like museums, fairs,
theme parks, touristy regions, or even shopping cen-
ters in mind. As a first evaluation, our system was
successfully introduced to Minimundus (Minimundus
GmbH, 2006), an outdoor theme park in Klagenfurt,
in June 2005.
Minimundus presents over 140 different 1:25-
scale replicas of world-famous buildings like the Eif-
fel Tower, or the Sydney Opera House. In allusion
to "multimedia for Minimundus" we named the guid-
ance application MultiMundus. In MultiMundus, all
140 exhibited objects are covered, and each object
offers at least informative text stories and still im-
ages. 42 of them are enriched with audio and/or video
stories, where a narrator gives in-detail information
about these objects. All texts, audio, and video sto-
ries are available in four languages (German, English,
Italian, and French). For deaf people, audio stories
are also available as videos in Austrian sign language
for these 42 objects.
The park is covered by a WLAN network, such
that rentable or private mobile devices can reach the
main server. Ten rentable devices (see Figure 2) are
available for a small fee. The devices are Linux-based
HP iPAQs 5550 with a ruggedized cover, headphones,
a hand strap, and an input pen on a string.
The Minimundus team has access to the Web-
based content management system and can easily
manage the objects and their content. Live statistics
about the current usage of the devices are also avail-
able, and periodically summarized statistics may be
sent via email. Finally, Minimundus also offers DVDs
with local content dumps in addition to the printed
catalogues, such that visitors are able to enjoy the
MultiMundus presentation even on their private PCs.
Figure 2: The rentable M3-Guide with screen shots.
5.1 Content Management System
The Web-based content management system (CMS)
is designed for easy administration, and hence it is
optimized for content administrators. First, it allows
the insertion, editing, and deletion of profiles (like age
class and historical interest). With the chosen object-
oriented approach, it is possible to use inheritance and
late binding between profiles. For example, there may
be an adult profile, which inherits all objects and con-
tent to an inheriting profile, such as historical. It is
possible to override content from inherited objects. In
that case, a video for the adult profile would be re-
placed by a historically enhanced version. Of course,
it is also possible to retain the video of the adult pro-
file and to add an extra history video into the historical
Second, the CMS enables for the insertion, edit-
ing, and deletion of object content with the follow-
ing subtasks: editing the neighborhood, uploading
videos, uploading audios, uploading images for the
photo gallery module, and a built-in WYSIWYG edi-
tor for marked-up text content.
And third, built-in scripts automatically generate
special info texts based on metadata. Consequently,
each object has a standard text content showing the
year of construction and the country of origin with a
graphical flag.
For consistency reasons, the CMS works on a lo-
cal copy of the repository when updating content.
Therefore, it is possible to propagate changes when
they are submitted, or to propagate them at a specific
time when load on the live system is reduced (e.g.,
at night). For extendability reasons, the CMS is fully
implemented in object-oriented PHP scripts.
5.2 Content Repository with Xml
The M3-Guide’s repository is file-based (see Figure
3), hence it is easy to synchronize, to partially backup,
and to update via shell scripts. It follows a simple
structure, whereas each profile is represented by a
folder, with all objects being subfolders. In these ob-
ject folders, an info.xml file stores the object’s title and
other metadata about the object in all supported lan-
guages. In the MASTER folder, the different content
types (audio, images, movies, and stories) are man-
aged. These subfolders hold either direct language
versions for a single content, or like in the stories
folder each story has its language version folders
with an index.html there.
Figure 3: The content repository structure.
Besides the MASTER folder, each known de-
vice profile creates a subfolder with a cache of its
transcoded and adapted content on demand. As a
result, there are different video versions in differ-
ent resolutions and encodings for different platforms,
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
such as Flash video for Windows-based Web PCs and
MPEG-4 video for Symbian-based smartphones.
5.3 Transcoding Multimedia Cache
Since the M3-Guide supports video and audio play-
back on many different consumer devices like Win-
dows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, Linux-based PDAs,
smartphones, and standard Web PCs, the content has
to be transcoded and adapted to the consumer de-
vices’ capabilities. Since the content is mainly static,
the transcoded content is also subject to caching.
Moreover, many hand-held consumer devices are con-
nected via expensive networks (as e.g., UMTS) on the
one hand, and may be equipped with cheap memory
cards on the other hand. Thus, a live-streaming of
adapted content over expensive networks is not eco-
nomic. Therefore, adapted content should be pre-
cached on local memory cards.
As a consequence, the M3-Guide uses a multi-
level transcoding and caching architecture, where
one or more master Transcoding Multimedia Caches
(TMCs) run on the network and have direct access
to the content repository via HTTP. On the consumer
devices, a client media cache is implemented, which
uses the local memory card as cache storage.
One of the master TMCs performs the transcod-
ing step and, at the same time, stores the results in
its server-side cache. Furthermore, it streams the
transcoded data to the requesting consumer device,
which in turn caches the adapted content locally. Con-
sequently, later requests can be fulfilled from the local
cache, and the master system and network is not used
The TMC is written in platform-independent Perl
and runs on Windows, Linux, and Windows Mobile-
based platforms. Each TMC uses plugins for the
known transcoding formats and caching behavior, de-
pending on the underlying platform. Currently, com-
bining all platforms, the following containers and
codecs are supported: avi, wmv9, 3gp, flv, swf, mpg,
mp4, theora, mp3, ogg.
In principle, the requests to the TMC are HTTP
URLs, and the device-specific parameters are coded
into these URLs. If, for example, the real media
was accessible from a Web server via http://media-
example.com/video.avi (see Figure 4), a M3-Guide
PDA would request this as a Windows Media video
in 320× 240 pixels via
If the local Client Media Cache has no cached ver-
sion stored, it will forward the request to the master
Figure 4: Schematic view of multiple transcoding multime-
dia caches.
TMC1 with the following URL:
The master TMC1 may fulfill the request from its
local cache, it may need to transcode the source of
the video on its own, or it may ask another TMC2 for
transcoding, if no suitable plugin is available.
5.4 Statistics Module
The statistics module manages the collected usage
data and offers different views on it. When the mobile
consumer devices have a permanent network connec-
tion, real-time statistics like the actual usage and the
currently viewed object of a certain device are avail-
Furthermore, offline interval statistics are calcu-
lated on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis and cover
two groups of interests:
data concerning the business: the number of
visitors who used the system; cache capacity
bottlenecks of rented devices; average device
rental time; which objects/contents are frequently,
which ones are rarely consumed; user demograph-
ics (language, age)
technical data, in order to improve the system it-
self: device management like maximum battery
usage time, battery recharge time, and irregular
wear; click analysis of menu structures and navi-
The system performs a separation of information
extraction queries, which are executed on the col-
lected data, and of reports which prepare a busi-
ness ready view for the management. These reports
use textual and graphical output and are delivered as
comma separated ASCII values (.csv), HTML, Latex,
and PDF output. The reports are stored in an archive
and sent to the responsible persons via email.
It is easy to dynamically integrate new queries
and reports without the necessity of difficult system
changes, and all queries and reports are dynamically
parameterizable (e.g., it is easy to adjust the time in-
tervals of reports).
Technically, the statistics module is implemented
in PHP, initiated with cron jobs, and uses phplot for
graphics creation.
5.5 Server Details
The M3-Guide server system uses Apache, PHP5.0,
and MySQL to handle client connections, to process
the repository, and to adapt the content to the current
usage context.
The software is modularly written, so each content
type like audio, video, image and story is handled by
a special module, which itself is triggered by the re-
quest URL from the file-based repository.
When a content module claims responsibility for
a certain content, it prepares a temporary XML repre-
sentation of the application screen (e.g. the thumbnail
view for images, or the text story), where also the con-
tent’s metadata (like the title in the current language)
is extracted from the corresponding info.xml. This
XML output is then processed by an XSLT, which
transforms the XML into a device-specific HTML
code for optimized presentation. This HTML code
is cached and transmitted to the connected consumer
The MySQL database keeps track of currently
connected sessions and their usage contexts. Thus,
it also knows about the specifics of certain hardware
device profile settings such as screen resolution or de-
codable video formats.
Finally, the M3-Guide offers a special exporter,
which crawls through the repository and prepares a
device-specific HTML representation of all available
profiles and objects including their contents. These
local dumps are enhanced by device-specific appli-
cations like an auto starter or a self-extracting Web
browser. These dumps can be distributed on SD-
Cards and DVDs, which may be used on private
Pocket and Home PCs, respectively.
5.6 Supported Mobile Devices
5.6.1 Pocket Pcs with Windows Mobile
For Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs we have de-
veloped a C#/.net application, which offers a full-
screen object presentation by the use of a Pocket In-
ternet Explorer widget and custom video player. All
hardware buttons are reprogrammed and we offer a
library to access the built-in WLAN, GPS, and Blue-
tooth. The HTML content is delivered either locally
from an SD-Card or via WLAN. Additionally, a local
media cache (see Section 5.3) delivers all videos from
the local SD-Card or via WLAN. The navigation ei-
ther works manually via the Quick Navigation (by en-
tering object numbers), or automatically via GPS and
Bluetooth, if applicable (Santner et al., 2006).
The Windows Mobile-based guidance application
can be stored onto an SD-Card, as it is the case for
videos and all other content. After plugging the SD-
Card into a Pocket PC, the M3-Guide application is
started by the operating system automatically.
5.6.2 Pocket Pcs with Linux
For the reference application MultiMundus, we used
Linux-based HP iPAQs 5550 with Familiar Linux, a
well-patched Dillo Web browser, and our own video
player based on our self-developed multimedia library
ViTooKi (Kropfberger and Schojer, 2003). The boot
process was modified in a way that the system al-
ways boots into full-screen mode, without a window
manager, and without any functionality of hardware
buttons. Due to performance reasons, the rentable
devices use a memory card for the local caching of
videos. Thus, the WLAN is not bothered too much
with parallel video streaming. All presentation data
and not yet cached videos are retrieved via WLAN
from the server.
5.6.3 Smartphones with Symbian Os
We have ported the M3-Guide to Symbian 8.0s Series
60 2nd Edition, shipped on an RS-MMC dual voltage
memory card. Since the system is completely HTTP-
based, it is easy to connect via UMTS and hereby
spare the local MMC card. This may offer more up-
to-date information, but will lead to high telephone
Our software launches an Opera Web browser and
then behaves like a Web server, which offers the lo-
cal MultiMundus content. When a video is requested,
our own full-screen video player is started. Videos are
stored as 3gpp containers including MPEG-4 video
and AAC audio streams. The video is resized to
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
176x208 pixels and transcoded to the correct codecs
by our automatic server-side adaptation process. See
the two Nokia 6630 smartphones in Figure 1. The
navigation is realized by manually entering object
numbers and is handled with a HTTP-CGI applica-
Another useful feature is the server-side interpre-
tation of specially formed HTML links which de-
scribe telephone numbers. After clicking such a link,
the Symbian smartphone starts to dial the number.
This enables for a personalized booking of certain ser-
5.6.4 Further Devices
The M3-Guide was successfully tested with various
WLAN-enabled devices such as the Nokia N770 In-
ternet Tablet or the Sony Playstation Portable. After
connecting to the Multimundus WLAN, it was pos-
sible to request the HTML start page via the built in
Web browsers. Video and audio were played back via
built-in players. Of course, the presentation did not
perfectly fit the screen resolutions and other device
capabilities like optimized video codecs, but at least
it was usable out of the box.
5.6.5 Supported Usage Scenarios
Table 1 gives an overview of all supported platforms
and devices, and classifies the support based on three
possible usage scenarios.
Table 1: Supported platforms and devices.
Device profile network
/ un-
network /
local /
iPAQ h5550 with Em-
bedded Linux
Pocket PC with Win-
dows Mobile
Smartphone with
Symbian OS
Nokia 770, Playsta-
tion Portable
WebPC / Infoterminal
The first column depicts the ideal scenario, where
a private (untouched) device may access our M3-
Guide system via a configured network without any
software installation process. We support this for
Windows Mobile-based devices, private Web PCs,
and to some extent (see previous subsection) for the
Nokia 770 and the Sony Playstation Portable.
The two other columns discuss well-prepared de-
vices, where optimized video players are installed and
a custom application is presented in a fullscreen kiosk
mode. The content is either retrieved via a network,
or from a local storage subsystem. In order to reduce
future network load, some devices use a hybrid ap-
proach where content is cached on a local storage sub-
The M3-Guide’s reference application MultiMundus
(see section 4) was introduced to Minumundus Kla-
genfurt in June 2005, and was available there to visi-
tors during the whole remaining operating year 2005
(about four months until the end of October). This
time period was used to evaluate the user acceptance
and performance behaviour of the guidance system,
and to consequently improve the system based on the
obtained evaluation results.
Summarizing the usage evaluation results, such
a location-aware and multimedia-enriched guidance
system is rather a high-end solution for some inter-
ested visitors, who want to consume more informa-
tion than provided by commonly available catalogues
and brochures. For example, in the most frequent
month August, 123 out of about 40.000 visitors rented
the MultiMundus guide, resulting in a rental percent-
age of only 0, 31%. Since there were ten mobile
guides available for rent, and each device was rentable
about three times each day (due to usage and battery
recharging times), the actual rentals also reached only
13, 23% of 930 possible rentals. Thus, two rentable
mobile devices would have been enough on average.
The reasons for these low rental rates are man-
ifold. First, Minimundus did not offer the Multi-
Mundus guides directly at the cash. Instead, the place
of disbursement was separated to the main entry in the
park. Second, Minimundus also offered "old" audio
guides in parallel to our MultiMundus guide. Some
people just wanted to passively listen to spoken text,
rather than to actively read or watch videos. Third, the
MultiMundus guide was more difficult to explain than
it was the case with the audio guides, although the
visitors found that the usability of the MultiMundus
guide was good. As a consequence, the staff respon-
sible for handing out these devices got more and more
lazy with explaining the MultiMundus guide’s usage,
and preferred to hand out the old audio guides. And fi-
nally, the mobile guides were encapsulated in rugged
cases to prevent them from damages on occasional
drops and rains. The rugged cases made the guide
considerably larger and more unhandy to wear.
Beside the low rental rate problem, there were two
more crucial problems related to the used mobile de-
vices. First, the battery life cycles where partially re-
ally short. Many of the used batteries were dead at the
end of the season. And second, the staff who handed
out the devices has occasionally broken some of the
power connectors, when plugging them into the slide-
on receptacles. Sometimes, even the hardware reset
buttons were pushed through and hence those devices
had to be repaired.
CONCLUSION A Web-based and multimedia-
enriched guidance system has been introduced that
customizes both content and its presentation to the
current usage context. Content may include differ-
ent coding and presentation formats like video, audio,
image, and marked-up text, and can be managed by
the means of a Web-based content management sys-
tem. Presentations are based on standard HTML doc-
uments for images and texts, and on custom and com-
monly pre-installed video players for video and au-
dio streams. The usage context plays a central role in
the whole adaptation process. It spans a number of
different dimensions, including the user profile, the
consumer device capabilities, the network capabili-
ties, the location, and the time of content consump-
The presented guidance system was introduced
and evaluated in a local outdoor theme park in 2005,
and was available to visitors of this park over the
whole operating year. Statistical evaluations have
shown that such a multimedia-enriched guide is rather
a high-end solution for some visitors, who want to
consume more content than provided by commonly
available catalogues.
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