For Exploring Emerging Science and Technology
Satoru Fujitani
Faculty of Business Administraion, Mejiro University, 4-31-1, Naka-ochiai, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Tadayuki Kishimoto
Faculty of Human Development, University of Toyama, 3190, Gofuku, Toyama, Japan
Kumiko Iwazaki
The College of Contemporary Society and Culture, Kinjo Gakuin University
2-1723 Omori, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya, Aich, Japan
Keywords: Virtual learning community, Emerging science and technology, Expansive learning activities.
Abstract: The authors have worked with developing and evaluating educational programs dealing with emerging
scientific and technological. The programs promote collaborative learning activities that research and
examine emerging science and technology through interfacing between middle and high school students
with volunteers via websites. Upon abstracting empirical knowledge from the actual experiences of high
school club activities and evaluating the effectiveness of the information system, the learners took the
initiative in uploading what they had learned from their club activities to the websites, received necessary
information from the explanations and queries of the waiting online volunteers, and were ultimately able to
translate that into such activities as presentations on that basis.
Existing science museums have been introducing the
world of science and innovation to learners,
educators, and general visitors, through many
aggressive educational program practices (Hooper-
Greenhill, 1999). But then again, trials of up-to-date
science and technology topics are widely besought
(Bell, 2004). Though professionals' works are very
challenging and absorbing, high disciplinary and the
lack of information inhibit people from
understanding science and technology researches.
The aim of this study was to develop and
evaluate educational programs about such emerging
science and technology. The programs promote
collaborative learning activities that research and
examine emerging science and technology through
interfacing between middle and high school students
with volunteers via websites. In these programs high
school students with a curiosity and interest in
emerging science and technology and involved in
related school club activities engaged in such
activities as studying the latest trends though
resource materials, produced ideas through research
activities including theoretical and laboratory
experimentation, and considered the significance of
emerging science and technology and its various
problems. The goal was a high level of authenticity
in the learning experience derived from
developmental and pragmatic sources of knowledge
attained through the medium of an online
collaborative learning environment. This study
discusses more appropriate educational content and
recommendations in teaching methodology. Such
activities can be understood as an aspect of science
communication (Stocklmayer et al., 2001).
Fujitani S., Kishimoto T. and Iwazaki K. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 346-351
DOI: 10.5220/0001281703460351
2.1 The Aims of this Study and Prior
In recent years, the need for developing social
educational facilities such as science museums and
school educational activities that proactively
incorporate contributions from industry has been
underscored (Ministry of Education, 2002). There
are a great number of studies on ideal collaborative
educational activities between science museums
with schools, and the educational effectiveness of
such (Fujitani et al., 2005). Some have underscored
the existence and significance of science museum
personnel tasked with interactive duties vis-à-vis
Existing science museums have been introducing
the world of science and innovation to learners,
educators, and general visitors. Educational program
in the museum (Ambrose, 1993) is a popular way to
offer learning resources for deeper understandings of
learning resources at the museum. Especially for
museums of science and technology, many
aggressive practices are going on to make sense of
exhibits more effective (Cité des Sciences et de
l’industrie, On-line; The National Museum of
Emerging Science and Innovatio, On-line). Trials of
up-to-date science and technology topics are widely
besought (Bell, 2004). But none have thus far either
engaged in or studied the actual dialog or
communication itself that museum personnel can
provide, particularly in terms of teaching materials
in concert with schools.
Communication in science museums has been
mentioned, but what does that actually mean?
Science museums play a major role in enriching the
opportunities to come into contact with science. The
present study has as its purpose an enrichment of
awareness towards science and technology, and
furthermore a facilitation of an understanding of
core science. Not limited to museum exhibits, this is
achieved with the cooperation of persons long
involved in technological innovation and scientific
fields—volunteers willing to explain various aspects
of science and technology to students—and the
participation of students in that specialized
What is intended is not simply the imparting of
some set of knowledge or technical skills, but an all-
around participation, assessment, and understanding
of science and technology through the two
approaches of narrative and exposition—including
peripheral knowledge, ordinary experiences and
solutions, along with culture—to provide an
alternative viewpoint towards science. The
psychologist S. Bruner has called this “narrative
knowing.”(Bruner, 1986) Narrative has an impact on
our paradigmatic knowing of others, and with such a
paradigm in the background it is easy to construct
reality and understand others (Harlow and Johnson,
1998). Explanations in a scientific format have a
complementary function, and the role that narrative
plays in scientific awareness and understanding
should be noted (Bruner, 1986; Roberts, 1997).
In particular, the present study concerns learning
activities using a collaborative learning environment
deployed through a network to high school students.
The digitized learning activities employing
information devices and a network environment
were designed to teach problem solving methods by:
(1) pursuing authentic questions holding the real
world as the knowledge source, not limited to the
school in which the knowledge sources are teachers
and textbooks; (2) engaging in activities that
transcend such barriers as school and age; (3)
pooling knowledge through collaborative activities
not subject to the restrictions of time and place; and
(4) handling issues that do not easily lend
themselves to formulation (Akahori, 2002).
2.2 Design of Educational Program and
a Website
From this viewpoint on the subject of science
education, we conduct a project that sets a final
target on developing a new way of management of
the educational program in science museum for
stimulating learning activities (Figure 1).
We administer a website ( for the
program. Using the web, science museum volunteers
provide learning resources related to current topics
on science and technology, and learners comprehend
current situation and find their interesting topics to
look into by further online collaborations with
volunteers as experts.
“Science Topics” and “Topics from Newspaper”
deliver topics of choice by each volunteer. Each
volunteer takes advantage of their knowledge and
interests about up-to-date discussing events and
findings on their chosen field and writes down an
article with photos. These supplementary readers
enable support learners to approach read source
materials. “Discussion Area” supports activities
such as further discussion and continuing study for
ACTIVITIES - For Exploring Emerging Science and Technology
learners and volunteers. Some learners should
associate their experiences with another learning
activities or classroom studies. Learners explore
discussion bulletin boards and additional
information web pages for expansive studies.
2.3 Constructing Human Networks
This study mainly concerns improving the
understanding of emerging science and technology
through science museums. First, a group of
volunteers was formed to interface with students.
We held lectures and discussions to exchange
opinions for the sake of those technical specialists
with limited pedagogical experience. The science
museum volunteers from specialized emerging
technological and scientific fields formed the
community that interfaced with high school students
as scientists and technicians.
In order to engage in collaborative learning activities
between learners and volunteers, to abstract
empirical knowledge, and to evaluate the
effectiveness of the information system, an
effectiveness assessment in which learners and
volunteers engaged in coordinated studies and
reviews was conducted. An example follows.
3.1 Outline of the Effectiveness
The pilot assessment is proceeded at a high school
student, 11th graders, in Tokyo in December 2004.
Here shows our procedure about building
learning activity content and assessment methods:
- National Institute of Polar Research in Japan
proposes events and related activities for polar
observation by middle and high school students.
- Volunteers provide comments, opinions, and
information regarding the research activities of the
- Students organize their results using posters or
other formats and written explanations, and
participate in the presentation of the National
Institute of Polar Research.
- After the learning program is concluded, students
create and display a poster of their findings
including the collected comments of the students,
teachers, and volunteers (Figure 2).
3.2 BBS Messages from Participants
This project involved information exchanges
beginning with “questions [the students] wanted
answered.” Unique BBS messages were observed
within the learning environment of this study. The
discussion will proceed with quotations of a portion
of the BBS messages below. The entire transcript is
Figure 1: virtual learning community
website.It consists of three parts: “Science Topics” fo
introduction and commentary of new technology trends;
“Bulletin Board” for a place of on-line intensive studies
building scientific knowledge together; “Space for
Presentation” for making simple website.
Figure 2: Poster Presentation of their Research for a
event of National Institute of Polar Research.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
written only in Japanese, hence this is English
(1) Clarifying the purpose of the questions, and
corresponding responses from the students
Questions by the volunteers to clarify the purpose of
questions originating from the students were then
answered by the students with explanatory remarks.
Dialog between the students and volunteers on open-
ended questions was observed.
(2) Provision of information related to the questions
by the volunteers, and responses from the students
The volunteers not only answered questions on
content as yet not covered in school classes
concerning matters that arose along with the
questions (or treating answers to those questions as a
given), they also provided additional related
information. For matters that were “basically not
fully understood,” the students did not immediately
understand fully or else misunderstood—this also
appearing in the BBS messages. Such BBS
messages are only natural given that the students
were collecting scientific knowledge in fields for
which they lacked a full conceptual understanding.
Knowledge impartation and information exchanges
that did not aim at a full and immediate
comprehension were observed. Such deficiencies
could be subsequently corrected.
(3) Innovations arising from information supplied
collaboratively among the volunteers
Situations were observed in which a volunteer would
provide more detailed explanations regarding the
information given by another volunteer in answering
a question, with the volunteers discussing among
themselves. There were no BBS messages from the
students touching on this, but the students did notice
the discussions among the volunteers. There is the
possibility of further increasing the related
information gained.
(4) Impressions and opinions from non-participant
science museum volunteers
There were volunteers who voiced appraisals of
the students activities following the interaction
Here I will try to explain characteristics of
Betty said observing microwave helps us
understanding about auroras. Talking about the
observation of microwave for understanding
natural phenomena, there are many
proposition about the relationships between
microwave and earthquake. (snip) Unlike
audible sound, microwave can get through to
a long distance without damping, and it
speeds more than sound. Thus, the
microwave may influence distant places.
Hmm… It sounds difficult for me to deal with
microwave… I will let our science teacher
explain about the thing.
Even though, I have easily understand
microwave runs faster than sound!
Student Betty
Volunteer Alex
I’ve found! Finally!
[A website with an introduction of aurora
reflection propagation for amateur ham radio]
I will add some information for that.
The auroras appear very high above the ground,
right? When we make a big voice to the auroras, it
indeed doesn’t make echo among the auroras. But
when we hit microwave, not voice, to the auroras,
we may hear of the echo of that.
Volunteer Charlie
Volunteer Alex
>>(Student’s quote) Although I have seen a
website that auroras make sound on the air
along with the movement of auroras, but I
don’t think that.
Well, actually I don’t think so either when I have
read your comment, “auroras make sound on the
air along with the movement of auroras.”
I wonder we have reached a same reason for
that. Could you tell me your reason why the
sound does not hear?
Sorry for late. Even auroras might make sounds,
I think the sound takes a long time to arrive
to the ground than the lighting of the auroras
to come. ;( That’s why the sound from auroras
along with the sound is impossible.
Student Betty
Volunteer Alex
ACTIVITIES - For Exploring Emerging Science and Technology
between the students and volunteers. By receiving
evaluations regarding their activities from persons
outside the interactive process, there is the
possibility that the students will engage in more
proactive future activities.
3.3 Empirical Knowledge Based on the
Effectiveness Assessment
In this program students were able to speak without
trepidation to science museum volunteers they had
never met before. Rather, the adults were the ones
who were worried that they “would not be able to
adequately transmit the information.”
Beginning with the prepared questions based on
what the learners had researched through club
activities, information was exchanged using the
limited tool of a web BBS. The explanations and
counter questions of the volunteers waiting online
provided them with needed information, which was
ultimately employed in such activities as
presentation making.
From interviews with the appraising teachers,
however, it was noted that there were situations in
which the learners lost sight of what they were doing
due to such reasons as “inability to focus interest
precisely,” “inability to envision which were the
necessary activities,” and “childlike idealistic
questions or attempts to gain the favor of the adults.”
The present report omits details, but in the previous
section from the point of view of the learners
“thinking from the stance of the information they
wish to research anew based on their club activities,”
website activities were relatively weakened in spite
of the information provided by the volunteers. It
seemed that fostering ongoing motivation was a
difficult matter, perhaps due to a weakness in the
pursuit of a logical focus in the activities or in
application to real-world society.
This report concerned a practical approach to the
utilization of science museums with exhibits on
emerging science and technology to raise the interest
of high school students in scientific fields. Prior
research was referred to, and a report made on a
practical application using a research system.
At present, the design of the abovementioned
website is being renewed. It will be similar to that of
the SNS (social network site) format recently
increasing in use among young people. This
innovation will enable learners to more readily
engage in information-based learning activities.
In the future, the authors wish to study educational
efficiency in actual classroom application through
questionnaires, interviews, and observations from
the point of view of “motivation to study science and
self-starting study,” “the scientific way of thinking,
and a scientific outlook,” and “becoming informed
about leading edge science and technology” through
ongoing and wide-ranging application.
Furthermore, by referencing multiple cases, in the
future in will be necessary, to gain further in-depth
experience with learner activity situations and
thoroughly grasp ideal issues for discussions at a
level of possible participation.
A part of this research has received the assistance of
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority
Areas (No. 17011061, Representative: Satoru
Fujitani) from the Japanese Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Akahori, K., 2002. Supports for digitization of education
in Japan. In Information Education (in Japanese),
University of the air. Chiba, Japan. 106-107.
Ambrose, T., 1993. Managing New Museums, The
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Ohori & Eiji Mizushima, Trans. in Japanese: Tokyo
Japan: Tokyodo Book Publishing, 1997)
Bell, L., 2004. Collaboration and the Public
Understanding of Current Research. In Creating
Connection, AltaMira Press. Lanham, MD. USA.
Bruner, J. S., 1986. Actual Minds, Possible Worlds
Harvard University Press. Cambridge, MA. USA.
Cité des Sciences et de l’industrie, On-line. Education (in
French), Available:
Fujitani, S., Iwazaki, K., Kishimoto, T., Okazaki M.,
Wasaki, H., 2005. Building Learning Community in a
Science Museum for Exploring Emerging Science and
Innovation: A Case Study. In The Proceedings of
ICMTL 2005: International Conference on Method
and Technologies for Learning, 600-601.
Harlow, S. D., Johnson, LaMont1998. An Epistemology
of Technology. In Educational Technology Review,
AACE, Spring/Summer 1998.
Hooper-Greenhill, E., 1999. The Educational Role of the
Museum, Routledge, Oxford, U.K., Second Edition.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
and Technology, 2002. Educational Survey of Japan,
Ministry of Finance. Tokyo, Japan., On-line. Available:
Roberts, L., 1997. From Knowledge to Narrative,
Smithsonian Press. Washington, D.C. USA.
Stocklmayer, Susan M., Gore, Michael M., Bryant,
Christopher R., 2001. Science Communication in
Theory and Practice. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Norwell, MA. USA.
The National Museum of Emerging Science and
Innovation, On-line. Available: http://www.miraikan.
ACTIVITIES - For Exploring Emerging Science and Technology