The ESDL engine has been used to produce
automatically the interface for a simple medical
image viewer (figure 3). Using this application, the
user can insert or choose an image file name and
specify a numeric value. In this case, the system has
used only two types of widgets as controls: menus
and text-entries. When the variable dealt is
alphanumeric, the system chooses a menu. The text-
entry is preferred when the user has to insert a
numeric value. The view has been rendered as an
image. To decide the arrangement of widgets inside
the interface, the system has set height weights
equals to 1 for text-entries and menus, and to 4 for
images. A common value has been given to the
width weights.
An original web interface generation paradigm has
been presented, which allows the user to formally
define the GUI with a suitable description language
that is an extension of the Set Description Language,
called ESDL. A working system has been realized,
which implements an ESDL interpreter using a Java
Prolog implementation and embeds it in a DHTML
page as Javascript code along with the rules to build
the interface. The GUI generation procedure relies
on the definition of context as a data structure
containing a description of a part of the interface
according to the MVC paradigm. The presented
paradigm offers new functionalities with respect to
the former one through a minimal modification of
the context definition language. Therefore, it has
been extended for web applications. We are
currently investigating other extensions of the
paradigm including a description of the user model,
or the use of fuzzy rules. In this way more
customizable and effective interaction modalities
can enrich the system.
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies