This paper has presented an innovative framework
based on the evolution of our first experiences de-
veloping a real application on a distributed functional
language. The proposed architecture could be reused
in other traditional management software develop-
ment and it is a step forward in features like main-
tainability, scalability and availability with regard to
the early architecture.
The implementation of management software us-
ing a functional language may seem an exotic ap-
proach. But the adaptation of O.O. concepts to the
functional environment is a key factor for success.
Another advantage of using Erlang/OTP as the un-
derlying platform for the system development (in ad-
dition to those common in declarative languages), is
that techniques coming from the formal methods area
can be applied in order to improve the system design
and performance (Arts and Benac Earle, 2002), and to
ensure (at least partially) the system correctness (Arts
and S´anchez Penas, 2002). These techniques can be
used more naturally with high level declarative lan-
guages, and their results are specially appreciated in
complex management software.
Also, the design of a full application container
(similar to the available in J2EE (J2EE, 2003)), its de-
sign and development could be a future work line, fo-
cusing on simpler applications where persistence mat-
ters can be hidden. Particularly interesting would be
the development of a persistence layer following the
same philosophy of the Ruby on Rails (RoR) Active
Record, for the Erlang platform. The two main design
principles of RoR, “Don’t repeat yourself” and “Con-
vention over configuration” have proved themselves
as highly productive in this architecture, taking ad-
vantageof the useof simple conventionsand metapro-
gramming, which could be applied in the functional
Finally, as far as lightweight-style user interface
development is concerned, we strongly believe that
the integration in the framework of any kind of inter-
face definition language like XUL (XUL, 2003) will
alleviate this task, and will improve interface design
and maintainability.
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