#1 = student(
, $);
#2 = student(
, 3500) .
The resulting target instances of target S are:
#1 = employee(
The objective of this paper is to overcome the het-
erogeneity that results from different ontology models
which were defined for different purposes. We have
investigated the translation between ontology models,
and more precisely the integration of other ontology
models in the PLIB model and then in its OBDB On-
toDB. We have first proposed six relevant characteris-
tics(strong typing, constraint, WA, context modeling,
inheritance, reasoning) which are very important to
capture and to manage knowledge from the expres-
siveness and database points of view.
We have presented and compared with respect
to these characteristics three ontology models PLIB,
OWL DL and OWL Flight by emphasizing for each
model on its main characteristics, its formal seman-
tics, its modeling fundamentals and its usage. We
summarized this comparison in table 1. With respect
to this comparison, we concluded that none of these
three ontology models is complete. We therefore ar-
gue, according to the fact that knowledge applications
require and combine all the previously mentioned
characteristics, that an automatic mapping and/or a
procedural translation must be defined upon these
models. By adopting PLIB as the central model for
these mapping, we have provided an efficient man-
agement architecture compatible with other ontology
models (OWL) in addition to the features which will
enrich PLIB through the mappings.
We have identified a number of remaining impor-
tant issues to extend this work, including: (1) Investi-
gate the efficiency and the complexity aspects of this
mapping. (2) Enrich the PLIB central model to for-
mally represent non canonical expressions and fea-
tures which are now translated using meta data. (3)
Allow the definition of new meta classes in OntoDB
in order to support specific features of other ontology
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies