Kousaridas Apostolos, Parissis George and Apostolopoulos Theodore
Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Informatics, Patision str 76, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Electronic payments, electronic banking, mobile services.
Abstract: Mobile devices are expected to extend financial information systems, providing additional communication
interfaces and new dimensions in computing. Several architectures and commercial systems have been
proposed and implemented during the last years for m-payment and m-banking services. However, few of
them have met wide acceptance. In this paper, a real case scenario is described; where payment and banking
services are taking place using a mobile phone. Through this scenario, we identify the main characteristics
and the fundamental functional and technological requirements that should be satisfied by advanced mobile
financial systems.
One of the most important processes, in the so called
electronic society, is the attempt to digitalize
economy and financial transactions, by exploiting
communication and computing technologies that are
continuously evolving. Financial electronic services
include banking transactions and payments, which
can take place using various means of payment, like
credit/debit cards, bank transfers and e-coins.
Mobile devices, which may vary from simple cell
phones to advanced smart phones as well as PDAs,
are becoming commodity. Thus, usage of mobile
devices, as payment instruments (Varshney, 2002)
or as bank agents (Mallat et al., 2004), has become
feasible and will surely facilitate electronic business
and more specifically mobile electronic commerce.
During the last years, several payment systems
have been proposed and implemented (Karnouskos,
2004). The research community has proposed
several architectures and systems, as regards as
financial and especially e-payment services, where a
mobile device is the instrument for payments’
initiation, activation and confirmation. Zhang et al.
(Zhang et al., 2004) describe a biometrically enabled
mobile payments’ solution that uses Java Smart Card
technology. Labrou Y. et al. propose a wireless
wallet (Labrou et al., 2004) that supports three types
of financial transactions: Peer-to-Peer, Web-Store
Front and physical Point of Sale (POS). SEMOPS
(Ramfos et al., 2004) is regarded as one of the most
advanced universal payment system that was
developed following the principles of universality,
openness and independence from MNOs, banks and
Apart from research initiatives there are several
commercial payment systems that have been
recently developed, using different payment
schemes and various technologies, like voice, WAP
and SMS. Mobile FeliCa (Mobile FeliCa, n.d.), Pay
Pal (Pay Pal, n.d.), Pay Box (Paybox, n.d.), Nokia
Wallet (Nokia Wallet, n.d.) and Vodafone’s m-pay
bill (Vodafone’s m-pay bill, n.d.) are some of the
most known commercial solutions.
However, few of them have been widely
adopted, due to technological restrictions, hard to
use front-ends and absence of substantial motives for
involved parties and especially mobile device
owners. Development of universal standards,
regulation and allocation of roles, among involved
entities, are some of the issues that have to be settled
for the evolution of m-payment and m-banking
systems. The development of more sophisticated
mobile devices, the introduction of next generation
mobile communication infrastructures and the
adoption of Internet technologies create new
opportunities for the evolution of financial
information systems. The ability to provide and use
financial services in a multi-stakeholder
environment, taking into account the requirements
that banks, merchants and clients have and the
Apostolos K., George P. and Theodore A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 151-156
DOI: 10.5220/0001282501510156
restrictions that the corresponding actors pose, is
investigated in this paper. By analyzing a real case
scenario, we try to confront different and sometimes
conflicting requirements in order to design a system,
which is able to integrate mechanisms and Internet
technologies for the effective extension of financial
information systems, towards a more mobile
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. In section 2, we describe a simple running
example, which leads us to the identification of
some key functional and technological requirements
that must be taken into consideration, when
designing a system that provides mobile financial
services. Furthermore, the requirements and the
constraints that were extracted from the scenario
analysis are discussed in Section 3, as well as the
proposed technologies and standards that must be
used, in order to deploy such a system. Finally, the
main conclusions, derived from previous sections,
are presented in Section 4.
As Figure 1 depicts, a mobile device can be used to
conduct advanced or routine banking services
through Internet. It can also be used to issue
electronic payments, using various means, for
remote or local purchases from physical shops,
vending machines or even online shops (Internet
point of sales). Furthermore, a mobile device could
be the instrument for electronic money transfer
among peer mobile devices.
In the sequence, a real-case unified scenario,
which incorporates many issues that financial
transactions raise, is described. By analyzing this
scenario, we try to identify the fundamental
functional and technological requirements as well as
the prospective technological solutions. Most of the
operations, like authentication, authorization and
decision support that Alice conducts are taking place
through the bank, which is considered as a trusted
entity. Bank’s decision support system (DSS) is an
infrastructure that already exists and only a new
interface to the mobile device is exported. On the
other hand, operations like physical interaction with
the POS and e-coins transfer are conducted directly
with the POS or a peer entity. Alice wants to buy a
product from an unmanned POS, which is Bluetooth
enabled, using her intelligent mobile device.
Figure 1: Mobile Payment Context.
She selects the desired product, by physically
interacting with the POS, which provides several
ways for the payment including e-coins, bank
transfers and credit or debit cards. Alice, considering
the amount of the transaction, omits bank’s decision
support system proposal to pay using her credit card,
and she selects to pay using her debit card.
Afterwards, she is informed that debit card’s account
is empty, and, thus, it cannot proceed with the
payment process. Thereafter, Alice decides to use
electronic coins for this micro-payment.
Unfortunately, she notices that she has spent all her
digital cash and decides to ask her friend Bob to lend
her some money. She requests electronic coins from
her friend’s mobile device, conducting peer to peer
money transfer, as happens in our daily transactions,
using paper money or coins. After the
accomplishment of the P2P transfer, Alice can
eventually proceed to pay the vending machine,
using electronic coins. Since payment is completed,
she receives the product, which she has just bought
as well as an electronic receipt.
Further on, our hero chooses to book theater
tickets from an Internet box office, by using her
mobile phone’s browser to fill show’s information,
and her mobile phone, to expedite the electronic
payment. Taking into consideration the payment
means that the online shop accepts and the
restrictions it may pose, Alice, this time, agrees with
the bank’s decision support system proposal and
decides to charge her credit card. After the
accomplishment of the payment, Alice receives the
electronic tickets from the online box office.
Eventually, Alice requests an analytical report with
the transactions that she has conducted during this
day and the total charge of the utilized payment
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Point of Sale Payment - UML Sequence Diagram.
Figure 2 depicts the interactions among entities
and the sequence of messages, which are necessary
for the implementation of the first part of the above
described scenario. After product’s selection (1), the
user holds her mobile device near merchant’s
Bluetooth interface for transaction’s initiation. The
POS transmits the purchase information to the
mobile device (2). This information may include:
Transaction’s unique code number, Product’s
information (e.g. Product’s Name, Category,
Transaction’s Timestamp, and Price) and POS’s
information (e.g. ID, Place, Available payment
The device issues a request to the user for
authentication in order to proceed with the payment.
Alice initiates the payment procedure, by inserting
her PIN (3) and the authentication process takes
places in the USIM smart card, where critical
information is stored (4.1 - 4.3). Upon user’s local
authentication, transaction’s processing is launched
(5). Bank’s decision support system, after user’s and
mobile device’s authentication (6.1, 6.2), taking into
account the available payment means that the online
shop supports, the amount of the transaction, user’s
profile and transactions’ history, checks her accounts
balance and finally proposes the optimal mean of
payment (7.1, 7.2, 8). In the specific case the DSS
proposes Alice to use her credit card. However, she
prefers to use her debit card (9) and confirms the
transaction (10). The local verification subsystem
checks the balance of the debit card (11, 12) and
informs the user that the debit account is empty, so it
is not possible to continue the transaction and
proceed to the payment phase (13).
Afterwards, Alice decides to pay using electronic
coins, which she will borrow from her friend’s peer
mobile device. Alice requests electronic coins from
Bob’s mobile device (14.1). The digital cash is
transmitted either over the Internet or using short
range wireless technology, if the peer mobile device
is nearby. Bob, after authentication and
authorization process, retrieves the electronic coins
(14.2, 14.3), from his USIM Smart Card, and
transmits them to Alice (14.4). Then, she accepts the
pending purchase (15) and informs the POS that she
will pay, using e-Coins (16).
Figure 3: Online Payment - UML Sequence Diagram.
Alice’s mobile phone transmits the e-Coins to the
POS (17). The latter can verify their validity from
the issuing authority (18.1, 18.2). The recipient and
each entity that stores electronic coins can verify
digital coins’ authenticity and validity through its
issuing bank, preventing the forgery of the digital
money. After payment’s settlement, the vending
machine delivers the product (19) and sends the
electronic receipt to Alice mobile device (20).
Figure 3 illustrates the second part of the
scenario, regarding the online payment procedure for
the theater’s tickets booking. Alice uses her browser
to fill the necessary information regarding the
desired show and proceeds to the payment phase (1).
The online shop processes her choice and transmits
the transaction’s information as well as the available
payment means to the mobile device (2). Mobile
device’s local payment application undertakes to
finalize the payment procedure, through the
corresponding payment API, by interacting with the
browser. Transactions information that the online
shop sends are utilized from the above mentioned
payment API, which is responsible for online
payments. Alice inserts her PIN (3) in order to
authenticate herself locally (4.1, 4.2, 4.3) and the
payment process is initiated (5). If the previous
established session, with the issuing bank, has
expired, user and mobile device’s authentication
process is repeated, as described in Figure 2. Alice
accepts bank’s proposal (6.1, 6.2) and selects the
way she wants to pay, which for the specific case is
her credit card (7, 8). The online shop is informed
that the user has accepted the purchase (9) and
asynchronously informs its acquirer that a payment
is pending and that it is expecting a confirmation for
the specific transaction (10). Its transaction is
identified by a unique code number, which the
online shop sends to the mobile device. The
application requests and retrieves from the USIM
smart card the credit card information (11.1, 11.2)
and over UMTS or WiFi communication network,
asks from the issuer to credit the account that is
associated with the specific credit card (12.1). The
issuer processes the request (12.2) and calls the
acquirer to settle the pending transaction (12.3).
After acquirer’s confirmation (12.4), the issuer
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
informs the mobile device that the transaction has
successfully concluded (12.5). The inter-banking
system realizes the real transfer of money from the
issuer to the acquirer according to their business
agreement and not necessarily in real time. The
online box office is also informed by the acquirer
that it has been paid for the pending transaction (13).
Finally, the Internet shop delivers to the mobile
device the electronic tickets (14) and the
corresponding electronic receipt (15).
The last part of the scenario describes a usual
banking transaction, where Alice requests a report
for the transactions that she has conducted during
this day. She is also informed about the payment
means she has used and the respective charging. The
direct communication channel allows the
information system of the bank organization to offer
Alice, personalized services according to her needs
and alert messages for unusual operations.
In this section we outline the main technological and
functional requirements that are derived from the
aforementioned unified scenario and we are trying to
identify system properties, which could drive to a
complete and sophisticated mobile financial
services’ system development. First of all, the
development of user friendly interfaces at the mobile
side, which facilitate browsing and eliminate
information insertion and thus, make transactions
faster, is an important factor for user acceptance.
Smart client model is regarded as the most
appropriate way to develop mobile device
application, by providing greater autonomy and
extension attributes. For instance, Java 2 Micro
Edition (J2ME) programming language could be
used to implement a smart client model (Java 2
Platform Micro Edition, n.d.).
Platform and language independence is a key
requirement, in order to design a universal system.
Usage of various programming languages and
operating systems, on the involved entities (mobile
device, banks and POS), should not affect payment
and banking procedures, as described in the
scenario. Web services and especially WSDL files
are appropriate for definition of communication
interfaces, allow language independence and assure
the desired platform interoperability and openness.
Mobile Web Services (Pilioura et al., 2003) is the
technology that could be used for the
implementation of such interfaces among mobile
device, POS and bank application servers. Web
Services model uses Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP) and Web Services Definition Language
(WSDL), for service provision and service
description respectively. WSDL files describe how
to use software service interfaces and operations that
the bank and the POS offer to the mobile device.
Furthermore, WSDL files outline the messages, with
the corresponding parameters, and data types, which
are being exchanged between these entities.
Financial services could be invoked over the World
Wide Web using SOAP messages, which are XML-
based, and could be used for the implementation of
communication between involved entities and for
exchanging structured information.
Furthermore, security is regarded as one of the
most crucial factors for mobile financial systems’
adoption by the involved entities (users, banks and
merchants). Mobile device’s user local
authentication is necessary prior to payment or
banking process initiation, to ensure that only the
owner of the mobile device uses the financial
application. The user inserts the corresponding PIN
number and her authentication and authorization is
taking place at the USIM smart card, which has
advanced security mechanisms and is considered as
a safe execution environment. Alternatively,
biometric mechanisms that provide advanced
security could also be exploited. Java Card USIM
(Java Card 2.2 Platform Specification, n.d) could be
used to store critical information and Java Card
applications could be implemented using Java card
platform. For the communication between the
mobile device and the Smart Card, ”Security and
Trust Services API” (SATSA) (JSR 177: Security
and Trust Services API for J2ME, n.d.) could have
been utilized. USIM smart card is a safe place to
store e-coins, since, in case a user wants to switch to
a new mobile device, she only has to replace the
corresponding USIM.
User should also be authenticated to the bank
organization, when she wants to conduct a payment
through the issuer or to use a bank service.
Furthermore, data transmission should be
confidential. Each mobile device has communication
and cooperation interfaces with bank organizations
(issuer), local or remote POS and some other peer
mobile devices. Bank organizations must be the
central entity in a mobile financial services’ system,
since it is trusted by users. This fact allows the
implementation of advanced security measures. On
the other hand, mobile device may transact with
several points of sale or peer mobile devices, which
regularly change. This makes security issues
complex and requires mobile device to avoid
interchanging crucial information with these entities,
during payment phase, in order to reduce potential
threats and establish simple secure connections. The
approach to conduct payments through the issuer,
utilizing bank’s guaranties, ensures that critical
information, like credit or debit card numbers, are
securely transmitted, since different and safer
channels are used. Kerberos system or a Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) could be used for user’s
authentication and authorization at the side of the
bank. In case of peer-to-peer communication or a
local payment, the connection with the
corresponding peer entity is established through a
short range technology like Bluetooth, NFC or
Legacy applications integration is an important
acceptance factor for financial organizations and
merchants. Applications should be developed using
an adaptable and upgradeable perspective, taking
into consideration the fact that there are various
types of mobile devices, which have different radio
air interfaces (RATs) or hardware resources, and
various POS, which support different
communication, payment or security mechanisms.
Each financial transaction should be adapted
according to the common available technologies that
the involved entities support. Mobile device and
POS financial applications can be easily upgraded,
utilizing over-the-air management and download
mechanisms (OMA Download over the Air, n.d.).
More sophisticated services must be provided, in
order to exploit cooperation between banking and
payment modules and introduce intelligence into
mobile device, which must not be considered as a
simple graphical interface but as a device that takes
decisions and makes proposals.
Moreover, the cost for using mobile financial
services and the operational cost that is imposed on
banks and POS is an issue that should be considered,
during system design. Legacy applications
integration retains cost low for banks and POS,
while offline browsing, which is feasible using smart
client model, enables user to use her device without
the need to continuously interact with the bank or
POS server.
In this paper, we have firstly presented the
technological background and the related work in
the field of mobile financial services. The
technological restrictions and the fact that these
systems were designed to satisfy only specific cases
have led to limited adoption of mobile payment and
banking solutions. A real-case unified scenario was
utilized in order to identify the fundamental
functional and technological requirements as well as
the prospective technological solutions, regarding
the design and implementation of such systems.
User friendly interfaces at the mobile side, mobile
device autonomy, platform and language
independence, end to end security, legacy
applications integration and low operational costs
are some of the derived requirements for a
successful mobile financial system development.
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