Ari Happonen and Erno Salmela
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Skinnarilankatu 34
Lappeenranta, Finland
Keywords: Unmanned stock replenishment, automatic-replenishment, vendor managed inventory.
Abstract: This paper presents a process description for a fully integrated, unmanned warehouse inventory
replenishment system. This description serves as a springboard for discussion on the TEMO project
(TEMO-Project, 2006), where the Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) model’s current situation and future
possibilities in the Finnish engineering industry are being studied. In this paper we concentrate exclusively
on C-class product management challenges. Because of the exceptional characteristics of these products, C-
class product monitoring cannot be directly adapted to the VMI models used by the food industry, which are
usually based on Point of Sale (POS) information. By presenting the “ideal” model, as well as an adapted
version which can be carried out using currently available technology, the researchers would like to open
scientific discussion on the subject, especially considering challenges in stock monitoring. The main idea is
to offer a higher level of service to customers as well as new business opportunities to service providers.
This kind of technology implementation would bring new challenges to supply chain management but also
new areas for research, such as information management, communications engineering, as well as e-
commerce and added value services, to the forefront.
The Finnish engineering industry uses a wide scale
of different products classified as C-class products.
These products are often small in size, lightweight
and take up little space (e.g. nuts and bolts). On the
other hand, heavy industry uses some mid-sized and
heavy products in its processes (e.g. heavy copper
cable and axels). Furthermore, heavy industry also
makes use of large but lightweight products, such as
foam insulation, in their assembly. The selection of
C-class products used in the engineering industry is
heterogeneous and the category of products is
noticeably large.
Monitoring of C-class products is a particularly
challenging financial and administrative exercise.
Monitoring these as A- or B-products are monitored
isn’t financially feasible because amount of human
labour and the items. To the companies involved in
our study, as well as for their customers, balances of
these products’ are almost without exception not
known. Companies are classified as large and
medium-sized on the Finnish industry scale by
(Federation of Finnish Enterprises).
A similar management problem was present in
the previously done SERVIISI project (SERVIISI-
Project, 2005), where the product cost varied from
cent to tens of euros and unit amounts varied
between handfuls to tens of thousands. Researchers
asked reasons why the product balances were not
kept on IT systems and why companies didn’t use
technology to manage the whole life-cycle of the
products. The most common reason given was the
unit level monitoring of products would be such an
administrative burden that it simply isn’t feasible
task to do (products’ heterogeneous nature and
number of items was cited time and time again).
From a logistics point of view, these C-class
products are a challenge for the Finnish engineering
industry. Monitoring C-class products is a necessary
evil; it takes up a lot of time and it’s not the core
function of the companies. Product monitoring is
also challenging transportation-wise. In Finland,
distances are long and the land itself is divided by
lake districts along the North-South axis. Also, the
load sizes required to make road transportation
financially viable is a challenge itself. In addition,
labour costs are rather high in our country when
Happonen A. and Salmela E. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 157-162
DOI: 10.5220/0001282801570162
compared to other countries. Because of the reasons
mentioned above, companies are outsourcing C-
class product inventory replenishment process to
companies which offer VMI model-based services.
According to recent studies, metal and
engineering industry future trends are looking good,
which means that logistical challenges will continue
to grow in number (Statistics Finland, Teollisuuden
toimialakatsaus I/2006). At the same time, costs
connected to transportation operations have raised
faster than turnover (Statistics Finland,
Palvelualojen toimialakatsaus IV/2005). In practice,
this has led the engineering industry in Finland to
outsource their C-class products’ acquisition,
management, delivery and stock replenishment
activities to VMI operators. Based on our interviews,
we believe that this is one of the reasons why
logistics operators have expanded their operations
by 10 to 30% yearly over the past few years.
Current VMI stock replenishment model is
accomplished mainly through manual labour. This
project’s one goal is to find a technological solution,
through which operations efficiency is enhanced,
service can be offered to a larger customer base and
current customer base service level is upgraded.
Through interviews and fieldwork, the researchers
have studied Finnish VMI operations and have
found out the basic problems present in current
operation models. The researchers also considered
the possibilities of mobile technology. As a result an
idealistic technological solution’s framework is
presented as well as an adapted concept of this ideal
model, which could be implemented using current
technology. The researchers would like to open the
discussion on the automated management of C-class
products in the scientific world to bring a strong
theoretical viewpoint as a part of this research.
The research area is limited to the VMI models
customer-supplier relationship. During the project, a
practical prototype based on our concept will be
built in order to find the practical limitations which
usually go unnoticed when models are studied only
theoretically. In the next section, the aims of the
study, the research process and the methods are
covered, as well as the criteria for selecting the
technology connected to the model’s practical
implementation. Section three discusses the current
situation of VMI within the Finnish engineering
industry. Section four handles the fully integrated
technical solution’s process description and in
section five, a potential way to practically
implement the model is described. Practical
limitations and the potential uses for the model are
reflected upon in section six. Finally, the topics and
ideas for further research are presented.
The study was carried out as a quantitative and
exploratory situation study. Research methods
included partially structured, face-to-face interviews
as well as workshop-style brainstorming in groups.
Methods were chosen to gain an in-depth knowledge
about the research subjects and also to make sure
that all of the interviewees and researchers
understood the concepts being handled in the same
way. The groups were made up of the people
representing the companies in this project. Both the
heads of the business units as well as operative-level
employees were involved in our studies. Among the
companies were customers, suppliers, wholesalers as
well as two logistics companies.
During the first round of interviews the problems
were limited to those that could be easily improved
with automation. After this, one of the researchers
did a field study. He studied the replenishment
process at the shelf level in 3 companies VMI cases.
The fieldwork supported the findings which were
obtained from the first round of interviews and it
familiarized the researchers with practical operation.
Also during this field work the researcher found out
some limitations of the technology-based solution
because of manual work. During the second round of
workshop-style meetings, the observations based on
first interview round were tested and the problems
were investigated further. There were numerous
stock replenishment processes being implemented in
slightly different ways among the companies.
In this study, customer means companies which
produce different machines for end users in industry
on an assembly and project basis. The VMI suppliers
are mainly technical wholesalers. Therefore, this
research concentrates on the cooperation between
customer and the wholesaler (or other material
supplier) in the Finnish industrial environment.
The abovementioned companies will be used as
the basis for reflection upon the challenges
connected with bringing technical solutions to VMI
operations in Finland. In Finnish VMI operations,
the largest single cost comes from using manual
labour (SERVIISI-Project, 2005). In Finland,
manual labour is particularly expensive; the fixed
costs related with labour are extensive and each new
pair of hands means more costs, for both
administration and production. In this study, the
expense of manual labour was the impetus for
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
finding technical solutions that would make current
VMI model replenishment processes more efficient.
Through technology the researchers try to find long-
term benefits for many different parts of the process
at once. For example: minimalizing manual labour,
making follow-up and prediction more efficient and
improving the management of exception situations.
In practice the management of exceptions leads to
manual labour reduction because each exception
needs the work of at least two people (one on the
customer’s end and one on the supplier’s end).
The goal is to create a fully integrated VMI
operational model including communication,
warehouse management and supply delivery
improvements trough automation. From this fully
integrated model the researchers will design a model
which can be implemented using technology that is
currently available. In essence, this is cross-road of
two objectives – the first is the streamlining of the
process and the second is new operational models
which are built on the efficient combination of
information handling and network technology.
The study began by the researchers familiarizing
themselves with the previously done SERVIISI
project (SERVIISI-Project, 2005). SERVIISI was a
study on VMI models on supplier-customer
relationships. Next the researchers continued by
going through the food industry’s VMI models,
where technology was used to minimalize stock
replenishment control and the management burden
(Pohlen and Goldsby, 2003), (Katz et al., 2000).
The researchers realized that in practice the solutions
used in the food industry won’t directly fit into the
engineering industry as is. Storage times are from
days to months in the food industry, but they are
from months to years in engineering. The food
industry’s solutions are based on strict inventory
accounting and Point of Sale (POS) information
(Elvander, 2005). In engineering, the materials have
an unknown balance. The materials are located on
shelves in workshops, where anyone can come and
take whatever they need whenever they need it
without book keeping. The differences are so large
in practice that the models used in the food industry
are not easily transformable to the VMI environment
present in engineering industry.
Our research tries to determine whether or not
technical management is viable solution. If it is,
considering the practical limitations, will the added
value provided by technology be enough to justify
studying new operational models in the future?
This section will outline the typical VMI model used
in the Finnish customer-supplier relationship. The
description of the operational model focuses on
normal functions and will not be concerned with, for
example, the ”learning curve” that occurs at the
beginning of implementation. This description will
begin with the initial visit to the shelf by the stock
replenisher and will conclude to the next visit.
The stock replenisher arrives at the shelf with the
supplies from the previous order. He shelves the
products and starts the replenishment order process.
The inspection process is based on visual inspection.
Each product is assigned with a refill limit and order
point which is in direct relationship with the speed
of consumption and the time between replenishment
rounds. Ordering of individual products happens
seldom in relation to the time between replenishment
rounds. The stock replenisher checks which products
are below the minimal stock limit. Most typical
replenishment order process methods are the
following: off-line or on-line handheld computer for
“instant” order, or pen & paper method with later on
updates to order system. If the frequency of
replenishment round is faster than the supply
delivery round, it is possible that the items have
numerous overlapping orders. Usually the stock
replenisher has thousands of products to worry about
so there is no way that he can remember the unfilled
orders outright. In this case, human error can easily
result in overstocking or non-filling of the order
because the stock replenisher remembers that he has
already made an order. There are many ways to
resolve this problem but typically solutions involve
the management person who checks all orders before
the refill order activation in the order system.
After order information is fed into the order
system, new supply collection process can begin at
the facilities of the supplier. An order-based
collection list is printed out for the collection person.
The collected items then end up in shipping, where
the items are inspected, signed off and cleared for
delivery. The products end up with the stock
replenisher on the customer’s shelves and the whole
process begins again. Billing information is usually
generated during the shipping stage. The supplier
provides a cost report as well as an itemized invoice.
At this point it is important to note that no one is
aware of the real consumption, just the delivery
rates. This means that an in-depth analysis on the
item level consumption is an impossible task to do.
The idea behind this system is automated
monitoring, order parameter setting, automated order
generation based on additional parameters as well as
manpowered order collection and shelving.
A fully integrated stock replenishment process is
based on exploiting the maximum benefits from
technology and minimizing the involvement of
human labour. The main problem with the current
nowadays VMI model is that shelf rounds have to be
made according to a timetable. It is possible for the
stock replenisher to go through several shelves, or
even through several customers, without making a
single refill order. The stock replenisher has to make
his rounds at appropriate intervals so that an
understocking situation does not occur. For this
reason, the supplier is forced to play it safe, both
with stocks on the customer’s shelves and with the
time between rounds (a noticeably tighter timetable
than what might actually be necessary on average).
For this problem we propose usage of dynamically
changed parameters. The proposed dynamic setting
of parameters in IT based solution could be achieved
in the way described in paper (Disney and Towill,
2002). Disney and Towill present a scheduling
algorithm Automatic Pipeline, Inventory and Order
Based Production Control System (APIOBPCS) to
be used within VMI operations supply chain.
In this model, all of the customer’s products are
monitored trough computer system. Monitoring
system can be based on for example, micro switch,
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), video
surveillance, measuring technology, etc. which
provides measuring precision that is equal to or
better than visual inspection. Technical solution will
allow item checks without doing it manually on site.
Product’s inventory is then continuously monitored,
the information is analysed, cleaned up and used to
make refill decisions fully automatically. The refill
decision is based on the customer’s confirmed order
base, predicted sales, production plans, product
make-up information, etc., as well as real
consumption information received through
monitoring. By combining all of this information,
the supplier can make an optimal refill order. In this
case, optimal means the kind of refill that minimizes
the amount of manual labour but at no time risks the
provided service level. The main principle behind
this is that when ordering, the order is as large as
possible at once and the period between orders is
maximized, in a ”reasonable” manner.
When the order is placed on system, it is transfers
automatically to the supplier’s system, which then
prepares to print out a collection list. Before this list
is printed, system checks for changes at the
monitored sites and updates the list accordingly.
The supplier collects the products, checks the order
and clears the shipment for delivery.
A site-specific route can be optimized so that the
stock replenisher drives a geographically optimized
route but still in a way which prioritizes the route
according to the calculated rate of product
consumption. The idea is to minimize the travelling
costs without jeopardizing service level. This way
the time used to travel (or total travelling cost
depending which is preferred) is minimized but there
should not be any shortages at the serviced site. The
stock replenisher’s product delivery times are
entered into the system, the current balance of items
is updated and the company is invoiced either on a
per order basis or later on by monthly invoice. The
system checks automatically that the customer’s
invoice corresponds to replenishments.
Customer gets delivery time, consumption rate
and exception reports automatically. In theory, this
type of a system would guarantee that the product
will never be out of stock because the supply system
continuously monitors product consumption.
Particularly large consumption can be dealt with on
an emergency basis, instead of having the situation
exposed only after the customer has informed the
supplier or discovering it too late during regular
replenishing rounds.
By breaking down the ideal operational model
into parts, one can very quickly see the
“impossibility” of it because of the limitations set by
the technology. A fully integrated model would not,
in practice, need a user interface for managing
information but an interface on the system is needed
for example to manage exceptions etc. In the TEMO
project, a prototype will be built, which is based on
practical implementation and which the researchers
will be able to use to further explore the problem
areas related to information management and
communication technology in VMI context.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The prototype will be built upon an implementation
model using current technology. Some of the
following technological choices, for monitoring,
were examined and considered: camera surveillance,
RFID, weight measurement, sliding potentiometers
and switches, etc. The characteristics of these
technologies were checked and suppliers and
customers were interviewed about the practical
limitations connected to these technologies.
After weighing up the needs of the suppliers and
customers, the researchers decided to base the
prototype solution on scale technology. Measuring
the items weight offered the best overall
compromise based on the following criteria:
real time inventory balance information
(with enough precision)
no manual labour for data entry required
ease of historical data collection
ability to analyse consumption trends, such
as top and bottom 100
automatic order replenishment
dynamic parameter setting (order limit, refill
real time emergency situation alarms
delivery time monitoring
simple technology from a functional
solutions response to change
Next, the imaginary progress of the
replenishment process achieved through scale
technology is described. As before, this cycle will
begin on the initial replenishment visit and it will
end on the following visit.
The stock replenisher arrives at the shelves with
the previous order’s delivery and proceeds with the
shelving. At the same time he visually inspects
measuring apparatus for malfunctions. When the
replenisher finishes the replenishment process he
moves on to the next replenishment point. Refill
orders are made by the monitoring system. The
system inspects the inventory balance on the shelves
and sends an order as soon as one of the products
drops below the order point. Products are not
ordered individually. Actually, as soon as one
product drops below its order point, all of the
products near their order point are also ordered. This
process should decrease the number of orders.
The refill order is transferred as an order
proposal to the supplier’s system. The proposal is
analyzed and items are classified into product groups
such as even consumption rate, easily forecasted and
unsure. The person handling the order (order
manager) adjusts the order based on experience and
the prior information received from the customer,
and confirms the order. The system is aware of
unfilled orders and does not make overlapping
orders. At least the system informs the order
manager and he can then check the overlapping
orders in order to avoid overfilling the shelves.
As the refill order is done in this manner,
shelves have to bee visited only if there is
replenishment work to be done. The automated
system updates order point and replenishment
parameters automatically (taking space restrictions
into account) and in this way, reduces again need to
visit at the shelves. Built in this way, the system is
simple enough so that all of its users can understand
the principle of the system. In addition, the system
can easily adapt and be adapted to changes.
After confirming the order, the products are
gathered on the supplier’s end according to current
practice and the stock replenisher delivers the goods,
stocks them on the shelves and the process begins
from the beginning once again.
In discussing the presented implementation solution
during the second round of interviews, a very
positive interest in this project was raised but at the
same time, the practical problems were seen as a
large challenge. For example, how service provider
can handle exceptions like Internet communication
problems. There were some concerns about system
robustness against changes of the system state on
monitoring network down time. Depending on the
construction of the monitoring system it might
handle changes easily but the statistics collection
part of the system has to be able to figure out
differences between before and after situation and
the changes between, which might not be an easy
task at all. For this reason a prototype is under
construction through which the scale technology’s
practical limitations can be studied.
The savings that need to be achieved through
the minimizing of manual labour and the costs of
implementation should be noted and the question
should be asked whether or not benefits justify the
system being developed into an operational model in
industry. The researchers hope to get an answer to
this problem through building the prototype.
It is the researchers’ opinion that the system
offers operational cost savings as well as new
business models. Operational cost savings are
achieved by optimizing refill amounts, by reducing
the frequency of visits on factory sites and by
improving the reaction to understock situations. In
addition deepened co-operative relationship between
customer and supplier results in synergy benefits.
Supplier expands supply to customer and service
improves for the customer. With the most efficient
stocking strategy, a supplier is able to deliver service
to customers which are far away from the delivery
centre (can’t be served using current operational
model). Furthermore, when competing for new
customers, the supplier has a competitive edge. The
clear advantage to the customer is the availability of
more detailed reports. For example, the analysis of
an understock situation is easier than before because
the supplier will be able to give detailed shelf
inventory balances and historical data to the
customer. From the supplier’s point of view, one can
be assured of maintaining the current customer base
and raising interest of new customers by offering a
better reporting system than the competition.
Will this implementation model be too
expensive compared to its benefits? It’s the
researcher’s opinion that this will only be clarified
through the prototype as well as through inspecting
constructing and maintaining tasks of the system in
practice. The businesses involved in the study also
felt that it would be important to find out customer
groups that are best suited to the proposed system.
Even though the proposed solution might be
financially non-viable in its entirety at this stage, it's
good to be aware of how the technology and costs
should develop in future in order to achieve the
necessary economic benefits which would make the
proposed solution viable.
The topic areas for further research will be price-
quality ratio analyses, the possibilities of
optimization of visit frequencies through simulations
and future cost predictions based on historical data
(basically mathematical analysis). Cost research will
concentrate on the total costs including servicing,
maintenance, installation, calibration, system
integrations and information engineering costs.
The researchers are also considering doing a
theoretical study about information exchange and
the problems associated with it. The Collaborative
Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment CPFR
framework will be studied as a development
direction for VMI operations and also the
exploitation and prediction of measuring data, to
assure that the ”service quality” of automated
ordering is not forgotten.
Because C-class products have an
indeterminable balance in the engineering industry,
their management models have been some what ad-
hoc in nature. Proposed solution would change the
nature of C-class products to that of B-class
products, so it would be natural to investigate B-
class management models in this context. It would
be particularly interesting to study how well current
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems could
be integrated into this type of “approximate”
inventory balance produced by this kind of
monitoring system. In other words, can current ERP
systems and their B-class management models be
directly adopted (for these C-class products) as is, or
does a completely new management theory have to
be developed for them?
Disney, S.M., Towill, D.R., 2002. A Procedure for the
optimization of the dynamic response of a Vendor
Managed Inventory system. Computer & Industrial
Engineering, volume 43, issue 1-2, pages 27 – 58.
Federation of Finnish Enterprises. Retrieved 21.10.2006,
Katz, M., Klaris A., Scorpio C., 2000. CPFR: Moving
Beyond VMI. Bobbin, Volume 41, Number 9, pages
Pohlen, T.L., Goldsby, T.J., 2003. VMI and SMI
programs: How economic value added can help sell
the change. International Journal of Physical
Distribution & Logistics Management, volume 33,
number 7, pages 565 – 581.
SERVIISI-Project (In Finnish). Retrieved 17.10.2006,
Statistics Finland, Palvelualojen toimialakatsaus IV/2005
(in Finnish). Retrieved 20.10.2006, from
Statistics Finland, Teollisuuden toimialakatsaus I/2006 (in
Finnish). Retrieved 20.10.2006, from
TEMO-Project (In Finnish). Retrieved 10.10.2006, from
Elvander, M.S., 2005. A theoretical mapping of the VMI
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LUTMDU/TMTD-4016--SE, Lund University. 40
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