Carlos Theobaldo Renck, Leandro Sorgetz, Francisco Assis Moreira do Nascimento
Faculdades de Taquara- FACCAT
R. Oscar Martins Rangel, 4500, Taquara, Brazil
Keywords: Information systems, Vaccination control, Web applications, Health management systems, Open source.
Abstract: This work presents VCS (Vaccination Control System), a Web based application implemented using the
PHP script language, the PostgresSQL DBMS and the Apache web server under a GNU/Linux platform.
VCS is a management information system tool for the vaccination process control, which was modelled and
designed towards the necessities of the Brazilian public health system. The current version of VCS includes
the management of vaccines, patients, mass immunization campaigns, access control to the recorded
information, record of immunizations and history of immunizations per individual, and many statistical
reports. An important social benefit provided by VCS is the improvement in the strategic planning for the
public vaccination system, which results in a better assistance to the population in general and resources
savings by governments with the reduction of vaccine lost.
Nowdays there are many health management
information systems commercially available (STC,
2006) (HCS, 2006). However most of these tools
provide no modules to manage and control the
vaccination process tasks. Moreover most of the
available tools are not implemented as Web
In the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS -
Sistema Único de Saúde) the vaccination process
control is based on printed cards, which are
manually updated, and only the distribution control
of the vaccine is automatized. So to make the SUS
more efficient it is very important to implement a
vaccination control information system.
This work presents VCS (Vaccination Control
System), a Web based application implemented
using the PHP (PHP, 2006) (Gutmans, 2005) script
language, the PostgresSQL DBMS (Postgres, 2006)
and the Apache web server under a GNU/Linux
(GNU, 2006) platform. VCS is proposed as a
solution to the vaccination control process in the
scope of the Brazilian SUS.
As already mentioned the current vaccination
control process is based on printed cards that are
manually updated. Since many cards are lost and
there is no standard format for the information on
these cards, it is almost impossible to produce
statistical reports about the immunization status of
the population as well as to manage and control
efficiently the vaccination process.
One of the consequences of this situation is the lack
of precise data, which could be used to obtain a
precise profile of the individuals and to map the
immunization status of the population in order to
identify the critical geographical areas and possible
expansion of specific diseases due to failures on the
vaccination system.
In the next section, it is presented a comparison of
health information systems oriented to the
vaccination control process. The section 3 describes
the analysis, design and implementation phases of
the software engineering process applied in the
development of our VCS tool. In the section 4 the
social benefits to the population and the
improvements in the public health system are
discussed. The section 5 presents some future
directions for the present work and the section 6
makes some conclusions.
Theobaldo Renck C., Sorgetz L. and Assis Moreira do Nascimento F. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 242-246
DOI: 10.5220/0001283002420246
One of the commercially available vaccination
control systems is IMS (STC, 2006), a Web based
application developed by Scientific Technologies
Co. Currently the IMS is adopted by the government
of many states in USA, including Arizona,
Washington, and Idaho. IMS has some modules to
manage mass immunization, remote vaccination
registry, patient records, etc. Since IMS is not an
open source application it would be difficult to adapt
it to the Brazilian reality. For instance, IMS has no
support to internationalization and so it can not
provide support to the Brazilian Portuguese
language. Moreover, IMS has a very high
acquisition cost, which is not acceptable to the
Brazilian health system.
In the seventies, the Brazilian public health system
already started the use of a national immunization
program (PNI – Programa Nacional de Imunização
(Datasus, 2006). Only in the nineties, it was
developed an Information System for the PNI (SI-
PNI – Sistema de Informação do PNI). One of the
many sub-systems in the SI-PNI is the Evaluation of
the PNI (API – Avaliação do PNI), which is able to
record the quantity of applied vaccines on each
group of individuals, distributed according to their
age, and to calculate the immunization coverage per
basic unit (health care facilities). Thus there is no
possibility of control per each individual or some
kind of more precise control.
No open source tool was found that could be able to
manage and control the tasks in the immunization
process. This is one of the motivations to develop a
new open source web based application oriented to
the immunization process control.
VCS is an information system tool for the
vaccination process control, which was modelled
and designed towards the necessities of the Brazilian
public health system. The current version of VCS
includes the management of vaccines, patients, mass
immunization campaigns, access control to the
recorded information, record of immunizations and
history of immunizations per individual, and many
statistical reports.
The VCS development was completely based on
methods and techniques from object oriented
software engineering (Pressmann, 1995), including
analysis, design, implementation, tests and
deployment phases and the use of UML (Unified
Modelling Language (Scott, 2003) and design
patterns oriented to web applications (for instance,
the Model/View/Controller design pattern) (Gamma,
Since the main objective of VCS was to give support
to as many individuals as possible and to be
available to all primary healthcare facilities, it was
adopted only open source and free technologies and
The VCS was developed on a GNU/Linux platform
using the PHP script language on an Apache web
server and a PostgresSQL DBMS. Thus, VCS can be
adopted according to the originally proposed goals
as well as to other future necessities. I can be easily
adapted to other realities, since its source code is
freely available and well documented.
3.1 Analysis
In the analysis process it was used UML in order to
produce a standard documentation for the future
VCS developers.
The analysis process started with a study of the
activities related to the Brazilian public
immunization system and the identification of the
system requisites. Several interviews with health
specialists were conducted in order to collect data,
identify existing problems and determine how a
management information system could help to solve
the problems.
Based on the obtained information, use case
diagrams were modelled using the Poseidon for
UML Community Edition (Gentleware, 2006),
where are represented the expected functionalities
and the interaction of the users with the system,
among another aspects. Based on the use case
diagrams and all collected information, class
diagrams were modelled using UML to capture the
concepts and structure of the information system.
The figure 1 shows part of the main class diagram.
Figure 1: Part of the main class diagram.
As shown in the figure 1, there are two kinds of
person (pessoa class): “user” (usuario class),
responsible for the vaccination (vacina class), and
“patient” (paciente class). Then, at this point,
sequence diagrams were modelled to represent the
main behaviours of the information system.
An OO-ER mapping (Object Oriented to Entity-
Relationship mapping) was performed, the
DBDesigner tool (Fabforce, 2006) was used to edit
the obtained ER model and to generate the SQL
scripts for the database and tables creation. In the
figure 2 it is shown the ER diagram edited in the
Figure 2: Part of the main E-R diagram.
As illustrated by the figure 2, for most of the class
diagrams, the OO mapping was one-to-one.
3.2 Design
In the design phase, the modules of the system were
defined. The first one, patient module, allows to
record personal information of each individual,
including address, phone, email, etc. This module
also provides the history of vaccinations of the
patient, which can be viewed and updated via Web.
Another module, vaccine module, provides the
registry for the different kinds of existing vaccines.
For each kind of vaccine specific information is
recorded by the vaccine module, which also
provides the vaccination history of each patient in
the system. In the vaccination history is included all
vaccines taken by a given patient, as illustrated in
the figure 3.
Figure 3: Patient's vaccination history.
As illustrated in the figure 3, the vaccination history
of a patient includes the already applied vaccines
and the vaccines yet to be applied, according to the
patient’s birthday. The vaccination history is the
start point to the application of the vaccines on a
In the design phase, user and permission modules
were also defined. These modules allow managing
the accesses to the system functionalities by the
users. A user can only access the functions enabled
for the group of the user. For instance, it is possible
to define specific permissions for users that only are
enabled to apply vaccines, for others which can
manage the personal information of patients, etc.
This is illustrated by the figure 4.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 4: User permissions control.
Another designed module is the campaign module,
which allows the definition of mass immunization
activities. This module can send messages to inform
the patients about the next applicable vaccination.
3.3 Implementation
For the VCS implementation, the database was
created by the SQL script, which was automatically
generated by the E-R modelling tool DBDesigner.
The dynamic web pages were codified using the
PHP scripting language conforming to the
Movel/View/Controller design pattern. The view
part of the system was implemented using the
Smarty framework (Smarty, 2006), which includes a
template language, and CSS style sheets.
In the collaborative development work was adopted
the control version system SVN (Subversion, 2006)
as source code repository and the Eclipse platform
(Eclipse, 2006) as IDE tool, including plugins for
the PHP language and for the access to the SVN
One of the VCS goals is to contribute to the
improvement of the Brazilian public health system.
Thus, it is important to describe the social benefits
that VCS can provide. In the next sections, some
main social benefits due to the VCS features will be
pointed out.
4.1 Better Assistance
One of the more important social benefits provided
by VCS is a better assistance to the population in
general. This improvement is due to the fact that the
information system allows a more personalized and
faster assistance, since there is no need to manually
search for printed cards. The wasted time in the
current situation is one of the main problems of the
Brazilian public health system.
4.2 Improvement in the Strategic
Planning of the Public Vaccination
Another important social benefit provided by a
information system based on the Web is the
improvement in the strategic planning for the public
vaccination system. Currently, the SI-PNI has no
individual control for patients. The control is based
only on groups of individuals, according to some
criteria as age or sex. Personal data of patients are
recorded manually on printed cards at each primary
health care facility.
Using VCS, which is a web based application
accessing a unique database, the public vaccination
system obtain an unified, secure, consistent and
precise source of information about the
immunization status of the population in general.
Applying some filters and data mining techniques, it
is possible to obtain precious information and
patterns that can be very useful for the public helath
system planning.
By means of simple queries to the VCS database, it
is possible to identify, for example, the geographical
regions with lesser or greater engagement to mass
immunization campaigns, or to identify the necessity
of implementation of regional or specific mass
immunization campaigns. This example is just one
illustration of how the use of data mining techniques
on the VCS database can help significantly in the
strategic planning of the public health system.
4.3 Better Rendering of Accounts
With precise information and control, not merely
based on estimates, the rendering of accounts on the
public resources by the governments can be more
efficient and transparent. This makes difficult the
improper use of these resources.
All information in the VCS can be made available
on the Web in the form of reports about cities,
regions, states, or nationwide.
4.4 Reduction of Vaccine Lost
Another benefit provided by VCS is the reduction of
the vaccine lost, which results in the public resource
savings. Currently it is not possible to determine
with a good precision how many vaccines will be
necessary for a certain period of time at each
primary health care facility due to the manual
control of the patient information. With VCS this
estimates can be easily performed based on simple
queries on the VCS database. It is also possible to
perform comparisons between vaccinations that
were applied on geographically near health care
facilities and to send the excess of vaccines to the
places where the demand yet exists.
One of the services to be implemented is the export
of data in a format compatible with the systems of
the SI-PNI. This will allow the integration of the
systems and the sharing of information between
them. In order to adopt worldwide accepted
standard, VCS will incorporate the Health Level
Seven (HL7, 2006) (Health Level standard in future
Another future work is the exploration of data
mining techniques to produce reports that will help
in the strategic planning for the public health system.
The VCS is one of the open source tools developed
by the Nidus Project team. The Nidus Project is
supported by FACCAT (Faculdades de Taquara), a
small university of the Rio Grande do Sul State in
the South of Brazil, and is oriented to the
development of free and open source techniques and
technologies to improve the social and economics
aspects of the region.
In the present paper it was presented some problems
of the current reality of the Brazilian public
vaccination system and described the VCS, a Web
based application which copes with some of these
problems. VCS is an open source tool based
exclusively on free technologies with a very low
cost of ownership and easily adaptable to other
realities on other countries, since the VCS source
code is freely available and well documented.
Datasus: Brazilian Unified Health System Information
Tecnologies Department, 2006.
Eclipse: an open development platform, 2006.
Fabforce: Fabulous Force Database Tools, 2006.
Gamma, Erich; Helm, Richard; Johnson, Half; Velissides,
John, 2000. Trad. Meirelles, Salgado. Padrões de
Projeto, Porto Alegre, Bookmann.
Gentleware - model to business: uml tools and services,
GNU Operating system - the GNU project Free Software
Foundation GNU/Linux, 2006.
Gutmans, Andi; Bakken, Stig Saether; Rethans, Derick.,
2005. PHP 5 – Programação poderosa, Rio de
Janeiro, Alta Books.
HCS INTERACTANT Application Clinical System
Solutions, 2006.
HL7: Helth Level Seven, 2006.
PHP. Hipertext Preprocessor, 2006.
PostgreSQL: The world's most advanced open source
database, 2006.
Pressmann, Roger, 1995. Engenharia de Software. São
Paulo, Makron Books.
Scott, Kendall, 2003. O Processo Unificado
Exemplificado, Porto Alegre, Bookman.
Smarty: Template Engine, 2006.
STC: Scientific Technologies Corporation, 2006.
Subversion: Version Control System, 2006.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies