Dimitrios A. Koutsomitropoulos and Theodore S. Papatheodorou
High Performance Information Systems Laboratory, Computer Engineering and Informatics Dpt.
School of Engineering, University of Patras, 26500 Patras - Rio, Greece
Keywords: Ontologies, Reasoning, Cultural Heritage, Semantic Web.
Abstract: The cultural heritage knowledge domain is often characterized by complex semantic structures and a great
lot of legacy information, possibly scattered on the Web that is not always properly structured. Thus, to
achieve proper reasoning about this kind of knowledge one needs first a rather expressive model of
representation that would also accommodate for its web distributed nature; and secondly a set of techniques
that would allow for its intelligent and productive manipulation. The former can be served by the CIDOC-
CRM which we first transform to the Semantic Web standard language, OWL and then augment with more
expressive structures, possible only after this transformation. To show the latter we conduct a series of
experimental inferences based on this CRM augmented form, using our Knowledge Discovery Interface.
Our results clearly demonstrate the potential as well as the limitations of such an approach.
The Semantic Web and its relating technologies
gradually appear to proceed from a research and
standardization experiment to a concrete and
productive effort. As such, their application space
has already started to span a wide range of domains,
mostly because of the alluring capabilities promised:
Web knowledge management, semantic resource
description and distributed knowledge discovery are
among the most important of them. Cultural heritage
is such a domain, traditionally benefiting from the
application of state of the art information
technologies that assist and automate its
documentation and information interchange needs.
On the other hand, there is often skepticism around
such efforts, grounded mostly on the fact that they
do not always succeed in producing satisfactory and
cost-effective results.
Recently, attention has been drawn to the
CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM),
currently under review by ISO. CIDOC-CRM
(Crofts et al. 2003, Doerr 2003) is a reference
ontology for the interchange and representation of
cultural heritage information. It is mostly intended
as a conceptual “template” for organizing,
structuring and representing cultural information,
rather than a concrete implementation of a
knowledge schema. Nevertheless, it is also available
in machine readable formats like XML and RDF.
Among the CRM applications, its use by the
Artequakt system appears to be the most relevant to
our work. Artequakt (Alani et al. 2003) tries to
alleviate the task of knowledge base maintenance by
following an automated knowledge extraction
approach. Artequakt applies natural language
processing on Web documents in order to extract
information about artists and the artistic world and
populate its knowledge base. Stored knowledge is
then used for the automatic production of
personalised biographies for artists. The CIDOC-
CRM is used as the “conceptual schema” for the
information that needs to be extracted from the
documents and stored in the knowledge base.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that no inference -
and thus knowledge discovery - takes place.
In this paper we examine the possibilities of
applying Semantic Web techniques and ideas in
order to enable reasoning on and discovery of
cultural heritage information over distributed
knowledge resources. Specifically, we show how to
use the CRM, appropriately modified and extended
for the Semantic Web environment, in order to
perform useful inferences on cultural knowledge
organized according to this model. First, we
A. Koutsomitropoulos D. and S. Papatheodorou T. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 276-281
DOI: 10.5220/0001283502760281
transform and encode CRM to the Semantic Web
standard language, OWL and present the lessons
learned in this process. We then augment the
model’s expressivity by adding more expressive
constructs made possible only after this
transformation. We further complement CRM by
adding some instances of CRM’s concepts and roles,
serving as a concrete modeling example. To be able
to conduct our inferences, we have developed a
prototype web based tool, the Knowledge Discovery
Interface (KDI) that employs a reasoning module
and aids the user to compose and submit intelligent
queries to OWL documents, stored locally or on the
Web. Using the KDI, we conduct a series of
experimental inferences based on the CRM
augmented form, which lead to the extraction of
new, useful knowledge, not previously expressed in
the ontology.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In
section 2 we discuss our process of transforming and
augmenting the CIDOC-CRM. Section 3 deals with
the methodology that is actually followed to infer
knowledge and introduces the KDI; then, section 4
shows the inferences conducted on the CRM and
their results. Finally, section 5 summarizes the
conclusions drawn from our approach.
CIDOC-CRM is currently at version 3.4.10 (aka
version 4). In our work we used the initial 3.4
version, because this is the most up-to-date CRM’s
version that maintains a machine readable
implementation. Later versions include small-scale
updates regarding mostly insertion, deletion and
renaming of concepts and roles in the model. Among
its implementations we chose RDF(S), as the
semantically richest and closest to OWL available
As of Jan. 2005 there exists an OWL
transcription of the CRM’s RDF document.
However this version adds only role specific
constructs (inversion, transitivity etc) which,
semantically, do not exceed OWL Lite.
Version 3.4 includes about 84 concepts και 139
roles, not counting their inverses (that is, a total of
278 roles) (Figure 1). In terms of expressivity, the
CRM employs structures enabled by RDF(S), which
may be summarized as follows:
Concepts as well as roles are organized in
For every role, concepts are defined that
form its domain and its range.
For every role, its inverse is also defined, as
a separate role, because RDF(S) cannot implicitly
express inversion relation between two roles.
There is no distinction between object and
datatype properties (roles) as in OWL; Rather,
roles that are equivalent to datatype properties
rdf:Literal as their range.
Changes and extensions made to the RDF(S)
CIDOC-CRM ontology, in order to upgrade to
OWL, were performed in a two-phase procedure:
First at syntactic and then at semantic level.
2.1 Transforming Syntax
In order to transform the ontology to OWL syntax,
we initially utilized the RACER system (Haarslev &
Möller 2003, Haarslev & Möller 2004). RACER has
the ability to load and process ontologies expressed
in various formats, including RDF(S) and OWL.
One can instruct RACER to load TBoxes expressed
in RDF(S) by using the
command. Once loaded, the TBox can then be
exported to the appropriate format by using the
save-tbox command along with the: syntax
Following these steps, we actually received a
formal OWL document representing correctly the
initial ontology. However, we discovered that
RACER included some unnecessary and redundant
statements, which, in many cases, were semantically
overlapping. For example:
For every role and concept, RACER included tags
from the OILed namespace; in particular,
RACER added the tags
and oiled:Creator, which were not required
nor included in the initial document.
For every concept defined as domain or range,
RACER used the
owl: UnionOf operand, thus
expressing these restrictions as singleton concept
unions (including only the concept in particular).
The definition of role domains and ranges, even
in OWL, comes from the RDF(S) namespace
rdfs:domain, rdfs:range). RACER, even
though it maintains these statements, it
duplicates them with equivalent expressions,
which relate to the DL-like style of expressing
this kind of restrictions. These equivalent
statements involve number and value restrictions
and can be represented in OWL.
This process resulted in transforming the initial
60KB file to a 478KB OWL document. We
therefore opted for the manual transcription of the
RDF(S) document, during which common
expressions between RDF(S) and OWL were
preserved (e.g.
rdfs:subClassOf and rdf:
resource), while we replaced some namespace
prefixes and updated the terminology used (e.g.
owl:Class instead of rdfs:Class and owl:
ObjectProperty or owl:DataTypeProperty
instead of
rdf:Property). In this manner the CRM
syntactical transformation phase was completed,
resulting in a 63ΚΒ document, named
2.2 Augmenting Semantics
The second phase of CRM upgrading process
included its semantic augmentation with OWL-
specific structures up to the OWL DL level, as well
as its completion with some concrete instances.
Although these extensions could have been
integrated in the initial document, we chose to
include them in a new file. The reason for this is to
better show Semantic Web capabilities for ontology
integration and distributed knowledge discovery.
More specifically, we created a document named
mondrian.owl that includes CRM concept and role
instances which model facts from the life and work
of the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. In this document
we also included axiom and fact declarations that
OWL allows to be expressed, as well as new roles
and concepts making use of this expressiveness. Ιn
We modeled minimum and maximum
cardinality restrictions by using unqualified
number restrictions (
We modeled inverse roles, using the
owl:inverseOf operand.
We included a symmetric role example, using
rdf:type= “&owl;Symmetric”
We constructed concepts based on existential
and universal quantification, by using the
owl:hasValue, owl:someValuesFrom and
owl:allValuesFrom expressions, which
ultimately enable more complex inferences.
The aforementioned documents were made
available on the Internet through the Tomcat server.
Inclusion of cidoc_crm_v3.4.owl axioms was
possible simply by using the
directive in mondrian.owl. Therefore, loading
mondrian.owl also loads all the axioms from
cidoc_crm_v3.4.owl as well, as long as the latter is
available on the Internet. In order to resolve
potential ambiguities, different namespaces were
defined for each document. In order to refer to
statements from the imported ontology, the crm
prefix is used, whereas for the new statements the
default prefix (#) is used.
Figure 1: CIDOC-CRM taxonomy as shown by the KDI.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Having expressed our ontology in OWL and created
some typical instances, we should identify the means
that would allow us to process this knowledge and
deduct new facts out of it. In other words, reasoning
support is explicitly needed to back the inference
process. As OWL does not natively support or
suggest a reasoning mechanism, we have to rely on
an underlying logical formalism and a corresponding
inference engine. In the following we discuss the use
of Description Logics as the bottom line of our
reasoning approach; then we introduce the KDI, the
web service we have created to actually perform our
inferences. This methodology is exhibited in more
detail elsewhere (Koutsomitropoulos et al. 2006a,
Koutsomitropoulos et al. 2006b).
3.1 Logical Formalism
Choosing an underlying logical formalism for
performing reasoning is crucial, as it will greatly
determine the expressiveness to be achieved.
Description Logics (DLs) form a well defined subset
of First Order Logic (FOL). OWL Lite and OWL
DL are in fact very expressive description logics,
using RDF syntax (Horrocks et al. 2003). Therefore,
the semantics of OWL, as well as the decidability
and complexity of basic inference problems in it, can
be determined by existing research on DL. OWL
Full is even more tightly connected to RDF, but its
typical attributes are less comprehensible, and the
basic inference problems are harder to compute
(because OWL Full is undecidable). Inevitably, only
the examination of the relation between OWL
Lite/DL with DLs may lead to useful conclusions.
On the other hand, even the limited versions of
OWL differ from DLs, in certain points, including
the use of namespaces and the ability to import other
Horrocks & Patel-Schneider (2003) have shown
how OWL DL can be reduced in polynomial time
into SHOIN(D), while there exists an incomplete
translation of SHOIN(D) to SHIN(D). This
translation can be used to develop a partial, though
powerful reasoning system for OWL DL. A similar
procedure is followed for the reduction of OWL Lite
to SHIF(D), which is completed in polynomial time
as well. In that manner, inference engines like FaCT
and RACER can be used to provide reasoning
services for OWL Lite/DL.
On the other hand, neither the currently available
Description Logic systems nor the algorithms they
implement, support the full expressiveness of OWL
DL. Even if such algorithms are implemented, their
efficiency will be doubtful, since the corresponding
problems are in NE
XP. Horrocks and Sattler (2005)
have introduced a decision procedure for the SHOIQ
Description Logic; this algorithm is claimed to
exhibit controllable efficiency and is currently under
implementation in two high-end inference engines.
Nevertheless, DLs seem to constitute the most
appropriate available formalism for ontologies
expressed in DAML+OIL or OWL. This fact also
derives from the designing process of these
languages. In fact, the largest decidable subset of
OWL, OWL DL, was explicitly intended to show
well studied computational characteristics and
feature inference capabilities similar to those of
DLs. Furthermore, existing DL inference engines
seem to be powerful enough to carry out the
inferences we need.
3.2 The Knowledge Discovery Interface
The KDI is a prototype web application, providing
intelligent query submission services on Web
ontology documents. We use the word Interface in
order to emphasize the fact that the user is offered a
simple and intuitive way to compose and submit
queries. In addition, the KDI interacts with RACER
to conduct inferences. RACER was chosen because
of its availability, its enhanced support for OWL DL
as well as its ability to reason about the ABox.
After connection to RACER has successfully
been established, the ontology is loaded and its
information is shown on the browser (see Figure 1).
The user may navigate through the concept
hierarchy, which is visualized in a tree form, and
select any of the available classes. Upon selection,
the page is reloaded, now containing in two drop
down menus all of the instances of the selected
class, as well as all of the roles whose domain is in
this class. The user is able to select an instance and a
role and then submit his query by pressing a button.
Note that an option is available to invert the selected
role, thus resulting in a different query.
We have identified such a declarative behavior to
be of crucial importance for the Semantic Web
knowledge discovery process; after all, the user
should be able to pose queries even to unknown
ontologies, encountered for the first time.
KDI helps the user compose a query by selecting
a concept, an instance and a role in a user friendly
manner. After the query is composed, it is
decomposed into several lower level functions that
are then submitted to RACER. This procedure is
transparent to the user, withholding the details of the
knowledge base actual querying and making the
query composition process intuitive.
In the following we present the results from a series
of experimental inference actions conducted on the
CRM augmented OWL form using our KDI. For
every example we give the OWL fragment where
the inference is based on, and we graphically depict
the reasoning process in terms of the DL formalism.
To save space, instead of full namespaces we use the
prefix “&crm;” for entities originating from the
cidoc_crm_v3.4.owl document, as well as the
default prefix “#” for entities coming from the
mondrian.owl document (which includes the
Top Concept: Τ
P94F.has_created: R
Painting_Event: C
Painting: D
Creation of Mondrian’s Composition: i
Mondrian’s Composition: i
Figure 2: Inference Example using Value Restriction.
The following code is a fragment from
mondrian.owl stating that a “Painting_Event” is in
fact a “Creation_Event” that “has_created”
“Painting” objects only:
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Painting_Event">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource=
<Painting_Event rdf:ID=
"Creation of Mondrian's composition">
<crm:P94F.has_created rdf:resource=
"#Mondrian's composition"/>
The above fragment is graphically depicted in
the left part of Figure 2.
“Creation of Mondrian’s Composition” (i
) is an
explicitly stated “Painting_Event” that
“has_created” (R) “Mondrian’s composition” (i
Now, asking the KDI to infer “what is a painting?” it
infers that i
is indeed a painting (right part of Figure
3), correctly interpreting the value restriction on role
Let’s now examine another example that
involves the use of nominals. The following
fragment from mondrian.owl states that a “Painting”
is a “Visual_ Item” that its “Type” is
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Painting">
<owl:subClassOf rdf:resource=
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource=
<owl:hasValue rdf:resource=
<crm:E55.Type rdf:ID=
<Painting rdf:ID=
"Mondrian's composition"/>
The above fragment is graphically depicted in the
left part of Figure 3.
Top Concept: Τ
P2F.has_type: R
Painting_Composition: i
Mondrian’s Composition: i
Figure 3: Inference Example using Existential
Quantification and Nominals.
“Mondrian’s Composition” (i
) is explicitly
declared as a “Painting” instance which in turn is
defined as a hasValue restriction on “has_type” (R).
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
“Painting_composition” (i
) is declared as a “Type”
object. While the fact that “Mondrian’s
Composition” “has_type” “Painting” is
straightforward, the KDI is unable to infer so and
returns null when asked “what is the type of
Mondrian’s composition?”
This example clearly demonstrates how difficult
is for RACER as well as for every other current DL
based system to reason about nominals. Given the
} nominal, RACER creates a new synonym
concept I
and makes i
an instance of I
. It then
actually replaces the hasValue restriction with an
existential quantifier on concept I
and thus is unable
to infer that R(i
) really holds.
In this paper we have shown how to take advantage
of the Semantic Web infrastructure in order to infer
knowledge over the cultural heritage domain. As
Semantic Web becomes a growing reality, domain
modelers and specialists need to be prepared in order
to adjust to this new environment and to rip the
benefits of novel opportunities presented.
The CIDOC-CRM is identified as a key starting
point for achieving cultural knowledge discovery.
Based on the CRM, we have designated a process
for representing cultural heritage information on the
Semantic Web, by encoding the model in OWL and
enriching it with more expressive semantic
Furthermore we succeeded in conducting a series
of inferences on web distributed cultural heritage
information. The method we provide is grounded on
a well-studied background and is based on decisions
crucial for the quality, expressiveness and value of
the inferences performed. In addition, the KDI
demonstrates proper evidence of how this approach
can be practically applied so as to be beneficial for a
number of applications.
Our results seem to justify such an approach; at
the same time they reveal that there are still
limitations on the extent to which current state-of-
the-art supports the full potential of the Semantic
Web, especially in terms of its inferring capabilities.
For example, the difficulty of current DL inferences
engines to deal with nominals greatly hampers the
expressiveness of our inferences.
Our results also suggest that augmenting the
CRM with the OWL DL specific constructors leads
to more powerful and semantically rich inferences.
Thus, the incorporation of such “post-RDF”
expressions in to the original model would probably
lead to its better utilization by knowledge-intensive
applications as well as to more accurate modelling
of the domain.
Dimitrios A. Koutsomitropoulos is partially
supported by a grant from the "Alexander S.
Onassis" Public Benefit Foundation.
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