Towards a Holistic Support to Host eGovernment Services in a Scalar Manner
Luis Álvarez Sabucedo and Luis Anido Rifón
Depto. of Telematics, University of Vigo, Spain
Interoperability, semantics, eGovernment, reference architecture.
The huge amount of resources that are being devoted to eGovernment projects makes possible the soaring of
new solutions. This onrush of contributions leads us to some shortcomings such as lack of interoperability or
poor scalability. To overcome this situation, the use of Life Events is proposed. Introduced in the paper, Life
Events are the cornerstone for a semantic proposal to provide eGovernmentservices in an organized manner.
A methodology for the use of Life Events and, also, the modelling of the entire system are presented.
In the present moment, we are being witnesses of a
huge effort in eGovernment development. As ICTs
(Information and Communication Technologies) are
getting a broad use, Public Administrations (here af-
ter PAs) are getting into this tendency. But it is impor-
tant to bear in mind that eGovernment is not solely a
simple replacement of technology to provide a 24/7
service. Indeed, provision of eGovernment solutions
involves a huge effort in reengineering all processes
involved in public services. As a matter of fact, this
technology forces PAs to orient services toward a bet-
ter service by putting the citizen in the centre of all
provided operations.
A drawback of this trend is that interoperability is
reduced as a result of the data based, independent ap-
proach used to fulfil solutions. In order to overcome
this situation, this paper presents a platform where
eGovernment services can be provided using a se-
mantic approach based on Life Events. Life Events,
as discussed later on, are those events that play a role
a in the normal life of citizen and stimulate the needs
that compel citizens to interact with the administra-
The proposal presented in this paper takes care
of the provision of intelligent framework that using
a holistic approach can perform operations in an open
and interoperable platform. This one will be devel-
oped using a semantic support to provide an integral
approach where solutions from different PAs may be
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Firstly, we will present the eGovernment state of the
art. Secondly, we introduce the problem we are deal-
ing with. Later on, major technological features we
are going to deal with are shown: semantics and Se-
mantic SOA, the architectural style used in the sys-
tem. The next section introduces the concept of Life
Event as it is going to be considered in the frame of
our proposal. Later on, the proposal for a software
design and the methodology to address the provision
of the system is provided. Finally, some conclusions
are yielded.
A large amount of national projects oriented toward
the provision of eGovernment services is available.
In the scope of the different countries, several ini-
tiatives must be underlined: SAGA (Standards und
Architekturen in eGovernment Anwendungen)(KBSt,
2005) in Germany, e-GIF (eGovernment Interoper-
ability Framework)(UK GovTalk, 2004) in United
Kingdom, ADEA (l’Agence pour le dèveloppe-
ment de l’administration électronique)(French Gov-
Álvarez Sabucedo L. and Anido Rifón L. (2007).
SEMANTIC LIFE EVENT ENVIRONMENT FOR EGOVERNMENT SERVICES - Towards a Holistic Support to Host eGovernment Services in a Scalar
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Gover nment /
e-Learning, pages 163-168
DOI: 10.5220/0001283701630168
ernment, 2004) in France, EIF (European Interop-
erability Framework)(Enterprise and Unit, 2005) for
European solutions, FEAF (Federal Enterprise Ar-
chitecture Framework)(POPKIN Software, 2004) in
USA,. . .
There also a large amount of projects from non
national entities: OntoGov(OntoGov, 2007), Ter-
regov(TERREGOV, 2005), EPRI(Epr, 2005), EU-
Publi(Mariangela Contenti and Baldoni, 2004),QUA-
LEG(QUALEG, 2005), SmartGov(SmartGov, 2005),
eGovernment Good Practice Framework, FASME,
eGoia,. . .
In order to overcome this drawback, a new formu-
lation for the problem is proposed. As, actually, all
interactions between the citizen are driven by the ex-
ercise of right or the fulfilling of a demand from the
administration, we propose the expression of services
provided of the administration in those terms. Thus,
it is possible to focus on what the citizen is requesting
and not on the PA itself as it happens many times.
To undertake this approach, instead of developing
services in a data layer from use cases expressed in
natural terms, the provision of a semantic description
of services is proposed in a scalar and reusable man-
ner. To model that idea, we define the so-called Life
Event(here after LE). This one is the concept used to
refer to any particular situation a citizen must deal
with and requires assistance, support or license from
a PA. We can considered as “life events” situations
such getting certifications, paying a fine, getting mar-
ried, moving,...
As LEs have being modelled in the semantic layer
we are dealing the problem in higher layer of abstrac-
tion. This feature allows us to deal with the problem
in a more scalable way as we can use technologies
that provide us interesting features in that area. Be-
sides, it is possible to develop additional services to
provide added value services: advanced data mining,
automatic service composition,. . .
Speaking about semantic data, we are addressing the
problem of dealing with not just data but information.
The aim for this discipline is the provision of infor-
mation understandable by machines. In the literature,
several definitions or approximations to the concept
of ontology are provided. A quite suitable definition
for ontology may be(Gruber, 1993): An ontology is
a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptu-
alization of a domain of interest.
By means of this definition we are addressing
an ontology as a way to put in a concrete way ab-
stract information about a certain domain by means
of machine-understandable data format.
We would also like to outline a key aspect of this
technology: the agreement. In fact, it does not matter
too much how good or rich is your definition of the
medium, but how general is the agreement you can get
around your proposal. To be able to work as intended,
we need a general agreement among our ontology.
To undertake the provision of an ontology differ-
ent languages(Gómez-Pérez et al., 2003) are possi-
ble. OWL (Ontology Web Language)(Web Ontology
Working Group, 2004) is the W3C Recommendation
that covers most of DAML+OIL and it is intended to
provide a fully functional way to express ontologies.
This technology is the chosen one for our proposal.
By using OWL, we are addressing a standard, solid
and interoperable platform for the provision of this
A different problem is the provision of a semantic
description of services. In this case, a solid frame-
work accepted for a general use is not available for
the community. We can outline several alternatives:
OWL-S (Ontology Web Language - Services)(OWL-
S Coalition, 2005), WSMO (Web Service Mod-
eling Object)(SDK WSMO working group, 2005),
WSDL-S (Web Service Description Language - Se-
mantic)(Akkiraju et al., 2007), . . .
At first glance, we can consider Service Oriented Ar-
chitecture, here after SOA, as an approach/method-
ology to the problem of providing an Architecture
Model. The gist of this proposal lays on the definition
and modelling of Services themselves. This philoso-
phy leads us to not pay attention to other details such
as the network or the format for the messages. From
this point of view, a service is a software resource ac-
cessible and defined by means of some key concepts:
advertisement, service, contract, data model and pol-
icy. All of them together define and model the service
in a holistic manner.
This approach will provide interesting features
such as loosely coupled, platform independent and
protocol independent. Nowadays, the most common
support for system modelled under this style is Web
Services. However, any other middleware can be used
instead of the former.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: SSOA Services.
Besides, we are prone to use Semantic Service
Oriented Architecture, here after, SSOA. So, SSOA,
in our proposal, is considered as an architectural style,
see (Bass et al., 2003), that uses advantages of seman-
tic applied to the concepts shown for SOA. In this
context, a semantic version of the usual elements of
the SOA architecture is used, see Figure 1.
Taking into account the former considerations, a se-
mantic based definition for LE is established. These
elements are going to play a main role in our case and
they are expressed using semantic terms shared by the
whole system. The definition of a LE includes the fol-
lowing items:
Task Title for the considered operation. Folk-
sonomies can play an interesting role as they pro-
vide support for semi-automatic enhancements of
discovering services.
Description High level description of the desired op-
eration expressed in natural terms from the point
of view of the citizen.
Input documents As previously stated, all opera-
tions carried out by the administration require
some input document. As minimum, citizen is re-
quested to provide a signed form in order to in-
voke the operation. This element plays a role sim-
ilar to preconditions in some environments.
Scope We must identify the scope of the operation
(local, national, international,. . . ) where it must
to be recognized.
Output document Of course, as result of any per-
formed operation, the PA in charge must provide
an output expressed in terms of the ontology. This
information will be put together into one or sev-
eral documents. This output will vary its content
from the expected document (i.e., a certification,
a license,. . . ) to information about the failure to
get the expected document.
Security Conditions This is intended to express the
conditions for the security mechanism involved
during the whole process. This includes the iden-
tification of both parties, citizen and PAs, and also
the way is stored by any agent involved that could
be able to use it.
Cost This will express the amount you have to pay
for the requested operation and/or also the time it
will take for the completion of the operation.
These elements will be defined using the power
of semantic expression that will allow us to provide
advanced services for discovering and orchestrating
them. Life Events can also be tagged using well-know
metadata standard already proposed and endorsed by
relevant organizations.
So, we propose the transformation of final ser-
vices as they are requested into new LEs expressed
in terms of the semantic definition using the former
items presented.
6.1 Methodology
In order to transform natural or normal services to LE
expressed in the proposed terms, a simple methodol-
ogy is yielded:
1. Identify the particular problem you are dealing
with in terms of features and PAs involved.
2. Decompose the problem into several different
problems that may be resolved in a single step,
i.e., each step must produce as output a document
meaningful for the citizen.
3. For each procedure identified in previous step,
look for the input documents, scope and cost.
These ones must be expressed in terms of the on-
tology of the system. If required, the ontology
will be expanded.
4. Identify internal partial steps that the citizen could
be interested in. These steps usually involve inter-
nal documents that may carry no meaning for the
citizen but are relevant for the administration.
5. Identify all possible documents created as possi-
ble final steps of the operation.
6. Update all services and agents that may be aware
of the new service.
eGovernment Services in a Scalar Manner
The whole design of the system will be driven by LEs
as they were presented in former sections. Through
them, all components will be sketched and the system
built up. In the process of defining a software archi-
tecture a solid methodology must be undertaken. In
our case, we will take advantage of: Unified Mod-
elling Process (UMP)(I. Jacobson et al., 1999) and
Bass contributions(Bass et al., 2003); Model Driven
Architecture (MDA) (OMG, 2007) and Semantic Ser-
vice Oriented Architecture (SSOA).
Eventually, a solid methodology is derived based
on the phases of MDA and using the interactive pro-
posed by the UMP to design a SSOA-based system.
Also, UML(OMG, 2005) is used to provide a formal
description of the outputs/inputs of each phase.
The process of designing the system is based on
the definition of a Reference Model that will drive the
entire proposal. This Reference Model, obtained from
the domain experience, will be transformed into a
Reference Architecture by mean of the UMP. The for-
mer is made of use cases that include the requirements
for the system. Applying an individual study to each
use case, a Reference Architecture, using the Bass ter-
minology, can be derived. This fits with the idea of
PIM (Platform Independent Model) from the MDA
terminology and the Model of Analysis in the UMP.
Final implementations in a particular software sup-
port, also known as PSM (Platform Specific Model)
in MDA would turn out to be the functional solution
for real world according to the proposed methodol-
ogy. Similar schemes have also been tested success-
fully in other fields(Luis Anido et al., 2002).
7.1 Model of Reference
Model of Reference involves the definition of several
very high level features and properties that establish
the main lines of the project. One of the most impor-
tant features in that sense is the definition of agents.
In our case, the following ones are included:
Client Agent. This agent acts on the behalf of the
citizen that is actually requesting an operation. A
wide range of agents may be involved in the inter-
change of information. Agents will be responsible
for tasks related to composition and orchestration.
This element fits in the profile of the component
intelligent client in Figure 1.
Service providers. These elements are the final re-
sponsible for the service provision. This role is
assigned to PAs. This component plays mainly
the role of the Service Provider in Figure 1.
Figure 4: Model of relations in the system.
Blue Page Server. In this architecture an element
to solve the problem of locating the server and
the proper service is mandatory. This component
plays the role of the Semantic Matcher in Figure
Security agent. A third part agent responsible for au-
diting and supervising operations that may require
additional security considerations.
Note that the formers perfectly fit in the SSOA
philosophy. The review of the requirement from the
citizen and the administration leads us to the identifi-
cation of up to 10 general uses cases as shown on Fig
2 and 3 that also are part of the Model of Reference.
The system will evolve and provide support to op-
erations according to the schema shown on Fig. 4. At
last, the final aim of the citizen is to achieve the docu-
ment suitable in each case as documents are the legal
prove of a status or the fulfilling of an operation when
dealing with Public Administrations.
7.2 Defining a PIM
In the context of our methodology, PIM is defined
mainly in terms of an Analysis Model. The former
is the result of applying to each use case a process to
generate the UML design for Analysis Cases. Anal-
ysis Cases are defined in terms of classifiers classes
(boundary, control and entities classes) and grouped
in packages that work cooperatively to achieve a ma-
jor goal, a use case.
This leads us to the identification of several UML
diagrams containing a more in detail description of
the problem. One of them is included to illustrate
how this methodology works, see Fig. 5. Actually,
each Use Cases generates its own diagram. All of
them together sketch the final result in an independent
way of the chosen software architecture. The entities
identified in this process (boundary, control and en-
tities classes) can be reused for several initial cases
and lead to a simpler implementation of the platform.
Actually, each entity can be assigned to an indepen-
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Use case related to the citizen. Figure 3: Use Cases related to the blue page server.
dent group of experts for its implementation in further
In our case, up to 25 different classes were identi-
fied to perform in a completed manner the use cases
identified in the former phase of our methodology.
7.3 Developing PSMs
To provide a real software solution that can success-
fully fulfill actual services, the actual software must
be developed. In order to achieve this final goal,
we use as input the PIM from the previous step and
map them into new software components. These new
components are the so called PSM: Platform Specific
Model. The process to obtain them is the next step
according to the MDA methodology. Thus, in case of
need to deploy another software platform, the same
PIM can be used and applied to other constrains or
In the present case, to develop the system, a Java
based environment was used. To implement the se-
mantic features of the system, the chosen option was
Jena(Hewlett-Packard, 2005) due to the advantages
in managing for semantic queries. Services are im-
plemented under Web Services defined by mean of
OWL-S files. One of the most complex features to
implement due to the current state of art in seman-
tics is the provision of the entity SearchEngine in
the use case SearchLifeEvent. In our case, to de-
velop this component we take advantage of ARQ for
Jena(Hewlett-Packard, 2006). This is an engine that
implements support for SPARQL(W3C, 2006), a pro-
tocol to execute semantic query against an ontology.
Finally, as result, an implementation for each identi-
fied entity in the former step is provided.
This paper presents an approach to model and fulfill
services in the eGovernment domain. The main aim
is the presentation of a methodology based on the use
of semantics and SOA to drive the design and devel-
opment of a whole system. The result of the complete
process must a system that can provide support in an
open, scalar and adaptable manner to solutions in the
This approach fits perfectly on a proposal based
on Life Events as main concept where the entire sys-
tem is based on. The use of Life Events, something
not new in the area, has been reviewed in this paper
and re-elaborated under a different conception to in-
clude semantic meaning and citizen centered view in
the context of this solution.
Also, as no proprietary solutions are used and only
open technologies are taken into consideration, this
environment allows the interchange of data and oper-
ation among different agents that may be developed
under the provided basis by third parties.
The final status for the proposed architecture is
a common and global place where heterogeneous
agents may interact using the provided support.
We want to thank “Ministerio de Educación y Cien-
cia” for their partial support to this work under grant
eGovernment Services in a Scalar Manner
Figure 5: Analysis model for ExecuteLE.
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies