Santi Caballé, Thanasis Daradoumis
Department of Computer Science, Multimedia, and Telecommunication, Open University of Catalonia
Rbla. Poblenou, 156, 08018, Barcelona, Spain
Fatos Xhafa, Joan Esteve
Department of Languages and Informatics Systems and Computing Laboratory, Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona
Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Web-based Education, User Modelling, Grid Computing, Distributed and Parallel Applications.
Abstract: Learners interacting in a Web-based distance learning environment produce a variety of information
elements during their participation; these information elements usually have a complex structure and
semantics, which makes it rather difficult to find out the behavioural attitudes and profiles of the users
involved. User modelling in on-line distance learning is an important research field focusing on two
important aspects: describing and predicting students’ actions and intentions as well as adapting the learning
process to students’ features, habits, interests, preferences, and so on. This work provides an approach that
can be used to greatly stimulate and improve the learning experience by tracking the students’ intentions
and helping them reconduct their actions that could evolve accordingly as the learning process moves
forward. In this context, user modelling implies a constant processing and analysis of user interaction data
during long-term learning activities, which produces large and considerably complex information. In this
paper we show how a Grid approach can considerably decrease the time of processing log data. Our
prototype is based on the master-worker paradigm and is implemented using a peer-to-peer platform called
Juxtacat running on the Planetlab nodes. The results of our study show the feasibility of using Grid
middleware to speed and scale up the processing of log data and thus achieve an efficient and dynamic user
modelling in on-line distance learning.
Online learning constitutes a complex task both as
regards its utility and its capability to reach an
effective and useful learning. The more and more
frequent employment of constructive learning
requires the support and use of modern educational
tools that allow learners to be aware of their own
knowledge-building activities and other learners’
collaboration in order to achieve effective learning
and performance (Horton, 2000).
Information and communication technologies
have shown a significant advance and fast progress
as regards performance and usability. At the same
time, new educational needs demand more
innovative ways to work, collaborate, and learn.
These aspects justify the grown interest and
development of technology for knowledge
management, mobility and conceptual awareness in
the area of distributed collaborative work and
learning (Begole et al., 2002).
As a consequence of the complex processes
involved in learning, we need to capture all and each
type of possible data gathered in log files. However,
the information generated in web-based learning
applications can be of a great variety of type and
formats (Xhafa et al., 2004). Moreover, these
applications are characterized by a high degree of
user-user and user-system interaction which stresses
the amount of interaction data generated. Therefore,
there is a strong need for powerful solutions that
record the large volume of interaction data and can
be used to perform an efficient interaction analysis
and knowledge extraction.
Caballé S., Daradoumis T., Xhafa F. and Esteve J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 536-539
DOI: 10.5220/0001284105360539
As a matter of fact, the computational cost is the
main obstacle to processing data in real time. Hence,
in real learning situations, this processing tends to be
done offline so as to avoid harming the performance
of the logging application, but as it takes place after
the completion of the learning activity has less
impact on it (Caballé et al., 2005).
Based on the Grid vision (Foster and Kesselman,
1998), a preliminary study was conducted (Xhafa et
al., 2004). This study showed that a parallel
approach based on the Master-Worker (MW)
paradigm might increase the efficiency of processing
a large amount of information from user activity log
files (for more information about MW, please follow
the link:
In this paper we show, first, the main challenges
to be faced in modelling students’ behaviour in
Web-based learning environments, and, then, how a
Grid-based approach can deal with them. In order to
show the feasibility of our approach, we use the log
data from the internal campus of the Open
University of Catalonia (the UOC is found at:, though our approach is generic
and can be applied for reducing the processing time
of log data from web-based applications in general.
Our ultimate objective is to make it possible to
continuously monitor and adapt the learning process
and objects to the actual students’ learning needs as
well as to validate the campus’ usability by
analyzing and evaluating its actual usage.
Our real web-based learning context is the Open
University of Catalonia (UOC), which offers
distance education through the Internet in different
languages. As of this writing, about 40,000 students,
lecturers, and tutors from everywhere participate in
some of the 23 official degrees and other PhD and
post-graduate programs, resulting in more than 600
official courses. The campus is completely
virtualized. It is made up of individual and
community areas (e.g. personal electronic mailbox,
virtual classrooms, digital library, on-line bars,
virtual administration offices, etc.), through which
users are continuously browsing in order to fully
satisfy their learning, teaching, administrative and
social needs.
From our experience at the UOC, the description
and prediction of our students’ behaviour and
navigation patterns when interacting with the
campus is a first issue. Indeed, a well-designed
system’s usability is a key point to stimulate and
satisfy the students’ learning experience. In addition,
the monitoring and evaluation of real, long-term,
complex, problem-solving situations is a must in our
context. The aim is both to adapt the learning
process and objects to the actual students’ learning
needs as well as to validate the campus’ usability by
monitoring and evaluating its actual usage.
In order to achieve these goals, the analysis of
the campus activity and specifically the users' traces
captured while browsing the campus is essential in
this context. The collection of this information in log
files and the later analysis and interpretations of this
information provide the means to model the actual
user's behaviour and activity patterns.
2.1 The Collection of Information from
On-line Learning Activity
The on-line web-based campus of the UOC is made
up of individual and community virtual areas such as
mailbox, agenda, classrooms, library, secretary's
office, and so on. Students and other users (lecturers,
tutors, administrative staff, etc.) continuously
browse these areas where they request for services to
satisfy their particular needs and interests. For
instance, students make strong use of email service
so as to communicate with other students and
lecturers as part of their learning process.
All users' requests are chiefly processed by a
collection of Apache web servers as well as database
servers (Apache is found at:
and other secondary applications, all of which
provide service to the whole community and thus
satisfy a great deal of users’ requests. For load
balance purposes, all HTTP traffic is smartly
distributed among the different Apache web servers
available. Each web server stores in a log file all
users’ requests received in this specific server as
well as the information generated from processing
the requests. Once a day (namely, at 01:00 a.m.), all
web servers in a daily rotation merge their logs
producing a single very large log file containing the
whole user interaction with the campus performed in
the last 24 hours.
A typical daily log file size may be up to 10 GB.
This great amount of information is first pre-
processed using filtering techniques in order to
remove a lot of futile, non relevant information (e.g.
information coming from automatic control
processes, the uploading of graphical and format
elements, etc.). However, after this pre-processing,
about 1.8 GB of potentially useful information
corresponding to 3,500,000 of log entries in average
still remains (Carbó at al., 2005).
For the purpose of registering the campus
activity, log files entries were set up with the
purpose of capturing the following information: who
performed a request (i.e. user’s IP address along
with a session key that uniquely identifies a user
session); when the request was processed (i.e.
timestamp); what type of service was requested (a
URL string format description of the server
application providing the service requested along
with the input values) and where (i.e. an absolute
URL containing the full path to the server
application providing the service requested).
At this point, we point out some problems arisen
by dealing with these log files. Each explicit user
request generates al least an entry in the log file and
after being processed by a web server, other log
entries are generated from the response of this user
request; certain non-trivial requests (e.g. user login)
involve in turn requesting others and hence they may
implicitly trigger new log entries; the what and
where fields contain very similar information
regarding the URL strings that describe the service
requested and the parameters with the input values;
certain information is found in a very primitive form
and is represented as long text strings (e.g. user
session key is a long 128-character string).
Therefore, there is a high degree of redundancy,
tedious and ill-formatted information as well as
incomplete as at some cases certain user actions do
not generate any log entry (e.g. user may leave the
campus by either closing or readdressing the
browser) and have to be inferred. As a consequence,
treating this information is very costly in terms of
time and space needing a great processing effort.
In order to deal with the above mentioned problems
and inconvenients, we have developed a simple
application in Java, called UOCLogsProcessing that
processes log files of the UOC. In particular, this
application runs offline on the same machine as the
logging application server. It uses, as an input, the
daily log files obtained as a result of merging all
web servers’ log files. The following process is run:
(i) identify the log entries boundaries and extract the
fields that make up each entry, (ii) capture the
specific information contained in the fields about
users, time, sessions, areas, etc., (iii) infer the
missing information, (iv) map the information
obtained to typed data structures, and (v) store these
data structures in a persistent support.
However, as the processing is done sequentially,
it takes too long to complete the work and it has to
be done after the completion of the learning activity,
which makes the construction of effective real-time
user models not possible.
3.1 Juxta-CAT: a JXTA-based Grid
In this section, we briefly introduce the main aspects
of the grid platform, called Juxta-CAT (Esteve and
Xhafa, 2006), which we have used for parallelizing
the processing of log files.
The Juxta-CAT platform has been developed
using the JXTA protocols and offers a shared Grid
where client peers can submit their tasks in the form
of java programs stored on signed jar files and are
remotely solved on the nodes of the platform (JXTA
web page is found at: The
architecture of Juxta-CAT platform is made up of
two types of peers: common client peers and broker
peers. The former can create and submit their
requests using a GUI-based application while the
later are the administrators of the Grid, which are in
charge of efficiently assigning client requests to the
Grid nodes and notify the results to the owner's
requests. To assure an efficient use of resources,
brokers use an allocation algorithm, which can be
viewed as a price-based economic model, to
determine the best candidate node to process each
new received petition.
The Juxta-CAT platform has been deployed in a
large-scale, distributed and heterogeneous P2P
network using nodes from PlanetLab platform
(PlanetLab web page is found at http://www.planet- At the time of this writing, PlanetLab’s
node distribution is: 715 nodes over 338 sites
(Polytechnic University of Catalonia has joined
PlanetLab with several proper nodes). Juxta-CAT
Project and its official web site have been hosted in
Java.NET community (please see the following link:
3.2 Experimental Results
We present, in this section, the main experimental
results obtained for a test battery in order to measure
the efficiency obtained by the grid processing. This
battery test uses both large amounts of log
information (i.e. daily log files) and well-stratified
short samples consisting of representative daily
periods with different activity degrees (e.g. from 7
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
p.m. to 1 a.m. as the most active lecturing period and
from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. as the period with least activity
in the campus). On the other hand, other tests
involved a few log files with selected file size
forming a sample of each representative stratum.
This allowed us to obtain reliable statistical results
using an input data size easy to use.
The battery test was processed by the
UOCLogsProcessing application executed on single-
processor machines involving usual configurations.
The battery test was executed several times with
different workload in order to have more reliable
results in statistical terms involving file size, number
of log entries processed and execution time along
with other basic statistics. On the other hand, the
same battery test was processed by Juxta-CAT using
different number of nodes, specifically, 2, 4, 8, and
16 nodes, using PlanetLab nodes. A sample of the
results is shown in Figure 1, while Table 1 shows the
gain in parallel speed-up and efficiency we achieved
Figure 1: An execution time result for log files with sizes
of 36MB; x-axis indicates the number of processors and y-
axis the processing time (mm:ss).
Table 1: Parallel speed-up and efficiency.
Log file size Speed-up Efficiency
12 MB 6.1 38.2 %
24 MB 7.4 46,2 %
36 MB 9.1 56.8 %
In this paper, we have shown how to model the
learner's behaviour and activity pattern by using user
modelling tracking-based techniques. However, the
information generated from tracking the learners
when interacting with the virtual learning
environment is usually very large, tedious,
redundant and ill-formatted and as a result
processing this information is time-consuming. In
order to overcome this problem, in this paper we
have proposed a Grid-aware implementation that
considerably reduces the processing time of log data
and makes it possible to build and constantly
maintain user models, even in real time. For the
purposes of both showing the problem of dealing
with log data and testing our grid prototype we have
described and used the log data coming from the
virtual campus of the Open University of Catalonia.
Further work will include the implementation of a
more thorough mining process of the log files, which
due to the nature of the log files of our virtual
campus will require more processing time in
comparison to the log processor used in this work.
This work has been partially supported by the
Spanish MCYT project TSI2005-08225-C07-05.
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