Alon Kadury and Ariel J. Frank
Department of ComputerScience, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Keywords: Digital library, Harvesting, Aggregation, SDL, FDL, HDL, OAI, OAI-PMH
Abstract: Digital Libraries (DLs) are an important tool for quality information retrieval over the Internet. However,
with the information explosion on the Internet and the increase in the number of DLs, users might need to
search several DLs before finding the relevant information looked for. Federated DLs (FDLs) and Harvested
DLs (HDLs) can solve this problem. To overcome the lack of uniformity and interoperability problems
between DLs and to develop standards that can ease the distribution of information between them, an
initiative called OAI established the OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting)
protocol. While this protocol enables the construction of FDLs, HDLs are hardly found. This paper presents
the RIDDLE model for construction and aggregation of HDLs using the OAI-PMH protocol with some
modifications. The use of RIDDLE can provide for high quality information retrieval from digital libraries
on the Internet.
The rapid growth nowadays of available information
on the Internet increases the risk of “Information
Explosion” and the difficulties in retrieving relevant
information rise. Ad hoc and unsound use of Web
Search Engines (SEs) is akin to searching for a
needle in a haystack, with similar outcomes.
On the other hand, in appropriate circumstances,
wise use of relevant Digital Libraries (DLs) provides
high quality information retrieval of authoritative
results, since DLs are quality oriented. However, the
availability, Awareness and discovery of DLs on the
Internet are still lacking (Yom Tov & Frank, 2006).
Moreover, even if DLs are used, users might
need to search several DLs before finding the
relevant information looked for. Here we investigate
some of the arisen questions, and propose a
promising solution for increasing the availability and
discovery of DLs using harvesting and aggregation
In section 2 we elaborate more on digital
libraries, their types and use. Section 3 discusses the
OAI-PMH protocol and presents the problems
encountered in construction of HDLs using the OAI-
PMH protocol. Section 4 introduces the proposed
RIDDLE model for construction and aggregations of
HDLs, and describes an initial prototype. Section 5
concludes with a discussion and future directions.
Digital Libraries (Arms, 2000) are both a direct
extension and complement of classical (analogical)
libraries. Here we define a DL as having six major
characteristics (Hanani & Frank, 2000; Sharon &
Frank, 2000). DLs exist on the Internet for over a
decade, and their number is growing. The
advantages of DLs holding digital collections are
that they provide quality, up-to-date materials,
offered with rich library services.
2.1 Types of Digital Libraries
There are various classifications of digital library
types in the literature. Here we classify DLs into the
following three types (Sharon & Frank, 2000):
1. Stand-alone Digital Library (SDL) –
a regular library implemented locally in a fully
computerized fashion, with networked access.
2. Federated Digital Library (FDL) –
a logical federation of entire autonomous
3. Libraries, based on common focus and topic, on
the network.
4. Harvested Digital Library (HDL) –
a virtual library providing mainly metadata
based access to relevant items that are
distributed over the network.
Kadury A. and J. Frank A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 441-446
DOI: 10.5220/0001284704410446
As can be expected, SDLs are the most prevalent
type of DLs. However, with the ever increasing
number of SDLs, users looking for certain
information may be compelled to look into several
SDLs before they can fully locate relevant
information on the topic they are looking for.
In order to alleviate this difficulty, several
solutions have been proposed in order to generate a
single entry point that would transparently provide
coverage for relevant SDLs. Such solutions include:
1. Use of vertical search engines.
2. Access to a FDL library.
3. Search through a HDL library.
Use of vertical search engines can lead to finding
relevant results but they also suffer from the
aforementioned SE disadvantages (Xiaoming, 2001;
Yom Tov & Frank, 2006).
An FDL federates several autonomous SDLs by
logically constructing a flat composition of all their
contents to form a unified library. Example FDLs
are the Networked Computer Science Technical
Reference Library NCSTRL (www.ncstrl.org) and
the National Science Digital Library NSDL
The FDL provides a transparent, uniform
interface to all the underlying SDLs' contents, while
overcoming lack of uniformity and any
interoperability problems between them. Since
different SDLs are involved, FDLs tend to have
relatively coarse granularities. Moreover, each
additional SDL that is federated increases the
granularity of the FDL even more.
An HDL, on the other hand, filters SDL
resources that are relevant to its focused library topic
by harvesting only their metadata into the HDL. A
framework for generating HDLs is the Katsir system
described in (Hanani & Frank, 2000). Katsir was
based on the Harvest system that used the SOIF
format for summarizing varied resources into
metadata records that were kept in the constructed
HDLs. Example HDLs are the National
Nanotechnology Initiative (www.nano.gov/) and
SourceBank (www.sourcebank.com/).
HDLs tend to have relatively fine topic
granularities, which isn't increased as additional
relevant resources on the same topic are harvested.
Retrieving quality information on a focused topic is
an advantage of HDLs over FDLs which tend to
have coarser topic granularities. Moreover, as need
arises, HDLs can be easily composed to form
aggregated HDLs with any coarser topic granularity
required. In principle, this aggregation can continue
for as much as needed, forming a hierarchy of DLs
represented and accessed as a relevant topics tree.
When developers attempt to generate FDLs and
HDLs they are usually confronted with lack of
uniformity and interoperability problems between
the different SDLs involved. Major problems are
different metadata formats used by DLs, lack of
consistency in the way requests are sent and
responses received in the varied user interfaces and
in the sharing of library resources (Suleman & Fox,
3.1 The OAI-PMH Protocol
To solve the lack of uniformity and interoperability
problems and to develop standards that can ease the
distribution of information between varied
repositories, OAI (Open Archives Initiative) was
initiated. OAI established the OAI-PMH (Open
Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata
Harvesting) protocol (OAI-PMH, 2002). The
protocol attempts to solve these problems by setting
a standard for sharing information between many
repositories by use of a single metadata format.
OAI-PMH standardized the way repositories,
known as data providers, are queried (by defining 6
HTTP queries with different parameters) and the
way the answers are received (based on pre-defined
XML schemes) by the service providers. In addition,
the protocol specified DC (Dublin Core) as the basic
metadata standard that all repositories need to adhere
to (DC, 1998).
OAI-PMH clearly supports the construction of
FDLs (as service providers) based on gathering
information from SDLs (as data providers).
Moreover, the protocol was designed to provide
selective harvesting by the use of Sets (OAI-PMH,
2002) which seems to also provide for the
construction of HDLs (as service providers).
The idea of Sets is as follows. Instead of filtering
metadata records one by one, it would be efficient to
filter a group of related items at once. This is made
possible in the protocol through the use of Sets. A
set is an optional construct for grouping items for the
purpose of selective harvesting. SDLs may organize
items into sets. Set organization may be flat, i.e., a
simple list, or hierarchical. The number of sets and
their organization is up to the SDL developers. An
item record need not be affiliated with a set, even if
sets are defined, or it can be affiliated with one or
more of them.
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3.2 Problems Constructing HDLs using
The use of the OAI-PMH protocol is accelerating
and it is employed by many SDLs and FDLs that
have implemented it (Van de Sompel & Lagoze,
2002). A few hundred OAI-based FDLs exist on the
Internet; these can be found in the OAI service
providers list
Considering the advantages of HDLs, and the
availability and benefits of OAI-PMH, we would
have expected an increasing number of HDLs on the
Internet. However, it is interesting to note that there
are nearly no HDLs that employ OAI-PMH. Even
those found, turn out to make limited use of the
protocol capabilities. The arisen question of course
is why that is so.
The major difference between FDLs and HDLs
is in the filtering and the selective harvesting done
by HDLs. Consequently, this leads to investigation
of the OAI-PMH protocol capabilities that can serve
in these goals. The outcome of this investigation
should lead to a potential solution for the harvesting
and aggregation of HDLs in the OAI-PMH
As part of our analysis, we found that OAI-PMH
enables filtering of metadata at three levels: item, set
and library, as described below.
Item-level Metadata
The item-level metadata is a summarized record of
each resource of the repository. The protocol
compels SDLs to expose their item-level metadata as
DC format, at the least, to the service providers. The
DC contains 15 elements (DC, 1998). All elements
are optional, and all elements may be repeated. This
DC metadata, comprised of fields with known
meanings, is of course an excellent source for
filtering the resources that get selected for the HDL.
Previous research (Dushay & Hillmann, 2003;
Lagoze et al., 2006; Tennant, 2004) has already
pointed out varied DC related problems that exist in
OAI repositories DC.
Group-level Metadata
Instead of filtering metadata records one by one, it
would be efficient to filter a group of related records
at once. As aforesaid, this is made possible in the
protocol through the use of Sets (Dushay &
Hillmann, 2003; Tennant, 2004).
In an inspection regarding Sets (Kadury, 2006), a
total of 164 sample OAI libraries were checked for
their use of sets and the structure and name
compatibility between them. However, nearly no
SDLs that make use of sets were found. The
investigation exposed that many SDLs do not use
sets at all. Of those that used sets, the use was low
and there was nearly no compatibility between the
extant sets. Even libraries on similar topics defined
sets in different ways using different names.
It is clear from this that attempting to use
selective harvesting using OAI-PMH for
constructing HDLs will currently be ineffective.
The difficulties and incompatibility in the use of
sets entail mainly from the following reasons:
1. Sets are defined in the protocol in a very general
2. No standard way to name sets and to describe
them by use of the optional Description field.
3. No instructions on organizing sets and
constructing a hierarchy between them.
4. It is not clear when items should be associated
just with a single set or with several sets.
The above can explain, for example, why we
have found several SDL libraries that have only one
set that is just named after the library itself.
Library-level Metadata
Having metadata about the DL itself can also be
useful when attempting to filter entire SDLs. Based
on this library-level metadata, we could initially
check if the SDL itself is at all relevant for us.
To achieve this, we could enhance the Identify
query to receive also the library metadata. The
returned information includes several mandatory
fields about the protocol parameters used and on the
identified library itself.
In addition, there is an optional Description field
that can contain a textual description of the library
and any additional details. Note that there is no fixed
syntax for this field. However, there are a few
suggestions regarding the information it should
include based on tags that describe the repository
(OAIGuide, 2002).
From the inspection done, there are libraries that
make use of this field but usually the information
contained in it is general – not very detailed and
henceforth not very meaningful. This means that the
Description field, as currently used, isn't useful in
HDL construction.
Based on this investigation, we can see that OAI-
PMH has several features that could be used for
construction of HDLs. However, as they are defined,
they are too weak and need to be enhanced for
effective filtering and harvesting of SDLs as part of
the construction of HDLs.
To reach this goal, we propose here the RIDDLE
(Resource Inquiry and Discovery in a DL
Environment) model for the construction and
aggregation of HDLs (see Figure 1).
It is noteworthy that the OAI-PMH designers
envisioned an open protocol with a low entry level
to describing resources by metadata records. They
tried not to pre-enforce division of records into sets,
for example. The idea was to have a light and
flexible protocol that could be suited to a wide range
of applications. Henceforth, the RIDDLE model
preserves this spirit while suggesting enhancements
that enable better construction and aggregation of
HDLs, as described below.
4.1 Model for HDL Construction
The RIDDLE model (see Figure 1) supports the
construction of HDLs from SDLs (at layer 3) and
their further aggregation (at layer 4). The model is
based on the following proposed OAI-PMH
enhancements, introduced at the previously
described 3 levels: item, set and library.
Item-level Metadata
The solution to the aforementioned item-level
metadata problems is the mandated use of extended
DC (DCMI, 2005) that can provide a better detailed
description of the SDL resources. That is, extended
DC needs to be defined, at the least, for each
resource; DC itself isn't enough. Exemplary
extended DC fields are abstract and audience. Thus
extended DC metadata will enable better filtering at
the item-level of SDLs.
Group-level Metadata
The solution to the aforementioned group-level
metadata problems is to expand the protocol
definition of Sets through use of a naming standard
for uniform naming of the topics of the sets. The
naming standard proposed to be used here is DDC
(Dewey Decimal Classification) (DDC, 2003) that is
used for classification of topics in classical libraries
and within topic trees.
The DDC standard was chosen for this purpose
since it is in popular use in the library system, is
easy to use and provides for a detailed topics tree
(DDCServices, 2006). An example DDC topics
subtree is given in Figure 2. We propose to expand
the Sets definition with an additional DDC field that
indicates its DDC mapping. This field will enable
efficient filtering at the group-level of SDL sets.
Figure 2: An example of a DDC topics subtree.
Library-level Metadata
The solution to the aforementioned library-level
metadata problems is to mandate the use of extended
DC also in the Description field. This will enable
better filtering at the library-level itself.
It is noteworthy that with this proposed scheme,
the library itself is described in the same way as the
library resources are. Henceforth, we can use the
item-level filtering tools also for the library-level
itself. This enables the aggregation of HDLs as
suggested below.
Natural Science & Math
Physics Mathematics
Atomic nuclear physics
Life science
Modern physics
Enhanced OAI-PMH
Layer 4
Aggregated Service
Layer 1
Layer 2
Data Providers
Layer 5
Layer 3
Service Providers
Web interfaces
Figure 1: The RIDDLE model for construction and
aggregation of HDLs on the Internet.
Aggregated HDLs
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4.2 Model for HDL Aggregation
Once we have HDLs, it now becomes possible to
aggregate HDLs into coarser granularity HDLs, as
needed. The idea is to take relatively fine granularity
HDLs and construct from them relatively coarser
HDLs, in a hierarchical manner. The aggregated
HDL need not construct any new libraries but just
represent the logical composition of extant ones.
As envisioned, the aggregated HDL relies on a
hierarchical structure that is composed based on
extant hierarchies. An example of an aggregated
HDL can be seen in Figure 3. The resultant structure
enables hierarchical browse and search that is based
on the extant topics tree of libraries.
Figure 3: An example of an aggregated HDL.
To provide for this hierarchical structure we
propose to use DDC, as this standard was already
used for the Sets definition in HDL construction.
This enables each library to designate its DDC topic
and so denote its correct location in the DDC topics
tree (see Figure 2).
If need be, the DDC topics tree structure can be
expanded (Kadury, 2006), so this solves the problem
of a library whose topic name doesn't fit an existing
DDC name, or the inclusion of several libraries with
the same DDC topics name.
Each HDL will have a library-level metadata
record, like SDLs have. This record should be
delivered then in response to an Identify query sent
to an HDL. This will provide the needed library-
level metadata on the libraries that need be
aggregated beneath it.
If the HDLs would be enhanced with OAI-PMH
interfaces (as data providers), they could also enable
the harvesting of their data by the aggregated HDLs.
While OAI-PMH enables offline harvesting, with
few modifications (ibid) online harvesting could be
made possible and beneficial in certain cases.
4.3 The RIDDLE Prototype
The initial prototype implementation realizes the
functionalities of the RIDDLE model (Kadury,
2006). The prototype supports the construction of
both FDLs and HDLs, and the further aggregation of
HDLs. The aggregated HDLs can be searched by
browsing a DDC topics tree or by free textual
search, which searches the HDLs' library-level
The prototype supports several user interfaces
used for displaying the search results: a common list
oriented interface, and a Google-like interface that
lists HDLs that answer the search criteria, instead of
showing the list of sponsored links.
A suitable test collection of FDLs and HDLs was
generated using the OAI-PMH protocol with needed
manual cleansing of the metadata records and their
augmentation with extended DC fields (ibid).
Several tests where carried out on the RIDDLE
prototype, in order to check the quality of
information retrieval from HDLs versus using
several FDLs, by checking precision, relative recall
and efficiency (by F-measure which is the weighted
harmonic average of precision and recall). Tests on
the ease of discovering and using aggregated HDLs
were also done.
Comparisons were made between tasks that were
first carried out on FDLs and then on HDLs (ibid).
The summarized results show that HDLs received
better marks on all measures compared to the FDLs
(see Figure 4).
In addition, several experiments were carried out
with a group of users that tried to separately locate
information using several FDLs and several HDLs.
These experiments also exhibited that the users
preferred HDLs over FDLs. The users preferred
using a single HDL interface rather than several
FDL interfaces and liked the ease of locating the
needed information from the HDL results.
PrecisionRecallF-measur e
Figure 4: Comparison of precision, recall and F-measure.
Life Sci
Exact Sci
Social Sci
Chemistry Comp Sci
Hardware Software
The major problems pointed out in this paper are the
lack of uniformity in SDLs using OAI-PMH that
prevents effective creation of HDLs, thus motivating
the need for the RIDDLE framework. The RIDDLE
model suggests the changes needed in the OAI-PMH
protocol to enable the efficient construction of HDLs
and their aggregation as needed. The major changes
promote the repeat use of both the extended DC and
DDC standards to provide for better metadata at all
library levels that enables selective harvesting and
Initial testing indicates that use of an HDL is
more efficient when compared to the use of several
separate FDLs. RIDDLE received high scores from
the end users. In addition, the users found the
process of locating aggregated HDLs in the DDC
topics tree easy to use. In general, the users preferred
RIDDLE due to its ease and effectiveness in
searching and retrieving results. The initial
experiments are promising but the current prototype
needs to be enhanced for wider experiments and for
public use.
In this paper we presented the changes required
in the OAI-PMH protocol to enable the construction
and aggregation of HDLs using RIDDLE.
Introducing these required extensions into the OAI-
PMH protocol can enable efficient construction and
aggregation of HDLs, and consequently better
information retrieval from digital libraries on the
We kindly thank Dr. Yaffa Aharoni and Taly Sharon
for insightful contributions and support, and Nir
Yom Tov and Elina Gershenovich for their active
participation in the related digital libraries research.
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