The major problems pointed out in this paper are the
lack of uniformity in SDLs using OAI-PMH that
prevents effective creation of HDLs, thus motivating
the need for the RIDDLE framework. The RIDDLE
model suggests the changes needed in the OAI-PMH
protocol to enable the efficient construction of HDLs
and their aggregation as needed. The major changes
promote the repeat use of both the extended DC and
DDC standards to provide for better metadata at all
library levels that enables selective harvesting and
Initial testing indicates that use of an HDL is
more efficient when compared to the use of several
separate FDLs. RIDDLE received high scores from
the end users. In addition, the users found the
process of locating aggregated HDLs in the DDC
topics tree easy to use. In general, the users preferred
RIDDLE due to its ease and effectiveness in
searching and retrieving results. The initial
experiments are promising but the current prototype
needs to be enhanced for wider experiments and for
public use.
In this paper we presented the changes required
in the OAI-PMH protocol to enable the construction
and aggregation of HDLs using RIDDLE.
Introducing these required extensions into the OAI-
PMH protocol can enable efficient construction and
aggregation of HDLs, and consequently better
information retrieval from digital libraries on the
We kindly thank Dr. Yaffa Aharoni and Taly Sharon
for insightful contributions and support, and Nir
Yom Tov and Elina Gershenovich for their active
participation in the related digital libraries research.
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