Nesrine Ben Mustapha, Hajer Baazaoui-Zghal
Riadi Laboratory., ENSI Campus Universitaire de la Manouba, 2010 Tunis, Tunisie
Marie-Aude Aufaure
Supelec, Computer Science Department, Plateau du Moulon, 91 192 Gif sur Yvette, France
Keywords: Semantic web, ontology construction, knowledge extraction, OntoCoSemWeb (Ontology Construction for
the Semantic Web) prototype.
Abstract: Adding a semantic dimension to web pages is a response to some problems of the present web and is known
as the semantic web. Many methods and methodologies can be found in the literature. Generally, they are
dedicated to particular data types like text, semi-structured data, relational data, etc. This paper presents a
prototype for knowledge extraction from web pages based on ontological components construction. Our
work deals with web pages. We will first study the state of the art of methodologies defined to learn
ontologies from texts. Then, we will define architecture of ontological components for the Semantic web.
An implementation and experimentation of the proposed architecture are presented.
The volume of available information on the web is
growing exponentially. Consequently, integration of
heterogeneous data sources and information
retrieval, have become more and more complex.
Adding a semantic dimension to web pages is a
response to this problem and is known as the
semantic web (Berners-Lee, 2001). Ontologies can
be seen as a fundamental part of the semantic web.
They can be defined as an explicit, formal
specification of a shared conceptualization (Gruber,
1993). Meanwhile, building ontology manually is a
long and tedious task. We are interesting in learning
ontologies from text. We present in section 2
semantic web and ontological components and our
approach to build a domain ontology. In section 3
and 4, implementation and experimentation are
presented. Section 5 analyses the results. At last, we
conclude and give some perspectives for this work.
Starting from the state of the art, we propose a
hybrid approach to build domain ontology; our
objective is to increase the capability of this
ontology to specify and extract web knowledge in
order to contribute to the semantic web. Analyzing
the web content is a difficult task relative to
relevance, redundancies and incoherencies of web
structures and information. For these reasons,
proposing an approach to build automatically an
ontology still remains utopian. Our approach is
based on the cyclic relation between web mining,
semantic web and ontology building as stated in
(Berendt and al., 2002). Our proposal is based on the
following statements: (1) satisfy the fact that the
ontology is useful to specify and extract knowledge
from the web, (2) link the semantic content within
the web documents structure, and (3) combine
linguistic and learning techniques taking into
account the scalability and the evolution of the
Ben Mustapha N., Baazaoui-Zghal H. and Aufaure M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 451-454
DOI: 10.5220/0001285304510454
ontology. Our ontology is produced using web
mining techniques. We mainly focus on web content
and web structure mining. Building this ontology
leads us to solve two main problems. The first one is
relative to the heterogeneity of web documents
structure while the second one is more technical and
concerns technical choices to extract concepts,
relationships and axioms as well as the selection of
learning sources and scalability. An architecture of
ontological components is proposed to represent the
domain knowledge, the web sites structure and a set
of services. These ontological components are
integrated into a customizable ontology building
environment (Ben Mustapha and al., 2006).
2.1 Our Approach
Learning ontologies from web sites is more complex
than texts. Indeed, web pages can contain more
images, hypertext and frames than text. Learning
concepts is a task that requires texts able to
explicitly specify the properties of a particular
domain. Starting from the state of the art, we can say
that no learning method to extract concepts and
relationships is better. For these reasons, we propose
a customizable ontology building environment
taking into consideration the criteria defined in our
synthesis. In this environment, we propose a set of
interdependent ontologies to build a knowledge base
on a particular domain, made up of a set of web
documents, their structure and associated services.
We distinguish three ontologies, namely a generic
ontology of web sites structures, a domain ontology
and a service ontology. The generic ontology of web
sites structure contains a set of concepts and
relationships allowing a common structure
description of HTML, XML and DTD web pages.
This ontology enables users to learn axioms that
specify the semantic of web documents patterns. The
main objective is to ease the structure of web mining
knowing that the results can help to populate the
domain ontology. The domain ontology is divided
into three layers according to their level of
abstraction. The ontology of services is defined
starting from the concept of task ontology (Gomez-
Perez and al., 2003). In our web context, we speak
of web services instead of tasks. This ontology
specifies the domain services and will be useful to
map web knowledge into a set of interdependent
services. This ontology is hierarchically structured:
the upper level is the root service while the leaves
are elementary tasks for which a triplet “concept-
relation-concept” belonging to the domain ontology
is associated. These three ontological components
are interdependent where the axioms included in an
ontology are used to enhance another ontology
component. Meanwhile, these ontologies differ from
their use. The domain ontology is used to specify the
domain knowledge. The service ontology specifies
the common services that can be solicited by web
users and can be attached to several ontologies
defined on subparts of the domain. As we said
previously, the axioms of the structure ontology are
used to extract instances of the domain ontology.
2.2 Building the Domain Ontology
In this section, we focus on the domain ontology
extraction. Our strategy is based on three steps. The
first one is the initialization step. The second one is
an incremental learning process based on linguistic
and statistic techniques. The last one is a learning
step based on web structure mining. Here is their
definition. The initialization is based on the
following steps: (1) The design and manual building
of a minimal ontology related to the domain; this
construction is based on concepts and relationships
of Wordnet, (2) Composition of concepts and
relationships learning sources which consist in: (1)
Web search of documents related to our domain
using the concepts defined in the minimal ontology
as requests, (2) Classification of these web
documents, (3) Composition of a textual corpus
containing a set of phrases in which we can find at
least one concept of the minimal domain ontology
and (4) Composition of a corpus of HTML and
XML documents indexed by their URL. Each
iteration of the second stage includes two steps. The
first one (Procedure A) is defined by the following
tasks: (1) Enrichment of the ontology with new
concepts extracted from semi-structured data found
in the web pages (XML, DTD, tables), (2)
Construction of a word space based on the concepts
of the minimal domain ontology, (3) Lexico-
syntactic patterns learning based on the method
defined in (Alfonseca and Manandhar, 2002); these
patterns are related to non taxonomic relationships
between the concepts of the minimal ontology, (4)
Lexico-syntactic patterns learning to extract
synonymy, hyponymy and part-of relationships
(lexical layer of the domain ontology), (5) Similarity
matrix building: this matrix allows computing the
similarity between pairs of concepts found in the
multidimensional space word. The second step
(Procedure B) consists in: (1) Updating the textual
corpus and the web documents collection by
searching them according to the concepts defined in
the minimal ontology, (2) New concepts and non
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
taxonomic relationships extraction by the application
of lexico-syntactic patterns, (3) Attribution of a
weight for each extracted relationship relative to the
frequency of the relationships that apply the lexico-
syntactic pattern, (4) Updating the minimal
ontology. Each iteration can be validated by the
domain expert. This process is incremental:
procedures A and B are repeated until no integration
of new data is required. The last stage consists in an
enrichment of the ontology structure and an
extraction of structure patterns for each relationship
of the domain ontology. The implementation of this
strategy is still in progress. We have realized a little
case study to illustrate the first iteration (Ben
Mustapha and al., 2006).
An implementation and experimentation of the
suggested approach were carried. The principal
objective is to automate the process of ontology
construction. In fact a prototype named
OntoCoSemWeb had been developed. The main
purposes of the developed prototype are: (1) to
automate the construction of ontology by combining
the method of (Hearst, 1998), the semantic signature
and a method of text mining which consists in the
construction of the space word and the ASIUM
method of syntactic Frames learning (Faure and Al,
1998 ) ; (2) to proceed to the learning of the possible
relationships while saving information of knowledge
extraction in the metaontology ; (3) To annotate the
chosen web pages by using a minimal ontology of a
specific field and enrich it by learning from these
same Web pages which will be then annotated by the
result of the ontology learning. Thus, after the
elimination of the HTML tags from web documents,
using API DOM (Document Object Model) a web
mining technique has been implemented, to perform
the segmentation of the texts in sentences. For the
construction of the minimal ontology and meta-
ontology, Protege 2000 has been used. The
alimentation of the meta-ontology is made by the
nominal expressions of each concept, the definition
of the semantic signature and Hyponyms of each
concept and the research of syntactic Frames of each
minimal ontology relation. Concepts are built
according to existing words in the corpus and in
Wordnet which is used to select the most similar
words or expressions, which will be considered as
the topics signatures of, as an example, the concept
"hotel ". The construction of the corpus patterns was
done from 10 Web sites to obtain a textual corpus of
10 groups where each group contains between 130
and 300 textual files. Each file represents one Web
page of the site associated with only one group. So
that the frequency of a pattern is computed
according to its occurrence in a Web page and for all
the pages of the Web site.
The experimentation starts by choosing a concept of
the minimal ontology of tourism to begin the
learning step. The metaontology enrichment starts
by searching synonyms, “part-of” relations and
nominal expressions referring to the concept. These
concepts are “part-of” the concept and will be
inserted temporarily in the metaontology during step
A in order to enrich the domain ontology in step B.
Then, the expressions referring to it are constructed.
The existing generic linguistic axioms of the
metaontology are used to deduce new concepts or
instances (from nominal propositions patterns or
other patterns). As an example, the NP_Concept
pattern, NP means « proper noun » allows us to
insert the instance « Arkansas hotel » as an instance
of the concept « Hotel ». Expressions referring to the
concept « hotel “ are generated. The
multidimensional space is built with terms existing
in the corpus and in Wordnet (to select the most
similar words or expressions associated to “hotel”).
These terms are the semantic signature of the
concept « hotel ». The concepts which are similar to
the concept « hotel » (palace for example) are
extracted. The next step consists in searching a
relation between a concept and its semantic
signature. The semantic signatures represent close
concepts. Some of them have no taxonomic relation
in the domain ontology. Then, we have to verify the
existence of a taxonomic or a non taxonomic
relation, in order to filter the semantic signatures list
related to a given concept. With the developed tool,
the user can select a concept and "Extract senses ",
which allows the visualization of the possible senses
of the word "Airline " and search in Wordnet. Two
senses are found: the user has to choose the suitable
one and "show synonym" to visualize the synonyms
relating to the selected sense. The synonyms in the
last stage are inserted in the metaontology. When
the concept is referred by a term having at least one
sense, the user cans «Enrich Nominal Proposition ».
A lexico-syntactic pattern and its occurrence are
associated to each nominal expression. The
following step allows the enrichment of the meta-
ontology with the nominal expressions of the given
concept, its occurrence in the corpus and the
occurrence of each nominal expression. The next
step consists of the construction of the
Multidimensional word space and concept similarity
The experimentation carried out on Web pages
concerning tourism was presented in this paper. The
main aim was to show the feasibility of the approach
of ontologies construction for the semantic Web by
applying techniques of knowledge extraction. The
techniques of knowledge extraction are mainly text
mining techniques: the extraction technique of
lexical patterns, the construction of word space and
the construction of matrix similarity. The originality
of the suggested approach consists in ontology
construction to generate knowledge. Thus, the
iterative character of the approach makes it possible
to obtain after the last iteration association rules
such as : If " hotel " near to " sea" is expensive, or
80% of hotels of “Paris 2” are classified hotels 2
stars and less. Such rules represent a knowledge
being able to contribute to the decision-making.
Learning methodologies try to give a response to
the time-consuming manual ontology building task.
Learning techniques can be either numeric or
symbolic. They have been exploited to semi-
automate some foundation tasks such as concept
hierarchy building, taxonomic relationships
extraction, non taxonomic relationships learning,
etc. The proposed architecture is based on self-
learning ontological components which define Web
content semantics: the domain ontology ; Web
structure semantics : the ontology structure and
domain web services semantics: the web services
ontology. The metaontology is reusable and can be
applied to other domain building ontology processes
(from corpus with a determined language). Axioms
to extract concepts, relationships and instances are
learned incrementally. This metaontology can be
extended to other extraction techniques, where each
technique can use another similarity measure. A
hybrid domain ontology combining three techniques
is built: lexico-syntactic patterns, syntactic frames
and multidimensional word space. The proposed
approach is based on extracted information weighted
by its frequency in the corpus. The corpus is
updated, from one iteration to another, which is
useful to revise this information and the associated
initialisation Step A Step B
Concept number
number of new taxonomic
number of new non
taxonomic relationships
number of axiomes
linguistic patterns
lexicosyntaxic patterns
erroneous lexicosyntaxic
nominal expressions
erroneous linguistic
Figure 1: Results analysis.
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies