A Knowledge Management Approach Based
on a Semantic Wiki and Personal Ontologies
Flavio De Paoli and Marco Loregian
Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione, University of Milano-Bicocca
via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, 20126 Milano, Italy
Collaboration, Knowledge Management, Semantic Wiki, Ontology Editing.
Increased mobility and team distribution may hinder collaboration in organization by hampering spontaneous
communication in workplaces. Tools are required to be integrated and not intrusive with respect to users’
activities, in order to provide effective support to workers for the development of joint projects. In this paper
we present the enhancement of a knowledge-based collaborative system by means of a Semantic Wiki, which
is a wiki exploiting ontologies to create machine-processable annotation of documents. Moreover, we present
a simple tool to edit personal ontologies, that can be shared with other team or organization members.
Being composed of several, often parallel activities
and tasks, business processes rely on active col-
laboration among participants. Several approaches
have been proposed for business process management
(BPM), mainly focusing on issues related to coordina-
tion among entities (van der Aalst et al., 2003). How-
ever, besides the planning of processes, spontaneous
communication among peers has an important role: it
usually takes place when people meet each other in
physical settings, casually or on purpose. With in-
creased mobility of users and distribution of teams,
such a possibility is at risk, and technological means
seem to be required to overcome the possible inability
of encountering colleagues and to foster spontaneous
participation in the evolution of projects.
The aim of this work is to propose the integration
of techniques that have already been proved success-
ful in world-scale situations into the smaller setting of
modern enterprises. In particular, we aim at present-
ing how to integrate Semantic Web and wiki technol-
ogy into a Knowledge Management (KM) system.
A KM system is a collaborative environment sup-
porting the workers of an organization in exchang-
ing knowledge by providing an environment to let
them share documents and supplying techniques to
associate a meaning with them usually adopting
ontologies and profiling mechanisms. The reference
platform of this paper was designed as the result of
studies conducted on real settings to analyze the role
of (informal) communication and the way it is used in
articulating work tasks (Agostini et al., 2005).
In this paper, we present a set of features pro-
moting the involvement of people in creating and ex-
changing knowledge by providing them with an easy
way of publishing group knowledge. The chosen ap-
proach is to combine the definition and sharing of per-
sonal ontologies with the creation of profiles and an-
notations of documents using a wiki interface (Leuf
and Cunningham, 2001). A personal ontology is com-
posed of a set of terms and relations that are dy-
namically selected from available ontologies, possi-
bly augmented with user-defined semantic extensions.
A tool to facilitate the definition and the evolution of
personal ontologies, their use in common activities,
such as Web browsing, and KM specific, such as doc-
ument profiling, is described.
This section starts with the outline of the general char-
acteristics of the reference KM platform used in our
De Paoli F. and Loregian M. (2007).
TOOLS TO FOSTER SEMANTIC-BASED COLLABORATION - A Knowledge Management Approach Based on a Semantic Wiki and Personal
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 302-307
DOI: 10.5220/0001286603020307
experiments; next, the Semantic Wiki designed and
developed to support collaboration is presented with
its features and architecture; finally, a tool to edit the
personal ontologies to be used in the KM system is
2.1 The Reference KM System
is a Knowledge Management system that al-
lows a community of persons to store, organize and
retrieve documents in a multimodal and multichannel
way. The system relies on a server-based architecture
encompassing a KM engine (the Metadata Manage-
ment System, MMS) that can be connected to hetero-
geneous archiving systems.
At KM level, MILK defines a profiling mecha-
nism that unifies knowledge descriptions associated
with documents, people, projects and communities
(collectively named elements). Any kind of element
can be included in the same indexing and retrieval
process. So, for example, given the profile of a
project, it is possible to collect information about any
other project that has similarities with the current one,
know who is interested in the same subject, and iden-
tify documents regarding the same topics. The pro-
filing process is driven by ontologies that describe
specific domains: ontologies can be used to edit ele-
ments’ metadata, and are then exploited by the MMS
to compute correlations between elements i.e., to
identify related topics (Boselli et al., 2003) .
At interaction level, the aim of the system is to
provide users with various contextualized interfaces
and interaction mechanisms that fit different devices
and working situations, supply users with different
views over the same contents to promote awareness
and learning according to the activity a user is under-
taking (Agostini et al., 2005; Agostini et al., 2003).
In other words, user interfaces are requested to pro-
vide multimodal interactions according to different
user terminals.
The need of supplying multimodal and multichan-
nel presentation of documents that is, to be able
to present the same document in different formats ac-
cording to the most suitable device currently available
to the user led to a key choice in the information
architecture of the system. Documents are composed
of a collection of files, each one proposing a repre-
sentation of the actual content of a document. For
example, for each document might, or rather should,
exist a representation that is well-suited for a regu-
lar PC (e.g., the full pdf version of a paper), one for
Multimedia Interaction for Learning and Knowing,
IST-2001-33165, http://www.cootech.disco.
Figure 1: The MILK desktop client GUI, showing the
“View With Context” presentation.
large displays (e.g., a slide-show presenting the con-
tent), and one for handheld devices (e.g., the textual
abstract of the paper). It is important to remark that
all these files should be considered as being the same
document or, at most, different views of the same doc-
ument. Thanks to profiling, the system is able to man-
age the different representations as “attachments” to
the same element.
The most general representation of a document is
its profile, a set of metadata that is stored by the sys-
tem, that can be edited by users using a (standalone or
web-based) client, and that can be enriched by means
of Semantic Web technology (RDF) and successful
interaction techniques (wiki-style collaboration). On-
tologies fitting users’ needs are essential to achieve
good results in supporting work practices.
In order to easily exploit ontologies in element
profiles, the GUI provides a standard way to visual-
ize and use ontology terms, as keywords, in document
profiles: a panel displays such terms in a classic tree
fashion from which a term can be added to an element
profile by simply dragging and dropping it. Other-
wise, terms can be manually entered by typing them
in the appropriate form fields. Typed terms can be
part of the ontology or new keywords. In the latter
case, they are collected and proposed to the autho-
rized administrators of the system as candidate terms
for a reference ontology that is shared organization-
2.2 Collaborative Knowledge Creation
The system helps people to manage information and
easily access the right sources for creating new con-
tents (Agostini et al., 2003). In most KM systems,
users are enabled to search repositories to get infor-
mation; instead, MILK supports users to discover in-
TOOLS TO FOSTER SEMANTIC-BASED COLLABORATION - A Knowledge Management Approach Based on a
Semantic Wiki and Personal Ontologies
Figure 2: A detail of the Wiki perspective embedded in the
KM client.
formation while they are using the system. The dis-
covery is supported by automatically computing and
presenting information that are related to what the
user is doing and displaying on the screen. Figure 1
illustrates the concept in a prototype (desktop PC) in-
terface that displays a document surrounded by ele-
ments that are related to the content of that document.
This interface style is named “view with context” to
say that any displayed element is surrounded by its
The current GUI is a standalone application, built
on Eclipse Rich Client Platform
. The advantage of
this choice is to deliver a (cross-platform) tool that
is easily extensible, via plug-ins, to allow for rapid
proofing of new ideas.
The interface is structured in perspectives that col-
lect related views. For example, the “View with Con-
text perspective” is composed of a main view sur-
rounded by smaller panels displaying ontologies, re-
lated elements, project structure, and available peo-
ple (Fig 1). The main view (i.e., the so-called edit
metadata view) is essentially form-based, meaning
that metadata is entered in profiles by filling in the
fields of a form. In Computer Supported Cooperative
Work (CSCW) literature, this task has been widely
recognized to be tedious. In particular, this kind of
interaction is not perceived as a collaborative activity.
Forms suggest a rigid conception of profiles, whereas
the Metadata Management System was designed for
more flexibility (e.g., to deal with heterogeneous ele-
On the other hand, the popularity of tools such as
Wikipedia (Giles, 2005) shows that wiki-style interac-
tion could be the key factor to allow users to generate
new contents by completing existing element profiles
with information that can be easily edited (with ele-
mentary wiki syntax) and exploited, for example, to
build richer views on the knowledge base.
For these reasons, we are testing a “Semantic Wiki
perspective” in the RCP client (Figure 2). Users can
annotate elements’ profiles as free-text, and we claim
Firefox Extension
Personal Ontology
Personal Ontology
Personal Ontology
MILK client
MILK wiki
wiki interface
Users Management
Reference Ontology
Figure 3: The architecture of the system: only elements
relevant to the wiki perspective are shown.
it to be a semantic wiki because of the enhancement
it carries in knowledge processing, being tightly in-
tegrated with system ontologies. The definition of
a wiki representation enhances the content manage-
ment capabilities of the system, for example to sup-
port more precise computation of the view with con-
text, taking annotations into account.
At a basic level, annotations can be associated
with a document by simply selecting words or sen-
tences in the text area and then dragging one or more
terms from the ontology view on them. By this ac-
tion, a RDFa
annotation is created in the document,
and the user perceives it through the change of the
annotated portion of the text that turns underlined.
The semantic wiki was designed according to a
simple, yet consolidated architecture (Oren et al.,
2006) (Figure 3). In the user interface, four main
views are currently available:
the article view is a read-only display of the wiki
representation of the document. With this view
users can get general view over the annotations
on a document: annotations are associated with
underlined text. Using mouse roll-over tooltips it
is possible to view annotation details. Using an
HTML template, with XSLT and CSS technolo-
gies, the wiki description can be rendered on a
range of devices or exported in various formats,
with various appearances;
the editor view presents a compact editable view
of the document: the text and the annotation can
be modified by picking terms from the available
ontologies. Also in this view, annotations are only
associated with underlined text;
the edit metadata view collects the list of generic
metadata and the annotations in a form: metadata
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 4: The Mozilla Firefox extension, and the main in-
teraction steps to define a personal ontology by adding a
new term.
can thus be quickly edited and the changes are au-
tomatically inserted in the wiki file;
the source view allows the user to directly edit the
source code of the wiki file (i.e., RDFa annota-
tions): tags are shown and can be directly edited
in the body of the document.
When a document is saved, the MMS is in charge
of parsing the wiki file (the wiki perspective relies on
Jena APIs to generate documents) to extract informa-
tion and update the document profile accordingly. The
RDFa representaion is stored in the repository along
with other representations and documents.
2.3 How to Create Personal Ontologies
In its original release, the MILK system was limited
to rely only on a centralized ontology. Such ontol-
ogy was designed in different versions to accommo-
date the needs of the test settings in which the system
was deployed. Generic APIs and graphical user in-
terfaces were implemented to directly manipulate on-
tologies. Ontology maintenance required administra-
tors that were familiar with basic principles of knowl-
edge engineering and with MILK technology.
A goal of our work is to design features that allow
individuals to easily define personal ontologies, pos-
sibly grounded on those published on the Web, that
can be shared with colleagues, instead of only allow-
ing users to type new keywords. Our approach is to
integrate an ontology creation process with the most
common desktop activity: Web browsing.
In the everyday activity, we use the Web to ex-
tend our knowledge by learning from documents and
from terms exploited in the searching. We are con-
ducting experiments that aim to extend the system
beyond the basic activities on shared ontologies and
repositories to include the terms used during brows-
ing as personal ontology terms. We are testing an ex-
tension of Mozilla Firefox that monitors the queries
sent to search engines, e.g., Google (Figure 4). The
extension is called OntoMarks and can be down-
loaded from the following URL: http://www.
The user interface of the browser extension con-
sists of a sidebar with an upper “permanent” panel,
and a lower “temporary” panel. Whenever a Google
page is loaded, the keywords used in the search are ex-
tracted by parsing the page URL and added to the bot-
tom panel of the sidebar (step 1 in Figure 4). By right-
clicking on any of the keywords currently displayed,
the user can search the term again with Google (like
with a bookmark) or make the keyword part of a
permanent set (step 2 in Figure 4). Searches with
multiple keywords are split, but expressions between
quotes are kept as a single keyword. The list of key-
words in the panel is temporary, and it is reset every
time Firefox is started.
When a keyword is selected to be included in the
personal ontology, a query can be sent to Swoogle
via its Web Service APIs, to find out if the term is de-
fined by available ontologies. A new browser tab is
opened to show the matching results and let the user
select the most appropriate term by reading available
descriptions. The insertion in the personal ontology
can be postponed, and the found terms are temporar-
ily saved and accessible via a contextual menu that
can be open by right-clicking on the already searched
term. A colored dot shows the status of a term: red
for terms that have not been searched or that have not
been found on Swoogle, green otherwise.
If a term from an existing ontology is chosen, then
a complete copy of its definition (description, proper-
ties, relations) is added to the personal ontology, so to
be available for future use, for example when the on-
tology is shared with other team/organization mem-
bers (Section 2.4)
Besides using terms as bookmarks for Google
searches, the general utility of creating a personal on-
tology is to use it in KM systems such as MILK (i.e.,
by loading and using it in the GUI) to better orga-
nize personal knowledge or retrieve information from
a shared repository: needless to say, it is the vision of
the Semantic Web (Berners-Lee et al., 2001).
For this reason, this plug-in is compliant with Se-
mantic Web technologies: the upper panel relies on a
RDF file that permanently stores a user’s personal on-
tology, that can be loaded and managed by the client
GUI as well as by any other RDF-based application.
TOOLS TO FOSTER SEMANTIC-BASED COLLABORATION - A Knowledge Management Approach Based on a
Semantic Wiki and Personal Ontologies
2.4 How to Share Personal Ontologies
MILK’s KM engine can supply contextualized ac-
cess to document repositories, through different in-
terfaces, and can load personal ontologies from lo-
cal hard drives and from the Internet (via URIs). By
doing so, users can request the MMS for customized
views on the knowledge base. However, to support
cooperation, personal ontologies might be needed as
shared resource (in parts or as a whole) since they are
referenced by profiles and wiki annotations. More-
over, they can be a vehicle to spread new knowledge.
The system supports access to a shared reference
ontology, that is maintained by administrators and to
which all organization users can contribute by adding
new terms (De Paoli and Loregian, 2006b). More
precisely, users can propose new candidate terms, by
simply using them in document profiles, and admin-
istrators have the task of accepting them. Adminis-
trators have actually the more complex role of keep-
ing the reference ontology consistent with the orga-
nization activities, and to supply additional informa-
tion (e.g., relations among terms) in order to allow
the MMS to effectively compute correlations among
terms and, therefore, to enable mechanisms such as
the already mentioned view with context.
Annotations can carry different amounts of infor-
mation, according to the technique adopted by the
users: (i) if a new term is simply typed in a proper
form field, no additional semantic information (i.e.,
definitions, properties, and relations with other terms)
is provided. In this case, the keyword is a simple
candidate term, and administrators have to possibly
provide its semantics; (ii) if a term is dragged and
dropped from a personal ontology, an ontology frag-
ment, rather than just a term, is proposed as a candi-
date. By fragment we mean a term with all its known
relations, possibly along with other involved terms. In
this case administrators can take advantage of existing
references, or they can use the original ontology (from
which the term was chosen and taken by the user) as
a complete reference.
Annotations can help administrators’ tasks by pro-
viding the context in which a term was used, and also
end-users can extend their knowledge of a specific
topic by looking for annotations referring to a specific
The work presented in this paper took inspiration
from other efforts made in developing semantic wikis.
Among others, SEMPERWIKI (Oren et al., 2006), and
IkeWiki (Schaffert, 2006). While other wikis have
been designed as standalone tools, with the purpose
of creating homogeneous, yet processable knowledge
bases, the project described here aims at going a step
further. With respect to KM, it seems rather unreal-
istic to consider wikis apart from other existing and
already adopted collaborative tools, or as a new tech-
nology to be applied only when starting to build new
collaborative knowledge bases. Thanks to the sim-
plicity with which annotations can be added to ex-
isting documents, wikis should instead be integrated
with technologies in use. In this paper we have dis-
cussed the integration with the MILK system, which
relies on a file system managed by an FTP server. An
advantage of this technique is that the integration can
be fully transparent to end users, which may decide
to ignore the feature. Other integration experiments
could be carried on with respect to other existing doc-
ument management platforms, such as BSCW (for-
merly adopted in MILK) (Agostini et al., 2005).
Moreover, thanks to the reuse of semantic termi-
nologies enabled by the ability of the MILK client
to load ontologies from various locations and by the
Firefox extension to edit personal ontologies users
can be supported all across their main working and
learning activities without forcing them to drop the
tools to which they are familiar with.
The browser-extension approach is already widely
in use to enrich the browsing experience with addi-
tional information. For example, an extension called
Semantic Turkey has also been developed to edit on-
tologies within the browser (Griesi et al., 2006). Dif-
ferences with our approach arises in the aims and in
the architecture, as the extension is essentially the
GUI of the whole knowledge management system.
While our approach exploits a lightweight, client-side
implementation of the bare ontology editing function-
alities, the Semantic Turkey system relies on server-
side processing and storing and unifies the process
of editing the ontology (i.e., defining terms and rela-
tions) with the creation of annotations in Web pages,
which are stored as instances of the same ontology
and manipulated adopting a Sesame database. In our
approach, the latter part is managed by the MMS
independently from the extension, and the semantic
wiki is used to create annotations. More important,
the Semantic Turkey essentially allows for the collab-
orative editing of a reference ontology, which differs
from our aim of allowing for the definition of individ-
ual ontologies that can be used collaboratively, when
needed, in a proper way.
From a cognitive and interactive perspective, the
process of creating and editing a personal ontol-
ogy with the extension presented in Section 2.3 is
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
similar to the organization of regular Web book-
marks (Abrams et al., 1998). Such activity is of-
ten considered unnecessary as long as the number of
bookmarks is limited, and all the favorite URLs can
be kept together unsorted, but most Web users tends
to develop personal bookmark hierarchies (with fold-
ers and subfolders by topic) to sort their references.
The result of such operation, which usually takes only
a few minutes, is an explicit representation of the in-
terest of a person. Additionally, our browser exten-
sion can be used to express such conceptualization
in a standard language, thus, ready to be shared with
other users. It is not just social bookmarking or anno-
tation (Millen et al., 2006; Wu et al., 2006), in that the
generated ontology remains personal until parts of it
are willingly used in a collaborative setting and, thus,
In this paper we have presented the ongoing work to
design a KM tool integrated with the Semantic Web
philosophy: other experiments have already been
made in this direction (De Paoli and Loregian, 2006a).
We have outlined how a semantic wiki can be in-
troduced and exploited in a knowledge management
system to effectively support explicit knowledge cre-
ation. The advantages of adopting such an approach
is to promote the publishing activity by letting users
write textual descriptions augmented with semantic
annotations, and to promote collaborative profiling.
We believe that adding personal annotations to
existing documents, by using personal ontologies,
should help involving users in creating new organi-
zational knowledge. Moreover, the possibility of dis-
covering new terms and relations among documents
is a rewarding additional feature.
This paper presents the integration of sample fea-
tures in an open platform our reference KM sys-
tem and we are currently evaluating users’ behav-
ior and responses. Our future work consist in the de-
sign and development of new features that integrate
popular tools to enhance shared and cooperative fea-
tures. For example, we are currently testing the in-
tegration of RSS feeds, so that users can edit publish
links or documents having their favorite news sources
as a reference.
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TOOLS TO FOSTER SEMANTIC-BASED COLLABORATION - A Knowledge Management Approach Based on a
Semantic Wiki and Personal Ontologies