How to Assess a Trade-off Opportunity
Sven Ziemer and Tor St
Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Technology and Science,
Sem Sælandsvei 7-9, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Trade-off, decision making.
This paper discusses a trade-off strategy for small projects and presents a preliminary guidelines for assessing
the appropriateness of a trade-off. The motivation of this work is to make the development team aware of the
performed trade-offs and to see both the associated opportunities and risks, to assess the appropriateness of a
trade-off and to gather information for the future development of the system. The development environment
of a web application is changing over time and it is important to know what the success criteria are at any time.
Web Applications have become part of our every day
life in such a way that we expect them to work prop-
erly and that we can rely on them, both with respect
to their availability and our satisfaction. Hence, the
quality of web applications is of interest to all users,
that want reliable access to the services offered by
the web applications of their choice such as inter-
net banking, online shopping, news services and en-
tertainment. Improving the development process to
build high quality applications that fulfil the end-users
expectation plays a key role in keeping the users sat-
isfied. At the same time, businesses of all sizes and
kinds are relying on their web applications to pro-
mote their services and to fulfill the needs and expec-
tations of their customers. They too are interested in
the quality of the applications they are relying on, but
they are also focused on their timely delivery. Many
web applications have to compete for their users and
customers against other providers of a similar service.
Being the first web site to offer new functionality, or
being the site with the most complete functionality for
a user group, is important in this competition. In other
cases, web applications provide their services to sup-
port events and have to meet tight deadlines, so that
the event can be promoted in the best possible way.
Developing web applications in competitive envi-
ronments adds to the complexity of balancing func-
tional and non-functional requirements by adding the
time to market requirement. Finding this balance in-
volves performing one or several trade-offs, such as
architectural trade-offs or security trade-offs. A dif-
ferent class of trade-offs involves development activ-
ities and tasks that are applied to build an application.
This trade-off is about the emphasize that is placed on
the steps involved in building applications, and with
what rigour and level of detail they are performed.
In a series of interviews that we have conducted
with seven Norwegian companies, we studied both
the companies’ development practises in general and
what type of trade-offs the companies performed and
what trade-off strategies that were applied in particu-
lar (Ziemer and St
alhane, 2006). We found that the
companies tend to specify their requirements in infor-
mal ways, depending on the experience of the devel-
opers and their domain understanding. Performing a
trade-off with such practices is not easy since it is hard
to assess the consequences that a potential choice for
a given requirement might have on other important
requirements. There are no hard numbers that can
be used in prediction or estimation models that can
be compared against measured real values at a later
stage. The only knowledge available is the qualitative
knowledge stemming from expert judgements and the
stakeholders opinions and beliefs.
Part of performing a trade-offs is to share a com-
mon understanding of the stakeholders priorities and
Ziemer S. and Stalhane T. (2007).
TRADE-OFF’S IN WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT - How to Assess a Trade-off Opportunity.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology, pages 267-274
DOI: 10.5220/0001286702670274
interests, and an understanding of the consequences
these interests and needs have for the the application.
When web applications are developed with the afore-
mentioned development practices, there is a need for
an approach to perform trade-offs that work with
these practices and that exploits the available knowl-
In this paper we will present an approach to as-
sess the consequences of a trade-off in an environ-
ment with informal and tacit knowledge. This is done
with the available qualitative information. The rest of
this paper is organised as follows: some characteris-
tics of web application development are presented in
section 2. Next, a number of trade-off opportunities
will be explored in section 3, and some preliminary
guidelines for performing trade-offs are presented in
section 4. An small example is presented in section 5.
Finally, a discussion and conclusions are is presented
in section 6.
Web application development is characterized
among many other factors by the informality of its
development practices, the available knowledge and
by an ever changing development process. These fac-
tors have an influence on how trade-offs can be per-
formed in web application development. In our sur-
vey of seven web developing companies (Ziemer and
alhane, 2006) the companies did not have a trade-
off strategy and were in many cases not aware that
they performed trade-offs.
Not being aware of performing trade-offs means
that the freedom of choice is given away. This does
not imply that the trade-off was a bad one discussing
what a good or appropriate trade-off is, is a seper-
ate discussion but the freedom to make a different
choice is given away. This could be a choice that
will enable the future success of the application, or
a choice that will lead the future development into a
certain direction. Any decision in based on a number
of assumptions. To make a good decision the assump-
tion have to be correct and they have to be the right
set of assumptions to find the best decision. What is
needed is a trade-off strategy that helps developers to
assess the appropriateness of a trade-off and the as-
sociated opportunities and risks in a given situation
or context. A trade-off results in a decision that can
influence project and product risks and the product
strategy. A trade-off strategy should make perform-
ing a trade-off an intentionally choice. This means
that the pro and cons of a possible trade-off have to be
assessed and that the stakeholders have some expec-
tations with respect to the result of that trade-off. Any
engineered system has to live with the consequences
of the decisions made during its design and construc-
tion. Whether a trade-off will yield the expected result
or not can only be seen later. The decisions made for
a system will restrict the future development of the
system in such a way that it will be troublesome to
change a system in a way that is not foreseen or that is
in conflict with the underlying assumptions of the de-
cisions made so far (see (Lago and van Vliet, 2005)).
Therefore, it is important to perform these trade-offs
explicitly, so that the information a trade-off is based
on, is documented for future use.
2.1 Informal Knowledge
Developing software is a knowledge intensive en-
deavour. To build a software system that satisfies its
stakeholders it is necessary to understand not only
what functions the system shall perform, but also
the need or motivation for this functionality, the con-
text in with this functionality will be used, etc. This
knowledge is found in existing systems, processes or
practices as well in individual, institutions and mater-
ial structures (Hanseth, 2004).
The activities in a software process aim at find-
ing this knowledge, elaborating on it and document-
ing it. This requires that the documented knowledge
is unambiguous, so that it will have the same mean-
ing to every stakeholder. Learning and conveying this
knowledge to other members of a community is a
difficult task. The knowledge-sharing model also
called the ”tacit-explicit model” proposed by (Non-
aka and Takeuchi, 1995) portrays this problem as a
continuous cycle. This cycle consists of socialisation,
externalisation, combination and internalisation.
Looking to the practices found in web application
development (Ziemer and St
alhane, 2006), we see
that a lot of knowledge is informal. Similar findings
can be found in other studies, too. One study found
that the focus in web development is on the functional
requirements. Non-functional requirements or qual-
ity attributes are not specified with any rigor, partly
because neither the developers nor other stakehold-
ers are aware of them or tend to specify them as
functional requirements based on previously experi-
ence (N. Yusop and Lowe, 2006). It seems that when
TTM matters, also functional requirements are han-
dled quite informally, by using analogies or examples.
The result of these practices is that the knowledge
is not documented unambiguous and hence, that it can
not be shared easily (Shull et al., 2004). This works
only with experienced developers who have a good
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
understanding of the domain of the web application.
There are other consequences to these practices:
The knowledge about an application is frag-
mented. Every stakeholder possesses a piece of
the knowledge about an application. Document-
ing this knowledge means bringing it together and
looking at the system from several viewpoints.
This is, however, not easy when the knowledge
is fragmented.
The knowledge is not unambiguous. It is open to
interpretation from every stakeholder, who tends
to look at it with his own goals and needs in
mind. When discussing future aspects of an ap-
plication, a common understanding is not neces-
sarily present and have to be provided.
When assessing the consequences of potential de-
cisions, it is not possible to perform a formal
analysis that investigates several aspects of a de-
cision with some rigour.
This is not to say that it is wrong to develop ap-
plications with these development practices. Web ap-
plications are developed in this way and many web
applications are quite successful. Still, it is important
to be aware of that there is a lot of tacit knowledge
involved. This is especially true when it comes to per-
forming trade-offs.
2.2 Several Phases in the Life of a Web
Web systems seem to go through several phases dur-
ing their lifetime. There are several development
phases, but there seem also to be several phases with
respect to the objective and purpose of a web system
in a competitive marketplace. The transition from one
to an other phase is a continous one. We present three
phases, that are not necessary distinct. They are rather
snapshots at three different moments:
The start-up phase. The web-page’s main pur-
pose is to catch attention. Quite often it is just
a brochure page, showing some info such as arti-
cles for sale. Such pages are also often used to see
if it is possible to catch the attention of the mar-
ket place. Often they contain simple games etc. A
useful concept here is ”Attention is everything
quality is nothing”.
The mid-life phase. We have survived the fight
for attention and have added more feature to our
system. The system is now important for our busi-
ness although we could probably survive without
The final phase. The system has grown and is now
critical for our business. Most of our marketing
effort and a considerable part of our transactions
are now conducted via our web-pages. A long pe-
riod e.g. more than a week where the web-
page could not be accessed could be fatal for our
These three phases and where we are in this pic-
ture are important since it will decide the risk we
take when we change something. During the start-
up phase the risk is low. We do not need any formal
processes, neither for changes nor for change man-
agement. Trade-offs can be frequent and done just to
see how they turn out. The decision process called
the garbage-can process (Cohen et al., 1972) will do
in most cases.
Things start to get more serious in the mid-life
phase. Our web-page now generates a considerable
amount of business. This implies that bad changes
can have serious consequences. We thus need a better
control over the changes, even though there always is
the possibility to roll back to the previous version at
lest as a stop-gap action. Even so, a trade-off should
now be done with more considerations to possible bad
effects. In addition to a well-defined trade-off process
we should now also consider possible bad effects
their probability and consequence together with pos-
sible barriers. The risk assessment can, however, still
be done at a rather informal level.
The option to do a roll-back in case of a bad deci-
sion is dependent on a quick market feedback. Most
of the time, the only market feedback we get is that
our customers take their business elsewhere and when
we discover this, it may be too late to do anything
about it. It may be possible to avoid this problem by
performing frequent user satisfaction surveys.
All the problems that we can run into in the mid-
life phase will also be important in the final phase
only more so. The risk is greater, not because the
uncertainty of the outcome has changed but because
the potential loss has increased. We need a formal
trade-off process, coupled with a formal risk assess-
ment process.
2.3 Development Process Evolution
The change from one life phase to another is not
without consequences for the applied development
process. In order to face new risks that are introduced
by this change, the development process has to adapt,
either by introducing new activities or by changing
existing activities to handle the risk. The same is also
true for the opportunities that are associated with the
risk. To exploit these opportunities the process has
TRADE-OFF’S IN WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT - How to Assess a Trade-off Opportunity
to evolve. The authors of (Ramesh et al., 2002) state
that this evolution of a development process will re-
quire different project cultures at different times.
Many companies developing web applications in
a competitive environment have found their own suc-
cess criterion. This can either be a technical or a non-
technical factor. They apply development practises
that support this success criterion and often establish
an ad-hoc development process. As web applications
change over times this can also change the success cri-
terion. To stay in front in this competition the success
criterion has to evolve, too. This makes an assessment
of the success criterion and the present lifetime phase
with its risks and opportunities necessary.
This process evolution does also effect the trade-
offs and when it is appropriate to perform a trade-off
or not. What was a good trade-off in an early life-
time phase can be a non-appropriate trade-off in a
later phase. Also here, an assessment of the trade-off
versus the present lifetime phase is advisable.
2.4 Assessment of Risks and
When discussing risk and consequences, it is all too
easy to forget that changes can also bring opportuni-
ties. It is the opportunities that drive the changes in
web applications, not the risks. Thus, there must be
a reasonable relationship between opportunities and
risks. This implies that we need to focus on three fac-
The opportunities what are we trying to achieve
with our changes? This implies that we need to
identify opportunities and enablers.
The risks what can go wrong? This implies that
we need to identify risks and barriers.
The trade-offs how can we balance the opportu-
nities so that we choose the best combination?
The first two factors can be performed by do-
ing a SWOT Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and
Threats analysis. The last one trade-offs can be
done as suggested in (Ziemer et al., 2005).
Risks in our case stem from two sources how
much do your company depend on a properly working
web system and what will be the reaction from your
current customers. These two sources are strongly in-
terdependent and are both related to your customers’
cost of moving to another supplier. Thus, knowing
the current phase in a web system’s life is not enough
when we want to understand the risk of the system’s
owner. If the customer incurs large costs if he wants to
move to another supplier, the risk related to changes is
small. This is for instance the case if you are a bank or
the homepage of apopular tourist destination. If you,
on the other hand, sell a standard commodity in com-
petition with many other suppliers, your risk is large.
You will receive no complaints and no warnings; you
will just loose your customers at an alarming speed.
By the time you understand that your latest release
was a bomb, it is probably way too late for roll back
or error correction.
The other important factor is your attitude to risk
or you general risk handling strategy. We observe two
reactions to identified risks:
This action, although it offers great opportunities,
has so much risk related to it that we cannot do it.
This action offers great opportunities. It has some
risks related to it but since the activity is impor-
tant we will start looking for ways to prevent or
mitigate these risks.
Both of these risk handling strategies are possible,
but only the second one is viable in the long run. The
first one will inevitably lead to stagnation. Although
it might be reasonable to assume that small compa-
nies would use the first alternative while small com-
panies would use the second one, no such correlation
has been observed.
In order to handle risk in a sensible way we need
to do two things we must:
Understand our situation in the market what will
dissatisfied customers do and which phase are
we in concerning the web system’s life how
much do we depend on our web system?
Clarify our attitude to risky undertakings avoid-
ance versus control.
There exist standard approaches that can be used
in order to assess risk / barriers and opportunities /
enablers. Our main message here is that you need to
consider these factors if you want to perform a sensi-
ble tradeoff analysis.
The result of the risk and opportunity analysis
will, in our case, be a decision related to the choice of
process. Low risk implies the need for little or no for-
mal process and a short TTM while a high risk implies
a formal process and a correspondingly long TTM.
2.5 Trade-off Strategy
Performing a trade-off whether we are aware of it
or not will have a lasting effect on the web applica-
tion and can restrict future possibilities. As web appli-
cations get larger and integrate an increasing number
of other systems, they also become harder to change.
Small web applications can be re-engineered within
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
short time. This is not the case for larger web applica-
tions. Thus, making the right decisions and perform-
ing good trade-offs is an important task.
It has already been mentioned that developing web
applications with emphasise on TTM involves a lot
of tacit knowledge, that can be expressed as expert
judgements and beliefs. Having a trade-off strat-
egy that guides the development team in performing
trade-offs from iteration to iteration is helpful since it
enables and supports the accumulation of explicit
helps to evaluate the results of trade-off deci-
sions by tying together the decision and its con-
sequences, thus enabling learning,
keeps future options open by avoiding decisions
that will prevent them.
By making this process explicit, the developers
and the other stakeholders are aware of their decisions
and they can thus trace the results back to their deci-
sion. They can formulate some future objective or
goal for the applications and then steer the further de-
velopment into this direction. When they have to face
situations where it is not possible to make a decision
into the preferred direction they will be aware of this,
and the goal for the applications can if necessary
be restated.
It makes no sense to talk about right trade-off ver-
sus wrong trade-offs. A trade-off represents a choice,
and a trade-off was good or wise with respect to a
stated goal or objective for the application. This in-
volves in most cases the reconciliation of conflicting
interest among the stakeholders. A second conflict
that needs reconciliation is the one between short time
and long time term objectives. Therefore, a trade-off
strategy should include a way to
reach a decision, that can be supported by all
weight the consequences of a decision with re-
spect to some stated overall goals or objectives.
In this way, it will be possible to make a decision
that is as informed as possible given that a lot of
information is informal and tacit and to evaluate the
result of the decisions, and, when needed, to make the
necessary corrections.
The objectives of the Websys project is to study
at trade-offs between time-to-market and software
quality. 3 examples of development practice trade-
offs’ are presented in this section.
3.1 Requirement Specification
Requirement specification trade-off has been ob-
served in companies (Ziemer and St
alhane, 2006)
as a trade-off between the level of detail in require-
ment specification and time-to-market. Requirements
are specified informally, through oral communication
only and sometimes based on anecdotes. When the
level of detail in requirement specification is
increased, the development process turns more
formal, and a longer TTM is to be expected. A
more detailed requirement specification enables
both a more detailed test phase of the developed
software system, and a systematical way to man-
age a wide stakeholder involvement into the re-
quirement process.
decreased, the development process turns less
formal, and a shorter TTM is to be expected.
Communication with other stakeholders is open
to more misunderstandings as every part in such
an discussion has his own interpretation of the
requirements. Also, user involvement becomes
more limited.
The underlying assumption of this trade-off is that
the developer(s) have detailed domain knowledge and
that verification of the requirements is not necessary.
3.2 Release Planning
Release planning can be used as a trade-off between
time-to-market and the amount of functionality and its
associated return of investment to the stakeholders. A
system is deployed in a number of successive deploy-
ments, where each deployments consists of a set of
functionality. When the number of deployments are
increased, time-to-market for every deployment
is decreasing. The end users perceived value of
a new deployment may be limited. Every de-
ployment has also an associated cost, as it may
generate technical problems or a peak in the user
feedback. On the other hand, a larger number of
smaller deployments enables an earlier return of
investment for the stakeholders and opens up for
a more flexible reaction to changes in the market.
decreased, time-to-market for every deployment
will be longer. The end users perceived value of a
new release may be higher, as more functionality
is deployed, but it comes at a later time.
The underlying assumption of this trade-off is that
the stakeholders agree to find a way of expressing
the value of a release. Dependent on the information
TRADE-OFF’S IN WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT - How to Assess a Trade-off Opportunity
available, the value can either be expressed as a be-
lief (as in (Ziemer et al., 2006)), as some scale or as a
monetary value (see (Biffl et al., 2006)).
3.3 Testing
When testing there is a trade-off between test cover-
age and time-to-market. When interviewing compa-
nies developing web applications, we found compa-
nies where the applications were tested by developers
with their expectation as a test criterion, and deployed
upon reaching this criterion. When the test coverage
increased, the confidence to the software system
is increasing, both with respect to the proper im-
plementation of the functional requirements and
quality attributes. This will also result in a longer
TTM. The number of user reported bugs and prob-
lems should be low, and this should have an posi-
tive impact on the user satisfaction.
decreased, the confidence in the application is de-
creasing. The developers do not know the prob-
lems that might arise when deploying an applica-
tion with a low test coverage.
The underlying assumption is that the developer
expectation to the application is in touch with the
main user base, and that users are reporting the bugs
and problems that they encounter.
With no detailed information on important quality
factors and development activities available, we still
have the opportunity to use the qualitative informa-
tion that expresses the stakeholders expert judgement
and beliefs. This information can be used to assess a
trade-off situation, in order to find a balance that will
satisfy most stakeholders.
Web Development is highly iterative. For every
iteration it should be possible to improve the knowl-
edge about an application. Quality factors can be
measured and judgements and beliefs can be en-
hanced with quantitative data. Using qualitative as-
sessments when no other information is available can
help directing the efforts of collection more quantita-
tive data.
There are several ways to collect and express qual-
itative information. In the example in this paper we
are using the SWOT analysis (Hill and Westbrook,
1997). Another possible method is Impact Analysis
1 – n
D e c i s i o n
Figure 1: A simple trade-off model.
tables (Gilb, 2005). The most important thing, how-
ever, is to start an exchange of viewpoints, beliefs and
judgements between all stakeholders or if the num-
ber of stakeholders is too big from of the most im-
portant stakeholders.
When performing a trade-off, the number of stake-
holders involved is important. In many cases, it is
preferable to use a small number of key stakeholders.
In the context described in this paper, it is important
to involve all stakeholders in order to elicit as much
knowledge as possible. In order to find a proper bal-
ance it is crucial to have access to the whole picture,
so that the trade-off can be performed based on this
Reconcilement of conflicts such as conflicting
requirements or conflicting priorities is also an im-
portant issues. One approach is to weight the im-
portance of the stakeholders and thereby making the
opinion of some stakeholders more important then the
opinion of other stakeholders. A second approach is
to find a consensus between all stakeholders. This
works only when the number of stakeholders is small.
In a setting with a lot of tacit knowledge distributed
among the stakeholders, this approach is well suited
to get a common understanding of the trade-off situ-
ation. This way, all stakeholders have to listen to the
opinions of the other stakeholders.
Performing a trade-off involves the following
steps (see the simple trade-off model in figure 1):
Decide on a list of alternative decisions or
choices Each potential alternative is described
shortly. Make sure that each alternative is distinct.
This is important in order to be able to assess the
consequences. When using textual descriptions it
will be hard to describe alternatives that are close
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
to each other in a distinctive way.
Assess each alternative This steps includes
choosing a method for the assessment. In the con-
text of web development it is important to use a
method that is easy to learn and intuitive to use.
Thereafter, each alternative from the previous step
has to be assessed.
Assess the lifetime-phase The risks and oppor-
tunities of the web applications lifetime phase is
assessed using the same method as in the previ-
ous step.
Weight the risks and opportunities and find a
suitable action Compare the risks and opportu-
nities of both assessments, and discuss how they
might interfere with each other. Decide on the
action with the most preferred results. This can
be done by identifying 3 possible relationships (as
shown in figure 2):
a positive relationship between the trade-off
and the web applications lifetime phase. This
is the case when a strength from the trade-off
is helping avoiding the threat from the system
a neutral relationship between the applications
lifetime phase and the trade-off.
a negative relationship between the trade-off
and the applications lifetime phase. This is the
case when a threat from the trade-off can in-
crease the threat from the applications lifetime
In this section we present an example how an trade-
off can be performed. In this example we use a trade-
off on the requirement specification practices. Three
candidate alternatives for this practise are assess us-
ing the the SWOT analysis. This analysis is assessed
against a SWOT analysis of the web applications sit-
uation. An example of how a trade-off alternative is
assessed against the lifetime situation is shown in fig-
ure 2. The two SWOT analysis’s for the remaining
trade-off alternatives are shown in figure 3. For each
trade-off alternative a similar trade-off analysis us-
ing a QFD-like matrix has to be performed.
The stakeholders have to assess the trade-off
based on the information in three SWOT analysis’s
and three trade-off analysis’s to decide what is the ap-
propriate trade-off in this situation.
Can test new functionality
Little or no testing
Web application is easely
Users do not return due to
poor quality rapidly
Flexible deployment rutines
User participation
Dependent on developers
domain knowledge
No verification and validation
of requirements
Attracting new users
Getting early user feedback
T Customers are not satisfied
Appl assessment
Trade-off alternative 1
Figure 2: Trade-off evaluation for Trade-off alternative 1.
The motivation for the work presented in this paper is
to create an awareness about the trade-offs that are
performed during development of web applications
and to provide a way of assessing trade-off situations
in order to keep the freedom of choice that is associ-
ated with trade-offs. In the field of web application
development as it has been described in this paper
this has to be done in a way that brings together
all stakeholders, that collects all information that is
available, and that let the stakeholders assess it in a
way that helps them to make a good decision.
The decision on which method to use when col-
lecting qualitative information from stakeholders is
important. The decision is not on the pro’s and con’s
of the method alone, but also on which method is
known to the stakeholders and enable them in bring-
ing together their tacit knowledge. In our view, bring-
ing the stakeholders together and let them share their
knowledge, beliefs and opinions, is the most impor-
tant part of our approach. The decision on which
method to use for this purpose comes only second to
this. We have chosen to use the SWOT analysis, be-
cause in our experience it is widely known and easy
to use for professionals in developing companies.
Other methods to collect and organise qualitative
TRADE-OFF’S IN WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT - How to Assess a Trade-off Opportunity
Threats – slow reaction to changes in market (ex. to a new
SWOT 3, Trade-off analysis 3: Long TTM and detailed
requirement specification
Opportunities – carefully changing a system and trying to
hold on the customer base, mananing user satisfaction
Strenght – easy communication over requirments,
Documented knowledge about user satisfaction
Weakness – harder to get mainstream user involvement
(requires user groups), harder to change requirements (it
takes time)
Threats – too long respons when market is changing rapid
Opportunities – can respond to market changes within
some time with a better understood solution
Weakness – no reliable verification and validation of
Strenght – better documentation of requirements and
therefore more knowledge
SWOT 2, Trade-off analysis 2: Medium TTM and short
requirement specification
Figure 3: SWOT analysis for trade-off alternatives 2 and 3.
information can be used. Other methods that could
have been used are Impact Estimation tables (Gilb,
2005), Affinity diagrams (Straker, 1995) and QFD
(Akao, 1990). The advantage of using Impact Estima-
tion tables is that it can be suited to the aspects that are
of interest for a project. However, as the information
that is collected is qualitative, it is important that not
too many aspects are involved. The SWOT analysis
uses four aspects, which should be relevant to most
In the future this approach should be validated em-
pirically with respect to its performance how much
qualitative information can be collected and analysed
in a reasonable amount of time. Other interesting di-
rections for future research is to study the effect of
this approach on knowledge sharing and establishing
a common understanding among stakeholders.
In this paper we have shown how trade-off on de-
velopment practices are performed in web application
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trade-offs on development practices with qualitative
information. The objectives behind this approach is to
create an awareness for trade-off situations that other-
wise will go unnoticed, thereby leaving out opportu-
nities to reach the objectives of a web application.
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies