Uwe Keller, Stijn Heymans
Digitial Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), University of Innsbruck, Technikerstrasse 21a, Innsbruck, Austria
Alois Reitbauer
ProFactor Produktionsforschungs GmbH, Im Stadtgut A2, Steyr-Gleink, Austria
Michael Neswal
ATENSOR Engineering and Technology Systems GmbH & CoKG, Im Stadtgut A2, Steyr-Gleink, Austria
Knowledge Management, Semantic Web, Multi-Agent System, Collaborative Work, User-centered Support.
We propose a novel approach towards a generic engineering support environment that combines Semantic
Web technologies, Semantic Desktops, Group Memory Systems and Multi-Agent Systems to overcome the
problems of current systems for supporting individuals in collaborative engineering processes. In particular,
we aim at transferring the principles underlying the Semantic Web into an enterprise. This paper provides a
motivation for our research, identifies requirements and outlines the proposed solution.
Engineering of products is a complex and ubiquitous
task; it occurs within enterprises across all indus-
tries and faces products of increasing complexity. As
shown in Fig. 1, already for the process of design-
ing a single product, involved artifacts are numerous
and highly inter-dependent. Information about de-
sign elements (or parts) is created and managed by
different people using their favorite tool. People can
take very different roles in the process (e.g. mechan-
ical engineer, software developer, product designer,
project manager, financial controller etc.) and there-
fore generate information about parts of the product
that reflect their specific roles. The result is an ex-
tensive use of various data formats to represent cer-
tain information about the single parts of the product.
At the same time, there is neither a single uniform
data format that could suitably serve all the people
involved in the process, nor is it possible to impose
the use of such a uniform, generic format since the
used tools are not natively designed to serve an inte-
grated, process-wide environment. Hence, traditional
database systems are not applicable for data manage-
ment in this setting (Franklin et al., 2005).
Design decisions for certain parts of a product
must be based on all relevant information. This in-
Figure 1: A Typical Scenario when Designing a Product.
cludes information about all other parts that are in
some way directly or indirectly related to the ele-
ment under consideration. A decision on how an el-
ement has to be designed might affect (or be con-
strained by) all these other parts: for instance, if
there is a need to change the diameter and material
of a screw for cost reasons, all regions around the re-
spective drill wholes where this screw is supposed to
be used as well as all physical connections to other
parts of the product have to be checked to see if there
would be any subsequent problems (e.g. geometric,
mechanical, physical ones etc.) with the new de-
Keller U., Heymans S., Reitbauer A. and Neswal M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 169-174
DOI: 10.5220/0001287301690174
sign. Design in this respect can be understood as
high-dimensional multi-parameter optimization prob-
lem with constraints stemming from different areas
(such as mechanical or or geometric restrictions). The
product design team altogether tries to find an optimal
solution to the given constraints. Search in the solu-
tion space is knowledge-driven and requires intensive
communication and collaboration:
Information in general is distributed across differ-
ent legacy systems that are rarely integrated or even
inter-operable. Therefore, it is not easy for individ-
uals to identify and to get needed information for a
specific task. It is often necessary to talk to a series of
people to eventually find out the desired information.
Furthermore, design decisions can often not be taken
by individuals alone, but must be taken by a group
of experts. Typically, those people are not located at
the same site, but work at different places, even in
different time zones. Face-to-face communication is
therefore not always possible and time-lags to iden-
tify relevant information or to discuss design issues
for resolving a concrete problem may arise.
In fact, the overall situation is even more com-
plicated in a real-world scenario, since companies
typically invent various products and maintain prod-
uct variants or versions (in re-design processes) over
time. In particular, when re-designing a product, a lot
of documentation on the single parts of the product is
already available and needs to be taken into account.
Especially, at this stage it is very valuable to know
about former design decisions. Therefore, efficient
management and support of the knowledge needs of
people involved in a design process is crucial and get-
ting more and more importance nowadays.
For knowledge-intensive, collaborative processes,
information systems used within the industry today
are insufficient for providing efficient and holistic
support during a process as well as across different
processes. Especially, it is up to individuals to (man-
ually) create and manage their own information space
to increase the efficiency of their work process. This
space is neither explicitly represented (and hence not
documented) nor managed by a dedicated system. It
cannot be communicated and not be shared with oth-
ers. Furthermore, support systems are usually pas-
sive, i.e. the user has to repeatedly ask for informa-
tion, rather than getting notified about relevant infor-
mation whenever it is available. This shifts the bur-
den of information gathering to the end-user rather
than into a “smart” information space and therefore
absorbs a lot of useful attention of the end-user from
the actual problem solving process. This situation is
depicted in Fig. 2.
For this reason, we propose a novel approach to-
Figure 2: The Perspective of an Individual in the Process.
wards developing a generic engineering support envi-
ronment that combines ideas underlying the Seman-
tic Web, Semantic Desktops, Group Memory Sys-
tems and Multi-Agent Systems into a coherent envi-
ronment to overcome the problems and improves the
current situation for individuals involved in engineer-
ing process (see Fig. 2) towards the situation shown in
Fig. 4. Whereas in this paper, we restrict ourselves on
the presentation of the problem context, the identifi-
cation of requirements for a desired support environ-
ment and the derivation of the conceptual ingredients
of our solution, more technical details and a discus-
sion on economic relevance can be found in (Keller
et al., 2007).
From our discussion of the problem context in Sec-
tion 1, we derive the following main challenges that
engineering support environments should properly
address: (i) Explicit representation and manage-
ment of information spaces: individuals in the en-
gineering process are knowledge workers. They work
within their personal information space. A prerequi-
site for finding relevant information inside this space
is the availability of an explicit representation of such
a space. Explicit representation and management by
a dedicated tool is therefore necessary and desirable.
(ii) Organization and access of information spaces
according to suitable mental models (or world
views): Information spaces can get large and finding
the right information can become a bottleneck. Creat-
ing some structure within the space, allows to deal
with the information more efficiently. But suitable
structures depend on the individuals using a space.
Efficient access of information is facilitated by struc-
tures that correspond to an individual’s “natural” un-
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
derstanding of the domain (i.e. world view or domain
model). Hence, (a) domain models are needed to
structure information spaces, (b) the structure of per-
sonal information spaces should be customizable for
individuals and (c) these models should be machine-
processable to enable machine-support when access-
ing information.
(iii) Support for the maintenance of various infor-
mation spaces & distinction between private and
shared spaces: Information spaces of individuals
are distinct and should not interfere (if not explic-
itly stated). Usually, there is information that is spe-
cific to an individual and not intended to be shared
with others. Further, there is a lot of information that
is meant to be shared with others for collaborative
tasks. Individuals are therefore interested in includ-
ing such shared information into their personal infor-
mation space whenever it is relevant to them, i.e. on
a demand basis. Hence, (a) information spaces can
be shared or private, and (b) structured by controlled
overlapping for collaboration purposes.
(iv) Pro-active support: information spaces can be-
come very large over time. Therefore, even when be-
ing structured properly, an individual might not be
able to keep track of the (global) state of his infor-
mation space at a specific moment in time and there-
fore miss relevant information that comes into being
(i.e. from a shared source) or only detect the infor-
mation unnecessarily late. Instead of requiring an in-
dividual to explicitly ask the system for the current
state of the information space at any point in time (to
explore the space), a pro-active environment is desir-
able, that informs individuals about (small) changes
of the current state of their information space. Such
notifications should be optional (i.e. applied on a on-
demand basis), selective and specified by the client.
We consider this elementary form of pro-activeness
as a minimal requirement. Beyond it, more complex
forms of pro-activeness might be useful. In general,
this will require detailed task-specific (and perhaps
company or product specific knowledge) which is not
reusable across companies. Therefore, the respective
pro-active support functionality will then have to be
encapsulated inside a dedicated software component
(instead of being a generic functionality supported by
the basic system).
(v) Task-centered support: At any moment in time
during the process, individuals are concerned with a
particular, well-defined task. This implies, that only
parts of the overall personal (and global) information
space are relevant. Therefore, it is desirable that all ir-
relevant information is faded out, since (a) individuals
have limited cognitive capacity, (b) they should focus
as intensively as possible on their task (not being dis-
tracted by other things at that moment). Furthermore,
restricting the overall information space to a relevant
subset at a particular moment in time facilitate scala-
bility of algorithms that are concerned with accessing
the domain models (e.g. ontology reasoning). There-
fore, tasks should be used as a central means for scop-
ing within the system, whenever this is possible.
(vii) The system should support the documentation
of design decisions (that have been taken during a de-
sign process throughout time) to generate a corporate
memory: in fact, this aspect has been identified as one
of the most useful features of support for engineering
tasks in (Gruber and Russell, 1994).
(viii) The system can not replace existing tools, but
rather has to act as a glue between existing ones: peo-
ple are used to work with specific tools. Often these
tools are highly specialized to support a particular
task (but not the overall process) and have been de-
veloped with a lot of intellectual and monetary ef-
fort. Hence, various forms of legacy data (e.g ex-
isting documents, entries in databases) have to be in-
tegrated into information spaces. These data sources
often have fundamentally different nature (e.g. file
systems vs. databases), which must be accessed by
different interaction protocols and are distributed over
various the world.
In the following, we briefly overview some related
work and concepts that have inspired our approach
and that have similar goals.
Semantic Desktops. Semantic Desktops (Sauer-
mann et al., 2005) are a first step towards bringing the
Semantic Web on a personal computer: the underly-
ing idea is to use of ontologies, metadata annotations,
and Semantic Web protocols on desktop computers
to enable integration of desktop applications and the
Web, and therefore a much more focused and inte-
grated personal information management as well as
focused information distribution and collaboration on
the Web beyond sending emails. Recently, (Decker
and Frank, 2004) envisioned the concept of a Net-
worked or Social Semantic Desktops as the ultimate
result of a convergence of three very active recent re-
search fields: Peer-to-Peer Computing, Social Net-
working and Semantic Web. Essentially, Social Se-
mantic Desktops extend the idea of Semantic Desk-
tops by a strong collaborative dimension based on a
highly decentralized infrastructure.
Our proposal canbe seen as a specific instantiation
and extension of Semantic Desktops, where we (i)
add a task-specific dimension (e.g. support is strictly
based on an explicit representation of a current task
to be performed), (ii) target at a specific domain and
therefore aim at providing more domain-specific sup-
port (e.g. an engineering rational framework), and
(iii) use a specific set of technologies to realize the
system, that do not have to be the standard technolo-
gies used within the Semantic Desktop Community
(e.g. using a Semantic Wiki as a communication /
collaboration channel).
Organizational Memory Systems. Organiza-
tional memory systems (OMS) (Abecker et al., 1998;
Dieng, 2000) have been proposed as a general ap-
proach to enable integration of dispersed and unstruc-
tured organizational knowledge by enhancing its ac-
cess, dissemination and reuse amongst the members
of an organization and the organizations information
systems. More recently, (Vasconcelos et al., 2000)
proposed to narrow organizational memory systems
to the concept of group memory systems (GMS): sys-
tems to manage heterogeneous and distributed knowl-
edge embedded in business process activities. There-
fore, GMS can be understood as a specialized version
of OMS that deal with knowledge at a smaller scale.
The system proposed in (Vasconcelos et al., 2000) fo-
cuses on capturing and sharing knowledge about in-
ternal competencies, in particular on human “knowl-
edge sources”. They are understood as information
systems in the classical sense, i.e. passive knowl-
edge stores. In contrast, the environment proposed
here (although sharing many objectives with OMS
and GMS) has a strong pro-active nature (besides pro-
viding a passive corporate memory). A dedicated
agent layer allows to add desired domain-specific sup-
port functionality. Furthermore, we aim at explicit
task-oriented support for individuals in an engineer-
ing process. At the same time, our use case requires
the instantiation of the agent layer for a specific func-
tionality, namely an engineering rational framework.
In summary, our system in a way tries to combine
the ideas underlying all these approaches into a co-
herent system and to tailor them towards the specific
desiderata of product engineering. The idea of scop-
ing is central here. Therefore, it embodies a novel
approach towards support for engineering processes
that is based on solid existing work.
So far, we have arguedthat current tools to support en-
gineering processes are not sufficient, identified main
reasons and extracted the major challenges that need
to be addressed by an environment that aims at pro-
viding holistic support within and across engineering
processes. In this section, we outline our proposal
for an environment, that combines the ideas underly-
ing Semantic Web, Semantic Desktops, Group Mem-
ory Systems, and Agent-based Systems in order to
tackle the challenges discussed in Sec. 2. In this pa-
per, we focus on motivating and identifying the main
elements and conceptual ideas underlying our system
(Sec. 4.1) and discuss their combination to a concep-
tual system architecture (Sec. 4.2).
4.1 Design Principles
A review of the requirements from Sec. 2, leads to the
following conceptual elements of a holistic support
environment: Requirements (i) Explicit representa-
tion and management of information spaces and (ii)
Organization and access of information spaces ac-
cording to suitable mental models (or world views)
((a) and (c)) motivate the use of ontologies (Staab and
Studer, 2004), as formalized, machine-processable
representation of domain models. Ontologies are the
fundamental semantic data model underlying the sys-
tem. Requirement (ii)(b) can be achieved considering
ontology networks (i.e. a collection of ontologies that
are interrelated by suitable mappings, e.g. (Haase and
Motik, 2005)) instead of a single upper-level ontol-
ogy. The formulation of mappings is up to the user
as well as dedicated administrators of the corporate
knowledge space. Clearly, suitable tools should sim-
plify the definition of mappings as much as possi-
ble (e.g. by means of simple GUI gestures, such as
the Drag-and-Drop metaphor). Clients always oper-
ate on their personal information space through their
own ontology. Already pre-defined (default) ontolo-
gies in an enterprise could serve as a simplifying start-
ing point for the development of a personal ontology.
Requirement (iii) Support for the maintenance of var-
ious information spaces & distinction between private
and shared spaces motivates the development of a
dedicated ontology management component, which is
capable of identifying ontologies, of managing multi-
ple ontologies and of sharing ontologies amongst a
group of people. The latter might involve concur-
rent changes of the ontology. Conceptually, the com-
ponent provides multiple spaces as semantic com-
munication and collaboration channels between all
other components of the system. Fine-grained access-
control and the support of (partial) imports of ontolo-
gies (via mappings) together allow to construct hier-
archies of (partially) overlapping information spaces
and together cover the desiderata (iii)(a) and (b). We
address requirement (iv) Pro-active support by an on-
tology management component that provides publish-
subscribe capabilities on changes of ontologies. The
most relevant changes are the creation or deletion of
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
instances in an ontology, however, changes at the ter-
minological level should be supported too (e.g. the
change of the description of a particular class). Fur-
thermore, the use of an agent-infrastructure allows to
encapsulated and integrate more specific and domain-
dependent support functionality into the environment.
An example of such a functionality is an engineering
rational framework. Requirement (v) Task-centered
support is covered by a dedicated domain model: the
explicit representation of possible tasks of individu-
als within an engineering process and the relation of
these tasks to people, to resources and other activi-
ties. For any individual, a specification of the cur-
rent task should be available at any point in time.
Subsequently, all components and agents in the en-
vironment will exploit this information. Requirement
(vii) documentation of design decisions is resolved on
the agent layer by means of a suitable set of agents
that collaboratively implement an engineering ratio-
nal framework. Finally, requirement (viii) No re-
placement of existing tools and integration of exist-
ing legacy systems is taken into account by the use
of an agent-based architecture and a specific type of
adapter components (called Semantic Facades) that
provide a semantic perspective on the data residing
in a legacy data source. Semantic Facades for stan-
dard data sources (such as relation databases, file sys-
tems or web servers) and data formats (e.g. PDF,
spreadsheet formats, XML, RDF) must be provided
by the environment. All actors outside of the envi-
ronment (e.g. human users, legacy systems or re-
mote support environments) are integrated via dedi-
cated agents. Agents exploit ontologies for commu-
nication. Communication between agents can happen
in two ways: synchronously by means of a standard
message-based paradigm, as well as asynchronously
(and decoupled in time and reference) by means of a
(semantic) space. Instead of hiding knowledge spaces
of individuals inside an agent at the agent layer, we
strive for an explicit dedicated ontology management
component (based on a distributed infrastructure) that
can be accessed outside the agent-framework as well.
4.2 System Architecture
Conceptually, the architecture of the proposed generic
support system consists of three layers (see Fig. 3),
that successively abstract from the actual technical in-
frastructure available to support individuals today:
(i) The Web Layer addresses the problem of how
to retrieve data objects stores in physical data sources.
It implements the Web identification scheme for nam-
ing resources and allows to retrieve data elements
given their URL. Technical knowledge about under-
lying (heterogeneous) interaction protocols, distribu-
Figure 3: Conceptual Layering of the Support Environment.
tion of resources and alike are hidden from the upper
layers. (ii) The Semantic Layer essentially provides
a semantic perspective (i.e. a semantic network) on
the collection of resources that are available inside the
environment. Semantic networks are rooted in on-
tologies. This layer provides capabilities to manage
(multiple) information spaces (i.e. ontologies) and
exploits Semantic Facades to integrate semantic net-
works from legacy data sources. The semantic layer
can be seen as a fundamental infrastructure compo-
nent for semantic-enabled collaboration based on a
very simple conceptual abstraction, namely ontolo-
gies. (iii) The Agent Layer provides advanced ser-
vices to the end-user. Here, we specifically aim at the
implementation of an engineering framework, i.e. a
software system that allows people to document and
efficiently retrieve design decisions that have been
taken during engineering processers. Besides the en-
gineering rational framework, many further services
are desirable in practice. They can be integrated in a
modular way at the agent layer. A concrete example
is a system for the management of corporate compe-
tency (Vasconcelos et al., 2000).
To enhance the support for collaborative, concurrent
engineering processes in distributed teams, we pro-
pose a novel approach to create engineering support
systems. Our approach combines concepts underly-
ing the Semantic Web, Semantic Desktops, Group
Memory Systems and Agents into a coherent engi-
neering support environment. A particularly impor-
tant use case for the proposed system is the realization
of an agent-based engineering rationale framework,
i.e. a system that helps engineers to document and
retrieve design decisions for parts of a product. The
proposed environment is able to provide a more ef-
fective and holistic support for distributed, concurrent
engineeringprocesses, with the following features: (i)
Figure 4: Using a Semantic-based Environment for Dedi-
cated Human-centered Support.
decreased complexity of finding and interacting with
the right information, (ii) semantic-based organiza-
tion and access of information spaces, (iii) person-
alized and customizable organization of the informa-
tion space for every individual, (iv) decreased com-
plexity of identifying the right people, (v) pro-active
and (vi) task-centered support for individuals during
the process, (vii) documentation of design decisions
throughout time to generate a corporate memory. The
proposed system changes the situation that individu-
als have to face within the process from the one that
is shown in Fig. 2 to the situation that is illustrated
in Fig. 4. Conceptually, the system transfers the prin-
ciples underlying the Semantic Web architecture into
enterprises. One fundamental principle thereby is to
not replace the existing tools and systems, but rather
to build an agent-based environment which integrates
them gradually and allows stepwise enrichment of
the overall process support beyond the capabilities of
the single tools. Economically, our approach is ex-
pected to provide as measurable advantages (i) a re-
duction of development time and the time-to-market
(especially for re-design processes, which become in-
creasingly important), (ii) reduction of costs, while at
the same time providing (iii) improved process qual-
ity and quality of the resulting design, and (iv) the
construction and management of a cooperate knowl-
edge base. The latter aspect is especially interest-
ing for companies to address the problem of loosing
knowledge of experienced people leaving the com-
pany, since a lot of knowledge is not stored explicitly
in any IT system inside a company. These information
spaces exist mostly in people’s minds today. For new
staff a cooperate knowledge base reduces the effort
required to become familiar with projects and all rel-
evant information for their daily business. We imple-
mented our ideas in a first prototype. The prototype
is functionally not complete yet. It focuses on the use
and sharing of ontologies between users. Concern-
ing the legacy data sources, the prototype is capable
of integrating information from various file systems.
Future work is the extension of the prototype to sup-
port event subscription and notification mechanisms
for information spaces, extended support of impor-
tant legacy data sources (e.g. various popular docu-
ment formats, relational databases), as well as the im-
plementation of an agent-based engineering rationale
This work has been supported by the Austrian Federal
Ministry for Transport, Innovation, and Technology
within the SEnSE project (FFG 810807).
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies