more than that) and “Text” (if it has between 12 and
5 characters). If the size is less than 3 characters, we
do not write any text because it is impossible to find
a clear text.
4.7 WAI Guideline 13. Provide Clear
Navigation Mechanisms
Provide clear and consistent navigation mechanisms
-- orientation information, navigation bars, a site
map, etc. -- to increase the likelihood that a person
will find what they are looking for at a site.
The basic mechanism in the Web navigation is
the element named link. This must be as clear as
possible, and to get this, we add alternative texts
with the title and the target URI. In the situation of a
section’s link, e-mail’s links and broken links, we
indicate it. In addition, we indicate the frame, or
window, target. This method provides all the
possible information to the user in a clear manner.
On the other hand, an untitled document cannot
indicate what content it has and it can disorientate
the user. In this situation, we search a header to add
it and, if we cannot find any, we add the text
“Untitled Document”.
We have developed a test bench composed by 55
Web pages. We wanted different Web pages and 2
characteristics: the Web page must have an
interesting visual design and it must have elements
that can make the Web site inaccessible.
The tool analyzes the 100% of the Web pages in
the test bench. Moreover, the Web pages improve its
accessibility. The 74.54% of the elements are
considered acceptable, i.e., either the Web page
result is similar visually or the solutions improve the
accessibility. Only the 7.27% Web sites of the test
bench were accessible, and we improved a 67.27%
from this group of Web sites.
So the results have been acceptable in terms of
the accessible Web page is similar visually.
Anyhow, it is difficult to reach the complete
accessibility in a Web page, if it was not thought to
be accessible.
In this paper, a tool for converting normal web pages
to accessible by applying the WAI guidelines has
been presented. Another tools are developing now to
clean and repair HTML code, like TIDY (TIDY
Project, 2006), and others to complain with standard
W3C (Chen, 2006). But the main difference is that
this application converts automatically a Web page
to accessible.
As a first conclusion, some guidelines were not
implemented due to their dependence from the
developers. That is, the analyzer has to know the
meaning of the information offered with text and
images, because to apply the rules when the Web
page is created is really hard to do. To solve this
problem, a semantic analyzer of the document
content is needed.
Even though, considering these situations, we
can conclude that the application has attained the
initial aim, which was to improve accessibility in all
technologies based in HTML, XHTML and CSS.
The application is able to offer all the information
which is in the code of the document improving
navigation and orientation in a Web site.
Nowadays we are working in the expansion of
the action field, which consists on developing a
JavaScript’s code parser. This parser allows the
application to work with a major amount of
guidelines and improves accessibility in a Web page
that uses this kind of script.
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Kirchner, M. Evaluation, Repair, and Transformation of
Web Pages for Web Content Accessibility. Review of
Some Available Tools. Proceedings of the Fourth
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(WSE'02), pp.65, 2002.
Chen B., V.Y.Shen. Transforming Web Pages to Become
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies