mechanism with listings by month and year in order to
make easy the searching for a given news. The news
module allows to post news dynamically by means
of an administrator panel with many resources, where
one can delete, alter, and insert news. In order to cre-
ate and edit news, one has complete control on how to
present the edited text by means of all basic resources
found in a text editor.
3.2 Agenda
With the agenda module it is possible to publish on
the portal the information about all courses, confer-
ences, events, etc., which are available to students,
teachers and community in general. The module al-
lows the listing of the events by departments that are
offering the event, as well as by month. Thus, the
agenda module is useful as a way to disseminate all
information about the various activities that are oc-
curring in the institution. The items in the agenda can
be shown directly on the main page of the institution,
where to the next events to occurs will be given more
3.3 Publications
The publications module allows to organize the con-
tents about materials published by the institution as,
for example, published books, scientific magazines,
scientific exhibitions, and proceedings of symposia
and conferences. Thus all kind of publications are
covered by this module in a way that facilitates the ac-
cess to all this kind of information. The module was
developed specially to deal with the visual publica-
tion of book covers and download of technical papers
and scientific magazines. Thus the module follows
all characteristic standards to provide an uniform or-
ganization for all this kind of content in a high edu-
cation institution. The module is entirely customiz-
able, adopting the use of logos to identify function-
alities, and presents the covers of the publications on
the administrative panel of the module. The module
has support to many different image formats, as for
example, jpg, gif, and png, which will be automati-
cally processed to a better visualization on the web
page. All the content adopts the pdf format as stan-
dard, which makes easy the access to the material by
the visitors of the portal. The editor user manages the
publishing process by means of the creation of edi-
tions and/or volumes for a specific magazine, and top-
ics for books that are classified according to the year
of publication. The editor user can also schedule the
submissions to the created editions, then organize its
summaries, and finally publish the edition. A mag-
azine can be published in the pdf format, one file for
each edition, monthly (or bi-monthly, or by semester).
3.4 Projects
The module for management of projects offers an in-
terface to create all the different projects associated to
the institution. The module allows to create user inter-
faces to courses, as well as academic guides, teacher
manuals, and all this kind of information with a struc-
ture focused on access areas.
3.5 External Links
The external links module provides two methods that
can be used to exhibit external web pages inside of
our CMS. In both methods it is maintained the unity
and focus on our CMS pages. Either the external web
page is incorporated inside a page at our CMS or the
external page is opened by using layers, which are
structured with XML-DOM features.
In the downloads module it is possible to list all the
available content of a given portal area, including de-
tails as file size, number of access to the file, etc.
3.7 Gallery
The gallery module allows organizing listings of pho-
tos for portal areas that can use images as content
items. These listings include thumbnails in the ad-
ministrative panel for the available photos, which are
automatically generated by the server. The module
has support to all common image formats (as for ex-
ample, jpg, gif, and png) and converts each image for
the system standard format, which is the jpg and can
perform an analysis that can identify possible distor-
tions in the converted image.
3.8 Texts
The text module is very simple and allows just ex-
hibiting a text that was edited by the user, without any
further processing.
3.9 Banners
With the banners module it is possible to create ban-
ners and access buttons, which are linked to content
available on any of the previous mentioned modules.
The banners and access buttons can be placed on the
main page of the portal.
Web Content Publishing for High Education Institutions