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Here is, as an example, the pseudo-code procedure
used in the log analyzer for obtaining the
visibility percentage chart, shown in figure 7. Each bar in
the chart represents the percentage of visibility of a portlet
across all page views.
Those values are calculated
using (1). The procedure assume, simplistically, that
all the analyzed pages contain the same portlets.
Their number is passed as a parameter to the
procedure (line 1), and is used to associate the
correct event timestamp (lines 15-17) to portlet data
(name and coordinates).
Every time a user scrolls the page, the percentage
of visibility of a portlet changes, since part or all of
its area can fall inside/outside the browser’s client
area. On the initial page load event, and on every
scroll event, our logger registers the coordinates of
each portlet (through the portlet element of the
information model, see figure 3). Through our
sample code, for each event element and for each
portlet element, portlet names, coordinates and event
timestamps are obtained by querying the log and
storing the results in the
coordinates and timestamps vectors,
rispectively (lines 3-6).
Once obtained event timestamps and portlet
coordinates, the numerator in (1) is calculated
through the iteration of lines 11-22. The partial sum
is kept by the sum associative array (line 22), whose
keys are portlet names. The calculation of the
visibility percentage in the i-th time interval v
delegated, as shown in line 13, to the
calculateVisibilityPercentage sub-routine.
The time intervals t
can be easily calculated by
subtracting the (i+1)-th and the i-th timestamps (line
18). Those time intervals are summed in line 19 to
obtain the total time T.
The final results are put in the visibility
associative array, as shown in line 25. Those results
are obtained by dividing the partial sums by T.
At last, visibility is passed to the
sub-routine, which is responsible for drawing the bar
chart (line 27).