Messages between agents of the Data Collection
Module are exchanged in asynchronous mode. Every
message transferred in the CA-CMA system is
signed by the appropriate ontology. A set of valid
ontologies is defined by the LMSOntology class.
When migration of the CA is successfully done,
the “MOVE_COMPLETED” message is received by
the CMA. Next, the “START_COLLECT”
command is send to force the CA to start the
initialisation process - the ListRecords method is
used to collect
a complete content of the repository. Obtained
records are parsed and the appropriate MetaLOM
objects are signed by the “LOM_ADDED”
ontology name. Collection of transferred MetaLOMs
is followed by the “END_COLLECT” message.
From this moment, the CA agent is used to harvest
only these records which have been added, modified
or deleted.
The Data Collection Module plays a major role in
the ABSS system. The DCM module is based on the
JADE platform. The JADE platform, according to
the FIPA specifications, makes interoperability and
interconnections between particular elements of the
Data Collection Module easy and secure.
The mobile Collector Agents can be also treated as
significant advantage of the proposed solution. The
Data Collection Module and the other components
of the ABSS system, are implemented in JAVA
language, what makes the system open for the
different platforms.
The ABSS system described in this paper is in
the realization stage. The DCM module is working
with two test repositories. However, the ABSS-LMS
Component is ready to be used to connect next
machines to the federation. Specialized services
guarantee that communication is stable. Metadata
harvested from the repositories are parsed and stored
in DB_LOMS database. Stored information is
processed by the Converter Agents. Actually, the
search algorithms are developed. Algorithms are
implemented as new, dedicated to this purpose,
The main advantage of the ABSS system is an
open, agent-based and distributed architecture.
Provided researches show that such a system can be
efficient. More comprehensive conclusions can be
formulated when the ABSS system start to work
with federation of authentic repositories.
The work presented in this paper is supported by the
European Commission under the Information
Society Technologies (IST) program – as part of the
CALIBRATE project, contract IST-28025.
EUN. http://www.eun.org/portal/index.htm
ABSS. http://shalom.kt.agh.edu.pl
FIPA. http://www.fipa.org
JADE. http://jade.tilab.com
LMSs. http://www.eun.org/ww/en/pub/celebrate_help/
Jboss AS. http://www.jboss.com/products/jbossas
WebS. http://www.w3c.org
Spark: http://minor.sourceforge.net/
Xerces2: http://xerces.apache.org/xerces2-j/
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies