In this paper, we have presented the definition and
This research is partially supported by a Spanish
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implementation of a calendar as an interfacing
mechanism to be applied to b-learning systems. This
mechanism is able to benefit from an enriched
context by adding entities of the task model
paradigm as the primary context. We conclude that
calendars are useful for scheduling activities on
these complex environments, and which fulfil the
requirements that a scheduling system must provide.
This calendar model solves the main drawbacks of
traditional models, such as synchronisation issues,
non-flexible records and ubiquitous locations. In
addition, we have describe the implementation of a
real system so that the calendar retains all its
functionality at an appropriate abstraction level,
without modifying the existing lower layers.
By way of future work, we intend to
stions related to adaptive and user-friendly
interfaces as soon as the system has been provided
with a scheduling-driven proactiveness to help the
end user by notifying and resolving conflicts. Our
aim is to implement the task re-planning and the
notification caused by the cancellation of other
planned tasks. We also aim to include the
elimination of the time sampling on the user’s side
in an attempt to eliminate the fixed time slots,
thereby providing a greater scheduling flexibility.
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