solution spared the patient unnecessary experiments
with other psychopharmacological drugs.
So, the first problem is solved, a new diagnosis
is ascertained.
The next problem is prescription of a therapy.
According to the domain theory and to our
knowledge base anxiety implies Neuroleptics
(Gelder, Lopez-Ibor, and Andeasen, 2000.),
(Kalinowsky, and Hippius, 1969). Many of them are
available but a good choice is not trivial.
Individual base. From the patient’s history
those sedatives (Neuroleptics) are retrieved that he
took in his lifetime and that had positive effects on
his psychical condition: Tisercin and Paxil, which is
a drug that has both sedative and antidepressive
Prototype. Among those prototypes that have
been defined by doctors (based on their long
experience with cases) the prototypical solution
Paxil is retrieved.
Adaptation. Before described, every drug must
be checked for conflicts with the patient’s additional
diseases and already existing therapy. Though the
query patient has already taken Paxil in the past, our
system checks all possible conflicts. If necessary,
adaptation has to be performed. In this case no
conflicts are discovered and Paxil is prescribed.
We have presented a CBR system that helps doctors
to solve medical problems, particularly to
investigate causes of inefficacy of therapies. It
includes different knowledge containers, namely a
case base, a knowledge base, prototypes, and
individual bases of patients that reflect their medical
histories. Information retrieved from these
containers is arranged in form of dialogues.
The case base plays a central role in the dialogue
forming process. It serves as a kind of filter when
the knowledge base suggests too many possible
solutions for the problem (as in the first example). In
this situation the most typical cases are retrieved
from the case base. When a solution from the
knowledge base is not convincing or when it is
hardly adaptable, the case base may provide better
alternatives (as in the third example).
Generalisations, keywords and references to
other knowledge components belong to the case
base. The adaptation program uses them to create
dialogues. In the part that concerns the case base and
the dialogues ISOR can be considered as domain
The design of the case base and our
implementation allow solving problems from
different medical domains. Specific, domain
dependant features are attributed mostly to the
individual base, because every domain requires a
special design of case histories. The knowledge base
in ISOR is domain-oriented, but all algorithms and
functions are completely domain independent.
We thank Dr. Monika Mix, Children’s Hospital of
the University Clinic of Rostock, and Prof. Nikolai
Nikolaenko, Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary
Physiology and Biochemistry in St.Petersburg, for
their data and for their help and time during our
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