Crenguţa Bogdan
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,Ovidius University, 124 Mamaia Blvd., Constanta, Romania
Luca Dan Şerbǎnaţi
Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages, PolitehnicaUuniversity, 313 Spl. Independentei, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Information systems analysis, concern, ontology, view, facet.
Abstract: A concern-oriented analysis approach for developing information systems is presented. The method uses the
concerns of various stakeholders of an information system (IS) for partitioning the system conceptual
domain in stakeholder-oriented sub-domains. Mental representations descriptions of stakeholders’ beliefs
and knowledge related to each concern are identified and on their basis, a domain ontology can be created.
Furthermore, facets of the future IS are constructed by an abstraction mechanism applied on the domain
In this paper, we present some results we obtained in
our research on information systems analysis. We
consider an information system as an informational
model of one or more work systems belonging to an
enterprise, or in general to an organization. Such a
system gives informational support to the
represented systems. It provides functionalities of
capturing, transmitting, storing, retrieving,
manipulating, and supplying data, information, and
The conceptual mechanisms we generally use for
managing the IS complexity are decomposition and
composition, and refining and abstraction. We
considered them in order to propose an analysis
approach for constructing views on ISs. These
mechanisms are based on the fundamental principle
of separation of concerns that we present in what
that follows.
Separation of concerns is an old decomposing
and composing principle which partitions a system
into smaller more manageable and comprehensible
parts (Parnas, 1972). Each decomposing criterion is
derived from a concern or need belonging to a
particular area of interest.
The stakeholders of an IS are people who
influence the system development and/or use.
Stakeholders are employees, managers, customers,
suppliers, etc.
We define the (stakeholder’s) concern as a
problem-originated care of one or more stakeholders
involved in the construction or evolution in its
natural environment of an IS. The care of a
stakeholder derives from his/her interest or
responsibility in the IS’ real world, his/her thinking
to improve or modify something in this world for
better matching his/her expectations, or worrying
about something wrong or undesired could occurs.
In our approach, the specification of a concern
problem uses a pair composed from two
descriptions: a) the initial state description of the
current situation, as the stakeholder perceives it, and
b) the final state description of the situation that
matches expectations, interests, or desires of the
stakeholder. These two elements are respectively
considered as hypothesis and conclusion of the
problem specification. The problem’s initial state
contains all information and knowledge necessary to
obtain the final state of the problem and, thus, to
solve it. The high-level specification of a concern
that a stakeholder tries to solve is an association of
such a pair of states and the role the stakeholder
plays in the system.
Bogdan C. and Dan ¸Serb
ana¸ti L. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume ISDM/WsEHST/DC, pages 220-223
DOI: 10.5220/0001326202200223
According to our approach, we can analyze an
information system as an aggregation of views that
are created by composing facets. These facets can be
explicitly constructed based on the stakeholders’
beliefs and knowledge.
We consider a belief as a state of mind about a
mental representation that symbolizes a mental
object that depends on a perception (Ferrario,
Oltramari, 2004). In the cognitive psychology, a
mental representation is defined as a psychological
mechanism that allows the reflection and the
knowledge of an entity, phenomenon, or of a state of
affairs in its absence. The condition is that, this was
previously perceived in the real world (Zlate, 2004).
There is a strong relation between knowledge
and beliefs: a credible belief accepted by all people
who are interested in, it’s a piece of knowledge.
Nevertheless, we do not consider all the beliefs
and knowledge of a stakeholder, but only those
which belong to the explanations of the cause of
problems that are related to their concerns. We
called semantic rationale such a motivation of a
We use the semantic rationales of the
stakeholders’ concerns to firstly identify their
vocabularies, and then describe their intended
meaning in order to obtain an ontology.
We proposed in (Bogdan, Şerbǎnaţi, 2006) and
, Luzi, Ricci, Şerbǎnaţi, 2007) a concern-
oriented approach of IS analysis with the following
11 steps: 1) identification of stakeholders; 2)
identification of concerns; 3) concern classification;
4) identification of relations between concerns; 5)
priority of concerns solving; 6) identification of
semantic rationales; 7) identification of the concepts
used in the semantic rationales; 8) ontological
analysis of the intension of the concepts; 9) choosing
a foundational (top-level) ontology to be extended
by the new ontology; 10) classification of the
concepts conforming the foundational ontology; 11)
definition of the ontology using a formal logical
The approach also includes guidelines for the
creation of the informational views on the IS under
study from the obtained domain ontology. For this,
other four steps should be added to the basic
method: 12) construction of the UML ontological
model of each piece of knowledge or belief; 13)
construction of facets for each concern rationale; 14)
the analysis of the independence degree of the
facets; and 15) construction of the informational
view by grouping facets of some related concerns.
This paper is focused on the steps 12)-15) of the
2.1 Analysis of Concerns
In order to identify the concerns and their relations
in the development process of an IS, our approach
firstly recommends to analyze the stakeholders’
preoccupations, interests and beliefs, and identify
how they generate concerns, in other words how the
stakeholders reason.
The analysis of the concerns according to the
above four perspectives begins with the construction
of their high-level specifications composed from a
problem specification and the roles of stakeholders
that manifest that concern.
For each concern, the beliefs and pieces of
knowledge that constitute their semantic rationales
have to be identified. For this we can use the
problem specification, the stakeholder’s work
practice, and his/her explicit and tacit knowledge.
2.2 Building an Ontology
The mental representations of the stakeholders’
knowledge and beliefs are formed by concepts that
refer instances belonging to three categories:
physical entities and their relations in the real world,
ad hoc conceptualizations resulted from the
stakeholder’s experience, and abstract (non-physical
or social) entities that were produced by the human
mind and are shared by various communities.
The identification of concepts from every
semantic rationale represents the activity in which a
vocabulary is created. The vocabulary is a set of
concepts that we use them in order to refer concrete
and abstract entities as well as relationships between
them from the domains associated to the problems
related to the identified concerns. From each
concern rationale the participating concepts are
gathered in the vocabulary. In our approach the
vocabulary is used for solving the problem
associated to the concern. This activity is repeated
until the whole conceptual domain of the problems
associated to the concerns shared between
stakeholders is obtained.
Furthermore, the concepts are ontologically
analyzed according to the OntoClean methodology
in order to obtain a backbone taxonomy based on a
combination of some properties, like rigidity,
identity, and dependence (Guarino, Welty, 2004).
Then the foundational ontology is chosen.
Subsequently a new taxonomy is created by
subsuming the existing categories in the
foundational ontology taxonomy. In addition, on the
basis of the conceptualization of foundational
ontology, the domain ontology is created by
formally describing the intension of each concept
and their intentional relations.
During our research, we used the top-level
ontology DOLCE (Masolo, Borgo, Gangemi,
Guarino, Oltramari, 2003) and one of its modules
D&S (Gangemi, Mika, 2003). Other top-level
ontologies might be used.
2.3 Views and Facets
In our approach a view is a model of an IS related to
a particular, homogeneous from a logical point of
view, set of concerns. We consider that the concerns
emerge from a particular perspective of the IS
developing process: social, functional,
informational, or technological perspective.
Therefore, depending on the perspective applied, we
obtain social, functional, informational, or
technological views. The views are models of a
future or existing IS resulting from a projection of
the system in a large area of concerns belonging to
more stakeholder roles. In this paper, we consider
only the informational views.
An informational view is a structural model of
the system to be modelled, basically a UML class
diagram (UML, 2003). It contains categories in the
system’s conceptual domain, their relations, as well
as constraints regarding the model interpretation.
We also consider an informational view as a
cluster of facets. Each facet is a simplified model of
the informational view and conceptually represents a
concern-driven abstraction of the informational view
according to a stakeholder’s paradigm. This
paradigm is shaped in time by stakeholders playing
the same role or having the same responsibilities.
Confronted with similar situations the stakeholders
manifest similar concerns and build similar solutions
for solving these concerns. We can say that a facet
describes the semantic rationale of a concern.
Technically, a facet is constructed according to a
template that contains the following fields: the codes
of the facet and concern, the dependency graph of
beliefs and knowledge for a semantic rationale of the
concern and the facet semantics represented as a
UML class diagram that contains the participating
concepts and their ontological relations extracted
from the domain ontology.
The template associates the semantic rationale of
the concern to the concern semantics as it is derived
the knowledge and beliefs of a concern’s semantic
rationale. In the next subsection, the UML
ontological model is defined.
2.3.1 UML Ontological Models
An UML ontological model is a class diagram that
semi-formally describes the semantic of a piece of
knowledge or belief of a concern’s rationale. Such
model is constructed from the domain ontology of
an IS trying to preserve its semantic. It uses concepts
of the UML metamodel like class, data type,
association, and dependence (UML, 2003). In our
research, we found that the correspondence between
these concepts and the categories and conceptual
relations of the domain ontology (constructed using
the top-level ontology DOLCE+D&S) is expressed
in the following rules:
1. All categories of the domain ontology, excepting
the abstracts and formal roles, are mapped to
2. The material roles are mapped to association
classes and the formal ones are mapped to
association roles.
3. Categories subsumed by abstract category are
mapped to the data type UML concept. A data
type is a type whose values have no identity
(UML, 2003).
4. All ontological relations, excepting parthood,
constitution, and subsumption are mapped in
associations in UML ontological models. An
association is a relation that describes semantic
connections between individuals that are
instances of the given classes (UML, 2003).
5. Temporal and temporary parthood, also
constitution relations are mapped in UML
aggregation relations (UML, 2003).
6. The subsumption relation is mapped to the UML
generalization/specialization relation. As it is
known, the subsumption relation holds between
two categories A and B (and we say, “A
subsumes B”) of an ontology if and only if, for all
possible states of affairs, all the instances of B are
also instances of A. Using UML language we
express the same semantic saying that B is a
subclass of A.
In order to construct an UML ontological model
of a piece of knowledge or belief, our approach
proposes the applying of the abstraction mechanism
and the following rules on its mental representation
description in the natural language:
1. If a concept from the mental representation
corresponds to a category from the domain
ontology, we map this category and the category
or categories from the foundational ontology that
subsume it into classes or data types.
2. If a concept corresponds to a quality from
foundational or domain ontology, the model will
contain the corresponding class and, in addition,
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
the class or classes that map the category or
categories in which the quality inheres in. We
inferred this rule from the fact of, according to
DOLCE, each quality is specifically, and
constantly dependent on the entity it inheres in
(Masolo, Borgo, Gangemi, Guarino, Oltramari,
3. In the case of a relation between two concepts, we
check if it is an ontological relation. If so, we
transform the relation into an UML one,
according to the rules 3-6 above enumerated.
4. If the relation between two concepts, excepting
the causality one, is not an ontological one, the
domain ontology is traversed on the basis of the
subsumption relation of the corresponding
categories and, on the basis of the reasoning
supplied by the ontology, we search the
ontological relation that has the same meaning
with the initial relation.
5. The causal relation between two concepts is
described in the model by the dependence
After we constructed the UML ontological
models of beliefs and knowledge of a concern
rationale, we can construct its facet. In order to
construct the facet structure, we apply again the
abstraction mechanism on the UML ontological
models and we only take the classes that will be part
of the future informational system and their
ontological relations.
In this paper, we have presented an approach based
on a concern-oriented analysis aimed to construct an
information system as a composition of multi-
facetted views. A view is an aggregation of the
facets of related concerns of the stakeholders.
The facets are constructed on the basis of
domain ontology by composing UML ontological
models of the beliefs and pieces of knowledge’s
mental representation descriptions of a stakeholder’s
The approach has been applied on a sub-process
of the clinical trial, namely the identification of the
subject selection criteria, but from the limited space
reason, we don’t present the example as a case study
in this paper.
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