Loose-coupling perspective concerns
desirable property 2, as defined in Section 2. If
straightforwardly reflecting an enterprise model in a
SOA-driven application model, the services (which
would be identified) would inevitably be tightly
coupled because (normally) there is a dependency of
the services provided by one entity on services
provided by other entities. As concluded in
(Shishkov et al., 2006b), this could be resolved, by
introducing ‘in between’ an ADDITIONAL
‘Orchestrator’) THAT HAS THE TASK OF
COORDINATION. The Orchestrator is application-
specific (as the coordination is application-specific).
The (subordinate) services, however, which are
coordinated by the Orchestrator, may be useful for
many different types of applications. Their
description may hence be published through a public
(or corporate) registry, such that they can be
discovered, and selected for invocation by an
orchestration component. Related to its coordination
tasks, the Orchestrator could sometimes supply to
one service the result of another service, if this is
necessary for the service to perform its task(s).
This paper proposes improvements to the business-
application alignment, particularly in the context of
SOA. Reporting work-in-progress, the paper has
only identified (relevant) application desirable
properties and corresponding solution directions.
According to the first solution direction, the SOA
application model must be developed as a
refinement of a corresponding essential enterprise
model. According to the second solution direction,
the application functionality must be specified
consistent with the (service) infrastructure. These
two solution directions are relevant (in combination)
to the objective of overcoming (especially in the
context of SOA) the semantic gap between business
logic and application logic. As for the third solution
direction, it mainly concerns the usage of generic
services, which characterizes SOA. In particular, it
is suggested that an additional application
component is introduced to handle the (application-
specific) coordination activities with respect to
(subordinate) services, in delivering application’s
We expect that this paper and the discussion it
opens would be useful to the on-going SOA
developments aiming at putting SOC on a more
solid (theoretical) background.
This work is part of the Freeband A-MUSE project
(http://a-muse.freeband.nl). Freeband is sponsored
by the Dutch government under contract BSIK
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