A Quantitative Analysis Using WikiXRay
Felipe Ortega
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Tulipan s/n 28933, Mostoles, Spain
Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Tulipan s/n 28933, Mostoles, Spain
Gregorio Robles
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Tulipan s/n 28933, Mostoles, Spain
Wikipedia, quantitative analysis, growth metrics, collaborative development.
In a few years, Wikipedia has become one of the information systems with more public (both producers and
consumers) of the Internet. Its system and information architecture is relatively simple, but has proven to be
capable of supporting the largest and more diverse community of collaborative authorship worldwide.
In this paper, we analyze in detail this community, and the contents it is producing. Using a quantitative
methodology based on the analysis of the public Wikipedia databases, we describe the main characteristics of
the 10 largest language editions, and the authors that work in them. The methodology (which is almost com-
pletely automated) is generic enough to be used on the rest of the editions, providing a convenient framework
to develop a complete quantitative analysis of the Wikipedia.
Among other parameters, we study the evolution of the number of contributions and articles, their size, and
the differences in contributions by different authors, inferring some relationships between contribution patterns
and content. These relationships reflect (and in part, explain) the evolution of the different language editions
so far, as well as their future trends.
Wikipedia is one of the most important projects
producing collaborative intellectual work in the last
years, and has gained the attention of millions of users
worldwide. It is also one of the most popular sites on
the Internet (for instance, being ranked by Alexa as
the 11th most visited website, with over 50 million
requests per day)
Three reasons are usually mentioned to explain
the success of Wikipedia. The first one is that
its articles and contents are based on the contribu-
tion of anyone willing to improve them, with little
to no restrictions. Many people would argue that
this model could not produce good quality compared
to peer-review model generally found in scientific
publications. Nevertheless, an article published in
Information extracted from on March
23rd, 2007.
Nature (Gigles, 2005) showed that the accuracy of
Wikipedia is very close to other traditional printed en-
cyclopedias such as Britannica. Therefore, if it were
possible to create accurate articles with this open con-
tribution model, it could be probably considered as a
new method for collecting human knowledge, with an
unparalleled breadth and detail.
The second reason is the ease of use of Wikipedia.
Its contents are collected, presented and managed
mainly with MediaWiki
, a libre software
and maintained by the own project. This software of-
fers simple-to-use and intuitive tools for editing arti-
cles, adding figures and multimedia content, and also
for article reviews and discussions.
The third advantage of Wikipedia is that all textual
Through this paper, we will use the term libre software
to refer both to free software and open source software (ac-
cording to the respective definitions by the Free Software
Foundation and the Open Source Initiative).
Ortega F., M. Gonzalez-Barahona J. and Robles G. (2007).
THE TOP-TEN WIKIPEDIAS - A Quantitative Analysis Using WikiXRay.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume ISDM/WsEHST/DC, pages 46-53
DOI: 10.5220/0001330100460053
contents are licensed using the GNU Free Documen-
tation License (GNU FDL). This makes the content
freely available to all users, and allows reprints by
any third parties as long as they make them available
under the same terms. Other contents, such as pho-
tographs and multimedia are subject to specific copy-
right notices, most of them sharing the same philoso-
phy and principles of the GNU FDL.
However, although its success in sharing knowl-
edge, Wikipedia may face some serious challenges
in the near future. The most disturbing is the rapid
growth in system requirements that has to be dealt
with, mainly due to Wikipedia’s enormous size. The
English version has already surpassed the 1.5 mil-
lion articles mark (1,697,653 articles as of March 21st
2007). The main consequence of this growth is that
Wikipedia is beginning to consider how to expand its
system facilities in order to not become a victim of its
own success.
To evaluate to what extent Wikipedia is growing,
and what scenarios the project will likely face in
the future, a detailed quantitative analysis has to be
designed and performed. This analysis would make it
possible to know the evolution of the most important
parameters of the project, and the construction and
validation of growth models which could be used to
infer those scenarios. In this paper, we propose a
methodology for performing such kind of quantitative
analysis. The growth of the whole project is affected
by four different factors:
System infrastructure: Currently, most of the traf-
fic served by Wikipedia comes from a cluster in
Florida, maintained by the Wikimedia Founda-
tion. In the past months, several mirror projects
have been set up in Europe (France) and Asia (Ya-
hoo! cluster in Singapore). Many other support-
ers maintain minor mirror sites all over the world.
However, the size of Wikipedia seems to grow
much faster than the project facilities, with the
risk of overloading the servers and consequently
producing a slowdown in the service.
Software evolution: MediaWiki is the core soft-
ware platform of the Wikipedia Project. This tool,
essentially developed in the PHP programming
language, is responsible for retrieving the contents
(text, graphics, multimedia...) from the database
for a certain language, and delivering them to the
Apache web servers, to satisfy the requests made
by users. A very active community of developers
supports the evolution of this software package,
adding the functionalities users ask for and boost-
ing the performance.
Evolution of articles and contents: Articles are the
core of Wikipedia. There is one article for each
different topic, and topics are selected through
consensus among the wishes of users. Authors
can also discuss article contents through special
talk pages, thus reaching consensus about what
should and should not be included in them. So
far, the content of the articles may include text,
graphics, photographs, math formulas and mul-
timedia. They reflect the authors’ interests and
level of contribution (some languages gather more
articles than others), so this factor is in close rela-
tionship with the last one.
Changes and contributions by the community: the
expansion of Wikipedia is also affected by the
contributions from editors and developers. Due
to its collaborative nature, Wikipedia strongly de-
pends on the work of volunteers to maintain its
current rate of growth. If, for some reason, edi-
tors change their current behavior, or developers
begin to decrease their rate of software contribu-
tions, this will definitely affect Wikipedia’s future
In this paper, we analyze Wikipedia focusing on
the last two factors. We concentrate our efforts in
gaining knowledge about the Wikipedia community
of authors, in the ten most important language ver-
sions of the encyclopedia, and the evolution of the ar-
ticles we find in each of them. The selection of the
ten most important languages has been done regard-
ing the total number of articles.
Although the process of collaborative content creation
is relatively new, collaborative patterns have already
been analyzed thoroughly in other technical domains.
Libre software is a very good example of those collab-
orative environments. Several useful conclusions can
be learned from a careful examination of their func-
tional features. Wikipedia is, in some sense, a libre
contents project. Its articles are subject to the GNU
FDL, reflecting much of the same philosophy that we
find in libre software. It should be interesting to check
how much these two worlds show similar behaviors.
For example, a very popular concept introduced
by Raymond (Raymond, 1998) for the libre software
development is the bazaar. Libre software projects
tend to a development model that is similar to oriental
bazaars, with spontaneous exchanges and contribu-
tions not leaded by a central authority, and without a
THE TOP-TEN WIKIPEDIAS - A Quantitative Analysis Using WikiXRay
mandatory scheduling. These methods can be seen as
opposite to typical software development processes,
as these are more similar to how medieval cathedrals
were built, with very tight and structured roles and
duties, and centralized scheduling.
But it was not until almost the year 2000 when
the research community realized that lots of pub-
licly available data about libre software could be
obtained and analyzed. Some research works, in-
cluding (Ghosh and Prakash, 2000) and (Koch and
Schneider, 2002) showed that a small group of de-
velopers were the authors of a large amount of the
available code. Mockus et al. (Mockus et al., 2002)
performed a research work about the composition of
the developers communities of large libre software
projects. They verified that a small group of devel-
opers (labeled as the core group) was in charge of the
majority of relevant tasks. A second group, composed
by developers who contribute frequently, is around
one order of magnitude larger than the core group,
while a third one, this one of occasional contributors,
is about another order of magnitude larger.
Other interesting research works include (God-
frey and Tu, 2000) about the growth in size over
time of the Linux kernel. Godfrey et al. showed
that Linux grew following a super-linear model, ap-
parently in contradiction to one of the eight laws of
software evolution (Lehman et al., 1997). Although
not yet confirmed, this may be indicative of a supe-
rior growth for open collaborative development en-
vironments than with closed industrial settings com-
monly used. Other research works have focused their
attention on the study of Linux distributions, where
hundreds to thousands of libre software programs
are integrated and shipped. Especially the case of
Debian (Gonzalez-Barahona et al., 2001; Gonzalez-
Barahona et al., 2004; Amor et al., 2005a; Amor et al.,
2005b) is very interesting in this regard as it is a dis-
tribution built exclusively by volunteers.
A methodological approach of how to retrieve
public data from software repositories and the vari-
ous ways that these data can be analyzed, especially
from the point of view of software maintenance and
evolution, can be fond in Gregorio Robles’ disserta-
tion (Robles, 2006). This work puts special attention
to developer-related (or social) aspects as these give
valuable information about the community that is de-
veloping a software.
Specifically on the Wikipedia, we can find also
some previous studies. (Buriol et al., 2006) quantifies
the growth of Wikipedia as a graph. The authors find
many similarities among several language versions of
Wikipedia, as well as with the structure of the World
Wide Web. This should be no surprise, because in
some way, wikis are simply another flavor of websites
where content may be linked from other contents (by
using HTML hyperlinks). Jakob Voss (Voss, 2005)
introduced some interesting preliminary results about
the evolution of contents and authors, mainly focusing
on the German version of the Wikipedia: the num-
ber of distinct authors per article follows a power-law
while the number of distinct articles per author fol-
lows Lotka’s Law. Buriol et al. (Buriol et al., 2006)
showed that growth in number of articles and users
were consistent with Voss’ results, but this time in the
English version.
Finally, Viegas et al. (Viegas et al., 2004) found
an alternative approach for studying contribution pat-
terns to Wikipedia articles. They have developed a
software tool, History Flow, that can navigate through
the complete history of an article. This way, it is pos-
sible to identify periods of intense growth in the con-
tent of articles, acts of vandalism and other interesting
patterns in users contributions.
In this section, we present the methodology for a
quantitative analysis of different language versions in
Wikipedia. Firstly, we introduce some of the most
relevant features of the database Wikipedia uses to
store all its contents and edit information. Then, we
briefly present the automatic system that the Wikime-
dia Foundation uses to create database dumps for all
of its projects, and specifically for Wikipedia. Finally,
we describe WikiXRay
, our own tool developed for
generating quantitative analysis of different language
versions in Wikipedia automatically.
3.1 Wikipedia Database Layout
The MediaWiki software is currently strongly tied to
the MySQL database software. Many functions and
data formats are not compatible with other database
engines. The logical model of the database that stores
Wikipedia contents has suffered a deep transforma-
tion since version 1.5 of the MediaWiki software. The
most up-to-date database schema always resides in
the tables.sql file in the Subversion repository.
The tables of the database logical model that are
relevant to our purposes are:
Page: One of the core tables of the database. In
this table, each page is identified by its title, and
provides some additional metadata about it. The
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
name of each page refers to the namespace to
which it belongs to.
Revision: Every time a user edits a page, a new
row is created in this table. This row includes the
title of the page, a brief textual summary of the
change performed, the user name of the article ed-
itor (or its IP address the case of an unregistered
user) and a timestamp. The current timestamp
support is somewhat basic as it is implemented us-
ing plain strings.
Text: The text for every article revision is stored in
this table. The text may be stored in plain UTF-
8 compressed with gzip or in a specialized PHP
Database dumps do not only contain the articles,
but other relevant pages that are used by the user com-
munity of that language on a daily basis. To classify
these pages, MediaWiki groups pages in logical do-
mains known as namespaces. A tag included in the
page title indicates the namespace a page belongs to.
Articles are grouped in the
namespace. Other
relevant namespaces are
for the homepage of
every registered user,
for pages with informa-
tion about the project itself, and
for discussion pages related to articles,
users and the project respectively. Most of our re-
search work is focused on articles in the
3.2 Database Dumps
There are database dumps available for all Wikipedia
versions through the web
. Some major improve-
ments have recently been included in the database
dumps administration, the most relevant the automa-
tion of the whole dump process, including real-time
information about the current state of each dump.
Other new features include the automatic creation of
HTML copies of every article stored, and the upcom-
ing system for creating DVD distributions for differ-
ent language versions. The tool employed to per-
form database dumps is the Java-based mwdumper,
also available in the Wikipedia SVN repository
. This
tool creates and recovers database dumps using an
XML format. Compression is achieved with bzip2
and SevenZip.
In our study we have retrieved a simplified ver-
sion of the dumps which provides data only for the
page and revision tables of each language. An ad-
ditional dump with the page table alone had also to
be downloaded, because we needed information about
the length in bytes of every single page. The simpli-
fied dump does not include that information.
3.3 Quantitative Analysis Methodology:
The methodology we have conceived to analyze the
Wikipedia is composed of following steps: First, we
collect the database dumps for the top-ten Wikipedia
languages (in number of articles, according to the
list publicly available from Wikipedia main page).
We have therefore developed a Python tool, called
WikiXRay, to process the database dumps, automati-
cally collecting relevant information, and processing
this information and proceed to an in-depth statistical
Quantitative results for each language can be ob-
tained from two different points of view:
Community of authors: This is the first important
parameter that affects the growth of the database.
Relevant aspects include studying the total num-
ber of editors and contributions, number of con-
tributions for each author over a certain period
of time (i.e. contributions per month or per
week) and correlating results with Wikipedia’s
own statistics.
Evolution of articles: We analyze the growth of
the database from a different perspective, focusing
on the evolution of the size of the articles over
time, the distribution of articles sizes in general
and how the evolution of articles correlates to the
contributions made by users.
As case study for our methodology, we have consid-
ered convenient to analyze the database dumps of the
top-ten largest language versions of the Wikipedia. At
the time of writing, the most popular language corre-
sponds to English, followed in this order by German,
French, Polish, Japanese, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese,
Swedish, and Spanish. Due to spaces limitations, we
will not be able to include in this paper all the results
obtained, but will show the most relevant ones
. Fig-
ure 1 is a graphic that shows the evolution over time of
the number of contributions to articles for the top-ten
languages. A contribution is considered any edition
made by an user to an article. A logarithmic scale in
7 offers addi-
tional graphic results.
THE TOP-TEN WIKIPEDIAS - A Quantitative Analysis Using WikiXRay
Figure 1: Evolution over time of the total number of contributions.
the vertical axis to plot the graphics has been used,
resulting in a clear common behavior at least since
December 2004 for all languages.
For some language versions we can establish a
strong correlation between relevant past events and
abrupt increases of their growth rates for total con-
tributions. For example, the Japanese Wikipedia ex-
perimented a quite remarkable growth of two or-
ders of magnitude in its total number of contributions
from February to March, 2003. In January 31, 2003,
the Japanese online magazine Wired News covered
Wikipedia. This has been reported as the first time
Wikipedia was covered in the Japanese media
. So,
we can infer a direct relationship between Wikipedia
popularity and the number of contributions it receives.
4.1 The Community of Authors
One of the parameters we are interested in is the
level of inequality that can be found for contributions.
As already mentioned, previous research on the libre
software phenomenon has shown that a relative small
number of developers concentrate a large part of the
contributions. Analyzing inequality will allow us to
see if both phenomenons present similar patterns.
We will measure inequality by means of the Gini
coefficient. This coefficient, introduced by Conrado
Gini (Gini, 1936) to measure welcome inequality in
economics, shows how unequal something is dis-
tributed among a group of people. To calculate the
Gini coefficient we have first to obtain the Lorenz
curve, a graphical representation of the cumulative
distribution function of a probability distribution. Per-
fect distribution among authors is hence given by a
45 degree line. The Gini coefficient is given by the
area between the two curves, providing how far the
actual distribution is from the perfect equality. Fig-
ure 2 presents the Lorenz curve for all the languages
under study. All of them present similar behaviors,
with aproximately 90% of the users responsible all
together for less than 10% of the contributions, (Gini
coefficients ranging from 0.9246 in the Japanese ver-
sion to 0.9665 in the Swedish version). Hence, we
can state that as in the case of libre software, we also
find a small amount of very active contributors.
4.2 Articles
An important parameter of articles is their size, as it
gives the amount of content included in them. We
have therefore plotted histograms for article sizes for
all languages under study. This way we will be able
of inferring different types of articles.
Figure 3 shows the histogram of the article size
in the English and Polish Wikipedias. We take the
decimal logarithm of the article size in bytes for this
representation, which facilitates the identification of
patterns. The solid black line plotted over the his-
tograms represents the probability density function of
the article size, giving about the same information but
with better resolution.
After inspection, we can group articles attending
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 2: Lorenz curves for contributions of authors to the
top-ten languages.
Figure 3: Histogram for sizes of articles in the English (left)
and Polish (right) languages.
to their size in two groups:
Tiny articles: The left side of the histograms
shows a subpopulation conformed by those arti-
cles whose size varies from 10 bytes to 100 bytes.
Some of those belong to a special category of ar-
ticles known as stubs’ in the Wikipedia jargon.
Stubs are templates automatically created when a
user requests a new article about some topic not
previously covered. This way, the software makes
it easier for any upcoming user interested in that
topic to further contribute to the article. However,
most of the articles in this subpopulation fall into
another important category in Wikipedia: redi-
rects’. One of the biggest problems for any ency-
clopedia is how to select an accurate entry name
for each article, because many topics present al-
ternative names users can also search for. Redi-
rects are the perfect answer to deal with multiple
names for the same article. They are special arti-
cles with no content at all, but a link that points
to the main article for that topic. So, when users
search for alternative names, the find the equiv-
alent page that redirect them to the main article
for that topic. Redirects also allow contents to be
centralized in certain articles, thus saving storing
Standard articles: On the other hand, we can iden-
tify a second subpopulation on the right side of the
histograms, corresponding to those articles whose
size grows beyond 500 bytes, that is, articles that
have a certain amount of content. Further research
should be conducted to explain whether the com-
munity is more interested in those topics, or those
articles have been on-line for a longer period of
time, increasing the probability of receiving con-
We can extract interesting conclusions from the
shape of the density function, as each subgroup of ar-
ticles exhibits a Gaussian distribution. Its mean can
be use to characterize the contributions of each user
community to standard articles, and the average redi-
rect size (for the tiny articles). We have calculated
the ratio between the normalized mass of the den-
sity function for tiny and standard articles for all lan-
guages. Results, presented in Table 1, show some
communities that are not very interested in creating
redirects offering alternative entry names for their
articles (for example Polish, Italian and Portuguese
Wikipedias), while other ones (for example the En-
glish Wikipedia) generate more redirects balancing
the probability mass of both subpopulations. There-
fore, simply counting the number of different arti-
cles of a certain language version does not give us
a clear picture about the size or quality of its articles.
Some language versions may create a lot of redirects
or stubs, while others may concentrate on adding real
contents to existing articles. Further research about
these results may lead to identify interesting content
creation patterns in different communities of authors.
Other factors, such as robots that automatically
create a bunch of new stubs from time to time, need
to be taken under consideration. For example, the ra-
tio for the English language is noticeable; a closer
inspection has thrown as result that this is due to
many automatically created articles e.g. with infor-
mation from the U.S. census. Also noticeable is the
case of the Polish Wikipedia. In July 2005 a new
THE TOP-TEN WIKIPEDIAS - A Quantitative Analysis Using WikiXRay
Figure 4: Number of different articles edited per author (top) and number of different authors per article (bottom) for the
Dutch Wikipedia.
task was created for the
, one of the bots
of the Polish Wikipedia. It was programmed to auto-
matically upload statistics from official government
pages about French, Polish and Italian municipali-
ties. This new feature introduced more than 40,000
new articles in the following months. That allowed
the Polish Wikipedia to overtake the Swedish, Italian
and Japanese language versions and become the 4th
largest Wikipedia by total number of articles
Table 1: Probability mass value for tiny articles and stan-
dard articles.
Lang Tiny Mass Std Mass Mass Ratio
English 0.51 0.49 0.96
German 0.38 0.62 1.63
French 0.3 0.7 2.33
Polish 0.18 0.82 4.55
Japanese 0.37 0.63 1.7
Dutch 0.29 0.71 2.44
Italian 0.23 0.77 3.34
Portuguese 0.24 0.76 3.16
Swedish 0.34 0.66 1.94
Spanish 0.33 0.67 2.03
Figure 4 gives the number of articles edited by au-
thor (only registered authors are considered) and the
number of authors per article for the Dutch version
of Wikipedia. The article with the highest number
of contributors accounts for over 10,000 registered
users; around 50 have been the work of over 5000
authors. On the other hand, we can find authors that
have contributed to more than 10,000 articles. Future
research should focus on these results and explore if
these type of authors concentrate in specific tasks, as
for instance correcting errata or adapting the style to
meet Wikipedia conventions.
On the other side, more than 250,000 articles of
the Dutch version were contributed by less than 10
authors, corroborating that, in general, a majority of
authors tend to focus their contributions only on a few
Figure 5: Number of authors against article size (in bytes)
for the Dutch Wikipedia.
Finally, in Figure 5 we represent the number of
authors per article against the article size in the Dutch
Wikipedia. We see that very few articles have been
worked on by more than 150 authors. In general, arti-
cle size correlates positively to the number of authors
who have edited it, with smaller sizes for those arti-
cles with less contributors and larger sizes for those
with wider number of authors. Despite these facts, it
is also interesting to notice that the 10 largest articles
reflect the work of less than 30 authors, and that the
largest one has received contributions from less than
10 authors. So, the number of different authors should
not be considered as the unique parameter affecting
articles size.
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Some useful conclusions can be extracted from this
research. We have shown that the top-ten language
versions of Wikipedia present interesting similarities
regarding the evolution of the contributions to articles
over time, as well as the growth rate in the sum of
article sizes. The Gini coefficients found for the stud-
ied languages present (as expected) big inequalities
in the contributions by authors, with a small percent-
age being responsible for a large share of the contri-
butions. However, the Gini values found for the lan-
guages could help to characterize the underlying au-
thor communities.
We have also identified certain patterns that could
be used to characterize Wikipedia articles attending
to the length (or size) of the articles. Two main sub-
groups (tiny articles and standard articles) represent
the peculiarities of contributions behaviors in each
language community. The ratio between them shows
the interest of the corresponding communities in link-
ing or opening new topics versus completing and im-
proving existing ones.
Finally, we have found that there is no simple cor-
relation between the number of authors that contribute
to a certain article and the total size reached by that
article. This leads us to think about additional factors
that could affect the production process, including the
nature of the topic and the level of popularity of that
topic in the author community.
The methodology we have proposed provides an
integral quantitative analysis framework for the whole
Wikipedia project, a very ambitious goal that we con-
front for the near future.
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THE TOP-TEN WIKIPEDIAS - A Quantitative Analysis Using WikiXRay