Some useful conclusions can be extracted from this
research. We have shown that the top-ten language
versions of Wikipedia present interesting similarities
regarding the evolution of the contributions to articles
over time, as well as the growth rate in the sum of
article sizes. The Gini coefficients found for the stud-
ied languages present (as expected) big inequalities
in the contributions by authors, with a small percent-
age being responsible for a large share of the contri-
butions. However, the Gini values found for the lan-
guages could help to characterize the underlying au-
thor communities.
We have also identified certain patterns that could
be used to characterize Wikipedia articles attending
to the length (or size) of the articles. Two main sub-
groups (tiny articles and standard articles) represent
the peculiarities of contributions behaviors in each
language community. The ratio between them shows
the interest of the corresponding communities in link-
ing or opening new topics versus completing and im-
proving existing ones.
Finally, we have found that there is no simple cor-
relation between the number of authors that contribute
to a certain article and the total size reached by that
article. This leads us to think about additional factors
that could affect the production process, including the
nature of the topic and the level of popularity of that
topic in the author community.
The methodology we have proposed provides an
integral quantitative analysis framework for the whole
Wikipedia project, a very ambitious goal that we con-
front for the near future.
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THE TOP-TEN WIKIPEDIAS - A Quantitative Analysis Using WikiXRay