Presenting Software Engineering Workshop as a Solution
Ashutosh Parashar and Selvakumaran Mannappan
Cognizant Technology Solutions, SDBIII, 5/535, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Chennai 600096, India
Keywords: Software Requirements, Software scope definition, Software Engineering Workshop, Requirements
Gathering, Requirements prioritization, stakeholder alignment.
Abstract: Implementing software projects for large corporations,
more often than not, involves large number of
stakeholders, each with their own set of requirements, which makes requirements finalization very difficult.
The authors propose Solution Envisioning Workshop (SEW) as a solution and present the practice from the
context of a large project executed for a European banking giant. The project had a very large and diverse
set of stake-holders- around 300 member banks as the client organizations, interfacing requirements with
around ten separate systems/ projects, active involvement of central departments of the organization as
active stakeholders. The paper elaborates on the approach taken towards implementing the SEW, the
preparatory & follow-up activities, the benefits, limitations and the lessons learnt. They conclude that the
SEW approach results in creating better understanding, much faster requirement finalization. Quantitative
and qualitative inputs are provided to corroborate the findings.
Scope management, requirements prioritization and
ensuring user acceptance at the end of the project are
constant concern from requirements perspective.
This is more so in the case of large software project
that affect one entire department or the complete
enterprise, due to the simple fact that, each such
software project implementation results in affecting
large number of organizational resources, processes
and practices. Each of these entities becomes a
stakeholder in the project success and joins the
project with their own specific agenda. As the
number of stake holders increases, the complexity
the requirement management process also increases.
In some cases this is because the requirements from
various stakeholders are contradictory but mostly it
is because there is lack of agreement on the
priorities of the requirements. Since for each of
the stakeholder their own set of requirements are the
most desirable ones and a project can satisfy only a
limited set of requirements, the task of scope
definition and requirements finalization becomes
very difficult. And if the project fails to satisfy any
of the requirements of any of the stakeholders, the
acceptance of the project becomes uncertain,
resulting in continuous scope creep and time, effort
overruns and even project scrapping/ failure.
Enter Solution Envisioning Workshop or SEW.
SEW is a systematic approach to counter the
problem of requirements finalization in the above
context. It gathers all key stakeholders together for a
short but intensely focused period (Leffingwell,
Widrig 1999). This results in better understanding
and faster decision on issues.
The SEW makes the process much more
matic and ensures that the maximum benefits of
the exercise can be taken out with minimum effort
and time. SEW is a rapid, high impact process
designed to align the organizational stakeholders
behind a business opportunity, the requirements that
will enable that opportunity, and a credible delivery
plan (Please refer to the figure 1). The SEW
approach is ideal for certain software project
scenarios as given in the figure 2.