SCMM-TOOL - Tool for Computer Automation of the Information Security Management Systems

Luís Enrique Sánchez, Daniel Villafranca, Eduardo Fernández-Medina, Mario Piattini



For enterprises to be able to use information technologies and communications with guarantees, it is necessary to have an adequate security management system and tools which allow them to manage it. In addition, security management system must have highly reduced costs for its implementation and maintenance in small and medium-sized enterprises (from here on refered to as SMEs) to be feasible. In this paper, we will show the tool we have developed using our model for the development, implementation and maintenance of a security management system, adapted to the needs and resources of a SME. Furthermore, we will state how this tool lets enterprises with limited resources manage their security system very efficiently. This approach is being directly applied to real cases, thus obtaining a constant improvement in its application.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Enrique Sánchez L., Villafranca D., Fernández-Medina E. and Piattini M. (2007). SCMM-TOOL - Tool for Computer Automation of the Information Security Management Systems . In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume 2: ICSOFT, ISBN 978-989-8111-06-7, pages 311-318. DOI: 10.5220/0001331003110318

in Bibtex Style

author={Luís Enrique Sánchez and Daniel Villafranca and Eduardo Fernández-Medina and Mario Piattini},
title={SCMM-TOOL - Tool for Computer Automation of the Information Security Management Systems},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume 2: ICSOFT,},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume 2: ICSOFT,
TI - SCMM-TOOL - Tool for Computer Automation of the Information Security Management Systems
SN - 978-989-8111-06-7
AU - Enrique Sánchez L.
AU - Villafranca D.
AU - Fernández-Medina E.
AU - Piattini M.
PY - 2007
SP - 311
EP - 318
DO - 10.5220/0001331003110318