A Solution Proposal
Serban Ghenea and Cornelia Oprean
Omnis Group, 6 Barbu Vacarescu, Bl. 2, Apt. 1, Bucharest 020281, Romania
Keywords: Data mining, web utilities, SQL Server 2005
Abstract: The paper presents the results obtained in building a web-based solution that provides to registered users,
accessing a portal on the Internet, the possibility to perform complex business analysis tasks, using data
mining algorithms and services implemented by Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services. The
database platform sustains the web operation of a complete ERP system, offering support for back-office
management and establishing a B2B environment that automates collaborative business processes.
The large-scale evolution of the Internet and of web-
related technologies made possible the creation and
deployment of innovative tools that turn once
sophisticated and extremely complex software
solutions into ubiquitous resources, accessible as
traditional pay-per-use utilities.
The vast majority of B2B portals and e-
marketplaces available toda
y on the Internet are
configured to span every segment of one specific
industry (vertical eMarkets) or are able to connect
buyers and sellers across many industries (horizontal
eMarkets). Existing solutions give users the
possibility to publish general information and trade
leads, facilitating business contacts that may
generate commercial transactions, further to be
sustained and managed using external IT system
The paper describes the capabilities of a web-
based pl
atform that advances this concept, with the
purpose to establish a unique solution that supports
marketing operations and commercial
transactioning, providing also integration with the
ERP back-office support. Users may access, over the
web, solutions for the management of the following
enterprise activities: financial-accounting,
procurement, sales and invoicing, fixed assets,
human resources, documents workflow, legal
reporting to authorities, on top of standardized
catalogs of partners, activities and products.
ERP operational data can further be analysed
g SQL Server 2005 data mining algorithms and
services, implemented under the same concept of
web utilities.
The solution is able to draw businesses away
managing their own IT infrastructures and
enables them to subscribe to information services,
under a concept similar to clasic utilities
consumption (water, electricity, gas, cable TV),
saving time and money, reducing administrative
overhead and answering to the lack of IT specialists.
The platform, hosted in a Data Center, may be
accessed on the web by any Internet user. Following
the registration process, according to the profile of
each registered company, a company database is
created and specific configuration settings are
automatically generated and applied.
Figure 1 shows a possible configuration of the
tion platform, that contains several SQL Server
2005 database servers and one or more Windows
2003 Web Servers, working together in a failover
clustering architecture.
The Participants database holds index
rmation on all registered companies, whereas the
Configuration database stores the personalized
profiles that are created by the participants in the
portal, after registration. One client ISIS .NET
database is created for each company that subscribes
to the ERP services.
The solution benefits from a service-oriented
architecture, im
plementing services that can further
Ghenea S. and Oprean C. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume ISDM/WsEHST/DC, pages 203-208
be used by other services or other applications. The
solution includes units of service-oriented
processing logic, such as products-catalog services,
marketplace offers services, purchase order services.
Figure 1: Platform Infrastructure Configuration.
2.1 Available Services
An anonymous user on the Internet is able only to
browse the general information stored in the portal
company profiles, product and service offers.
A registered company may use the B2B portal
marketing services, may act as a buyer or seller on
the eMarket, may employ workflow services and
manage the flow of commercial documents, may
access ERP specific functionalities, may carry on
business analysis tasks or may operate any
combinations of the above.
The web interface allows access to the entire set
of available services. The platform core is
represented by the ERP engine, that sustains all
operations. There are separate solution sections in
the interface for each service category, as shown in
Fig. 2. The data mining services work directly with
the database, while all the other services make use of
the business layer built around ERP functionalities.
Figure 2: Solution Configuration and Available Services.
2.2 Solution Implementation
The equipment used in experiments consisted of:
client computer Intel Pentium III at 1.13 GHz
with 512 MB RAM, running Windows XP
Professional with SP2;
server running SQL Server 2005 on 2 X Xeon
3GHz, with 4GB RAM and 2 X 160 GB
mirrored hard disks, under Windows 2003
The solution was developed using the Microsoft
latest technologies: Windows Server 2003, Windows
Vista, SQL Server 2005 Database Engine and
Analysis Services (SSAS), Visual Studio 2005,
ASP.NET 2.0, Net Framework 3.0 (Windows
Workflow Foundation, Windows Communication
Foundation, Windows CardSpace).
The user interface benefits from the user
experience innovations introduced by Windows
Vista, such as:
Aero Theme and System Font (Segoe UI);
Windows SideBar gadgets;
Windows Vista tone in all UI text.
On the B2B section of the portal, the workflow
services ensure the management of the documents
flow between the portal participants, taking
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
advantage of the following benefits offered by the
Windows Workflow Foundation framework:
The workflow scheme is graphically designed in
a workflow designer, the administrator being
able to dynamically configure the workflow
The workflow is created as a state machine
workflow, based on defined events;
The solution allows usage of rule conditions in
workflows and ensures dynamic update of these
rule conditions;
The solution benefits from using transactions and
fault handling for workflow management.
In order to implement the service-oriented
architecture (SOA) concepts, the solution uses the
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
framework. The solution implements services for
products, offers, requests-for-quotes, order and
tender documents, using a layered service
The Service Interface Layer defines the
operations provided by the service, the messages
required to interact with each operation, and the
patterns by which these messages interact.
The Business Layer incorporates components
that implement the business logic of the service.
The Data Access Layer contains the logic
necessary to access data, as well as specific service
To secure SOAP messages that flow between the
service and the client, the solution uses Windows
CardSpace technology, in order to replace the
password-based authentication, thus eliminating the
“phishing” threat, specific to Internet
The solution offers access to ERP services
(commercial, stocks, financial, accounting, payroll,
transportation management) for the registered
companies that subscribe to these services. After the
registration is validated by a general administrator, a
client ISIS .NET database is created for the accepted
company. The data mining services provide
advanced business analysis capabilities, based on
data mining algorithms implemented in SQL Server
2005. The data subject to analysis resides in the ISIS
.NET client databases.
3.1 Data Source
The examples shown in detail below are obtained
from the client databases of two companies that
operate in the hospitality industry. Users having
access to the Data Mining Services of the portal are
able to select the type of data analysis to be applied
and the appropriate viewer solution.
3.2 Data Preparation
During the testing phase, appropriate data cleansing
and modification processes were applied, in order to
eliminate records with zero quantities, to solve data
inconsistencies due to the text representation of the
Country field (duplicates and misspelling) and to
decompose the Date field in 3 separate fields – year,
month, day. In the production phase, the data
preparation process will be automatic.
New Analysis Services projects were created
using Business Intelligence Development Studio and
appropriate data source were added in order to
connect to the ISIS .NET client databases. The data
mining algorithms were run on views created for
testing purposes. The views include only the tables
that store sale documents, customers and profit
center data. The analysis was limited to the period
2004-2007. In total, 43,050 records were processed,
among which 23,519 records in the documents table
of one database and 19,434 records in the documents
table of the second database. An OLAP cube was
created in each database, defined on the dimensions
Customer_Country and Date, using the measure
Amount, representing the value specified on the sales
3.3 Data Mining Results
The SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services generated a
set of results that were displayed using Microsoft
Excel and the viewers that are provided by SQL
Server 2005 Analysis Services for each distinct data
mining method that was applied: OLAP cube
processing, time series, clusters, association rules.
3.3.1 OLAP Cube
The cube views shown in Fig. 3-6 were generated in
Microsoft Excel, using a pivot table built based on
the cube definition.
Figure 3: Sales Chart per Country, Client1.
Figure 4: Sales Chart per Country, Client2.
Figure 5: Sales Trend Line, Client1.
Figure 6: Sales Trend Line, Client2.
3.3.2 Time Series
The SSAS Time Series Viewer displays models that
are built with the Time Series algorithm. This is a a
regression algorithm for use in creating data mining
models to predict continuous columns, such as
product sales, in a forecasting scenario. The results
obtained on the two databases are shown below. The
chart in Fig. 7 display the behavior of the time
series, together with the predicted values for the
future. Fig. 8 shows the decision tree built based on
the predictable attributes.
Figure 7: Sales Time Series Chart.
Figure 8: Decision Tree.
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
3.3.3 Clusters
The Sequence Clustering algorithm is a sequence
analysis algorithm for use in exploring data that
contains events that can be linked by following
paths, or sequences. The Microsoft Sequence
Cluster Viewer displays all the clusters identified in
a mining model. The shading of the line that
connects one cluster to another represents the
strength of the similarity of the clusters. If the
shading is light or nonexistent, the clusters are not
very similar. As the line becomes darker, the
similarity of the links becomes stronger.
Figure 9: Sales Clusters Diagram.
The viewer provides, in Fig. 10, an overall view
of the clusters built in the model. Each column that
follows the Population column in the grid represents
a cluster discovered by the algorithm. The rows
show the composition of the clusters for each
attribute in the model. Distinct ranges of attribute
values are represented in distinct colors.
Figure 10: Sales Clusters Profile.
3.3.4 Association Rules
The Microsoft Association algorithm is an
association algorithm for use in creating data mining
models that can be used for market basket analysis.
The algorithm finds itemsets that describe items that
are typically found together in a transaction and
discovers rules that predict the presence of other
items in a transaction, based on existing items. The
viewer displays the list of itemsets that the model
identified as frequently found together. The tab
displays a grid with the following columns: Support,
Size, and Itemset. In Fig. 11, the largest itemsets
include the records indicating sales to Romanian
customers (Country_ID=1) with support value
22,124 and records corresponding to sales invoices,
with support value 21,798.
Figure 11: Association Itemsets.
The dependency network viewer displays nodes,
each node representing an item. The arrow between
nodes represents the association between items. The
direction of the arrow dictates the association
between the items according to the rules that the
algorithm discovered. For example, in Fig. 12, an
arrow points from the node SalesYear=2005-2006
towards the node Amount>=7,600. The slider at the
left of the viewer acts as a filter that is tied to the
probability of the rules. Lowering the slider shows
only the strongest links.
Figure 12: Association Dependencies.
The ISIS .NET platform provides a web-based
solution that includes a B2B portal for collaborative
business processes and an ERP system for specific
back-office operations. Installed in a data center, the
platform offers to registered users the possibility to
administrate their complete business environment
using advanced technology, with minimum costs.
The operation of an unique ERP solution ensures
that all data are consistently stored in the same
database structures. The solution developers are
therefore able to create an unique set of business
analysis tools, based on Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Analysis Services, that can further be operated
similarly by all system users.
The data mining platform must further be
developed to provide distinct sections for the
analysis of data subject to the operation of various
ERP modules: financial-accounting, stock
management, transportation, human resources, etc.
No matter the business specifics, companies that
administrate stocks using the ISIS .NET Stock
Management module - that stores data in the ISIS
.NET client database - will be able to share the same
business analysis tools, included in the solution
platform. As the databases grow and the models
develop in time, it will become necessary to embed
in the platform industry-strength data mining
facilities. For better efficiency, at clients’ requests,
the system will generate separate data warehouses,
starting from the ISIS .NET client databases, that
will support the data mining tasks. The platform will
include all the tools for the back-office management
of the data warehouses: periodic data loading, data
preparation, back-up and archiving, administration
and interpretation of data mining results.
The described solution architecture complies to
the current trends of establishing powerful nodes
that provide modern utilities and services using
standardized delivery networks, similar to the
situation of traditional utilities. Water, electricity,
gas, cable TV, Internet access, games, music and
movies, office and application software, data and
knowledge will follow similar distribution flows,
built using consistent standards. Concentration and
consolidation will be improved, to allow sharing out
at a global scale.
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Serban Ghenea, 2007. Application Tool for Experiments
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ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies