Katerina Kabassi
Department of Ecology and the Environment, Technological Educational Institute of the Ionian Island
2 Kalvou Sq., 29100 Zakynthos, Greece
Maria Virvou, George Tsihrintzis
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus 80 Karaoli & Dimitriou St., 18534, Piraeus, Greece
Keywords: E-health, e-learning, rule-based reasoning, multi-criteria decision making.
Abstract: The paper presents an e-learning system called INTATU, which provides education on Atheromatosis.
Atheromatosis is a disease that is of interest not only to doctors, but also to common users without any
medical background. For this purpose, the system maintains and processes information about the users’
interests and background knowledge and provides individualized learning for the domain of Atheromatosis.
More specifically, the reasoning mechanism in INTATU uses a novel combination of rule-based reasoning
and a multi-criteria decision making theory called SAW for selecting the theory topics that appear to be
most appropriate for a particular user with respect to his/her background knowledge and interest.
E-learning and e-health can help users take more
control of their well-being and improve their lives
by accessing health information. However, this
information is sometimes inaccessible for most
people, as they do not have the background
knowledge to understand the medical terminology
used. A solution to this problem may be achieved by
providing each user with personalized information
that is tailored to his/her knowledge and interests.
In view of the above, we have developed an e-
learning system for a medical domain that has the
ability to adapt its interaction to each user
dynamically. The system is about Atheromatosis,
which is a topic that is of interest to many categories
of people. Atheromatosis of the aortic arch has been
recognized as an important source of embolism.
System embolism is a frequent cause of stroke. The
severity of Atheromatosis is granted by the fact that
aortic atheromas are found in about one quarter of
patients presenting embolic events (Sheikhzadeh &
Ehlermann 2004). Information about Atheromatosis
is considered crucial because the diagnosis of this
particular disease is mostly established after an
embolic event has already occurred.
The e-learning system developed is called
INTATU (INTelligent Atheromatosis TUtor). As it
operates over the web, users can access medical
information from any-where and at any time.
INTATU maintains information about its users
centrally on a Server. This information may be
processed so that the system can personalize its
inter-action to each user. More specifically,
INTATU is based on hybrid intelligence that uses a
novel combination of user stereotypes with a
decision making theory in order to provide
personalised interaction of learners with the system.
The user stereotypes constitute rule-based reasoning
that is widely used in user modelling systems for
drawing inferences about users based on a small set
of observations (Rich 1989, Rich 1999). The
information of the stereotypes is used in
combination with a multi-criteria decision making
theory called Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)
(Fishburn 1967, Hwang & Yoon 1981) in order to
evaluate each theory topic on Atheromatosis and
present the information that would be of interest to
the user interacting with the system and in a way
that it would be appropriate for him/her.
Kabassi K., Virvou M. and Tsihrintzis G. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - SE, pages 441-444
DOI: 10.5220/0001331604410444
More specifically, INTATU makes use of
stereotypes for providing default assumptions about
the interests, background knowledge and needs of
the users belonging to a certain group until the user
model acquires sufficient information about each
individual user. In INTATU, users are classified into
four categories, namely, Experts, Users with good
knowledge, Users with medium knowledge and
Novices in Atheromatosis. Furthermore, users are
classified into one of three categories with respect to
his/her computer skills.
Requirements specification and analysis play an
important role during software development. For this
purpose, an empirical study was conducted. During
the empirical study, a questionnaire was distributed
to 347 subjects of various interests and occupations.
The main characteristic of the sample selected was
that the background knowledge of the subjects with
respect to the disease of Atheromatosis and the ICT
varied significantly. The collected questionnaires
were analysed by 10 human experts in software
engineering in order to capture the software
The analysis of the protocols was used for
dividing the subjects of the empirical study into
main categories of users with similar interests,
knowledge and needs. As a result two different
categorisations of users took place and the subjects
of the empirical study were categorized according to
their level of knowledge in cardiovascular diseases
and Atheromatosis and in ICT.
More specifically, users were divided into four
main groups according to their background
knowledge about cardiovascular diseases and
Atheromatosis: experts in Atheromatosis,
intermediates with good knowledge of
Atheromatosis, intermediated with medium
knowledge of Atheromatosis and novices in
Atheromatosis. For each one of these groups the
empirical study revealed the topics of most interest
regarding cardiovascular diseases and
Users were also divided into three main
categories with respect to their knowledge about
ICT: Experts in ICT, Intermediates in ICT and
Novices in ICT. The empirical study also revealed
how each group of users used the computer and the
Internet and as a result their computer skills.
Table 1: Categorisation of users with respect to their
knowledge both in Atheromatosis and ICT
In view of the above, the analysis of the
empirical data revealed that the system should adapt
taking into account the users’ interests and need for
knowledge, their background knowledge on
Atheromatosis and ICT as well as their knowledge
of medical terminology. Finally, the allocation of the
users in each group with respect to their knowledge
in Atheromatosis to the different groups of ICT
revealed that even experts in Atheromatosis may be
novices in ICT (Table 1). As a result, the system
should provide additional help in the usage of ICT in
order to make the system more usable and easy to
INTATU (Intelligent Atheromatosis Tutor) is an
Intelligent Tutoring System about Atheromatosis.
The system addresses a variety of users, such as
patients, patients’ relatives, doctors, medical
students, etc. The main goal of INTATU is to adapt
dynamically its interaction to each user. For this
purpose, the system faces the decision problem
about which theory topic of cardiovascular diseases
and Atheromatosis might be of interest to the user
interacting with it. Therefore, INTATU incorporates
a user modelling component. This component
maintains information about the interests, needs and
background knowledge of all categories of potential
In order to locate which theory topic is to be
presented to a user, each theory topic is evaluated on
a set of criteria that reflect the user’s interests,
previous knowledge and computer skills. The user
model that the system maintains provides
continuously the evaluation data of the theory topics
against the criteria. For the evaluation of the
different theory topics the system uses a reasoning
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
mechanism that uses rule-based reasoning and a
multi-criteria decision making method.
INTATU uses user stereotypes in order to maintain
information about the different groups of users of
the system. The user stereotypes constitute rule-
based reasoning that is widely used in user
modelling systems for drawing inferences about
users based on a small set of observations (Rich
1989, Rich 1999).
According to the results of the empirical study
that was conducted during the early phases of the
software’s life – cycle, each user of INTATU is
categorized into one of four stereotypes according to
his/her knowledge about Atheromatosis and his/her
relation to the disease and into one of three
stereotypes with respect to his/her knowledge on
Therefore, the four stereotypes that are used for
categorizing users with respect to their knowledge
about Atheromatosis are: Experts in Atheromatosis,
Users with good knowledge in Atheromatosis, Users
with medium knowledge in Atheromatosis and
Novices in Atheromatosis.
Additionally, the user modelling component uses
three stereotypes in order to categorise users with
respect to their knowledge in ICT: ‘Experts in ICT’,
‘Intermediates in ICT’ and ‘Novices in ICT’. Each
one of these classes represents an increasing mastery
in computer skills.
The main reason for the application of stereotypes
is that they provide a set of default assumptions,
which can be very useful during hypotheses
generation about the user. Generation of default
assumptions can prove very effective for modelling
a large proportion of users. These assumptions in
most cases that stereotypes have been applied as a
user modelling technique are presented in the form
of rules. However, in our case the default
assumptions are parameterized and they are given as
values of some criteria that can characterize the user.
These criteria were proposed by the 10 human
experts that analysed the protocols of the empirical
In view of the above, the stereotypes that
categorise users according to their knowledge on
cardiovascular diseases and Atheromatosis maintain
values for the following criteria:
Degree of Interest (i): The values of this
criterion show how interesting each topic of
theory about Atheromatosis is for the users
belonging to one particular stereotype. The
values of this criterion are based on the data
gathered during the empirical study and are
presented in Table 2.
Need for information (n): This criterion
shows how important a topic of theory
about Atheromatosis is for the users
belonging to one particular stereotype. The
values of this criterion have been given by
doctors that are experts on Atheromatosis
that have taken into account the analysis of
the data that has been gathered during the
empirical study and are presented in Table
Compatibility to medical background
(m): This criterion shows how
comprehensible each topic of theory about
Atheromatosis is to the users belonging to
each stereotype. This criterion is mainly
concerned with the special medical
terminology used in the presented topic of
Comprehensibility of the theory topic(c):
This criterion also shows how
comprehensible each topic of theory about
Atheromatosis is to the users belonging to
each stereotype. However, this criterion is
mainly concerned with the capability of the
users belonging to the stereotype of
understanding the presented topic of theory
with respect to their educational level.
Finally, the 10 human experts proposed another
one criterion, which values are maintained in the
stereotypes that categorise users according to their
computer skills:
Level of computer skills (l): This criterion
shows how comprehensible the way of
presentation of each topic of theory about
Atheromatosis is to the users belonging to
each stereotype. This criterion shows how
comprehensible the technology used for the
presentation of a topic of theory is and how
much help a user may need.
The main feature of INTATU is that it can adapt its
interaction to each user. In order to achieve that, the
system uses multi-criteria decision making. More
specifically, the system uses SAW to evaluate every
alternative theory topic. Then the theory topics are
ranked and the one with the highest value is selected
to be presented to the user.
The SAW approach consists of translating a
decision problem into the optimisation of some
multi-criteria utility function
defined on
. The
decision maker estimates the value of function
for every alternative
and selects the
one with the highest value. The multi-criteria utility
can be calculated in the SAW method
as a linear combination of the values of the n
where X
is one alternative and x
is the value of the i
criterion for the X
In view of the above, INTATU calculates a multi-
criteria utility function for each theory topic. The
function U is calculated as a linear combination of
the five criteria presented above:
lwcwmwiwnwTU ++
, (2)
T is the evaluated theory topic,
wwwww ,,,, are the weights of the criteria
lcmin ,,,, are the values of the criteria
for the jth theory topic. The values of the criteria are
acquired by the stereotype. The weights of the
criteria, on the other hand, have been calculated
during the previous experimental study. More
specifically, the 10 experts that selected these
criteria were also asked to define the corresponding
relative importance in their reasoning process. This
process revealed that the weight for the criterion i:
, the weight for the criterion n:
the weight for the criterion m:
, the weight
for the criterion c:
and the weight for the
criterion l:
In view of above, the formula for the calculation
of the multi-criteria utility function U is:
lcminTU ++++=
The paper presents an e-learning system for
Atheromatosis called INTATU (INTelligent
Atheromatosis TUtor), which allows its users to
access relevant medical information from anywhere
and at any time. The main advantage of the system is
that it maintains and processes information about its
users’ background knowledge and interests in order
to personalize its educational content. The novelty of
the approach presented lies in the fact that it uses a
combination of rule-based reasoning and a decision
making theory for selecting the theory topic that is
most appropriate for the particular user. More
specifically, the system uses stereotypes, which is a
common technique of rule-based reasoning, and the
most common multi-criteria decision making theory
This research work has been funded by the Greek
Ministry of Education, as part of the
PYTHAGORAS II basic research program.
Fishburn, P.C., 1967. Additive Utilities with Incomplete
Product Set: Applications to Priorities and
Assignments, Operations Research.
Hwang, C.L., Yoon, K., 1981. Multiple Attribute Decision
Making: Methods and Applications. Lecture Notes in
Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol 186,
Springer, Ber-lin/Heidelberg/New York.
Rich, E., 1989. Stereotypes and User Modeling. In A.
Kobsa & W. Wahlster (eds.), User Models in Dialog
Systems, pp. 199-214.
Rich, E., (1999) Users are individuals: individuallizing
user models. International Journal of Human-
Computer Studies, Vol. 51, pp. 323-338.
Sheikhzadeh, A., Ehlermann, P., 2004. Atheromatosis
disease of the thoracic aorta and systemic embolism –
Clinical picture and therapeutic challenge. Zeitschrift
fur kardiologie, Vol. 93, pp. 10-17.
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies