mechanism that uses rule-based reasoning and a
multi-criteria decision making method.
INTATU uses user stereotypes in order to maintain
information about the different groups of users of
the system. The user stereotypes constitute rule-
based reasoning that is widely used in user
modelling systems for drawing inferences about
users based on a small set of observations (Rich
1989, Rich 1999).
According to the results of the empirical study
that was conducted during the early phases of the
software’s life – cycle, each user of INTATU is
categorized into one of four stereotypes according to
his/her knowledge about Atheromatosis and his/her
relation to the disease and into one of three
stereotypes with respect to his/her knowledge on
Therefore, the four stereotypes that are used for
categorizing users with respect to their knowledge
about Atheromatosis are: Experts in Atheromatosis,
Users with good knowledge in Atheromatosis, Users
with medium knowledge in Atheromatosis and
Novices in Atheromatosis.
Additionally, the user modelling component uses
three stereotypes in order to categorise users with
respect to their knowledge in ICT: ‘Experts in ICT’,
‘Intermediates in ICT’ and ‘Novices in ICT’. Each
one of these classes represents an increasing mastery
in computer skills.
The main reason for the application of stereotypes
is that they provide a set of default assumptions,
which can be very useful during hypotheses
generation about the user. Generation of default
assumptions can prove very effective for modelling
a large proportion of users. These assumptions in
most cases that stereotypes have been applied as a
user modelling technique are presented in the form
of rules. However, in our case the default
assumptions are parameterized and they are given as
values of some criteria that can characterize the user.
These criteria were proposed by the 10 human
experts that analysed the protocols of the empirical
In view of the above, the stereotypes that
categorise users according to their knowledge on
cardiovascular diseases and Atheromatosis maintain
values for the following criteria:
Degree of Interest (i): The values of this
criterion show how interesting each topic of
theory about Atheromatosis is for the users
belonging to one particular stereotype. The
values of this criterion are based on the data
gathered during the empirical study and are
presented in Table 2.
Need for information (n): This criterion
shows how important a topic of theory
about Atheromatosis is for the users
belonging to one particular stereotype. The
values of this criterion have been given by
doctors that are experts on Atheromatosis
that have taken into account the analysis of
the data that has been gathered during the
empirical study and are presented in Table
Compatibility to medical background
(m): This criterion shows how
comprehensible each topic of theory about
Atheromatosis is to the users belonging to
each stereotype. This criterion is mainly
concerned with the special medical
terminology used in the presented topic of
Comprehensibility of the theory topic(c):
This criterion also shows how
comprehensible each topic of theory about
Atheromatosis is to the users belonging to
each stereotype. However, this criterion is
mainly concerned with the capability of the
users belonging to the stereotype of
understanding the presented topic of theory
with respect to their educational level.
Finally, the 10 human experts proposed another
one criterion, which values are maintained in the
stereotypes that categorise users according to their
computer skills:
Level of computer skills (l): This criterion
shows how comprehensible the way of
presentation of each topic of theory about
Atheromatosis is to the users belonging to
each stereotype. This criterion shows how
comprehensible the technology used for the
presentation of a topic of theory is and how
much help a user may need.
The main feature of INTATU is that it can adapt its
interaction to each user. In order to achieve that, the
system uses multi-criteria decision making. More