In this paper, we have demonstrated how web ap-
plications can be rapidly generated from the ini-
tial concepts to the final system: first capture user
requirements using the KCPM glossaries, then use
the KCPM2SBO converter to generate a conceptual
model in SBOML specifications, from which web ap-
plications can be generated on CBEADS
via the SBO toolkit. We are currently working on the
validation of our proposed approach in several indus-
trial web application development projects.
Data is one of the many core aspects of complex
business web application we have today. KCPM is
capable of deriving conceptual models beyond data
while SBO is architected to support complex navi-
gation, fine-grained access control mechanism, and
modern workflow engine. This integration of KCPM
and SBO is only a starting point, which primarily
focuses on generating essential web user interfaces
purely based on the conceptual modeling of data. The
automated generation of other aspects, such as com-
plex behavior and navigations, dynamic access con-
trol, and user preferences, while are not considered in
this paper, are to be explored. Our ultimate goal is to
support as much as possible the generation of com-
plete web applications from natural language spec-
ifications. This requires further work on extracting
and transforming other aspects of the web applica-
tion from the KCPM glossaries into conceptual mod-
els from which web applications can be generated.
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ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies