done by means of window messages and report
forms. The Collaboration Module is a vital module
as it serves the aim of AUTO-COLLEAGUE to be a
CSCL system that is to offer an efficient
collaborative learning environment. In other words,
the goal of the Collaboration Module is to make the
necessary inferences to draw conclusions about the
most effective collaboration teams between the
learners. The effectiveness is relative to the
performance of all the learners as individuals and as
a whole.
The collaboration management is a very complicated
task as the aspects of the human nature are too
complicated. With the aim to contribute to the
scientific effort to find effective ways of building
CSCL systems, we designed and presented in this
paper AUTO-COLLEAGUE. It is a collaborative
learning environment for software engineers to be
trained on UML. The most crucial modules of
AUTO-COLLEAGUE are the User Modeller, the
Group-Role Module and the Collaboration Module.
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important descriptive user characteristics that have
effects on the learning process. These characteristics
are the knowledge, the performance types, the
personality and the motivation sources. The Group-
Role Module involves the structural classification of
the learners in the system. Using the data of the User
Modeller and the Group-Role Module, the
Collaboration Module draws inferences based on the
stereotypes of the learners and proposes the most
effective collaboration arrangements. One very
important functionality of AUTO-COLLEAGUE is
also the provision of assistance to the human trainer.
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AUTO-COLLEAGUE - A Collaborative Learning Environment for UML