is usually driven by social factors characterizing the
specific context (Baskerville, 1996).
Interaction of selection and treatment: all the
subjects already attended the university course on
software analysis and design.
Interaction of setting and treatment: The adopted
treatments (i.e. RUP and SADT) are generally
considered standard OO and structured paradigm
instances, respectively. The objects were designed to
face other threats (i.e. experiment feasibility).
The object oriented paradigm is actually the only
widely adopted in all the several phases of every
software development process. In our view, the
current huge worldwide agreement is not supported
by enough empirical evidence on advantages and
disadvantages among other paradigms in different
phases of the software development process. In this
work we describe an empirical study focused on the
required time for analyzing a system using object
oriented and structural technique. The RUP and
SADT were chosen as instances of object oriented
and structured analysis techniques respectively. The
empirical study adopts a controlled and an
uncontrolled environment for analyzing the effects
of such analysis techniques on a new system and an
enhancement maintenance intervention, respectively.
Results show no significant difference in the
required time for the application of the two
techniques, and also in the order of their application,
in both the developing and the maintenance tasks.
However we founded two major results regarding
the object oriented method: 1) it is more sensible to
subjects’ peculiarities, 2) it provides a little bit of
reusability already at the analysis level. Since such
results concerns a one-hour-size enhancement
maintenance, we expect a significant benefits, in
case of real-size extension, by using object oriented
rather than structured paradigm, already at the
analysis level. Future works include the empirical
analysis of such expectation.
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