8 and 9 is the version without fitness adjustment
equal or better. On the contrary, for instance 1 the
results without fitness adjustment are clearly much
worse. These results show that MOGA is able to
reach solutions better than the initial one. Here it is
important to remark that the initial solution is not
included into the initial population of MOGA and
that this population is completely random; i.e. all
cuts are randomly distributed, what usually
translates into a very high changeover cost. In
practice, good solutions tend to aggregate equal cuts
consecutively in order to minimize changeovers.
This fact could be exploited when generating the
initial population in order to reduce the computation
time required by MOGA.
Also, these results suggest that the neighborhood
strategy should be reconsidered, in particular that a
static value for parameter
is not probably the
best choice.
In this paper we have proposed a multi-objective
genetic algorithm (MOGA) which aims to improve
solutions to a real cutting stock problem obtained
previously by another heuristic algorithm. This
heuristic algorithm, termed SHRP, focuses mainly
on the two main objectives and considers them
hierarchically. Then, the MOGA tries to improve
other three secondary objectives at the same time,
while keeping the values of the main objectives. We
have presented some results over a real problem
instance showing that the proposed MOGA is able to
improve the secondary objective functions with
respect to the initial solution, and that it offers the
expert a variety of non-dominated solutions.
As future work, we plan reconsidering the
MOGA strategy in order to make it more efficient
and more flexible so that it can take into account the
preferences of the experts with respect to each one
of the objectives. In order to improve efficiency we
will try to devise local search techniques and
initialization strategies based on heuristic
dispatching rules. Also, we will consider alterative
evolution strategies for multi-objective optimization
(Goldberg, 1985, Chapter 5) and other multi-
objective search paradigms such as exact methods
based on best first search (Mandow and Pérez-de-la-
Cruz, 2005). In this way we could compare different
strategies for this particular problem.
This research has been partially supported by
contract CN-05-127 of the University of Oviedo and
the company ERVISA, and by FICYT under
research contract FC-06-BP04-021.
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