For many years the importance of data quality
has been ignored when designing and developing
databases in which organizations store their data.
Our proposal tries to integrate data quality notions
inside a DB development methodology in order to
open a new research work that fulfill this blank.
On the other hand, new technologies related to
XML have spread so widely due to the success of
Service Oriented Architectures that XML have
became the standard de facto to data exchange
among agents. This situation has provoked that new
approaches to semi-structured data storage optimiza-
tion have arisen. Inside this field, XML DBs have
been created with the goal of improving massive
storage of XML documents.
Our research work is centered in developing new
strategies for data quality treatment during XML
DBs development phase. To reach this target, we
have based on some Key Area Processes from the
CALDEA framework to define a methodology that
considers data quality as a basic aspect during the
creation of a XML DB.
The explained approach treats aspects related to
user quality requirements management, data source
quality assessment, data quality management during
the XML DB design phase and measure of different
characteristics of data stored in a XML DB.
This research is part of the FAMOSO and ESFINGE
projects supported by the Dirección General de
Investigación of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y
Tecnología (Ministry of Science and
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ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies