Madhu Kumar S. D., Umesh Bellur
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
Erusu Kranthi Kiran
National Institute of Technology Calicut, Calicut, Kerala, India
Overlay, Underlay Awareness, Event Broker Networks, Fault Tolerance.
Recent studies have shown that the quality of service of overlay topologies and routing algorithms for event
broker networks can be improved by the use of underlying network information. Hierarchical topologies are
widely used in recent event-based publish-subscribe systems for reduced message traffic. We hypothesize
that the performance and fault tolerance of existing hierarchical topology based event broker networks can be
improved by augmenting the construction of the overlay and subsequent routing with the underlay informa-
tion. In this paper we present a linear time algorithm for constructing a fault tolerant overlay topology for
event broker networks that can tolerate single node and link failures and improve the routing performance by
balancing network load. We test the algorithm on the SIENA event based middleware which follows the hier-
archical model for event brokers. We present simulation results that support the claim that the use of underlay
information can significantly increase the robustness of the overlay topology and performance of the routing
algorithm for hierarchical event broker networks.
The recent popularity of the publish/subscribe sys-
tems can be attributed to the flexibility and ease of de-
ployment of overlay topologies and their routing algo-
rithms. Extensive research has been done on creating
scalable, highly efficient overlay topologies and rout-
ing algorithms (A. Carzaniga, 2001; L. Fiege, 2002;
Pietzuch, 2004), but the importance of using the un-
derlying physical topology information in their devel-
opment has not been considered in most of the re-
search works. Recent studies (Tang and McKinley,
2004) have shown that the incorporation of underlay
information( i.e information about the first four layers
in the network protocol stack) in the overlay topology
and routing algorithms can significantly improve their
We propose that static hierarchical overlay topolo-
gies can be improved by including underlay informa-
tion to make them adaptive to faults. We present a
fault tolerant underlay aware overlay construction and
maintenance algorithm for a hierarchical overlay net-
work. The constructed overlay network is capable of
handling single node and link failures and also pro-
vides the flexibility to balance network load, thereby
improving the routing performance of the event bro-
ker network over the simple hierarchical network that
does not incorporate underlay information. The rest
of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we
present the related work in this area. In Section 3,
the importance and feasibility of use of underlay in-
formation in overlay construction is discussed and our
procedure for underlay aware overlay topology gener-
ation is outlined. In Section 4, algorithms for overlay
topology creation and maintenance are described in
detail, the mechanisms for handling failures are de-
scribed and the proof of correctness for the concept
used in the algorithm is given. Section 5 describes the
experimental setup and presents the implementation
results that demonstrate the improvement in perfor-
mance achieved. Section 6 concludes the paper.
Kumar S. D. M., Bellur U. and Kranthi Kiran E. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - PL/DPS/KE/WsMUSE, pages 99-105
DOI: 10.5220/0001338000990105
Publish/subscribe paradigm is a new communication
paradigm where a set of clients, in a distributed envi-
ronment, communicate asynchronously through a no-
tification service. The clients are connected through
an overlay network of broker nodes, and are classified
as publishers, which publish the notification events,
and subscribers, which subscribe those notifications.
The overlay network of broker nodes and the rout-
ing algorithm used ensure the delivery of notifications
or publications to appropriate subscribers. There are
different kinds of overlay topologies defined in litera-
ture (Singh and Cao, 2005; A. Carzaniga, 2001; Piet-
zuch, 2004; L. Fiege, 2002; Rowstron and Druschel,
2001). In a static hierarchical topology each event
broker is connected to a single parent event broker,
and every broker receives event notifications from the
parent broker. This topology is simple but it is not
fault tolerant. We have conducted a survey of the
existing publish/subscribe systems and studied their
topologies and adaptability to failures of nodes and
links and summarized it in Table 1.
Table 1: Adaptation to Failures in Existing EBMs.
EBM Overlay Adaptability
Topology to Failures
SIENA Acyclic Graph Not Adaptable
REBECA Acyclic Graph Not adaptable
HERMES General Graph Adaptable to
Rendezvous Node
MEDYM General Graph Detects Link Failures
Pastry General Graph Adaptable
The Need for Underlay Awareness The event
based middleware systems like SIENA (A. Carzaniga,
2001), REBECA (L. Fiege, 2002), HERMES (Piet-
zuch, 2004) are not underlay aware. BICON (Madhu
and Bellur, 2006) overlay provides an algorithm for
the construction of underlay aware availability man-
ifest overlays. Correlation between the underlying
physical topology and the overlay topology is re-
quired for guaranteeing the performance of the rout-
ing algorithm. In an overlay network each node can
be a multi degree node, but in the actual physical net-
work there may be one physical link corresponding
to multiple overlay links. Figure 1 shows an overlay
where each of the broker nodes A,B,C,D have a de-
gree of 3 whereas the corresponding physical nodes
do not. Also if the link between the physical nodes
1 and 2 fails then all the overlay links connecting the
broker node A fail. Without underlay awareness the
routing algorithm would be ignorant of these failures
and hence perform incorrectly. A fundamental chal-
lenge in using large-scale overlay networks is to in-
corporate physical level (IP level) topological infor-
mation in the construction and design of the overlay
to adapt to the node and link failures.
Overlay Topology
Physical Topology
Logical Nodes
Physical Nodes
Figure 1: Overlay topology.
Feasibility The environmental information like node
quality and path quality may change frequently due
to work load and traffic variation, hardware unavail-
ability and software and hardware errors. The overlay
topology should periodically monitor the node capa-
bilities and link qualities. A node can obtain the local
system parameters with the support of the operating
system and the quality of the incident links can be
inferred using network monitoring mechanisms such
as pathload, traceroute, Sprobe (Caida, 2007) which
may be classified as passive observation or active
probing (Tang and McKinley, 2004). The routing al-
gorithm for the overlay network can be designed to
use the periodically obtained underlay information to
make changes to the overlay topology.
Construction of an Underlay Aware Overlay topol-
ogy We consider the hierarchical or tree structured
overlay topology and incorporate underlay awareness
features to make it capable of handling a single node
and link failure. The resultant topology also provides
the flexibility of balancing the network load. In a tree
structured overlay topology when a broker node joins
the overlay network, it establishes a link with one of
the existing brokers. We enhance this standard tree
topology by making each new broker node establish
two disjoint overlay paths with one of the existing
brokers. Each of these overlay paths are ensured to
be node disjoint in the underlying physical network.
Each overlay link has the information about the phys-
ical path that connects the corresponding nodes in the
physical network, stored in its incident nodes. This
guarantees the existence of a real alternate physical
path even in the context of one overlay link failure.
Each new broker N chooses an existing broker C as its
parent to establish a link. The two disjoint paths con-
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
(a) Static Hierarchical Topology
3 2
New Joining Broker
Existing Broker
(b) Proposed Overlay topology
Alternate Path
Figure 2: Topology formation.
sist of a direct link from the new broker to the chosen
broker C and an alternate path to the chosen broker
through a neighbor of the chosen broker A. Figure 2
shows a sample topology. These two paths are en-
sured to be node disjoint in the physical network. The
new joining broker N also establishes a link with the
parent broker P of the chosen broker C. The physical
path corresponding to this link does not contain the
chosen broker C. This will allow the the broker N to
reach P when broker C fails. Each broker stores the
replica of the routing table and other information of
all the children. This is used for handling the failure
of child. Also the alternate path from each broker to
its parent broker can be used to distribute the network
load and thereby obtain a better routing performance.
The algorithms for overlay network creation and
maintenance are described below. The algorithm
ensures that each overlay node has an alternate path
to its parent broker node which is node disjoint with
respect to the underlying physical network.
Joining of a Broker Node When a new broker node
wants to join the overlay network, it executes the
Join() algorithm. The routines used in this
Join(Node N) algorithm are described below:
Broker(): Finds a broker node which is nearest
to the calling broker node measured in terms of
number of IP hops.
Parent(): Returns the parent of the broker.
Neighbors(): Gives the list of neighbors of the
To Neighbors(): Gives the physical paths
associated with each of the overlay links connecting
the neighbors.
Alternate(Neighbors,paths): Finds the neighbor
of the chosen parent broker C through which the
alternate path is established. This broker is termed as
Alternate broker.
Node disjointpath(grandparent P,parent C):
Finds a path to the grandparent P which does not
contain C.
Child(child N, Alternate broker A): Sets N as a
child and sets A is the neighboring broker to reach N.
Set GrandChild(Child N,Parent C, Path P): Sets N as
the Grandchild and P as the path to reach N bypassing
Alternate(child N, Parent C): Sets the broker
as the alternate broker for reaching C form N and
The new broker node N joining the overlay network
Algorithm 1 Joining of a broker node
Node Join(Node N)
1. trans
2. Node C=Find
3. Node P=C.Parent();
4. Node[] Neighbors=C.Neighbors();
5. Path[] paths=C.Paths
To Neighbors();
6. Node A=Find
7. Path path2=Find
Node disjointPath(P,C);
8. C.Set
9. P.Set
10. A.Set
11. trans
chooses a broker node C, already in the network. The
choice is based on the proximity with the new broker
node in terms of number of IP hops. The broker
node C replies the new node N with the address of
is parent, set of its neighbors and the IP paths to all
its neighbors. The new node N then establishes two
paths with the chosen broker node C which are node
disjoint in the underlying IP physical network. One
path is the direct path and the other path is through
one of the neighbors, A, of the chosen broker node C.
The choice of the alternate broker is also based on the
proximity in terms of number of IP hops. Finally N
finds a path to a node P, the parent of C, which does
not contain C. The arrival of new node N is registered
at C,A and P. The parent broker marks N as its child
and A as the alternate broker to reach C if the direct
path from C to N fails. Figure 3 shows the sequence
of the operations that occur when a new node joins
the overlay network.
C-Chosen Parent Broker
A- Alternate Broker
P-Parent Broker of C
N-New Joining Broker
1. C sends information
about its neighbors.
2. N establishes links with
C and A.
3. N establishes link with
Figure 3: Joining of Broker node.
Leaving of a Broker Node Node
Leave(Node B)
is performed by a broker when it leaves the overlay
topology . The routines used in this algorithm are:
To(Node P):Performs node joining of the
calling node with Node P.
Alternate To Child(Child C):Gives the broker node
which forms the alternate broker node to reach C.
Link(Parent B, Child C):Unlinks the alternate
path from B to C.
Reset GrandParent():Resets the grand parent of the
node to the parent node of its parent node.
Choose Alternate():Chooses a new alternate Broker
node to reach the parent node.
When a node leaves the overlay network following
Algorithm 2 Leaving of a broker node
Node Leave(Node B)
1. trans
2. For each child C of B
3. C.Connect To(B.Parent);
4. NodeA=B.Alternate
To Child(C);
5. A.Un
6. For each Grand Child C of B
7. C.Reset
8. For each child C for which B is alternate Node
9. Node P=C.Parent();
10. P.Un
11. C.Choose
12. trans
steps are to be taken. The overlay topology needs to
be maintained and the responsibilities of the leaving
broker node needs to be transferred to other nodes
in the overlay network. Each node can be a parent,
a grand parent and also an alternate broker. Each
of the children of the leaving broker node B has to
choose the parent of B as their parent and perform
Join() to the parent of B. Node B notifies all the
alternate brokers of each of its children to unlink with
B and the corresponding child. All the grand children
of B have to choose new grand parents based on the
new parent nodes of their parent nodes. Each node
C to which B is an alternate broker has to choose a
different alternate broker node. Figure 4 represents
the sequence of actions that take place when a broker
node leaves the overlay network. While the trans
After Broker B
B-Leaving Broker
C-Child of B
A-Alternate Broker of C
to reach B
X-Grand Parent of C
Y-Neighbor of X chosen as
new alternate broker by C
Z-Child of C
Figure 4: Leaving of Broker Node.
is true the broker does not perform any other opera-
tion like accepting a new broker or any other routing
related operation like forwarding subscriptions etc.
This is to ensure the consistency in a distributed and
asynchronous environment. Any new broker trying to
contact this node, will find another alternate path as
this node does not reply. Node
Leave() also includes
a priority based deadlock avoidance mechanism
which allows nodes lower in the hierarchy to leave
Complexity Analysis The complexity of the
Join() algorithm is O(degree) where degree
is the maximum degree of any node in the overlay
network. This is because the node joining involves
probing all the neighbors of the parent Broker.
The complexity of the Node
leave() algorithm is
). Since this involves all the children of the
leaving node also performing Node
The Data Structures Every broker node in the
overlay network stores the path to its parent node, al-
ternate node and grand parent. In addition, the rout-
ing table which can be a hash table containing entries
like (event type, children to be forwarded to) is re-
quired. The topology data table which contains the
table containing the list of children and their associ-
ated alternate brokers and the paths to each of them is
also stored. The replicas of the routing table and the
topology data of all its children are also maintained
and used to handle the node failure of its children.
These replicas are updated periodically by the chil-
dren of the node.
4.1 Failure Handling
Handling an Overlay Link Failure The overlay
link failure can be detected by a child while it tries
to send subscription to its parent or by a parent while
it tries to send a notification to its child. In case of
failure of the direct link, the alternate link is used and
the parent node monitors the failed link for a time in-
terval τ and if the link is not up in that interval then the
child node has to join its grand parent or the alternate
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Handling an Overlay Node Failure When a node
is unreachable through both the paths i.e the direct
and the alternate path then it is assumed to be failed.
When a child C detects that it’s parent P has failed
then it sends its grand parent the node failure event
of P. The failure of node P can also be detected by
the parent of P. In both the cases the parent of the
failed node performs the Node
Leave() operation of P
on behalf of P.
4.2 Proof of Correctness
Lemma: (i) In a hierarchical network in which ev-
ery broker node has two node disjoint paths x and y
to its parent node as well as a path z to its parent’s
parent, such that it is node disjoint from x and y and
does not contain the parent node, every node remains
connected to the root node in the event of failure of a
single physical node or link.
(ii) Moreover, if a new broker is added to the hierar-
chical network by forming three physical paths, x’, y’
to its parent and z’ to its parent’s parent such that x’,
y’ and z’ are pairwise node disjoint and z’ does not
contain the parent of the new node, then the resultant
network is also tolerant to single node and link fail-
Proof: Consider any non root broker node b in the
hierarchical network. We show that it remains con-
nected to the root node r in the event of failure of a
single node s (s6=b) or single link l.
I. If Node s fails
Case 1: s is bs parent. Node b still has a path z to
node ss parent, which does not contain node s, and
the network being hierarchical, the path from parent
of s to r does not contain s.
Case 2: Node s is bs parent’s parent. Node b has
paths x and y to its parent, which is connected to its
own parent’s parent via a path independent of s, and
as the network is hierarchical, all the way to the root.
Case 3: Node s is not a broker node. If node s does
not occur in the physical path from b to r then its fail-
ure cannot affect the connectivity of b to r. If it ex-
ists in the path, then let (b,p
, p
... p
, r), be the path
along parent nodes from b to r. For any overlay edge
, p
along this path, the failure of s does not affect
the connectivity of p
to p
, as there is an alternate
physical path which does not contain s.
II. If Link l fails
If link l does not occur in the physical path from b
to r then its failure cannot affect the connectivity of b
to r. If it exists in the path, then let (b, p
, p
... p
, r),
be the path along parent nodes from b to r. For any
overlay edge p
, p
along this path, the failure of l
does not affect the connectivity of p
to p
, as there
is an alternate physical path which does not contain
link l.
Experimental Setup The experimental setup con-
sists of a simple network simulator for event based
middleware. The Simulator, developed in java, mod-
els all the basic network features like delay, band-
width and loss of data. The application data is con-
verted into simulation events and kept in a simu-
lation event queue and then processed according to
their attached time stamps. The time stamp is as-
signed according to the delay for data to get trans-
ferred from the source to destination in a real net-
work. The Simulator can generate performance data
like the data traffic, control traffic and the process-
ing load. The Simple Event Based System network
Simulator uses BRITE ( Boston university Represen-
tative Internet Topology gEnerator) (Alberto Medina
and Byers, 2001) to generate Internet topology. The
overlay topology is formed from the BRITE gener-
ated physical network topology by choosing the over-
lay nodes from the physical nodes. The delay and
bandwidth are calculated over the physical path that
represents the overlay link. An AS-level physical
topology of 10000 nodes, generated by BRITE using
Waxman generation model is used for overlay topol-
ogy construction. The bandwidths for the links are
uniformly distributed.
Table 2: Simulation Parameters.
Number of events 10000
Number of Event Clients 1000
Number of Event Brokers 100
Distribution of Clients Uniform
Average Message size 50 bytes
Failure distribution random
For experimentally verifying the advantages of
an underlay aware overlay topology we implemented
SIENA( Scalable Internet Event Notification Archi-
tecture)(A. Carzaniga, 2001) which has hierarchical
topology and extended it with underlay awareness
using the above discussed algorithms. The percent-
age of messages delivered to subscribers in the face
of increasing number of link and node failures is
monitored for underlay aware SIENA and unmodi-
fied SIENA. The redundant paths between parent and
child node in underlay aware Siena are used to reduce
link stress on heavily loaded links. The experimental
results of this load balancing are plotted for under-
lay aware SIENA from the simulated results. Table 2
shows the simulation parameters.
Implementation Results The results shown here rep-
resent the effect of underlay awareness on fault toler-
ance and the effect of balancing network load in un-
derlay aware SIENA over underlay unaware SIENA.
In SIENA the load on each overlay link increases
when the amount of data traffic thus increasing the
average delay. In Underlay aware SIENA the load is
distributed among the two different paths between a
child node and its corresponding parent node. The
data load considered here is generated only by pub-
lications. The results are plotted by taking the aver-
age in twenty simulation runs. Figure 5 shows the
Figure 5: Message delivery in the presence of failures.
percentage of notifications delivered in the presence
of varying number of faults, for underlay aware and
unmodified SIENA, and shows that the message de-
livery percentage is higher in underlay aware SIENA
in comparison with unmodified SIENA, and the dif-
ference between them increases when the number of
failures increase. Figure 6 shows the average delivery
Figure 6: Delivery latencies with increasing events.
latency per event. In underlay aware Siena, the al-
ternate routing paths available are used to reduce the
waiting time for event forwarding. This causes a re-
duction in the message delivery latencies over unmod-
ified Siena. The average stress (load) on the links in
Kilobytes and the standard deviation of the link stress
(load) were studied with increasing number of events
from 1000 to 10000. Figure 7 shows that the average
link loads are less in underlay aware Siena, due to the
load balancing effect of alternate routing paths, and
the increase in the number of overlay links. Figure 8
shows that in underlay aware Siena, the standard de-
viation of the loads on different links is comparable
to that of unmodified Siena, indicating that the added
Figure 7: Average link stress comparison.
Figure 8: Comparison of standard deviation of Link Stress.
links are also loaded to a degree comparable to exist-
ing links.
In this paper, we demonstrate that hierarchical overlay
networks can be improved by enhancing them with
underlay awareness information. We outlined algo-
rithms to enhance the Siena overlay by adding node
disjoint paths from the newly joined broker to its par-
ent and grandparent, making the overlay tolerant to
single node and link failures and proved our algorithm
to be theoretically correct. We also proposed that the
redundancy in paths so achieved, could be used for
reducing message delivery latencies by using alter-
nate routing paths. The correctness of our hypothesis
is corroborated by our simulation results which show
that with increasing number of faults, underlay aware
Siena shows much better event delivery performance
than unmodified Siena. The results also show that
with increasing number of messages, underlay aware
Siena gives less message delivery latencies and bet-
ter load balancing than unmodified Siena. Our future
work includes construction of underlay aware overlay
networks which can tolerate a larger number of node
and link failures for general topologies.
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